How to prepare for old age

How to prepare for old age

Aging is never looked forward to and is always portrayed in diminishing and negative light. All talk about aging is rife with difficulty, pain, and niggles. The biggest change, when it comes to aging, is the physiological changes and deterioration. Everything ranging from your heart to your head and from your bones to your muscles undergoes wear and tear over the years. This is one of the biggest fears associated with aging; and therefore, there is never a healthy discussion over it. However, the best way to react to aging is to prepare for it via information, practice, and adopting healthy life choices and routines. Before you learn how to prepare for aging, you need to know which parts of your body primarily slow down with age. Heart As you age, the muscles in your body stiffen – these include the muscles of the cardiovascular system. Due to this, your heart is forced to pump harder which increases the risk of heart problems. Brain With age, your thinking capability and memory both seem to diminish. You may find yourself tinkering around to remember basic things such as names of people or places or where you kept a certain object such as keys.
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5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

Adequate and quality sleep is extremely important for mental and physical well-being. People struggle with various kinds of sleep disorders that can cause extreme discomfort and prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. This, in turn, can make them feel tired during the day, affect their concentration levels, and even cause depression. Let’s take a look at some of the common sleep disorders people suffer from and understand how they can be treated. Types of sleep disorders Here are the five most common types of sleep disorders: Insomnia Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder among adults and is characterized by the inability to fall or remain asleep for long. It is often the result of anxiety, stress, digestion issues, or other underlying health conditions. For some people, insomnia can last for a few years, while others may only experience a few sleepless nights at a time. Sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can be chronic at times. A person with sleep apnea may stop breathing for a few seconds multiple times at night, which reduces the oxygen levels in their blood and triggers them to wake up and breathe normally again. This leads to disturbed and low-quality sleep.
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5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

Located between the small intestine and the esophagus, the stomach is the center of the digestive system. In most cases, other health disorders, the consumption of certain foods, the quantity of food consumed, and the timing of meals can upend the digestive process. This leads to the manifestation of several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, appetite changes, belching, and abdominal pain. Each of these symptoms or combination of symptoms is the result of a specific stomach condition. Here are some of the common digestion-related stomach conditions that trouble almost everyone: Gallstones: Formed in the gallbladder, gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid. The gallbladder is responsible for storing and secreting the bile required for digestion, and stones form if the gallbladder does not empty out properly. These deposits also form when there is a high amount of cholesterol or waste products in the bile. Intense pain can occur if the gallstones block the ducts that lead from the gallbladder to the intestines. Medications and surgery are usually the solutions for dissolving or removing the stones, respectively. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) : GERD occurs when the acid in the stomach flows back up the esophagus. A person experiences a burning sensation in their chest due to this.
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3 edibles that are beneficial for oral health

3 edibles that are beneficial for oral health

Morning routines are ingrained in our systems—waking up, turning on the coffee/tea machine, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, and so on. The coffee/tea is then accompanied by a range of choices— books, news, or the ever-present phone. But here is our question: while we have been at it for ages, how good a shape are our mouth and teeth in? And what can we do to make it better? Our mouth is home to about a billion different bacteria. These microorganisms that live inside our oral cavities can prove to be dangerous to the mouth and teeth. That is exactly why parents around the world keep reminding their kids to brush their teeth before getting into bed as well. The last time we learned how to brush our teeth was when we were toddlers and we more or less know how to go about it. But how often do we floss? It’s important to remember that flossing is just as important as brushing. The best means of maintaining impeccable oral health is by keeping your mouth and teeth food-free. Sugar acts as a storehouse of bacteria in our mouth and teeth. Similarly, there is a range of food products or ingredients that help in maintaining oral health.
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6 non-invasive pain manangement techniques

6 non-invasive pain manangement techniques

Pain is a signal sent by the body to the brain to indicate a problem. For instance, sharp pain in the ankle may indicate ankle sprain or even fracture, but it goes away as the muscles and bones heal. However, pain can sometimes linger for weeks or months on end, and a person may even experience chronic pain for years in extreme cases. This type of pain can be caused by a chronic illness or condition and deteriorates a patient’s quality of life. Here are a few non-invasive pain management techniques to manage and reduce the intensity of pain: Occupational therapy and physical therapy : One of the best and most effective pain management techniques is to undergo physical and occupational therapy. Physical therapy comprises exercises that improve and preserve mobility and the strength of joints and muscles. On the other hand, occupational therapy involves learning techniques to perform everyday physical activities easily without aggravating the pain. Biofeedback : Breathing and relaxation techniques are taught using a biofeedback machine. The machine converts physiological function data like blood pressure and heart rate into visual cues like blinking lights and graphs. Looking at these visualizations and modifying the output allows a person to learn how to control their body’s response to chronic pain.
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6 foods and drinks that soothe pregnancy symptoms

6 foods and drinks that soothe pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy is a challenging time for women, both in physical and emotional terms. The various symptoms of pregnancy seriously affect their daily lives, forcing them to adapt, adjust, and even endure pain and discomfort for a limited or extended period at times. Thankfully, specific foods and beverages are known to provide comfort and nutrition, not just to the expecting mother but also to the child. Here are a few nutritious foods that help soothe various pregnancy symptoms: Eggs The consumption of eggs during pregnancy should be fairly regular due to the many benefits they provide. Eggs are packed with calories, fats, proteins, and other necessary nutrients for pregnant women. Choline, found in eggs, promotes brain development in the fetus, and mothers can also benefit from this nutrient. Fish Super-rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, fish aids in the development of the fetus’s brain and eyes. Salmon is well-known in this regard and is also a great source of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immunity development. Eating 2-3 meals with fatty fish per week is more than adequate, as it also helps increase EPA and DHA levels in the blood. Berries Pregnancy symptoms like nausea, heartburn, and fatigue take a toll on women.
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3 must-know sexual conditions that affect women

3 must-know sexual conditions that affect women

A healthy lifestyle is a culmination of physical and mental health with many other aspects of life, including sexual health. It is essential for an individual to pay equal attention to their sexual health, including getting regular check-ups, just like for the brain or other vital organs. Awareness about sexual conditions and their causes, symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures is also necessary. Having trouble establishing physical relationships is not all that uncommon, but sexual conditions are not something one needs to be ashamed of. One might not be comfortable discussing it with family or friends, but they definitely need to open up to their doctor about it. Here are a few common sexual conditions that plague women: Inability to orgasm Anorgasmia is a condition that defines the inability or difficulty to have an orgasm. Studies suggest that a significant number of women have either never achieved an orgasm or are no longer able to do so. The reasons behind this are a varied mixture of mental conditions, and the issue may also be related to a past sexual experience that induced trauma. While an orgasm might not be necessary for some women to enjoy intercourse, it does count for others.
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Type of rosacea and how the skin condition can be treated

Type of rosacea and how the skin condition can be treated

Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that affects over 16 million people in the country, most of whom are middle-aged women. Although it’s not a life-threatening disease, living with rosacea can cause distress among many. In most cases, it affects the skin on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. This skin problem is often characterized by tiny, red, pus-filled bumps that appear on the skin during flare-ups, which occur in cycles. Types and causes The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has classified rosacea into four main types: Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR): This type is characterized by redness and flushing of the skin with dilated blood vessels in the center of the face. For some, it can result in the skin becoming sensitive and swollen, while it becomes dry, rough, and scaly for others. Papulopustular rosacea: This is associated with redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts. It can also result in the affected person having oily and sensitive skin, with broken, visible blood vessels. Phymatous rosacea: It’s a rare type that mostly affects men and results in the thickening of the nose skin. It causes a person’s skin to develop a bumpy texture, large pores, and visibly broken blood vessels, and they may also have thick skin on the chin, forehead, cheeks, and ears.
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Beneficial and harmful foods for Parkinson’s disease patients

Beneficial and harmful foods for Parkinson’s disease patients

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that occurs due to damaged nerve cells, which causes an imbalance in the dopamine levels in the brain. Nearly 1 million Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s, a condition closely related to the dopamine levels. So, apart from being aware of the symptoms and the treatment options for the disease, it is imperative for patients to make the right dietary choices to get relief from the symptoms. Foods to eat with Parkinson’s disease Here are some foods that should be eaten to keep the symptoms at bay: Foods rich in antioxidants Eating foods rich in antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress, which is defined as the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant defenses. When a person has Parkinson’s disease, the reduced dopamine levels can result in tissue damage, but foods rich in antioxidants can help alleviate this. Some antioxidant-rich foods that should be included in the diet are tree nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pecans, blueberries, goji berries, blackberries, cranberries, spinach, and kale. Omega-3-rich foods Foods like salmon, oysters, halibut, soybeans, kidney beans, and flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve cognitive function. Regularly consuming these can help relieve symptoms like confusion and dementia, which are commonly associated with Parkinson’s disease.
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3 common mistakes to avoid for healthy weight management

3 common mistakes to avoid for healthy weight management

The first thought most people have when trying to chalk up a plan for their weight management journey is consuming fewer calories. A close second is to get in some exercise into their routine. Fewer calories, more exercise, perfect plan! But as perfect as that sounds, it’s not all that simple. Just like everything else, weight management comes with a dos and don’ts list. While we would all like to think we’re smart enough to plot and plan our weight management journey without any mistakes, it’s surprising how many of us make common mistakes. Read on to know about three mistakes you should definitely avoid the next time you hop on the train to weight loss. Weight is just a number Weighing oneself on a regular basis might seem like the right way to go, but is it? Regular weight checks are bound to make you feel frustrated, as weight loss is a slow process and might not always go the way you want it to. Plus, there are multiple factors that could affect the daily changes you expect to see on the scale, like muscle gain or menses. Instead of standing on the scale looking down on your decisions every day, try weighing yourself once every week.
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6 foods that boost your immune system

6 foods that boost your immune system

Your immune system needs to be strong to fight off diseases. A weak immune system will not be able to fight allergies, infections, disorders, and other health problems. Right from fighting and managing common cold to severe health disorders, a strong immune system is essential for a healthy life. To boost the immune system, it is essential to supply the body with important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin b12, and iron. The body absorbs these nutrients from food, making the inclusion of certain foods in your diet necessary. Read on to know more about the foods you should include in your diet to boost your immune system. Red bell peppers Bell peppers are rich sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps you quickly recover from the common cold, flu, and other infections and allergies. Adding red bell peppers to your meals in a day can provide the body with this essential vitamin. Moreover, bell peppers are rich in beta carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A in the body. Citrus fruits Vitamin C produces white blood cells, which fight infections and allergies. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Since the body does not retain vitamin C, it is recommended to have vitamin C-rich food daily.
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