5 foods osteoporosis patients must avoid

5 foods osteoporosis patients must avoid

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones weaken and degenerate due to the loss of tissues. As a result, they become brittle and are largely vulnerable to pain and fractures, often leading to disability. There are certain food habits that hasten the process of bone degeneration in patients. Give below are five foods to avoid in the meals made for individuals suffering from osteoporosis plus certain medications for the condition. 5 Foods Osteoporosis Patients Need to Stay Away From Salt When the concentration of sodium in our blood increases, it leads to excessive loss of calcium through the kidneys, which can worsen the process of bone degeneration during osteoporosis. Thus, it is important to limit the amount of salt we consume or the amount of high-sodium foods we include in our meals. Carbonated beverages It has been observed that excessive consumption of carbonated beverages, such as colas and sodas, may have adverse effects on the bone density and bone health in an individual. These contain phosphorus, which has been linked to causing bone degeneration in people with osteoporosis. Moreover, the refined sugars present in such beverages are also considered harmful for bone health since they they cause excessive excretion of calcium through urine.
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7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

In a world where most ready-to-eat meals contain excess fats and calories, finding a balance becomes necessary. The food one consumes helps maintain overall health, reduces the risk of a disease, and hastens the recovery process. This is particularly true in the case of cancer. While no food can cure cancer, intake of certain vegetables, such as the ones given below, may reduce its risk. This article additionally touches upon options for cancer treatment. 7 Foods That Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer Berries Berries like blackberries, mulberries, strawberries, and blueberries are rich sources of vitamin C, folate, potassium, and manganese. They also contain a high amount of antioxidants, including ellagic acid, gallic acid, and chlorogenic acid, and have anti-cancer properties. Garlic Garlic is a vegetable that contains an active compound called allicin. One study concluded that people who ate a large number of allicin-rich vegetables such as garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots had a lower risk of stomach cancer. Tomato According to some experts, this fruit is a cancer-fighting superfood. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant phytochemical that keeps away heart diseases. They are, additionally, a rich source of vitamin A, C, and E, all nutrients that help reduce the risk of cancer.
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20 worst cities for asthma sufferers

20 worst cities for asthma sufferers

Around 25 million people in the country suffer from asthma, and it’s the leading chronic disease in children. While this condition cannot be cured, it can be managed by treating the symptoms and taking steps to prevent the triggers, risk factors, and causes of asthma attacks. Herein, we list 20 cities that have been named as the worst places for asthma patients, and 18 of these cities are on the East Coast. 20 cities with the highest asthma cases 1. Allentown, PA 2. Baltimore, MD 3. Richmond, VA 4. Milwaukee, WI 5. New Haven, CT 6. Cleveland, OH 7. Philadelphia, PA 8. Dayton, OH 9. Oklahoma City, OK 10. Tucson, AZ 11. Worcester, MA 12. Springfield, MA 13. Columbus, OH 14. Birmingham, AL 15. Detroit, MI 16. Louisville, KY 17. Hartford, CT 18. Boston, MA 19. Fresno, CA 20. Greensboro, NC The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), has listed a number of risk factors and causes that have driven these 20 cities to have the highest rate of asthma. These factors and causes are Poverty People in lower-income groups are more prone to having poor housing quality, polluted location (near highways), and inaccessibility to quality treatment, and they would consequently be more prone to being affected by asthma.
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Lung cancer – 6 foods to avoid

Lung cancer – 6 foods to avoid

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of lung cancer and the correct kind of nourishment can help speed up recovery. To strengthen a compromised immune system and support treatment, the right kind of food is required. There are some foods that need to be avoided and some that need to be cooked with care to prevent food poisoning and illness. Here is a list of some such foods. Eggs Avoid eating eggs unless absolutely sure that they haven’t been unrefrigerated or cracked. Home-cooked is safest because eggs could carry salmonella that cause food poisoning and sometimes even death. Uncooked yolks are a complete no-no, and definitely do not eat foods that could have raw eggs in the final product. This includes even some salad dressings. Cured meats Processed and uncooked meat like cold cuts can carry the listeria bacteria that could cause food poisoning. Cheese Not all cheese, but some soft ones like Brie and feta that could be made from unpasteurized milk should be off-limits. In fact, any milk or dairy products including cream or custard-filled sweets that could be made from unpasteurized milk should be avoided because raw milk can contain bacteria like E. coli, listeria, and salmonella that may cause food poisoning.
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Lung cancer – 8 foods to eat

Lung cancer – 8 foods to eat

Following a nutritious regime is essential for the body to maintain immunity and stave off infection. Cutting out a single nutrient, or even overdoing on any can harm the body in the long run. When it comes to lung cancer, there are few foods that one must avoid and must include for daily consumption. Below is the list of foods that need to be included in one’s food regimen when recovering from lung cancer. Chicken Protein-rich foods are essential in the fight against cancer as they are a necessary building block in cell and tissue repair. In fact, lean meats like fish and turkey in addition to chicken are a great option. However, ensure that the meat is cooked thoroughly to avoid food-related illness. Ginger Intake of ginger as an ingredient in food may lower the risk of metastases of an existing cancer and it is also known to reduce chronic pain. Whole grains Whole grain anything is a good choice because the carbs and fiber help keep energy levels stable. Choose from whole wheat breads, brown rice, and whole grain pastas. Apples Apples are packed with flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants and can help boost immunity, which is just what one needs.
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Bladder control – Foods to avoid and medication

Bladder control – Foods to avoid and medication

Nutrition plays an essential role in overall health and helps in reducing symptoms associated with overactive bladder. Statistics suggest that more than 30% of women in the country have bladder control issues. While there are medications that can help manage the condition, changes in your food regime can help prevent the condition as well. Read on to know more about the foods to avoid and the medication options to manage bladder control issues. Foods to avoid Caffeine Caffeine products such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and carbonated drinks are some of the primary triggers that can be counterproductive for bladder control. This is because they have a diuretic effect, which means they worsen bladder control by promoting frequent urination. Alcohol Like caffeine, alcohol is also believed to have a diuretic effect as well, aggravating bladder control issues. It increases the pressure in the detrusor muscles, reducing the control over natural signals indicating the brain to empty the bladder. So, an occasional indulgence in wine or beer may not harm, but binging on hard liquor can affect bladder control. Spicy foods Bladder-related issues such as bladder leakage are typically seen more in women. Bladder leakage can also be greatly affected by spicy foods that contain chili powder, peppers, horseradish, and other pungent spices.
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Top 3 counties with the highest cancer rates

Top 3 counties with the highest cancer rates

Not many people may realize this, but the location of an individual’s residence plays a huge part in their overall health. The pollution, changing climatic conditions, and exposure to carcinogens can lead to serious conditions, such as hypertension and cancer. Over the years, there has been significant research on which counties have the highest rates of cancer. This article talks about the top 3 counties in the country that qualify. Top 3 Counties with the Most Cases of Cancer Union County, Florida This county ranks first in the list of counties with the highest rates for all types of cancer. It ranks high for cases of lung cancer, leukemia, and colon and rectal cancer. Union County’s high rate of 1,135 cancer cases every 100,000 people is almost double the second entry on the list. It was recognized as the least healthy county in 2017. The lack of funds and poverty levels prevalent in the area could be the leading cause of cancer since it prevents citizens from accessing the health services required. Logan County, Nebraska With 677.2 cancer cases per every 100,000 people, this county comes in second on the list. It ranks high for the most Non-Hodgkin lymphoma fatalities.
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High-risk cancer foods to avoid

High-risk cancer foods to avoid

A healthy diet is one of the essentials of living an illness-free lifestyle, including lowering your risk of cancer. Understanding nutrition is essential if you are either managing this illness or trying to avoid it. Speak to a doctor in detail to know why these following foods should be avoided to reduce the risk of cancer. If you are managing your symptoms, you can also read about immunotherapy that may be helpful for your recovery. Processed meats These are primarily red meats like hot dogs, salami, sausage, corned beef, beef jerky, and ham. These meats are preserved using smoke, curing, salting, and canning and these processes can create carcinogens in the food. Several reviews suggest that over-consumption of processed meat is related to breast, stomach, and colorectal cancer. Fried foods According to research, a compound called acrylamide is formed when starchy ingredients are cooked in high temperatures, and this compound is responsible for damaging DNA and causing the death of cells. As over-consumption of fried foods can lead to obesity and risk of diabetes, it also increases oxidative stress in the body. These unhealthy reactions in the body may increase the risk of cancer. Alcohol The liver in the body breaks down alcohol into a compound called acetaldehyde.
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5 cities with the highest rates of lung cancer

5 cities with the highest rates of lung cancer

Lung cancer is among the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in our country. While smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle are the major risk factors associated with lung cancer, the disease can also result from breathing poor quality air. Places with a lot of air pollution are therefore known to report more lung cancer cases. In this article, we have listed five cities that have the highest rates of lung cancer. Jefferson County Jefferson County, Kentucky, is one of those places that reports the maximum number of new lung cancer incidents. This city reports approximately 765 new lung cancer cases every year and about 501 lung cancer-related deaths. Marion County Situated in Indiana, Marion County ranks jest below Jefferson County when it comes to lung cancer cases. The county registers approximately 77.2 new cases of lung cancer per 100,000 people every year. It also reports 506 lung cancer deaths per year on average. Cheyenne Cheyenne, Wyoming, was once one of the wealthiest counties of our country and was known for its cattle industry. Today, unfortunately, it ranks among the cities with the most number of cancer patients. The region has a high prevalence of respiratory tract inflammatory diseases, which increases the risk of lung cancer.
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3 trigger foods that asthma patients should avoid

3 trigger foods that asthma patients should avoid

There are no foods that can be used to exclusively cure asthma. But there are ways to avoid asthma attacks by paying attention to your meals. The onset of an asthma attack can be discomforting and could make the patient conscious in public places. This is why having a rescue inhaler is important during an outdoor trip. Apart from that, here are certain foods that could trigger an attack in some asthma patients. Dried foods, pickled foods, and alcohol These foods are high in sulfites, which may trigger an unpleasant episode of asthma. Besides these foods, alcohol and wine (especially white wine) contain high amounts of sulfites that could be an irritant for asthma patients. Usually, this compound is found in foods and beverages with a long shelf life. This also includes onions and garlic. Teas, coffees, and spicy foods Tea, coffee, and spicy foods contain salicylates. An asthma patient can develop intolerance towards salicylates, regardless of whether it comes from a natural or artificial source. One will have to eliminate certain foods from their daily meals to find out exactly which foods are causing an intolerance. Beans, cabbage, and fried foods These foods can lead to problems caused by excessive bloating.
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Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system. It results in the deterioration of myelin, a protective covering around the nerves, disrupting brain-body communication. Although there is no cure for MS yet, patients can manage the disease’s symptoms and discomforts with the help of lifestyle changes, medications, and targeted treatment. Moreover, a healthy nutrition plan is essential, and eliminating the following foods can help provide further relief. Saturated and trans fat Both saturated and trans fats are bad for MS. Saturated fats like coconut oil, palm oil, dairy fats, and meat fats can increase cholesterol levels. And since MS patients are at risk of cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. Trans fats can have a similar effect and may trigger inflammation of blood vessels. These fats are mainly found in baked goods and confectionaries as they are made with hydrogenated vegetable oils and shortening. Foods rich in sugar and salt Research studies say that increased sodium levels in the body can lead to a relapse of MS symptoms. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure, leading to significant circulatory problems if left unchecked. On the other hand, sugar contributes to unhealthy weight gain, which can put a lot of strain on the heart and body.
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