8 foods to avoid for managing Crohn’s

8 foods to avoid for managing Crohn’s

Crohn’s, an inflammatory bowel disease, causes tissue swelling in the digestive tract. Common consequences are abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, and weight loss. Although some foods warn your intestine, flaring up the disease. Thus, a Crohn’s-balanced meal is essential. It is highly significant to promote the healing of the intestine during Crohn’s. Avoiding the following products will reduce many gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, here is the list of food items you need to avoid for Crohn’s. Dairy products Research studies show that Crohn’s patients tend to be intolerant to lactose intake. It follows that lactose digestion does not take place. This could result in cramping or bloating as symptoms. Therefore, it is better to avoid sugar in milk, and also steer clear of any dairy products (cheese, butter, curd). Spicy food Spicy foods are a trigger for worsening Crohn’s disease. Foods that are wholesome in spices can cause more pain for you than relief. There are certain spices that tend to irritate the intestinal lining. So it is better to look for alternatives like mild herbs or juices for flavors. Greasy or fried foods Fried foods lead to cramping and loose stools in people with Crohn’s. The fat from such foods is not entirely absorbed in intestinal linings.
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Foods to avoid when diagnosed with hyperkalemia

Foods to avoid when diagnosed with hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia is a health condition when the blood has a high potassium level. Potassium in your blood handles functioning muscle, nerve cells and maintains fluid balance. In normal conditions, the blood potassium level is 3.6 to 5.2 mill moles per liter (mmol/L). If the potassium level is 6.0 mmol/L or above, it can be potentially harmful for the body and needs immediate treatment. To treat hyperkalemia, your doctor will provide you with treatment options and might also recommend a low-potassium meal plan. Changes in meal routine can help you maintain the blood potassium level. However, some food items can raise these levels, leaving you to avoid them.  A low potassium meal plan is the main solution to control hyperkalemia. However, that does not mean you have to avoid high-potassium foods. You may eat foods that react with your body and raise your potassium level. Moreover, you must avoid potassium intake and limit it to 2000 milligrams per day. Your doctor can help you plan a food regime to maintain potassium levels.  You can find potassium in food items like fruits, dairy, snacks, vegetables, and drinks. You cannot completely avoid them. That is why you need to avoid or limit some food items as mentioned below.
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5 skincare mistakes to avoid making

5 skincare mistakes to avoid making

While some signs of aging, such as sagging skin and wrinkles, are unavoidable, there are several symptoms that can be avoided if you take certain steps. Often, people don’t even know that standard skin care practices could do more damage than good. Ensure you’re not hastening the effects of aging or increasing your risk of developing skin diseases by avoiding these five common mistakes people make while trying to take care of their skin. 5 common skincare mistakes Don’t have less water Although applying a moisturizer might aid the skin’s ability to retain water, drinking enough water is the most critical thing you can do for your skin’s health. Drinking adequate water levels in the day helps the skin look healthy and rids the body of pollutants. The key to good health is a stable fluid level. If you live in dry weather, ensure to drink more water. A daily water intake of 3 to 4 liters is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Don’t exfoliate too much or too little The dead cells of the skin contribute to an aging appearance, but luckily, these can be removed with an exfoliating scrub. Despite this, it’s essential to realize that too much exfoliation might be harmful.
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Keep away from these foods for managing multiple sclerosis

Keep away from these foods for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a medical condition. The immune system attacks the body’s Central Nervous System (CNS). The myelin sheath covering the nerve cells comes under this attack. The condition affects the communication between the brain and body parts. It thus results in fatigue, pain, and vision problems. On the digestive front, bowel problems and loss of bladder control also happen. This article lists foods to avoid to reduce multiple sclerosis symptoms flare up. MS is a slow and progressive disease. It disrupts the flow of information from the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Though there is no treatment for MS, taking care of a nutritional regime can help manage the flare-ups. Common foods to avoid and better MS management Unfortunately, there is no cure for MS yet. Its only management includes changes in lifestyle, medications, and targeted treatment. These methods help in overcoming common discomforts. Maintaining a balanced and healthy nutritional regime is a crucial element in this regard. Here are the common foods that you must avoid for better health. Saturated and trans fat Ensure a strict no-no to saturated animal fats. Cooking in saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels. In turn, it causes inflammation. High levels of cholesterol increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
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6 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

6 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the immune system attacks the body’s central nervous system. The myelin sheath covering the nerve cells is typically attacked, and the communication between the brain and body parts gets affected. This can result in symptoms like fatigue, pain, vision problems, bowel movement issues, and loss of bladder control. While the disease has no permanent cure, it can be managed through treatment and changes in eating habits. Foods with saturated and trans fats Multiple sclerosis patients are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems brought on by poor management of cholesterol levels. So, people with the condition should avoid saturated animal fats and trans fats, as cooking in unhealthy fats can increase cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes and can also cause inflammation. Saturated fats can sneak into one’s meals when food is cooked in coconut oil, palm oil, dairy fats, and meat fats. Additionally, one should avoid baked goods like cakes and cookies as these contain trans fats, which can trigger inflammation of blood vessels. Avoiding these fats can help one reduce the risk of developing severe cardiovascular problems. Excessive salt Increased sodium levels in the system trigger many relapse cases of MS.
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Foods to avoid while diagnosed with schizophrenia

Foods to avoid while diagnosed with schizophrenia

When you conceptualize mental health, disorders might be the first and foremost thing that comes to your mind. Some severe mental health disorders are hallucinations, extreme anger, fear, or despair. Proper diagnosis can cure most such conditions to a great extent. However, in cases like schizophrenia, one should not be missing anything to remain at the top of your mental state. Hence, it is advised to follow certain nutritional habits to keep schizophrenia at bay. Symptoms Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling mental illness that an unhealthy diet can cause. An individual with this condition experiences certain symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, flat affect, lack of motivation, and more. These symptoms can be made worse due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Remedies Research suggests that changing food habits can reduce the impact of symptoms. Some foods can control the symptoms while others can worsen them. Besides an adequate support system, proper recovery therapy is important. A healthy lifestyle and essential food items stay at the top of the healing game. Take a look at food items that tend to worsen schizophrenia symptoms, Foods to avoid Eating certain foods can negatively impact schizophrenia. Unhealthy nutritional habits stated above can worsen its symptoms. Therefore, if diagnosed with the condition, one must avoid these food items.
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4 must-know signs of schizophrenia

4 must-know signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a prevalent mental illness affecting around 24 million people worldwide. Those with the condition often have delusions, hallucinations, and reduced cognitive ability. Spotting these signs is relatively easy; however, one may also experience other symptoms which can be hard to link to schizophrenia. Here, we will focus on some common and uncommon signs. We will also understand how the condition can be treated and managed to improve the patient’s quality of life. Social withdrawal This sign is common in teenagers but uncommon in adults. People with schizophrenia withdraw from society. They try to avoid people, including their friends and family, and be alone in their room. Some also feel like staying in bed all day and show no interest in anything. This includes being disinterested in the activities they once loved, such as a sport or hobby. And any attempt to reach out to them makes them irritated. If this symptom is ignored, one can also fall into depression, making matters worse. Struggling with the basics Many people with this mental disorder struggle with basic tasks, like grooming and organizing things. As a result, they depend on their loved ones or caretakers for such activities. The condition also affects their performance at school or work, and they often get annoyed by little things.
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5 skincare mistakes that may lead to premature aging

5 skincare mistakes that may lead to premature aging

The skin is the body’s largest organ, requiring appropriate care and maintenance. Not following a healthy skincare routine can lead to signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, and other skin disorders. Unfortunately, many unknowingly make mistakes in their skincare routine and follow unhealthy lifestyle practices that worsen these issues and harm the skin. This post lists five common mistakes that can lead to premature skin aging. Excessive sun or heat exposure Constant exposure to the sun can lead to dark spots, wrinkles, skin roughness, and other conditions like solar elastosis. The best way to tackle these issues is to use sunscreen before leaving the house to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Sunscreen must be applied throughout the year, irrespective of the weather conditions. Winter is no exception. But individuals must choose a quality product, preferably a mineral sunscreen, as it is the most effective for sun protection. Zinc-based sun-blocking lotions are also helpful. Besides using sunscreen, it is advisable to avoid using hot tubs and saunas for long periods. Their extreme heat and humidity may hasten the aging process by inhibiting elastin and collagen formation. To prevent heat damage, one can shower with lukewarm water.
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Leukemia – Causes, warning signs, and management

Leukemia – Causes, warning signs, and management

Leukemia is a form of cancer affecting the lymphatic system and the bone marrow – the tissue responsible for producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that support and promote immunity. Leukemia starts in the bone marrow and can quickly spread to other organs. Cancer compromises immunity, making it hard for the body to fight infections. Here’s a brief overview of leukemia, its causes, warning signs, and how to manage it. Risk factors and causes Leukemia develops slowly and progresses gradually, triggered by several risk factors. Repeated exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation during radiation therapy for treating other underlying health conditions Chemotherapy Exposure to strong petrochemical fumes The risk is higher for people who have immediate relatives with leukemia.  Down syndrome is also a significant factor that increases the chances of leukemia. Many unhealthy lifestyle choices and habits also increase the risk of blood cancers. Signs and symptoms There are five primary types of leukemia, so the signs and symptoms will vary depending on the type, severity, and stage of the condition. Common overlapping symptoms, however, include the following- Nosebleeds Nosebleeds happen when the blood vessels in the nasal cavity burst and result in an overflow.
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5 tips for improving bone health

5 tips for improving bone health

Bone health is a crucial part of maintaining the overall health and quality of the body. It helps keep the body upright, provides support and structure, and protects all the organs inside. There are some ways to keep bones healthy and prevent damage. This includes various tips like exercising, eating the right foods, following a healthy lifestyle, and more. Let’s explore these points to understand how to improve bone health. Eat more calcium 99% of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth, and every day there is a loss of calcium through processes like sweating, urine, feces, hair, nail growth, and skin. Since the body cannot produce calcium, it must be consumed outside. Always include calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese in your meals daily. Powdered milk is available, which can be added to your morning cup of coffee or tea. If you are deficient in calcium, doctors may suggest taking calcium supplements which can help you improve bone health. More Vitamin D This is an essential vitamin in the body concerning calcium because if you are deficient in vitamin D, no amount of external calcium consumption will be helpful. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb the calcium eaten by you.
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5 triggering factors of lupus to avoid

5 triggering factors of lupus to avoid

Lupus is a health condition that develops when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues and organs. The disease is often difficult to diagnose because its signs and symptoms are similar to the ones triggered by other diseases. But like most health conditions, the symptoms of autoimmune diseases like lupus can be managed with treatments. Moreover, one should also be mindful of these five factors that trigger the ailment and avoid them to manage lupus. Exposure to sunlight for long periods Sunlight is known to cause rashes and flares, which are common symptoms of lupus. Therefore, one should avoid spending too much time exposed to direct sunlight. One can also take precautions if they must stay outdoors by applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 70. The product should also contain Helioplex, an ingredient that blocks UV-A and UV-B rays, both of which are harmful to people with lupus. Carrying a hat, sunglasses and wearing clothes that cover most areas of the body outdoors may also help reduce exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. Eating garlic Garlic is used in traditional remedies, including to suppress or manage the development of cancer. However, the herb is not too safe for people who suffer from lupus.
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