Top 5 subtle signs of autoimmune diseases

Top 5 subtle signs of autoimmune diseases

The immune system comprises various organs and cells that aim to protect the body from viruses, parasites, bacteria, and cancer cells. However, when one has an autoimmune disorder, the immune system attacks the body instead of protecting it. Today, there are over a hundred autoimmune diseases, including lupus, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Keep reading the article to learn more about autoimmune diseases, their symptoms, and management techniques. Symptoms of autoimmune diseases In most cases, the early signs of autoimmune diseases can be very similar and are relatively easy to ignore, and here are some early symptoms to look out for. Body pain Usually, persistent pain in the muscle and joints that cannot be explained is a sign of multiple autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. So, if one experiences pain all over the body, one should not ignore it as an effect of a workout. Instead, they must focus on blood tests and X-rays to diagnose the underlying condition. Unexplained rashes on the skin In most cases, the skin mirrors the inflammation inside the body. So, when the level of inflammation increases, it can lead to red blotchy, itchy, and even scaly skin rashes on the body.
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6 alarming signs of esophageal cancer

6 alarming signs of esophageal cancer

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. When one swallows food, it enters the esophagus and is pushed downward by rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the esophageal wall. The normal esophagus cells grow and replace old ones in a regulated and orderly manner. But when esophageal cancer develops, the cells grow and divide uncontrollably and form a tumor. Esophageal cancer is malignant and requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms of esophageal cancer Difficulty swallowing An alarming early sign of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing, the organ’s primary function. This may feel like food is getting stuck in one’s throat or chest, and it can happen even when taking small bites of food or liquid. This symptom can also lead to choking, coughing, or regurgitation of food. Chest pain or discomfort Esophageal cancer can cause chest pain or discomfort, especially when eating or drinking. The pain may feel like a burning sensation in one’s chest or upper abdomen and can be confused with heartburn or indigestion. Unexplained loss of body mass Cancer can affect one’s ability to eat and absorb nutrients. So, if one seems to lose body mass without trying, it could be a sign of esophageal cancer.
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5 signs of serious headaches that should not be ignored

5 signs of serious headaches that should not be ignored

Headaches often result from poor lifestyle habits, a lack of proper sleep, or overworking. In most cases, a few additional hours of shut-eye every day are enough to alleviate such aches. However, sometimes, a headache could last longer and be a precursor to something much more severe, like diabetes, migraines, or, in a worst-case scenario, a brain tumor. Here are some alarming signs of a severe headache that should not be ignored. Nausea Nausea is often a symptom of a migraine—an unbearable, ear-splitting headache that can go on for hours. Migraines are incredibly common and often feature among the top ten causes of disability globally. Vomiting and a general, unrelenting sensation of nausea often come with, after, or before a bad migraine attack. So, if someone experiences an overwhelming feeling that they are about to throw up, it could be a sign of an impending migraine headache. Stiff neck A stiffened neck is sometimes followed or accompanied by a headache. While it may not be a cause for concern, one should see a doctor if the discomfort does not go away. Neck pain accompanied by a headache is one of the symptoms of meningitis, a bacteria- or virus-driven condition that affects the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
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5 side effects of insufficient water intake

5 side effects of insufficient water intake

The benefits of drinking enough water and keeping the body hydrated are well-known. More than two-thirds of the human body consists of water. This is why timely hydration is necessary to keep one’s bodily functions ticking along without stoppages. Therefore, not consuming at least two to three liters of water daily can adversely affect a person’s overall health and bodily functions. Here are some of the common side effects of insufficient water intake: Fluid imbalance in the body The blood becomes thicker when the body is deprived of water for longer periods. As a direct result of this, blood circulation gets labored, and the heart needs to expend more energy than usual to ensure that vital nutrients and elements such as oxygen and iron reach all body parts. This sluggishness of the circulatory system translates into nutrient and fluid imbalances in the body. Essentially, the loss of balance and equilibrium with about 1 to 2% bodily fluid loss causes further issues like intense thirst, discomfort, and loss of taste. If fluid loss reaches 3 to 4%, one may experience difficulty concentrating, excessive shaking, and vomiting. Wrinkled skin The skin’s moisture content is severely affected by insufficient water intake. Essentially, the above-mentioned blood circulation problem caused by less water intake obstructs the flow of nutrients to the skin, making it lose its luster and elasticity.
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7 early warning signs of ataxia

7 early warning signs of ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological disorder that affects movement coordination and balance. Various factors, including genetic mutations, trauma, infection, or exposure to toxins, can lead to the condition’s onset. The condition is progressive and can lead to significant disability and reduced quality of life if left untreated. However, early detection and intervention can slow down the progression of the disease and improve outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the early warning signs of ataxia. Gait disturbance Ataxia affects balance and coordination, leading to difficulty walking or running. People with ataxia may experience unsteady gait, stumbling, staggering, falling, or maintaining balance. They may also have difficulty initiating movements, making quick turns, or walking on uneven surfaces. Tremors Ataxia can cause involuntary tremors or shaking of different parts of the body, such as the hands, head, or legs. These tremors may worsen with movement or stress and interfere with daily activities such as eating, writing, or holding objects. Speech difficulties The illness can affect the muscles used for speech production, leading to slurred or slow speech, changes in pitch or volume, or difficulty articulating words. People with ataxia may also have trouble swallowing or controlling saliva, leading to choking or drooling.  Eye movement abnormalities Ataxia can affect the muscles that control eye movements, leading to nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), double vision, or difficulty tracking moving objects.
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Breast cancer – Warning signs, types, and more

Breast cancer – Warning signs, types, and more

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women in the country. The disease leads to abnormal cell growth in one’s breast, leading to tumors. Cancer can begin in any part, including milk-producing glands or the connective tissues. Early detection of breast cancer and prompt treatment increase an individual’s chance of surviving the disease. Thus, here are some of the warning signs, types, and treatments that one shouldn’t ignore. Early warning signs of breast cancer The early signs of breast cancer may differ from person to person. Some cases may be asymptomatic, but here are some common symptoms to watch out for: Lumps and color change If one feels lumps around the breast area, in the armpit, or on the collarbone, it may be a sign of cancer developing. Similarly, any changes in breast color may be an early symptom of the disease. Swelling A cancer patient may experience swelling in and around the breast, or feel that the breast has become tender, hard, or warm. Any abnormal or sudden change in the size of one’s breast should prompt one to see a doctor. Skin issues One may find that the nipple has turned inward or the skin around the nipple area has started to become red or flaky.
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10 warning signs of prostate cancer

10 warning signs of prostate cancer

The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system and is a small gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of prostate cells. The condition typically occurs in older men, with about 6 in 10 people affected by it being 65 years or older. It is rare among men under 40. Here are some warning signs of prostate cancer that shouldn’t be ignored: Frequent urge to urinate Prostate cancer typically grows along the nerves in the groin area. As a result, people with the condition feel the urge to pass urine frequently, particularly at night. Urine hesitancy Hesitancy, or difficulties with urination, is another common symptom of prostate cancer, although it is prevalent among older adults. Urine hesitancy should not be ignored in any case, and one must undergo tests to rule out the possibility of cancer. Unsteady urine stream Many with prostate cancer may experience an unsteady urine stream or reduced force while urinating. Such changes in urination patterns should be tested immediately. Blood in urine or semen Blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen (hematospermia) can indicate the development of prostate cancer, though these are less common symptoms.
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7 mistakes to avoid when dealing with constipation

7 mistakes to avoid when dealing with constipation

Constipation is a common problem that can cause considerable discomfort while also disrupting energy levels, mood, and well-being. Chronic idiopathic constipation affects about 9–20% of adults in the country. While the condition can also result from health concerns and a few treatment options, one of the reasons for this can be poor lifestyle choices. However, avoiding a few mistakes can promote smooth bowel movements and help manage the discomfort associated with constipation. Not drinking enough water One thing that dictates how well the body functions is hydration. Regulated bowel movements are one of the important functions affected by hydration. If one does not have enough water and fluids during the day, they are likely to experience dry and hard stools, making bowel movement difficult. Low water intake is one of the most common mistakes to avoid making to relieve constipation. Making poor nutritional choices High-fiber foods can make one feel full and add bulk to solid waste. When one has low-fiber meals, the digestive system slows down, making it difficult to pass stools. So, adding high-fiber foods to daily meals can help relieve constipation. Such food keeps things moving in the digestive system while adding bulk and water to the waste.
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Dehydration- Tips to stay hydrated and prevent headaches

Dehydration- Tips to stay hydrated and prevent headaches

Dehydration happens when the body loses more fluids than what is being replenished by way of foods and beverages daily. Even underlying health complications or side effects of prescriptions can trigger dehydration caused by symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration can further cause headaches to develop, trigger urinary tract infections, and even lower blood pressure. Here are a few simple changes in lifestyle and useful tips on how to stay hydrated explained. What causes dehydration headaches? The brain is made up of nearly 70% water, so a fluid deficiency can cause headaches. However, since the brain does not have any pain receptors, the headache is triggered by the receptors on the lining of the brain. Dehydration forces the fluids to shift out of the organ and force traction on the lining, known as meninges. This stimulates the pain receptors. The pain primarily develops in the front of the brain, where people often complain about a pressuring sensation that starts with a headache. Easy ways to stay hydrated Children and adults must remain hydrated throughout the day. Here are a few simple tips for maintaining consistency. Drink water first thing in the morning Drinking a glass of room-temperature water right after getting up will kick-start the body’s metabolism.
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7 common migraine triggers

7 common migraine triggers

Migraine, a debilitating disorder is frequently written off as a headache. According to statistics, this condition is seen in 15% of the population. It is high time that this neurological condition is taken seriously. Pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound are possible side effects of this condition. Some might even experience an intense form of migraine that is present with an aura. None of this is a matter that should simply be dismissed. Hormonal changes Hormonal changes are another factor that can trigger migraine episodes. This is most commonly seen in women. Hormonal migraines are common around menstrual cycles and can be seen in most women that experience severe PMS symptoms. Some with health conditions like PCOS and endometriosis also frequently suffer from migraine attacks triggered by changes in estrogen levels. A survey found that approximately 17.1% of females in the country reported migraine symptoms. Weather conditions Weather changes other than extreme temperatures can also result in migraine attacks for some patients. This can include changes in wind, barometric pressure, and humidity. Since not much can be done in accordance with weather changes, it is important for the patient to identify their migraine triggers and be aware of them.
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Top 5 ways to prevent recurring headaches

Top 5 ways to prevent recurring headaches

Most people experience headaches from time to time. At the same time, others have chronic headaches that can hinder their daily activities. However, preventing a headache can be a lot easier than getting rid of one. While the exact causes of these throbbing aches are poorly understood, one can identify the triggers to manage or minimize them. Keep reading the article to know more about the top ways to prevent them. Top 5 ways to prevent headaches before they begin Stick to a regular sleep schedule One of the most effective ways to prevent headaches is to focus on healthy habits. This can include following a regular sleep schedule and eating nutrient-rich foods, and one must consistently follow these habits to prevent headaches in the long run. This means one must sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Drink plenty of water throughout the day Staying hydrated throughout the day is one of the healthiest ways to prevent headaches. However, most people need to realize that they need to drink more water throughout the day to ensure the body functions properly. Hence, healthcare professionals suggest drinking at least one glass of water each morning and evening meal.
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