6 silent signs of liver cancer to never ignore

6 silent signs of liver cancer to never ignore

Liver cancer refers to a malignant tumor in the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common type of the condition, which begins in the hepatocytes (the main functional liver cells). Liver cancer has emerged as the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. One must identify its symptoms as early as possible for timely diagnosis and treatment. Here are a few silent signs of the disorder that shouldn’t be ignored. Persistent pain Liver cancer typically causes pain in the upper right abdomen, the back, or the right shoulder. This pain may be characterized as dull and persistent and may be accompanied by swelling in the abdomen. Unexplained fullness and loss of appetite An accumulation of excessive fluid in the abdomen can cause one to feel unusually full, even if they have not eaten well. Such fullness and loss of appetite, accompanied by other signs, may point toward liver cancer. Yellowing of the eyes and skin Yellowing of the eyes and skin indicates the liver is unable to process a substance called bilirubin. It may be a sign of liver cancer and should not be ignored. A hard lump under the right rib A hard lump under the right rib may indicate the presence of a tumor in the liver or a swelling of this organ.
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Foods and allergens to avoid for managing seizures

Foods and allergens to avoid for managing seizures

People with specific underlying health conditions experience seizures when there are disturbances in the electrical activity of their brains. Some indicators of a seizure are shaking, twitching, confusion, random pain, blank stares, changes in heart rate and breathing, stiffness throughout the body, repeated or automatic movements, abrupt changes in sensations, and persistent depression and anxiety. One can manage their seizures and even reduce their occurrence by avoiding some of the following foods and allergens: Coffee Caffeine is a common element in energy drinks, coffee, tea, and various beverages. People usually consume caffeine to keep themselves awake and going throughout the day. Caffeine is a stimulant, and it can also trigger seizures in some individuals. This is why doctors advise someone with epilepsy or other seizure-related health conditions to consume moderate to zero amounts of tea or coffee in a day. Salt Salt is made up of sodium, an element that is not healthy for one’s body. An accumulation of sodium in one’s blood causes the water in the cells to transfer into the blood. If this happens frequently, then a person’s blood gets diluted. A build-up of fluids within a person’s blood can trigger seizures. The fluid shift and build-up of water in a person’s blood can also lead to issues like lung disorders, coma, and even death.
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Huntington’s disease – 5 stages and their symptoms

Huntington’s disease – 5 stages and their symptoms

Huntington’s disease is a disorder in which the nerve cells of the brain progressively degenerate. Usually, individuals inherit this disorder. Huntington’s disease hampers individuals’ ability to think, move, and react to their environment. When one develops this disorder, its progress cannot be stopped. While there is no definitive cure for this disorder, knowing certain details, like its stages and symptoms, can help improve a patient’s quality of life. Here’s what one needs to know: Huntington’s disease stages and symptoms Here are the five stages and symptoms of Huntington’s disease: 1. Stage 1 (preclinical) In this stage, patients show mild symptoms that indicate that their mental state may be affected. Signs such as anxiety, poor coordination, unusual irritability, perpetual anxiety, difficulty learning new things, and decision-making challenges are common in this stage. Usually, these symptoms go unnoticed; however, those experiencing them must undergo screening or biological tests for an accurate diagnosis. 2. Stage 2 (early) The symptoms seen in the first stage become progressively more pronounced. Some of the additional symptoms of this stage are involuntary twitching in the toes, fingers, and face, extreme difficulty in concentrating, problems making complicated movements, severe depression, and loss of inhibition. It takes multiple years for people to pass from this stage to the next, but they will still be able to do things like driving, bathing, and eating on their own.
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5 things that are not included in Medicare coverage

5 things that are not included in Medicare coverage

Medicare, or federal health insurance, is one of the most essential aspects of healthcare for those who are 65 or older and for those who live with certain health complications. Those enrolled in Medicare A, B, or Medicare Advantage are eligible for certain health benefits that help them save and cover various expenses. However, some things might not fall under the scope of coverage. Here are five things that are not included in a Medicare plan: 1. Overseas care Medicare Advantage and original Medicare offer virtually no coverage for healthcare costs incurred outside the country. Some Medigap policies may cover specific overseas health-related costs. Someone who travels often should consider travel insurance policies for basic healthcare coverage. 2. Opticians and eye exams Original Medicare covers ophthalmologic expenses such as cataract surgery but does not cover routine eye exams, contact lenses, or glasses. Some Medicare Advantage plans may cover routine vision care and glasses. People could buy vision insurance policies for a few hundred dollars a year to help cover the cost of glasses or contact lenses. 3. Hearing aids While Medicare covers ear-related health conditions, the original Medicare and Medigap plans do not pay for routine hearing tests or hearing aids.
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5 high-risk public places for respiratory viruses

5 high-risk public places for respiratory viruses

People must be careful in public areas. Since respiratory illnesses easily spread via air and contact, there are certain public places where individuals might be at higher risk of catching these infections. By being aware of these common areas, one can be more careful and better equipped to protect themselves from catching any diseases. Here are a few such high-risk public places to be careful around: 1. Public transport Public transport, like buses and subways, can be quite crowded. When traveling in such crowds, one cannot help but be in close quarters with numerous people. This eventually increases their risk of catching infections. Hence, when traveling on public transportation, wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer after touching surfaces such as door knobs and handles is better to reduce the risk of infection. 2. Public pools Public pools can also be breeding grounds for respiratory infections due to shared water and close contact among swimmers. Hence, when using public pools, individuals must practice social distancing and, most importantly, avoid using the pool if feeling unwell. 3. Airports and airplanes Airports and airplanes are potential hotspots for respiratory infections since many travelers travel in enclosed spaces. Moreover, if there are crowded terminals and long queues at security, it only increases the chances of individuals coming into close contact.
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3 mistakes new hearing aid users should avoid

3 mistakes new hearing aid users should avoid

Getting a hearing aid is a big moment for many, especially first-time users. People tend to be delighted to get their new hearing aid as it helps them live with hearing impairment while not compromising their quality of life. Using it is fairly easy, but even then, users can make certain mistakes that reduce the overall effectiveness of the device. Let’s analyze the common mistakes and find a way to avoid them. Not wearing the aids enough Initially, the hearing aids may be uncomfortable to wear, but that should not put users off using them anyway. Essentially, users will take some time getting used to a device that is supposed to stay in their ears all day and most of the night. A common mistake new users make is not wearing the hearing aids enough during this challenging phase. This is a mistake that can thwart their progress while they adapt to the new device. To form good habits, one can wear their hearing aids for eight hours a day, at the very least initially. Users can increase the number of hours progressively until the phase arrives in which wearing the aids will be comfortable. Not cleaning the hearing aids regularly The ears accumulate dirt and wax rapidly.
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8 things that dental insurance doesn’t cover

8 things that dental insurance doesn’t cover

Dental care insurance serves as a crucial safeguard that helps people save on out-of-pocket treatment costs and makes painful procedures easier to deal with. However, one should note that not everything falls under its scope. While dental insurance is designed to cover a range of services, certain aspects of dental care may go beyond its capacity. Understanding these will help individuals make informed decisions about their oral health and financial planning. Cosmetic dentistry Dental insurance focuses on procedures essential for maintaining oral health, relegating cosmetic dentistry to elective services. Aesthetic improvements like teeth whitening, veneers, or cosmetic bonding are often excluded, requiring individuals to explore alternative payment options. Orthodontic treatments for adults While orthodontic coverage is a common inclusion for children, adults seeking orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners, may encounter limitations. Insurance companies often consider orthodontic procedures for adults from a cosmetic standpoint, offering limited coverage. Therefore, reviewing one’s insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage for orthodontic treatments is important. Elective procedures Dental insurance commonly overlooks elective procedures performed for non-essential reasons. Services like gum contouring or aesthetic gum surgeries, chosen for cosmetic purposes rather than need, may necessitate separate financing. Pre-existing conditions Similar to health insurance, dental coverage may not extend to pre-existing conditions.
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4 liver damage signs that can indicate cancer

4 liver damage signs that can indicate cancer

Liver cancer is a health condition characterized by the aggressive and uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the liver. Like other cancers, this type exhibits certain typical symptoms throughout its various stages of progression. However, many of these symptoms are also common to liver damage, making it difficult to determine whether an individual is suffering from liver damage or liver cancer. Here are some of the most common symptoms shared by both of these conditions: Abdominal swelling When an individual is diagnosed with liver cancer, their liver is subjected to an excessive amount of pressure, which leads to the obstruction of blood flow in veins and other vessels. As a result, the various liver fluids are forced into the person’s abdomen. Over a period of time, this condition inevitably causes abdominal swelling. Nausea or vomiting Liver tumors can produce hormones that affect the functioning of other organs in the body. The hormones can lead to problems like spiked calcium levels in the blood. This condition, known as hypercalcemia, can lead to a range of health issues, such as nausea, muscle weakness, constipation, fatigue, and confusion. It is important to note that nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that can be associated with various health conditions.
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10 early warning signs of age-related macular degeneration

10 early warning signs of age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition that causes damage to the macula, or the part of the retina located at the back of the eye. This disease typically affects individuals aged 50 years and above. Early diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration can help manage its symptoms and maintain one’s eye health. Here are some early warning signs of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that one should not ignore. Blurred vision One of the most common early signs of AMD is blurry vision, which occurs due to the leakage of blood or fluids from blood vessels into the macula. Inability to recognize familiar persons AMD severely affects one’s central vision, which is responsible for enabling recognition. Therefore, persons with AMD may be unable to recognize familiar faces, even those of close family members and friends. Straight lines appearing wavy The central vision enables one to recognize and differentiate shapes, lines, colors, etc. Patients with AMD, whose central vision is compromised, may perceive straight lines as wavy. Difficulty perceiving and differentiating colors The macula consists of multiple photoreceptor cone cells, which facilitate the perception and differentiation of colors. Since AMD causes damage to one’s macula, persons with this condition may be unable to perceive or differentiate between colors and shades.
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4 things to consider before taking migraine relief gummies

4 things to consider before taking migraine relief gummies

Migraines are recurring headaches that may cause pain and other unbearable symptoms. A few symptoms include increased sensitivity to light, vomiting, and pain when one sneezes or coughs. There are multiple treatment options for migraines, including supplements, prescriptions, and other therapies like acupuncture. Some experts today also recommend taking gummies to help with migraine relief. However, given that this is fairly new to many people, here’s what one should consider before taking a gummy for migraine relief. Learn the benefits Migraine relief gummies contain various plant compounds known to help with pain relief. Experts suggest that these properties help with short-term and long-term benefits for people suffering from migraines. The gummies could also help reduce the number of migraine days and decrease the impact of migraines. The composition of the gummies also helps ease joint and neck pain often associated with migraines. Know the risks Although gummies for pain relief are generally well-tolerated, they may cause some side effects, such as diarrhea, fatigue, dry mouth, and changes in appetite. Experts say that the treatment option is not a long-term solution and may have other complications, such as mood fluctuations or memory loss, if taken all the time. Therefore, one must ensure they take gummies for migraine relief in moderation and with consultation with a healthcare provider.
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6 common warning signs of herpes

6 common warning signs of herpes

Herpes is a prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral and genital herpes are its common types. The disease spreads by skin-to-skin contact during intercourse. It has no cure, meaning once a person contracts the virus, it stays in their body for life. Some patients with herpes may show mild or no symptoms, while others may develop the following noticeable and bothersome warning signs. Fluid-filled blisters Painful, fluid-filled blisters or sores are among the most characteristic signs of herpes. A person may develop one or more of these after two to 20 days of infection. The blisters may last for seven to ten days. Their location may vary depending on the type of herpes: Oral herpes (HSV-1): In most cases of oral herpes, the blisters appear on one’s lips or the region around the mouth. Sometimes, they may even form on the face or the tongue. Also called cold sores, they tend to go away on their own after a few weeks. While they can make one uncomfortable, they are generally harmless among adults. Genital herpes (HSV-2): Those with HSV-2 may develop blisters anywhere on the genital region. Women may even experience sores inside the vaginal canal.
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