5 common habits that degrade healthy bones

5 common habits that degrade healthy bones

Bone generation is an ongoing process. The human body constantly creates new bones to maintain a strong skeletal structure. As a person ages, the process of maintaining healthy bone structure slows down and can begin as early as the 20s or 30s, resulting in a loss of bone density. Unhealthy lifestyle choices and nutrition mistakes can accelerate this process, leading to premature bone loss. Read on to learn more about unhealthy habits to avoid for healthy bones. Eating unhealthy foods Excessive salt consumption harms the bones because the processed salt found in chips, fried foods, and fried snacks forces the body to lose calcium faster than it can be replenished. Also, drinking beverages that are rich in refined sugars, preservatives, artificial coloring, and additives all impact bone health. Flavored sodas, packaged fruit juices, and carbonated beverages are unhealthy food choices that trigger calcium loss, thus weakening the bones. Daily nutrition directly impacts bone health, especially the vital joints for mobility. Leading a sedentary lifestyle Sitting for hours on end and not being proactive can also lead to bone health deterioration. Simple physical activities like walking, jogging, or lifting weights help improve bone density. However, neglecting the 30 minutes of exercise recommended by physical therapists will only increase the risk of bone loss and fractures.
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Top 5 healthy foods to eat to boost fertility

Top 5 healthy foods to eat to boost fertility

Fertility issues are common these days, affecting nearly 15% of couples. While conceiving and becoming parents can be physically and emotionally demanding, especially for first-time parents, one can opt for various treatment alternatives to ease the process. Moreover, changes in lifestyle and nutritional habits can help improve fertility. However, remember that severe complications like a blocked fallopian tube necessitate immediate intervention by a health expert. Read on to learn about healthy foods that improve fertility. Top 5 foods that can improve fertility Sunflower seeds This food item is a rich source of vitamin E – a nutrient that has been found to boost sperm count and motility in a few patients. The seeds are also high in selenium and folate, which are crucial for fertility in both genders – male and female. In addition to the above, sunflower seeds contain generous amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that can regulate hormones and improve blood flow to the uterus. Avocados Fruits such as avocados can also prove immensely helpful in increasing the folate count in the body. Moreover, it has been found that this fruit is also rich in potassium and vitamin K, which can regulate blood pressure and hormonal levels. But while eating the fruit, one must remember that it contains high amounts of calories – approximately 150kcal for half an avocado.
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6 warning signs of dementia

6 warning signs of dementia

Dementia is a complex neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Recognizing the early signs of dementia is crucial for early intervention and improved quality of life. While memory loss is often associated with dementia, other subtle signs can manifest in the early stages. Increasing awareness and understanding can foster a more supportive and compassionate environment for individuals with dementia and their loved ones. Memory loss and forgetfulness Memory loss is one of the primary warning signs of dementia. It is common for individuals to forget appointments, important dates, or recent conversations. Some patients might have difficulty recollecting information that was shared with them recently. It is common for caregivers or family members to repeat information for these patients. One of the most common early signs of dementia is memory loss. Another sign of memory loss is misplacing objects and facing challenges in retracing steps. While occasional forgetfulness is common, persistent memory difficulties that impact daily life may indicate early-stage dementia. Difficulty with language and communication An individual’s declining ability to effectively communicate and express themselves is another concerning sign of dementia. Dementia, in its early stages, can impact an individual’s ability to express themselves. It might cause them difficulty using familiar words or finding the appropriate words.
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11 early signs of Parkinson’s disease

11 early signs of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shakes, stiffness, or difficulty with coordination and balance. Since the condition begins slowly, it can be tough to tell if one has Parkinson’s. However, knowing the signs and symptoms can help one be more aware and visit a healthcare professional for diagnosis and management. Here are some common early signs of Parkinson’s disease: Tremors: Tremors or rhythmic shaking may affect a part of the body. It generally begins in a limb, especially the hands or fingers. One may experience trembling hands at rest, but the tremors may subside when performing a task. Slowed movement: Parkinson’s can also slow down movement, making it difficult to complete basic everyday tasks. Steps may become shorter, and one may notice the shuffling of the feet instead of walking. This slowing down is known as bradykinesia. Rigid muscles:  One may also experience muscle stiffness, inflexibility, and cramps in any body part. It can often be painful and limit the range of motion. It may also make tasks such as writing, doing up the buttons, or tying one’s shoelaces more difficult. Posture and balance troubles: One may develop a stooped posture or have balance and coordination problems as the condition progresses.
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5 herbs and spices that may aid in preventing cancer

5 herbs and spices that may aid in preventing cancer

In the quest for optimal health, people try exercise routines, remedies, therapies, and food regimes. Regarding the last option, the food choice tends to be bland, unseasoned, and dull, making one believe that health and delicious foods are at odds. However, this is false, and herbs and spices enhance the flavors of meals and offer numerous health benefits. Among their remarkable qualities, certain herbs and spices possess potent properties that may contribute to cancer prevention. Turmeric Turmeric is well-known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A common ingredient in traditional recipes, it is also being taken as a supplement these days. The curcumin found in turmeric has been proven beneficial for a healthy body. There are numerous researches on the health benefits of curcumin and some even indicate it being useful in combating cancer. Adding turmeric to recipes, whether in curries, smoothies, or teas, adds a vibrant yellow color and distinctive flavor to the food and drink, along with being a way to harness its potential benefits. Garlic Garlic is another potential ally in the fight against cancer that can be conveniently found in most kitchens around the world. It is filled with organosulfur compounds that have a cancer-fighting effect on the body.
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9 early tell-tale signs of Parkinson’s disease

9 early tell-tale signs of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder affecting the brain and nervous system, characterized by inadvertent movements, stiffness, and lack of coordination. The disease typically affects senior citizens, with 5-10% of patients experiencing the symptoms before age 50. Several studies have linked the onset of the disease to specific genetic mutations. Parkinson’s occurs when nerve cells in the basal ganglia, which produce dopamine and facilitate movement, begin getting destroyed. Here are some early signs of Parkinson’s disease: Loss of balance The basal ganglia is typically responsible for motor control, ensuring that balance is reflexive. However, individuals with Parkinson’s disease experience problems with the basal ganglia. Consequently, the frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for thinking, takes over to regulate balance. However, this process does not occur automatically, so individuals with this disease have to exert efforts to achieve balance. Loss of balance is among the early symptoms of the condition. Muscle stiffness Parkinson’s disease is associated with reduced dopamine levels, which is believed to cause muscle movement issues and give rise to rigidity and stiffness. This stiffness may occur in the arms, legs, hips, and shoulders and can significantly affect daily activities like walking. Tremors Individuals with Parkinson’s disease may experience slow, continuous tremors in their muscles, typically while they are stationary.
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5 common peeing mistakes that cause bladder problems

5 common peeing mistakes that cause bladder problems

Peeing is an automatic reflex that is triggered when the bladder becomes full. The kidneys work hard to filter out unwanted toxins and fluids from the body and evacuate these liquids into the bladder that holds the urine. With a normal fluid intake of 2 liters per day, the average adult pees about 800 to 2000 milliliters in a 24-hour cycle. But despite peeing being a regular activity, some people tend to make the following mistakes. Holding pee for a prolonged duration One of the main functions of urination is to help the body evacuate toxins that are filtered out by the kidneys from the bloodstream. So, holding it in actually increases the risk of urinary tract infections caused by the bacteria and toxins in the urine. It also puts pressure on the kidneys, disrupting normal function and increasing the risk of kidney stones developing in the organ. Following urinary voiding It may not be possible to use the restroom multiple times with certain jobs. So many people develop a habit or schedule to urinate at fixed times during the day. This is referred to as preventive voiding, where one learns to control one’s bladder and urine output. While it is not something that can cause major bladder problems, it’s also a habit that should not be prolonged.
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10 mistakes to avoid when selecting Medicare coverage

10 mistakes to avoid when selecting Medicare coverage

People living in the country aged 65 and above can opt for federal health insurance assistance in the form of Medicare, which covers comprehensive costs for known treatments. Even some younger individuals with disabilities or those diagnosed with end-stage renal disease are eligible for Medicare plans. It is divided into four parts and covers everything from hospitalization expenses to the cost of prescriptions. Here are ten common mistakes to avoid while enrolling for Medicare. Enrollment mistakes Medicare benefits become available as soon as a person turns 65. So, it is always beneficial to apply for Medicare policies in the initial enrollment period, open only for a fixed time. Enrolling late can lead to an increase in premiums that would have been otherwise affordable. Signing up for automatic renewals Never voluntarily opt for automatic renewal, as one can switch up plans and avail benefits under a different policy that can be changed once a year. So, consider the premiums, deductibles, and copayments and see if the new policy is worth it. Taking plans only for the premiums Premiums are just one aspect of the total cost of paying for insurance. One must also compare policy benefits, even if it means paying slightly higher premiums.
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5 bad habits that affect kidney health

5 bad habits that affect kidney health

Everyone has a unique preference for doing certain things in life. However, some food and lifestyle choices might not be the best decisions when preserving a healthy mind and body. These bad habits can be the path that could lead you to poor kidney health and even failure. It’s not too late to make amends. Rectifying some small habits can go a long way in relieving the pressure on the kidneys. Not drinking enough water Drinking adequate water is essential to eliminate waste products from the body. It helps flush out the excess sodium, potassium, and other minerals and toxins from the body. It is one of the most effective ways of avoiding kidney stones and related kidney diseases. However, people with existing kidney conditions might need the doctor’s permission and assistance to limit and regulate their water intake. Going heavy on the salt Since high blood pressure is one of the conditions that can put the kidney at risk, it is essential to limit salt intake. Excessive use of salt in foods is one of the bad habits that need to be avoided since it could lead to kidney failure. It is responsible for uncontrolled blood pressure levels, which can further increase the risk of developing kidney-related problems.
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5 household factors that may cause lung damage

5 household factors that may cause lung damage

The lungs are the central part of the respiratory system. Located in the chest or the thoracic cavity, they make oxygen available to the body and release carbon dioxide. For overall health, good lung function is vital. However, several daily household factors can contribute to lung damage. While some risk factors may be unavoidable, basic knowledge and prevention of these threats can help reduce the risk of lung diseases and promote better health. Mold Mold is a type of fungus that reproduces using spores. It releases spores into the air, which can cause severe lung damage for those with mold allergies, COPD, and a weak immune system. People sensitive to mold must fix leaks around their homes and avoid the buildup of leaves and compost piles to discourage mold growth. Carpet The little crevices in carpet fabric can trap mold, cockroach droppings, dust mites, and toxic gasses, making them a health hazard. If possible, switch to wood, marble, or tile floors. Alternatively, opt for rugs that can be cleaned outside the home. Vacuum the carpet three times a week, and have it steam cleaned annually. Gas appliances Gas appliances such as cooktops, space heaters, and ovens could also contribute to lung damage, as when gas, wood, oil, coal, and kerosene burn, they release nitrous oxide.
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6 common menstrual hygiene mistakes to avoid

6 common menstrual hygiene mistakes to avoid

Studies have shown that almost 80% of menstruating individuals experience period pain at some point in their lives. Cramps, discomfort, and mood swings are just some of the many other symptoms accompanying period pain. Managing period pain involves several effective home remedies and strategies that can help reduce cramping and discomfort. Moreover, maintaining adequate cleanliness and hygiene during this time is essential to prevent infections. Here are some menstrual hygiene mistakes one should avoid: Changing pads or tampons infrequently Tampons and pads can cause bacteria to accumulate, triggering vaginal and urinary infections, causing rashes, and emitting unpleasant odors. Thus, if one has normal blood flow, changing one’s tampons or pads at least once every 3–4 hours is advisable. Individuals with heavier menstrual flow should change their pads or tampons more frequently. Using soaps made of strong chemicals While picking a soap, it helps to look for ingredients like salicylic acid, tea tree oil, sea salt, and oatmeal, which are milder on the skin and do not cause harm to intimate areas. Moreover, it is essential to ensure that the soap one is buying is non-comedogenic. Failing to wash the genital area daily When blood remains on the skin, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria.
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