9 warning signs of dementia

9 warning signs of dementia

Dementia is a group of conditions characterized by loss of cognitive functions, affecting thinking, memory, language, and problem-solving ability. Alzheimer’s disease is among the most common causes of dementia. Although there is no definite cure for most types of dementia, early diagnosis and intervention can help control its symptoms. Several psychiatric and psychotherapeutic interventions can be used to help people with the condition lead healthy lives. Here are some warning signs to recognize: Disorientation People with dementia often experience disorientation, even in familiar environments. Consequently, they may lose their way home if left unattended or wander away and not be able to find their way back. This issue may worsen with time and requires consistent intervention for symptom control. Memory loss Memory loss associated with the condition is brought on by brain damage and can affect the areas of the brain that deal with memory. Memory problems may grow as the disease progresses, leading to major issues with daily functioning. Visual hallucinations People with dementia may experience visual hallucinations, that is, seeing objects that do not exist in reality. This symptom is particularly prevalent among those with Lewy body dementia, though it may also be observed in other forms of the disease.
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9 adverse effects of dental implants

9 adverse effects of dental implants

Dental implantation is a popular procedure for replacing missing teeth. It offers numerous benefits, such as improved appearance, function, and oral health. However, like any medical procedure, dental implants can have potential adverse effects and complications. It is important to note that most people who undergo a dental implant surgery do not experience severe problems. Nevertheless, it is crucial to be aware of the following potential adverse effects of implants. Infection Infections can occur at the implant site or in the surrounding gums (gingivitis or periodontitis). Proper oral hygiene and post-operative care are essential in reducing the risk of infection. An infection may require implant removal. Implant failure Dental implants may not integrate successfully with the jawbone, leading to implant failure. Various factors, such as poor bone quality, inadequate healing, or improper surgical technique can cause this. Implant failure typically results in the need for implant removal and replacement. Nerve damage In rare cases, a dental implant surgery can damage nerves near the jawbone, causing numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or chin. Most cases of nerve damage are temporary and resolve over time, but in some instances, it may be permanent. Bone loss While dental implants can stimulate the jawbone, long-term complications can arise if the implant does not integrate correctly or if there is peri-implantitis.
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Common causes and remedies for itchy skin

Common causes and remedies for itchy skin

Itchy skin can be caused by a multitude of factors—from infections to insect bites—and identifying those triggers while working to avoid them is an essential part of treatment. While the remedies for itchy skin might not be a one-size-fits-all solution, they can provide some relief. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for the correct diagnosis. They can recommend appropriate treatments and lifestyle changes to alleviate the itching and address the underlying cause. Here are the five most common causes of itching and the remedies for each. Dry skin (xerosis) Dry skin lacks the necessary moisture and natural oils, making it more prone to itching. It is a common cause of itching, especially in cold, dry climates or during the winter months. Allergies Pollen, pet dander, dust mites, certain foods, or insect bites/stings can cause an allergic reaction and lead to itching. Skin allergies, like contact dermatitis, can also cause itching. Eczema (dermatitis) This chronic skin condition causes inflamed, itchy, and red skin. It can occur in various forms, with atopic dermatitis being the most common type. Skin irritants Exposure to irritants like harsh soaps, detergents, fragrances, or chemicals can cause skin irritation and itching. This is known as irritant contact dermatitis.
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Prurigo nodularis – 6 early signs and symptoms

Prurigo nodularis – 6 early signs and symptoms

Prurigo nodularis is a rare skin condition characterized by the development of itchy, raised, and often intensely scratched nodules on the skin’s surface. As per a report by Yale School of Medicine, this chronic condition affects approximately 72 per 1,00,000 people nationwide. It is important to detect the condition at an early stage to manage it better. This article lists the early signs of prurigo nodularis that should not be ignored: Understanding prurigo nodularis Prurigo nodularis primarily affects adults and typically starts with mild itching in a specific skin area. Over time, this persistent itch intensifies and evolves into a noticeable symptom. The following are some of the common and early signs to watch out for: 1. Itchy bumps and nodules One of the most common signs of prurigo nodularis is the development of small, raised, and hard bumps or nodules on the skin’s surface. These nodules are often scaly and can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The intense itching compels individuals to scratch the affected areas, exacerbating the condition. 2. Persistent itching Prurigo nodularis can be irksome due to its unrelenting itch. This itching sensation can be so severe that it disrupts daily life activities and sleep patterns.
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Novavax vaccine – Development and deployment stages explained

Novavax vaccine – Development and deployment stages explained

Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine is known by several names globally, including NVX-CoV2373 and Nuvaxovid in some regions. The vaccine uses a tiny piece of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s spike protein as its primary antigen. This spike protein is the part of the virus that lets it enter human cells and enhance the body’s immune response. The vaccine further includes an adjuvant called Matrix-M. Here are a few details about the vaccine’s development and deployment. Preclinical development Novavax began developing the vaccine in early 2020 utilizing its nanoparticle technology platform. The company identified a stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as its antigen and combined it with an adjuvant (Matrix-M) to enhance the immune response. Phase 1 and phase 2 trials Novavax initially conducted clinical trials in two phases to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and immunogenicity. These trials involved a relatively small number of participants and aimed to determine the appropriate dosage. Phase 3 clinical trials In the latter half of 2020 and early 2021, Novavax initiated large-scale phase 3 clinical trials to assess the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing COVID-19. These trials involved thousands of participants in multiple countries. Authorization and approval The Novavax vaccine, like other COVID-19 vaccines, required regulatory authorization or approval by a country’s authorities before it could be used.
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5 natural ways to delay a period

5 natural ways to delay a period

The inconvenience of having a menstrual period coincide with important events, vacations, or other life activities cannot be overstated. Some might choose to just deal with it, while others might want to look for natural ways to delay a period by a few days. Here are some natural ways that women have tried to delay their period; however, note that these methods have little scientific backing, so individual results may vary.  Food Changes According to some anecdotes, the menstrual cycle can be influenced by food choices. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, can help delay menstruation. Vitamin C increases the production of progesterone, a hormone that can delay the onset of menstruation. Citrus fruits, broccoli, and strawberries are all excellent sources of vitamin C, as is lime juice. Herbal Teas Certain herbal teas like chamomile and ginger could also help postpone menstruation. These teas can have a calming effect on the uterus. Drinking a cup or two daily a few days before the expected period may be effective in delaying it naturally. Gram lentils Although there are anecdotal claims that the consumption of lentils made from gram flour a few days before menstruation might delay its onset, it’s important to note that these reports lack scientific evidence.
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6 first-line treatments for atopic dermatitis in infants

6 first-line treatments for atopic dermatitis in infants

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes pain, itching, irritation, and inflammation. It can affect people of all ages, even infants. The first-line treatment for atopic dermatitis (eczema) in infants typically involves a combination of basic skincare and topical ointments. It’s essential to consult with a pediatrician or dermatologist for a personalized treatment plan before applying or considering any of the following options. Emollients (Moisturizers) One of the main problems of developing eczema is dry skin. So, keeping the skin well-hydrated is crucial. Dermatologists suggest applying a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizer or emollient to the affected areas at least twice daily and more often if needed. One should choose products that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin, as infants have soft skin that can easily develop a rash. Take care while bathing the infant Identify and avoid potential triggers, such as harsh soaps, that can exacerbate the condition. Dermatologists advise using lukewarm water for baths and suggest limiting the duration to 5-10 minutes maximum. Hot water is not advisable as it can dry out the child’s skin. Experts suggest using a mild, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic soap or cleanser for regular bathing. Also, later on, it’s important to gently pat the skin dry and not rub to prevent skin irritation.
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11 common signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

11 common signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an inflammatory disorder affecting the esophagus, the muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, in the esophageal tissue, which results in inflammation, scarring, and narrowing of the esophagus. Early diagnosis and timely intervention are important for effective management of EoE. This article discusses common signs and symptoms of EoE. Read on to learn more. Common signs of eosinophilic esophagitis Dysphagia (Difficulty swallowing) One of the hallmark signs of eosinophilic esophagitis is difficulty swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia. Individuals with EoE often experience the sensation that food is getting stuck in their throat or chest, making it challenging to swallow solid and liquid foods. This can lead to prolonged mealtimes and a fear of eating. Food impaction In severe cases, EoE can cause food impaction, which is when food gets stuck in the esophagus and requires medical intervention. Symptoms may include severe chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and a sensation of choking. Reflux symptoms EoE can mimic the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Individuals may experience heartburn, regurgitation, and acid reflux. These symptoms may be particularly troublesome at night.
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9 warning signs of amyloidosis

9 warning signs of amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is a condition that develops when a protein called amyloid builds up in the organs, making them unable to function properly. It is an uncommon illness that often progresses silently before reaching an advanced stage. So, recognizing its signs is crucial for an early diagnosis and treatment. While the symptoms may vary depending on the affected organ, here are a few early warning signs of amyloidosis one should know: Unexplained fatigue One of the early signs of amyloidosis is persistent and unexplained fatigue. Here, one may feel unusually tired despite getting adequate rest. This symptom can interfere with the daily routine and should be examined by a doctor if it persists. Swelling and fluid retention Amyloidosis can lead to the accumulation of abnormal proteins in various organs, including the kidneys. This can result in fluid retention, causing swelling, especially in the ankles and legs. Recognizing this symptom is crucial for seeking early intervention. Shortness of breath As amyloid deposits can affect the heart and lungs, one may experience shortness of breath even when engaging in low-intensity physical activities. This symptom should not be ignored, as it could be indicative of a heart issue brought on by amyloidosis. Gastrointestinal issues Amyloid deposits along the gastrointestinal tract can slow down the movement of food through the intestines, interfering with digestion and causing issues like less appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach aches.
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5 overlapping silent symptoms of Parkinson’s and TD

5 overlapping silent symptoms of Parkinson’s and TD

Parkinson’s disease and Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) are neurological conditions that often hide in plain sight. While some of their symptoms are well-known, there are also silent signs that overlap, making early diagnosis a challenge. This article delves into five such subtle yet crucial symptoms that Parkinson’s and TD share, shedding light on the importance of recognizing these early warning signs for timely intervention and improved quality of life. Here are the five silent symptoms of Parkinson’s and TD that overlap: Tremors Tremors are perhaps the most well-known symptom of Parkinson’s disease, but they can also occur in TD. These involuntary, rhythmic movements of the hands, fingers, or other body parts can be subtle in the early stages, resembling a slight shiver or nervousness. Many people dismiss these tremors as a natural response to stress or fatigue, delaying a proper diagnosis. Muscle stiffness Both Parkinson’s and TD can cause muscle stiffness or rigidity. This symptom can be mistaken for the effects of aging or simple muscle fatigue. Individuals may notice that their movements become less fluid and more rigid over time, leading to difficulty with tasks that once felt effortless. Changes in facial expressions Parkinson’s and TD can affect facial expressions, making them appear mask-like or rigid.
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9 unusual signs of blood clots

9 unusual signs of blood clots

Clotting is an essential function to control bleeding, but it can also cause health issues. When clots develop internally, their symptoms are not always as obvious. While it may result in visible signs like pain and redness in the affected area, a few unusual symptoms may also indicate the presence of a clot. Understanding these less typical signs is crucial for early detection and prompt action. So here are a few unusual signs to know: 1. Shortness of breath One of the less recognized signs of a blood clot is unexplained shortness of breath. Blood clots in the lungs, known as pulmonary embolisms, can obstruct blood flow and oxygen exchange. This can lead to sudden breathlessness, chest pain, and a rapid heart rate, all of which require prompt medical intervention. 2. Sharp pain in the side or back A sharp, stabbing pain in the side or back can indicate a kidney or abdominal blood clot. Clotting in these areas can disrupt organ function and cause intense discomfort. Persistent, unexplained pain should prompt one to seek medical attention. 3. Intense headaches Severe and unrelenting headaches can sometimes be linked to blood clots. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare condition where blood clots form in the brain’s venous sinuses.
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