7 signs of aging skin due to excessive sugar intake

7 signs of aging skin due to excessive sugar intake

The packaged juice you had for breakfast, the doughnut you had for snacks, or even the dessert you sneaked in after dinner may have satiated your sweet cravings. Unfortunately, these can be detrimental to your body inside and out in the long term if you eat too much of them regularly. One side effect of too much sugar is skin aging too quickly. Here are a few common signs of aging skin due to excessive sugar. Skin begins to sag The skin’s natural plumpness and firmness are because of elastin and collagen. These get damaged due to excessive sugar. This happens because of a process known as glycation that causes the sugar molecules to react with the proteins in collagen and elastin. The glycated collagen accumulates in the tissues, causing the skin to lose its firmness and sag. Wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear Due to excessive sugar, the glycation process on collagen and elastin also causes them to become brittle and dry. As a result, they lose their natural strength and elasticity. They start to become stiff. So the skin loses its suppleness and smoothness. This is why fine lines and wrinkles become more prominent on the skin.
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5 common household items that increase cancer risk

5 common household items that increase cancer risk

Cancer is a condition where healthy cells mutate and grow uncontrollably, causing damage to neighboring cells as it spreads. Cancer can affect any body part and often goes undetected until the advanced stages. Also, many external factors trigger the risk of developing certain types of cancers among adults. And many common household items, grooming products, and smart devices installed around the home increase the risk of exposure to carcinogens that cause cancer. Cookware Daily use utensils and cookware are coated with compounds that increase the risk of certain types of cancer. For example, nonstick pans, pots, and hotplates are commonly coated with Teflon. At high heat, the Teflon burns, and these pans emit fumes that cause respiratory problems. Repeated exposure increases the risk of cancer. It’s safer to switch to simple cast iron, stainless steel, and even ceramic utensils while cooking regularly on high heat. Even plastic containers used for storing cooked food are not safe. These plastics contain bisphenol and phthalates that can leak into the containers and linger inside the foods and beverages stored. Cleaning products Toilet cleaners, liquid sprays, surface cleaners, disinfectants, and most of the cleaning products used for different surfaces in the house are potentially harmful to health.
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7 signs of poor kidney function due to excessive sugar

7 signs of poor kidney function due to excessive sugar

The pervasiveness of added sugars in one’s food supply has reached alarming levels, leading to a surge in chronic health conditions. Among the potential health risks, its impact on kidney health is significant. Knowing how excessive sugar intake affects one’s kidneys is pivotal for early intervention and management of this silent threat. Here are some of the common signs and proactive measures that can protect one’s kidneys from the harmful effects of sugar. The sugar and kidney connection Store-bought foods, including energy drinks, desserts, packaged snacks, and sauces, contain high levels of processed sweeteners. While one’s body requires sugar for energy, too much of it can lead to various health risks, including kidney problems. Sugar doesn’t directly affect one’s kidney, but high glucose in one’s blood can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.  High blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the kidneys and put pressure on the organ to filter out and remove toxins. Over time, this strain on the kidneys can impair their function and ultimately lead to organ damage. Signs of kidney disease Frequent urination Excessive sugar intake can cause the kidneys to work harder to filter and excrete the sugar, resulting in increased urine production.
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5 gastrointestinal issues caused due to high sugar

5 gastrointestinal issues caused due to high sugar

Despite the satisfaction sugar provides, the consensus is that it harms one’s health. The pitfalls of excessive sugar intake include poor liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, respiratory, eye, and mental health. It can build a bed of severe conditions such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and gastrointestinal distress. High sugar levels severely impact your gut health, giving rise to various unpleasant symptoms. To avoid complications, switching to a less sugar-dependant lifestyle is prudent. Acid reflux Heavy reliance on sugary foods can lead to symptoms like acid reflux. It is a concerning sign of gastrointestinal disorders caused by excessive sugar intake. High amounts of sugar in the body can result in restricted functioning of the pancreas, causing bacterial overgrowth. It can lead to excessive acid in the digestive tract and a suppressed absorption of nutrients. This acid is known as acid reflux when it finds its way back up into the esophagus. Bloating Bloating is a result of various factors. Some might experience it as a combination of menstruation symptoms, food sensitivities or intolerances, overeating, and swallowing air. Another common factor for bloating is the intake of excessive sugar. The intestine works hard to absorb water needed by the body. However, sugar can stop that and draw water away from the intestinal cells.
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Symptoms of liver disease due to excessive sugar

Symptoms of liver disease due to excessive sugar

The liver performs many vital functions in the human body. For instance, it promotes digestion by secreting bile, regulates chemical levels, and stores iron, copper, and fat-soluble vitamins. However, like any other organ, its working can get affected due to specific illnesses. One’s food habits could also affect the liver severely. Here are a few common signs of liver disease due to excessive sugar intake that should not be overlooked. Fatigue and low energy Tiredness or constant fatigue could be an early sign of liver disease brought on by excessive sugar consumption. People who enjoy too many sugary treats can develop insulin resistance. It is a condition where the body’s cells stop responding to insulin, the hormone that helps regulate blood glucose. As a result of insulin resistance, blood sugar levels rise constantly, affecting the liver and leading to chronic lethargy and exhaustion. Digestive issues The liver supports gastrointestinal function. So, when the organ is affected due to excessive sugar, it can trigger digestive problems like gas, bloating, and even indigestion. Since the organ can no longer break down food effectively, it can even lead to constipation and bowel complications. Moreover, bile secretion problems can worsen the symptoms and increase the risk of other health concerns.
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Impact of excessive sugar on the ear and signs of hearing loss

Impact of excessive sugar on the ear and signs of hearing loss

Diabetes occurs when sugar accumulates in the bloodstream and doesn’t produce sufficient insulin. It affects around 30 million people in the country and can lead to short- and long-term complications. It’s important to learn how to manage diabetes to prevent nerve damage in various body parts, such as the hands, feet, eyes, kidneys, and ears. This article will examine how high blood sugar levels can affect the ears and the signs of hearing loss resulting from it. Impact of high blood sugar levels on the ear Elevated blood sugar can cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for hearing. This can reduce oxygen supply to the inner ear, ultimately leading to hearing loss. High blood glucose levels also impact the balance of potassium and sodium levels in the fluids in the inner ear, which can reduce cell functioning and cause tinnitus (ringing or buzzing noise in the ears that has no external source). When diabetes affects the vestibular system in the inner ear, it may also cause balance problems and increase the risk of dizziness or falls. Diabetes can also make the earwax less acidic, making one prone to more ear canal and outer ear infections.
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4 cancer symptoms that can worsen due to excessive sugar

4 cancer symptoms that can worsen due to excessive sugar

Our food habits influence our overall health and well-being. While an excess of anything is harmful, sugar is among the worst ingredients to overeat. Consistently devouring sweets in large amounts can lead to high blood glucose, which can, in turn, lead to other health complications. For instance, it can affect the body’s cells and tissues, increasing the risk of cancer in vulnerable groups. Here are some early warning signs of cancer due to excessive sugar. Fatigue Cancer reduces the production of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body, causing anemia. Anemia is a condition in which vital organs like the brain and lungs do not get enough oxygen and nutrients to function efficiently. As the organs find it hard to work, patients experience perpetual fatigue. They feel tired even after doing basic tasks, such as walking a few steps or climbing a flight of stairs. When people enjoy too many sugary treats at once, their blood sugar spikes significantly. When that happens, they immediately experience a boost in energy levels and feel euphoric. However, this effect does not last long. As their blood glucose levels normalize, they feel tired and sleepy. This is how high blood sugar can worsen fatigue in people with cancer.
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6 signs of joint pain due to excessive sugar consumption

6 signs of joint pain due to excessive sugar consumption

Regularly eating sugar-rich foods can cause many health complications, including joint and bone pain. This unhealthy effect of sugar occurs when you eat sugary foods, such as donuts, ice cream, and desserts, and due to the regular consumption of processed foods with hidden sugar. Joint pain typically occurs gradually and can progress if one continues to have sugar-rich foods. Thus, here are a few poor signs of joint pain due to excessive sugar. Excessive swelling When you eat a lot of sugary foods over a long period, your body’s metabolism is affected. The metabolic disorder increases the level of inflammatory mediators in your body and also increases the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the tissues. These cytokines are substances released by the immune system. The high level of inflammation due to these factors affects the joints, leading to swelling and pain. Stiffness of joints Since the high sugar intake causes inflammation in the body, the joints are also inflamed. As a result, the affected joints have reduced mobility. A lack of movement in these joints over time leads to stiffness, exacerbating joint pain. Reduced range of motion Another notable poor sign of joint pain due to excessive sugar is a reduced range of motion.
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Impact of sugar on sleep and tips to manage its intake

Impact of sugar on sleep and tips to manage its intake

Sleep and rest are vital to rejuvenate one’s body so it’s equipped to function optimally. Sleep influences everything from one’s mood and cognitive function to one’s physical health. However, certain lifestyle factors can disrupt the quality and patterns of one’s sleep, such as high sugar intake. Here is the lesser-known connection between sugar intake and sleep disturbances and some practical tips to manage one’s sugar intake to promote better sleep. Effects of sugar on sleep patterns Spikes and crashes Eating foods high in sugar, especially before bed, can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. These spikes trigger the release of insulin, a hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar. The subsequent insulin surge can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, leading to hypoglycemia. These fluctuations can disrupt the sleep cycle, causing frequent awakenings during the night. Restlessness Sugar-rich foods and beverages can act as stimulants and raise blood sugar levels, leading to increased brain activity and arousal. As a result, falling asleep may become more challenging for individuals and lead to feelings of restlessness and tossing and turning throughout the night. Disrupted melatonin production In lay man’s terms, melatonin is considered the “sleep hormone”. This hormone helps the body to regulate one’s sleep-wake cycles.
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6 essential tips to protect the eyes while traveling

6 essential tips to protect the eyes while traveling

The eyes act as our windows to the world around us, allowing us to actively interpret external stimuli. While prompt diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions are essential to eye care, it is also important to take preventive measures against vision-related issues. Traveling involves changing weather conditions and direct exposure to sunlight, which can affect the eyes. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while caring for the eyes when traveling:  Wear spectacles on long journeys Often, travelers choose to wear contact lenses over spectacles on long journeys, as it is more convenient. However, contact lenses worn over long periods can trigger several eye conditions, including hypoxia and corneal ulcers. Hence, it is advisable to ditch contact lenses for glasses on long-haul travels to avoid eye irritation and potential eye diseases. Carry sunglasses Exposure to UV rays over extended periods can cause blurry vision and increase one’s risk of developing cataracts. It can also trigger cancers such as basal cell carcinoma. An effective way to avoid such repercussions while traveling is to carry sunglasses that offer protection from UV rays. Sunglasses do more than act as style statements; superior-quality sunglasses block UVA and UVB rays, reducing one’s risk of diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts.
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7 home remedies to manage frequent urination

7 home remedies to manage frequent urination

Frequent urination is caused by an overactive bladder. This can happen due to aging, weak pelvic muscles, bladder obstruction, and other health conditions such as urinary tract infection and Parkinson’s disease. Unless the underlying condition requires medical intervention, frequent urination can be managed by following certain precautionary measures at home. This involves keeping a watch on what one eats and drinks daily. Here are a few home remedies that can help manage an overactive bladder. Eat fiber-rich foods Since the bowels are located close to the bladder, constipation causes strain on the bladder. This leads to frequent urination. To avoid constipation and manage an overactive bladder, increase the intake of fiber-rich foods. These include whole grains, chickpeas, lentils, oats, split peas, pears, apples, avocados, and Brussels sprouts.  Eat plenty of seeds and nuts One of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, and seeds have several health benefits. Moreover, they have a high percentage of anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help to alleviate the symptoms of an overactive bladder. One can add seeds and nuts such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, and pine nuts to their meals to control frequent urination. Sip on herbal teas A few types of herbal teas have a detox effect on the bladder.
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