3 ways to manage multiple myeloma

3 ways to manage multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that results from the increased growth of white blood cells in the bone marrow. These plasma cells play a crucial role in the body’s production of antibodies. When one develops multiple myeloma, their body is home to clusters of plasma cells that turn cancerous. This is a result of the overproduction of plasma cells. The following are some management options for multiple myeloma: Treatments BCMA therapy B-cell maturation antigen or BCMA is a recommended treatment option for patients with multiple myeloma. The therapy targets cancerous plasma cells in the body. It works by blocking the BCMA protein. Monoclonal antibodies The human body is capable of producing antibodies against disease-causing microorganisms. Monoclonal antibodies are prepared in laboratories and used as a targeted therapy for multiple myeloma and other cancer patients. They are marked to cause minimum harm to healthy cells by targeting specific cells. Foods to eat and avoid Foods to include Choosing the right foods can help manage the symptoms of multiple myeloma. It is advisable to include more green vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants like oranges, apples, and pears. Fiber from these foods helps relieve constipation. Regular inclusion of nuts, whole grains, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended.
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5 ways to manage epilepsy

5 ways to manage epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disorder in the central nervous system that leads to abnormal brain activity. The condition triggers seizures, instances of unusual behavior, and loss of awareness and sensations. Epilepsy is common in men and women and affects about 50 million people across the world. Many people may find that the disorder recedes with time, but others may experience seizures throughout their life. In either case, here are five tips to manage epilepsy: Initiate a treatment plan If one is diagnosed with epilepsy, it is imperative to get on a treatment plan immediately. The doctor may prescribe treatment options to manage the condition. XCOPRI® (cenobamate) CV is one such option prescribed to treat partial-onset seizures in people who are 18 years of age or older. Eat healthy foods Balanced healthy meals can ensure the body receives the nutrition it deserves to improve overall health. Potatoes, rice, and bread provide carbohydrates that build energy levels in the body. Protein-rich foods like milk, meat, fish, beans, and lentils help build muscle strength, hormones, and red blood cells, which improve how one deals with epilepsy. Avoid trigger foods Some foods can trigger and worsen the symptoms of epilepsy. A few unhealthy foods to be avoided are coffee, tea, chocolate, sweets, and excess salt as they reduce blood sugar levels in the body, which may lead to seizures.
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4 vitamins to maintain eye health

4 vitamins to maintain eye health

The eyes are complex organs; they require vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to function properly. Deficiencies in any of these elements can lead to an increased risk of developing eye diseases and conditions. These include glaucoma, macular degeneration, and even night blindness, which can compromise vision and degrade eye health. Here, we discuss four vitamins that are important to eye health and the foods that are rich sources of these vitamins. Vitamin A Vitamin A is essential to eye health. It helps in maintaining the cornea, ensuring a person has clear vision. The cornea is the layer that covers the iris and pupil. Individuals with vitamin A deficiency may experience dry eyes, which are caused due to a lack of moisture. Certain studies also indicate that low levels of vitamin A can lead to night blindness. Vitamin A is also a component of an essential protein known as rhodopsin. This protein is what allows us to see in low or poor light conditions. Beta carotene is the primary source of vitamin A. It is found in various colorful fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potato, squash, red peppers, and carrots. Vitamin C It is another important element when it comes to eye health.
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5 best times to drink water

5 best times to drink water

We have all heard how drinking a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day is a must. Water is one of the most basic components of the body. It is important for the circulatory, digestive, urinary, and respiratory systems. One should drink sufficient water daily to ensure proper functioning of the body. But is there a right time to drink water? Here are five best times to do so: After waking up Our body gets rest when we sleep. During this time, our body has been fasting and using up the stored energy supplies to keep the systems functioning. Having a glass of water right after you wake up is one of the best times to drink water. It refreshes the body and replenishes its hydration supply. While working out According to several studies, it is crucial to have water before, during, and after working out. It is suggested to drink a few sips of water every 10-15 minutes while working out. This helps in avoiding dehydration and most importantly prevents muscle cramps. Before meals Our body responds to both hunger and thirst signals in the same way. Quite often, when we believe we are hungry, we are actually just poorly hydrated.
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Drink water at these times for maximum benefits

Drink water at these times for maximum benefits

Water makes up about 50 to 70 percent of our bodies. This is why your body needs water to survive and function properly. Water helps keep your body temperature in check and protects sensitive tissue. It also helps flush out harmful wastes through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration. Drinking water is essential to maintain one’s good health. However, drinking it at appropriate times can maximize its benefits. In the morning The earliest and best time to drink water is when you wake up. That’s because your body does not get sufficient water for about eight hours when you are asleep. Drinking a glass in the morning will help hydrate your body. You can also squeeze a slice of lemon in your glass. This nourishes your body with Vitamin C, potassium, and phytonutrients. Before a meal Drinking a glass of water before meals gives maximum benefits. It can make you feel full and therefore satisfy your appetite. It may also prevent you from eating too much. A glass of water before meals helps improve your gastric health. In the afternoon It is possible that you may feel tired after lunch. You could resort to coffee to boost your energy levels. However, coffee might affect your sleep cycle.
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Improve eye health by avoiding these foods

Improve eye health by avoiding these foods

Our eyes are one of the most vital organs in our body. The eye health is dependent on the health of our blood vessels and heart; therefore, it is imperative to take steps to ensure good cardiovascular health. While we may choose healthy foods that provide nutrition and oxygen to the blood vessels, it is equally important to avoid the following foods that may degrade our eye health when consumed in excess. Red meat Pork, beef, lamb, and mutton are sources of red meat. These meats are generally laden with sodium to increase shelf life. But too much of sodium can increase blood pressure and trigger the buildup of fluid below the retina, known as choroidopathy. Margarine We often use margarine as an alternative to butter because of its vegetable oil composition. But the food is abundant in trans fats, which may worsen cholesterol levels and degrade eye health. Fish and shellfish Fish like salmon and mackerel may contain traces of mercury. So if you eat too much fish and shellfish, the harmful properties of the element might cause damage to the eyes. Coffee Despite the energy-boosting effects of caffeine in coffee, too much of coffee may affect your overall health.
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5 smartphone habits to stop today

5 smartphone habits to stop today

Smartphones are versatile devices that allow you to communicate with people even if they are across the globe. They can also be used to watch a movie on the go, read an e-book, take high-quality photos and videos, and even play games of your liking. But as important as they are, there are some things you should avoid doing when using a smartphone. Here are five smartphone habits to stop today: Using the phone while walking You may use your phone to perform multiple tasks. However, it is imperative to do so when you are not on the move. Using the device while walking can distract and endanger you or another individual. Relying only on GPS The GPS on a smartphone is exceptional but not always 100% accurate. There are days when your phone may guide you the wrong way or take you to the wrong destination. So sometimes, you should self-navigate by looking at the traffic signs or by seeking directions from a traffic officer. Scrolling through the smartphone before bed Most of us tend to scroll through social media or watch content like movies or a web series before sleeping. However, smartphones emit a blue light that suppresses melatonin, a chemical that regulates sleep.
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5 things to avoid with lupus

5 things to avoid with lupus

Lupus is a health condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues and organs. It causes inflammation in different body parts, including the joints, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. Unfortunately, the autoimmune disease has no cure; available treatment options only help prevent flare-ups and manage symptoms. Therefore, patients must be careful and follow healthy practices to prevent the problem from worsening. Here are five things to avoid when diagnosed with lupus: Exposure to sunlight Those affected by lupus should avoid sun exposure because they are more sensitive to sunlight. It can worsen the symptoms, especially when the sun is at its peak. When venturing out, patients must apply sunscreen, preferably with SPF 70. Sunscreens with higher SPF values might protect the skin from harmful rays. In addition, individuals should cover their skin as much as possible when outside and carry a hat. Physical and mental stress Mental or physical stress can cause lupus to worsen or trigger a flare-up. A severe lupus episode is most commonly linked to chronic stress. Patients can indulge in mild exercises, yoga, or meditation to calm the mind. These activities release happy hormones and put one in a good mood almost instantly. Red meat Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb contain saturated fats that can raise a person’s cholesterol levels.
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5 things to avoid for a healthy sleep cycle

5 things to avoid for a healthy sleep cycle

Getting a good night’s sleep is important to ensure you remain energetic throughout the day. Your mind and body need a healthy reset to overcome the tasks of the day and start fresh. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily is an ideal sleep cycle for adults and there are ways to achieve this if you quit some habits and choices. Let’s see what things you must avoid to ensure a healthy sleep cycle. Using your phone before bed Aimless scrolling and watching videos before going to bed while staring at your phone or laptop will only hinder your REM sleep cycle. According to studies, it is suggested that electronic devices are one of the most important things to avoid for better sleep because they emit harmful rays and may also distract you from a good night’s sleep. Heavy dinner While indulging in a heavy dinner might sound like a good idea, it only puts your digestive system under a lot of stress and pressure. Because of your day-to-day schedule and our rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycle, your organs work according to this routine. Similarly at night, your digestive system needs a reset to be able to function properly for all the meals you put in it the next day.
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Effective ways to manage brain dysfunction

Effective ways to manage brain dysfunction

Aging is a natural, inevitable process. At best, it is possible to make continuous changes that complement and suit your current lifestyle. We are talking about changes in daily nutrition, habits, routine, and even finding dedicated health services and personal care assistance to improve quality of life. These changes are also beneficial in preventing and lowering the risk of certain progressive disorders that affect daily lifestyles. Here is an overview. 5 essential foods to consider Studies show that 60% of the brain matter is made up of fat and nearly half of it consists of omega-3 fatty acids that boost and regulate cognitive function. Omega 3s can be sourced from fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, trout, herring, and sardines. Avocados and assorted nuts are rich sources of this nutrient suitable for vegetarians and vegans. In addition, it is necessary to include antioxidant-rich berries like blueberries that delay brain matter aging and improve memory. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli contain lutein, vitamin K, nitrates, and folates known to boost cognitive function. Nutritionists also recommend including a variety of whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and buckwheat, among other complex carbohydrates. These healthy changes in nutrition boost cognitive development and slow down brain degeneration.
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Foods that help manage ulcerative colitis better

Foods that help manage ulcerative colitis better

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the colon. It can cause high levels of inflammation and ulcers that occur on the lining of the colon and rectum. If the condition persists, the ulcers can start spreading and invade the whole colon as opposed to just the lining. Ulcerative colitis is especially seen in males aged 50 years or above but can occur in people of all ages and genders. Foods that help manage ulcerative colitis: Oatmeal Oatmeal is a highly nutritious food loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains high amounts of beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that promotes good gut bacteria growth. Studies show an excellent bacterial population in the digestive system helps manage ulcerative colitis symptoms. The high fiber content of oatmeal also helps promote regular bowel movements, reducing cramps and pain. Salmon Salmon is rich in protein and other essential nutrients such as potassium. It makes it an excellent addition to protect the body against strokes and other symptoms. The omega-3 fatty acid contained in fish is especially beneficial for patients with ulcerative colitis. Fruits Some common foods that are a great addition to a colitis patient’s plate are bananas, avocado, grapes, and blueberries.
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