9 unusual but effective ways to repel mosquitoes
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9 unusual but effective ways to repel mosquitoes

A mosquito bite can cause an irritating, itchy sensation to the point of distraction. Moreover, mosquito bites are associated with various diseases, including malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya. Today, several prevention measures exist for mosquito bites, ranging from traditional ones like bug sprays to more modern interventions. Choosing the right strategy to repel mosquitoes depends on the setting and the available resources. Read on to learn some effective ways to keep mosquitoes away: Use citrus peel Citrus peels contain natural oils which are highly effective in repelling mosquitoes. Thus, it helps to spray a solution made of citrus peels around the house or place citrus peels at different corners to keep mosquitoes away. Place catnip plants in outdoor areas While catnips are known to have a wide range of effects on cats, from hyperactivity to zoning out, they are also excellent additions to an outdoor space to prevent mosquito bites. Planting catnip plants around outdoor locations can help prevent mosquitoes from ruining one’s outdoor event or a relaxed evening by the lawn. Spray lemon eucalyptus essential oil This essential oil is a proven mosquito repellent when applied on the skin. Moreover, spraying a solution of it indoors or outdoors is another effective way to avoid mosquitoes.
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5 things to check before donating to a charity
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5 things to check before donating to a charity

Donating to a charity is a way for one to contribute to the well-being of others and give back to society. However, despite having the best of intentions, one can inadvertently encounter challenges or potential deceivers when donating. So, before proceeding to donate, it is essential for one to be informed and discerning about the charities they choose to support. Here are a few things that one must know and check before donating. The type of charity The first thing one must check about the charity they are donating to is their cause. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the causes and type of charity one is supporting. A few common causes charities usually work toward include healthcare research, animal welfare, social services, environmental conservation, education, etc. Besides these, one must also learn about the charity’s mission and its aims with the funds received. Legal status, accreditation, and registration It is extremely important to find out about the charity’s legal status, accreditation, and registration before donating, as these aspects determine the organization’s legitimacy. Reputable charities are typically registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Additionally, there are some reputable organizations that help find credible charities where one can donate.
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13 subtle signs of a partner having an affair
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13 subtle signs of a partner having an affair

Navigating the complex terrain of relationships requires attentiveness to subtle changes. The suspicion of infidelity can cast a looming shadow over the foundation of trust. While definitive proof may be elusive, certain behaviors can raise red flags. These signs can indicate an underlying situation, so it’s crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and honest communication. Whether it’s an unusual behavior or something else, here are a few signs one’s partner may have an affair. Changes in communication patterns Open communication is paramount for any thriving relationship. If a partner who was once open and communicative becomes secretive or distant, it could raise an alarm. A sudden change in communication patterns, such as avoiding eye contact, being vague, or showing reluctance to discuss specific topics, may indicate an underlying issue. Altered emotional intimacy Emotional connection is integral to a healthy relationship. If there is a diminishing emotional intimacy, where one’s partner is less engaged or interested, it could indicate emotional energy being invested elsewhere. Unexpected affection or distance While it might seem counterintuitive, an affair can increase affection as one’s partner attempts to alleviate guilt. Conversely, some may withdraw emotionally, creating a noticeable distance. Nonetheless, a sudden surge of affection or unexplained emotional detachment can be red flags.
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Avoid these 6 mistakes when donating to a charity
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Avoid these 6 mistakes when donating to a charity

In a world of prevalent disparities, looking beyond one’s four walls and helping in need can go a long way in facilitating a better world. Over the years, charitable organizations have emerged to support several pertinent causes, from helping underprivileged children receive education to empowering women and preventing child trafficking. Many benevolent individuals regularly contribute small and large amounts to such organizations. However, it is imperative to exercise caution to avoid inevitable mistakes while donating: Not verifying the charity organization’s credentials A common mistake is donating to charitable trusts solely based on their vision, mission, and genuine appearance and not researching their credentials. Today, there are several credible online sources from which one can obtain crucial details regarding a charitable organization’s credibility. Therefore, one should always check for minute details before going ahead with the donation. Being unclear about the cause It is important to have an in-depth understanding of the cause for which one is donating a certain amount and its impact on society. This helps one contribute to the most pertinent causes in the current day and age and prioritize charitable endeavors accordingly. Another way to prioritize one’s charitable activities is to ponder what aligns with one’s values – a political stance, a particular health condition that one is passionate about eradicating, a certain community one would like to support, etc.
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9 hotel booking mistakes to avoid
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9 hotel booking mistakes to avoid

When you decide to travel, you shouldn’t simply pack your bags and hit the road. You will require at least some level of planning to ensure that no matter where you go, you have accessibility to essentials, including a hotel room to spend a night or two. But there are several mistakes one may make when reserving a hotel room. And avoiding these nine terrible booking errors may help them find a stay suitable to their taste. Not comparing prices Hotels usually have their website and list themselves on third-party platforms for bookings. So when you decide to make a reservation, it is imperative to compare the rates displayed on each website. Sometimes you may find a huge margin difference, which may help you save a significant sum during your stay. Paying for individual services Irrespective of the purpose of your trip, paying for services like a car rental, airfare, and hotel rooms, individually might dig into your budget. Instead, look for package deals on booking websites that cover your travel, stay, and meals, as these will help you save money. Opting for non-refundable rates People tend to pick non-refundable payment options when booking a hotel room because of the reduced cost.
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10 common signs of child neglect
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10 common signs of child neglect

Emotional, physical, and educational neglect can affect a child’s cognitive and social development. Later, this may manifest as stunted growth or development of mental illnesses like depression, panic attacks, and bipolar or anxiety disorder. Children may find it difficult to express their needs to the right people and may normalize neglect and exhibit abnormal behavior as a coping mechanism. Adults can look for the following signs of neglect and find ways to assist a child. Poor hygiene and unsuitable clothing A child who is neglected by their caregiver may show signs of poor hygiene. This includes wearing consistently dirty, soiled, ill-fitting clothes or having unwashed or disheveled hair. Odd eating behavior Unusual eating habits, such as hiding or hoarding food or eating quickly out of concern that it would vanish at any moment, are key signs that a child has been neglected. Behavioral extremes A neglected child may be unable to receive attention, reacting unnaturally to it. They may either cry excessively, run away, or shut down. Inability to connect with peers A common sign of neglect is a child finding it difficult to connect with kids their own age. One should recognize this sign when the child cannot establish friendships or is unresponsive to friendliness.
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7 common business plan mistakes to avoid
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7 common business plan mistakes to avoid

Starting or expanding a business is exciting. Many elements go into formulating a company’s successful business plan, such as market analysis, strategy, operating plan, sales, etc. With proper research, focus, and guidance, you can create a successful business plan that allows quick decision-making, provides structure, generates funding support, and optimizes management. As a new business, some planning mistakes can also be detrimental to growth and success. Here are seven of them: Not defining a target market One single business has rarely had an appeal for everyone. More often than not, successful businesses operate within a niche market. When starting a business, it is important for a new business plan to clearly define the demographic market they intend to target or cater to. Those struggling to find their target focus area must seek professional help from market research experts or agencies. Having unrealistic financial projections Of course, it is important to have confidence in one’s business. However, grossly overestimating one’s financial projections can lead to a downfall, especially when securing third-party funding. Try to maintain a realistic financial picture on record instead of inflating profit projections. Lacking research Do not start creating a business plan without conducting adequate market research. Double-check the research, and use recent sources to corroborate the same.
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6 common parenting mistakes to avoid
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6 common parenting mistakes to avoid

Most parents try their best to raise their children well; nonetheless, it can be very easy to make mistakes in the process since situations change every hour when raising children, bringing new challenges. Thus, it is crucial for new parents to watch out for the common mistakes that will negatively influence their parenting journey. Read on to explore the common parenting mistakes to avoid to help your children grow into confident and gentle individuals. 6 mistakes that can adversely affect your parent-child bond Every parent-child equation is different. But most families face similar struggles, from setting boundaries for children to parents not managing to make enough quality time, questions about socializing, and more. This tends to create a very challenging environment for children, and their physical, mental, and emotional growth might suffer. Thus, parents must be aware of certain possible child-rearing mistakes. Here, we have highlighted some common parenting mistakes to avoid that will help you embrace a nurturing relationship with your children. Trying to control all their choices and decisions There are certain times when you, as a supportive parent, have to let your kids make important decisions in their life. Controlling every aspect of their life is unhealthy, as they will always feel restricted and unconfident.
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Avoid these 6 mistakes when buying life insurance
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Avoid these 6 mistakes when buying life insurance

Buying life insurance is an excellent way of providing financial security to your loved ones after you’re gone. It’s not an exciting purchase but an integral part of ensuring your family has a nest egg to depend upon if something happens unexpectedly. So, before stepping into the market to buy a new life insurance policy, you should be aware of a few common mistakes and how to avoid them: Waiting to buy insurance Premiums for life insurance are based on various factors, including age and overall health. For example, if you would like to secure a policy at the lowest cost, it’s ideal to make your purchase while you are still young, as rates may increase as you age or if your health deteriorates. Buying the cheapest policy Knowing what you get in return is essential when looking for affordable policies. Two types of life insurance policies are available – term life and permanent life insurance. While the former is cheaper, it only covers you for a period (generally 10-30 years), whereas the latter can cover you until death. So before deciding, compare and contrast different policies to find the best coverage. Allowing premiums to lapse Making late payments on your insurance coverage can impact your benefits.
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5 signs that a partner could be cheating
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5 signs that a partner could be cheating

The key to a healthy relationship is always open, clear communication, so it is important for both partners to discuss their fears and address personal issues. Skipping these discussions can lead to bigger problems in the long run. One of the problems is infidelity, often cited among the top reasons for ending relationships. While one must only trust proof or admission to determine if a partner is cheating, a few surprising signs may indicate infidelity. 1. Becoming secretive about their phone It is common knowledge that a partner’s phone can provide evidence of an affair, if any. So, they often become secretive while using their phone as soon as they start seeing someone else. They may also hide their phone. They may also become anxious when it comes to sharing phone passwords, texts, or emails. 2. Investing less time into the relationship Being gone more often is another classic sign of an affair. The partner may suddenly seem to have much more work late at night, frequent weekend work calls, or business trips. Here, they could be creating time for someone else. Even if they are not cheating, spending less time together can be a sign of a problem in the relationship.
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6 most unsafe places to hide jewelry at home
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6 most unsafe places to hide jewelry at home

Despite the advent of cutting-edge security systems, jewelry theft remains a prevalent issue across the country. Therefore, homeowners should exercise caution while storing jewelry at home. Although these security systems allow for efficient prevention and detection of such crimes, failure of these systems increases one’s susceptibility to jewelry theft. Consequently, one should not only be alert at all times but also avoid hiding their jewelry at specific spots that thieves almost always remember to check: Toilet tank Although the toilet tank was once considered a good jewelry hiding spot, it has become a popular location due to its portrayal in movies and TV shows. Unfortunately, this makes it an obvious target for thieves. Moreover, there is an added risk of one’s jewelry getting tarnished due to excess moisture in the tank. Drawers Drawers are among the most obvious places to hide jewelry; therefore, robbers are sure to rummage through drawers when trying to steal one’s valuables. Hence, one should avoid hiding jewelry in drawers, even if it is kept inside boxes or sub-lockers. Freezer It is estimated that over one in four individuals hide their jewelry in the freezer. Hence, it has emerged as a common place for homeowners to hide jewelry and one of the spots that seasoned burglars typically do not miss checking.
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