6 warning signs of sickle cell disease

6 warning signs of sickle cell disease

Sickle cell disease is characterized by cells becoming curved and losing their flexibility. As a result, they can get stuck in small blood vessels and prevent oxygen flow to vital parts of the chest, joints, and belly. There are a couple of warning signs that may indicate the development of this disease. Here are six symptoms to look for. These can help one seek immediate treatment and diagnose the condition at the earliest possible time. Shortness of breath An individual may experience breathing problems due to allergies, asthma, infections, or inflammation. But this may also occur because of health complications like sickle cell disease. The phenomenon can be triggered when the abnormal cells block blood and oxygen flow from reaching the lungs. Other symptoms associated with the chest include coughing and chest pain. Fatigue The smaller size of the red blood cells may restrict oxygen flow to other parts of the body compared to healthier RBCs. The lack of oxygen may lead to fatigue, the constant feeling of no energy, and tiredness. Headache Individuals may experience acute and chronic headaches from sickle cell disease. This might occur due to lower oxygenation of organs such as the brain. Others may also be susceptible to symptoms like dizziness.
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5 things to avoid to manage geographic atrophy

5 things to avoid to manage geographic atrophy

When dry age-related macular degeneration progresses to an advanced stage, it is known as geographic atrophy (GA). It is called “geographic” because the regions of atrophy look similar to a map when a doctor examines the retina. GA reduces a person’s ability to read, drive, and recognize faces by affecting their central vision. While GA cannot be cured entirely, here are a few things to avoid to slow down its progression: Exposure to sun The sun’s ultraviolet light can have harmful effects on the eyes. This will cause GA to progress quickly. So, one should avoid stepping out in the sun as much as possible. If going out is unavoidable, it is best to wear sun protection. These include sunglasses that have UV protection and a wide-brimmed hat. Irregular eye check-ups With GA, it is important to monitor the progression of the disorder. This can help in taking measures that can help in effectively managing the condition. However, this is only possible when one schedules and attains regular eye check-ups. Therefore, missing out on eye appointments is one of the major things to avoid if one wants to take better care of their eyes with GA. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels Hypertension or high blood pressure can cause faster degeneration of the retina.
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4 Ways to Maintain Eye Health for Contact Lens Wearers

4 Ways to Maintain Eye Health for Contact Lens Wearers

Contact lenses offer convenience and the option to change one’s looks on a daily basis. They are also easier to handle compared to spectacles due to the latter’s tendency to get easily scratched or broken. Whichever the case, unlike spectacles, contact lenses are a lot closer to the eyes. So, one must take more precautions to maintain eye health. Thus, here are four ways in which one can protect one’s vision while wearing eye lenses.  Do not use lenses continuously When one wears contact lenses, one can easily forget that they have them on. Unlike a pair of glasses that might fog up or slide down the nose, lenses don’t have any overt sign of being worn. However, it is essential to note that to maintain eye health, one must be mindful of how often one wears and changes these lenses. Never wear eye lenses if the eyes feel irritated or appear red. One must consult the ophthalmologist when one has red or sore eyes and wait till one’s eyes heal completely before putting on contact lenses again. Whether colored lenses or prescriptive, it is best not to wear them full-time because the eyes need a little break. Also, be careful about makeup around the eye as it can cause irritation or even infect the eyes when worn with lenses.
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5 foods that worsen congestion

5 foods that worsen congestion

Nasal congestion causes things such as the inability to smell, changes in one’s voice and taste buds, and, in many cases, headaches. Nasal congestion is often a symptom of other health issues, such as sinusitis and the common cold. Certain foods, such as ginger and green leafy vegetables, tend to reduce the severity of nasal congestion. On the other hand, some foods simply make the symptoms worse. Here is a list of some such foods: 1. Tacos When discussing the foods that worsen nasal congestion, spicy foods are among the top ones. Tacos are delicious but make people’s ears ring and their noses run for hours. Spicy foods like tacos create a lot of histamine in a person’s body. This chemical can cause allergic reactions and inflammation in the sinus area. As a result, if someone already has a congested nose, eating a taco is destined to worsen matters. 2. Milk Although dairy products may affect different people differently, many regular milk drinkers have found increased mucus production in their lungs and noses. There is a significant correlation between chronic sinusitis flare-ups and milk consumption. In many individuals, milk facilitates the production of nasal polyps, a common precursor to sinusitis and congestion.
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10 foods that may trigger or worsen lung disease

10 foods that may trigger or worsen lung disease

Lung disease refers to any problem in the lungs that prevents the organ from functioning properly. Several factors, such as age, pollution, and genetics, may influence lung complications. But, one often overlooks the fact that even their lifestyle habits, such as the type of food they eat, could damage the organ or worsen an existing illness. So, here are ten foods that may trigger or worsen any type of lung disease. Salty foods Foods high in sodium content may lead to fluid retention, which may cause bloating and inflammation. The resultant pressure on the lungs could make it difficult to breathe. Sodas Some studies have found links between the frequent consumption of sodas and cancer that may develop in the lungs. Therefore, to manage the organ’s health, it is best to avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and speak to an expert about alternative foods. French fries Fried foods like french fries are rich in unhealthy oils that may trigger gastrointestinal discomfort, which might make it difficult to breathe. Moreover, eating these foods regularly could lead to other health problems like high cholesterol and blood pressure, which could exacerbate lung diseases. Bacon Processed meats like bacon, salami, and chorizo contain nitrates to preserve the food that may worsen symptoms in patients with asthma or COPD.
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6 foods to steer clear of with high blood pressure

6 foods to steer clear of with high blood pressure

In the human health system, a few significant metrics indicate cardiovascular health and blood pressure is one of them. Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels requires a nutritious combination of wholesome food and supplements, especially nitric oxide supplements, that can help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. While some food choices may appear harmless, they can, in fact, cause problems with cardiovascular health. Limiting such food items is the first step towards a heart-healthy lifestyle. Salt Excessive sodium intake is a well-known contributor to high blood pressure. Processed foods, including canned soups, salty snacks like pretzels and chips, and restaurant-prepared meals, are often high in sodium. The body retains more water to dilute the excess sodium, increasing blood pressure levels. Instead, choosing low-sodium alternatives, using herbs and spices for flavor, and incorporating fresh, whole foods can help mitigate this risk. Sugar Consuming excessive sugar, mainly through sugary drinks, candies, and processed snacks, has been linked to increased blood pressure levels. It is often associated with its ability to cause insulin resistance. A high sugar intake triggers the body to produce more insulin, which can lead to the narrowing of blood vessels and an eventual rise in blood pressure. Caffeine While the effects of caffeine on blood pressure can vary, excessive intake may lead to a temporary spike in blood pressure.
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6 foods that help get rid of dark circles

6 foods that help get rid of dark circles

Aside from the role of genetics, healthy skin is typically a combination of the right food and a healthy lifestyle. Food plays a huge role in skin health, especially for issues like dark circles. One must eat nutritious ingredients that help in skin repair and nourishment, simply using expensive or extensive skincare products may not be enough. So, here are six foods to eat to help get rid of dark circles. Cucumbers They are mostly water and act as an elective and natural toner for the skin. This hydrating vegetable contains vitamin K, which helps in reducing dark circles by strengthening the blood vessel walls. There is no research to suggest this is a hundred percent effective method, but it is observed that it can help reduce the appearance of dark circles over time. Tomatoes A rich source of vitamins C and K, tomatoes are a great ingredient to add to meals. It also contains potassium, which is helpful in maintaining the right sodium-to-potassium ratio in the body. Tomatoes help in increasing blood circulation and also aid in protecting the blood vessels under the eyes. Oranges This is another vitamin C-rich ingredient that helps in keeping the skin clear and looking young.
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4 foods to avoid for better bone health

4 foods to avoid for better bone health

Bones are the foundation of the human body. Several factors affect bone health, including lifestyle habits, exercise routines, the environment, and, most importantly, nutrition. Some foods, like green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, fatty fish, and milk, are suitable for the bones, while others are harmful if eaten too often. Here are a few foods to avoid to prevent conditions like osteoporosis and maintain better bone health in the long run. Coffee Caffeine is among the worst beverages for bone health. Caffeine reduces the bones’ capability to absorb calcium, an essential nutrient that keeps them strong. As a result, people who drink coffee several times a day for years are likelier to develop brittle bones and similar issues. Beef liver Animal-derived vitamin A is loaded with retinol, an element that speeds up osteoclast activity within one’s bones. This activity leads to conditions like osteoporosis and increases the risk of frequent bone injuries. While beef liver is incredibly delicious and has a host of health benefits, its high retinol levels make it dangerous for the bones. As a result, individuals wanting to build healthy bones should eat it in moderation or leave it out of their meals entirely. Soda Sodas and soft drinks have high amounts of phosphoric acid, which can weaken the bones.
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5 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

5 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

Hearing aids make a significant difference in the lives of people with hearing difficulties. These devices capture sounds from the environment and make them louder before sending them to the wearer’s ear. However, individuals should pick a suitable model after consulting a healthcare professional for the best results. One should also avoid making the following mistakes when buying hearing aids, as it could result in a poor user experience and other problems. Not reading the instructions Every hearing aid comes with an instruction manual, which users should read. While healthcare professionals usually teach patients the basics about the device, one must try to read the printed instructions themselves. The manual may contain additional information on how the product works and offer insights into its key features. Being dishonest about hearing loss Many people are dishonest about the extent of their hearing loss during a hearing examination. This can cause the expert to prescribe an incorrect model, which might not make much difference when the individual uses it. An incorrect assessment might also compel one to replace the hearing aid multiple times to find the right fit, which means spending more money than necessary. Not carrying spare batteries The batteries of some hearing aids discharge quickly.
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9 types of common disabilities

9 types of common disabilities

One can come across several types of disabilities in one’s life. The word disability includes a broad spectrum of conditions that result in physical, emotional, cognitive, and sensory impairments. Some of these disabilities may be congenital, while others may develop gradually due to an underlying health condition or an injury or accident. Each of these disabilities has its set of unique challenges. Here, let’s delve into the top 9 conditions that may cause disabilities. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders The musculoskeletal system comprises ligaments, cartilage, bones, and connective tissues. It connects all the bones in the body, facilitating movement and motion. Disabilities can occur due to musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, spine disorders, scoliosis, ruptured discs, carpal tunnel syndrome, and degenerative disc disease. Mood disorders Disabilities can also occur due to mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, cyclothymic disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), depression related to mental health issues, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Nervous system disorders The nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and nerves. Disabilities may develop due to several congenital or underlying health conditions related to the nervous system, such as infections like meningitis and polio, functional disorders like epilepsy and neuralgia, degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, and structural disorders like Bell’s palsy and brain or spinal cord injuries.
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15 critical details to know about Medicare coverage

15 critical details to know about Medicare coverage

Medicare is a federal primary insurance program that is offered to elderly seniors. It is available for both working and retired seniors as a benefit to pay for rising healthcare costs. Even young adults suffering from a disability or those diagnosed with end-stage renal disease can avail of this benefit. Medicare is a complicated insurance program that entitles many tricky terms and conditions. Here are 15 essential things you should know about Medicare. It’s a government-sponsored insurance Medicare is something that you can additionally avail over any existing insurance plans to provide coverage for treatment. You need to apply before you turn 65 Applications start three months before you turn 65 and end four months post your 65th birthday, giving you seven months to enroll for the plans. There are four parts Medicare is divided into four main parts, with Part A and B forming the original Medicare. Original covers both the inpatient and outpatient needs, whereas Parts C and D are special advantage plans that help cover special costs and prescriptions. You can choose between Original and Advantage plans Original Medicare only covers Part A and B, with an option to choose Part C to pay for prescriptions. Or choose Part C with optional D coverage.
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