10 unfavorable cities for people with allergies

10 unfavorable cities for people with allergies

Over 50 million people live with allergies every year and many of them have seasonal pollen allergies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) studies over 100 cities every year to curate a list of the best and worst cities for people with spring or fall allergies. Factors such as seasonal pollen scores, over-the-counter treatment use, climatic conditions, and availability of board-certified health professionals or allergists are taken into consideration. Based on these reports, here are the 10 worst cities for people with allergies to live in: Scranton, PA Scranton is surrounded by forests and grasslands, which are pushed into the city by the fall winds, causing higher-than-average pollen levels, making it one of the worst cities for allergy sufferers. Wichita, KS The city of Wichita is windy and flat. With pollen flowing down the plains and virtually no trees to stop them, the city is one of the worst places to live for people with allergies. McAllen, TX McAllen faces hot weather in the summer with abundant pollen and flowering plants. Over the last few decades, the city has also seen a stable rise in ragweed pollen, worsening the situation for allergy sufferers. Richmond, VA Richmond is known for its subtropical climate and excessive humidity.
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8 early signs and symptoms of lupus

8 early signs and symptoms of lupus

Lupus is an inflammatory autoimmune health condition wherein one’s immune system attacks healthy tissues and body organs. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lupus caused due to some prescription medicines, and neonatal lupus are the types of this condition. Although the exact cause of lupus is unclear, the cell-death theory, proposing that such inflammation is a normal cell-renewal process, is a widely accepted explanation. Taking the necessary steps to heal from lupus begins with identifying its early signs: Butterfly-shaped rashes A butterfly-shaped rash that spreads across the face, typically covering the cheeks and the bridge of the nose, is a common symptom of lupus. Such rashes are often the result of exposure to UV rays and the consequent adverse reaction of immune-related cells in the body. Lung problems Pleuritis, pulmonary hypertension, “shrinking lung” syndrome, lupus pneumonitis, and acute lupus pneumonitis are the major lung problems due to lupus. Such lung issues are caused due to inflammation of the outer lining of the lungs, which worsens pain. Shortness of breath often results from such lung ailments. Swelling of joints Lupus can also lead to joint inflammation, causing acute joint pain, swelling, and stiffness in areas like the shoulders, neck, thighs, and arms. It also tends to affect joints in the body’s periphery, such as fingers, knees, ankles, and toes.
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4 cancer-causing foods to avoid

4 cancer-causing foods to avoid

Eating certain foods can be hazardous to one’s health. In fact, unhealthy foods, coupled with unhealthy eating schedules, are the primary cause of cancer in a vast majority of individuals with the condition. Now, there are several foods that fall into this category. While each food listed here may contribute to other health hazards, the common thread that connects them is their specific carcinogenic components. Here are the foods that can cause cancer: White bread Refined carbohydrates and refined sugar are directly linked to increasing the risk of cancer in individuals. So, foods such as white bread, white rice, white pasta, baked sweets such as cakes and pastries, and sugar-heavy cereals need to be eaten in moderation or avoided altogether to keep cancer at bay. Refined carbohydrates are chemically stripped of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other natural components that make them organically healthy. So, foods containing refined carbs and sugars can increase a person’s blood sugar and enhance the possibility of developing colorectal cancer and other malignancies. Farmed salmon Like other farmed fishes, farmed salmon leave consumers vulnerable to cancer if eaten regularly. Such fish are farmed and commercially raised in huge quantities. For preservation, farmers and businesses that farm and sell this kind of fish use a host of pesticides, antibiotics, and antivirals.
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7 common early signs of Parkinson’s

7 common early signs of Parkinson’s

The brain controls all actions in the body using an intricate network of nerves connecting everything from head to toe. Parkinson’s is a neurological progressive disease that affects this network and disrupts vital nerve signals controlling body parts and functions. The disease does not have a permanent cure. But its symptoms can be managed with treatment, therapy, and lifestyle changes. One must recognize early signs of Parkinson’s disease to get a prompt diagnosis and treatment. Tremors Stress or physical fatigue can trigger shaky hands. However, a tremor that develops in the thumb, one of the fingers, the hand, or even the chin while resting may be an early sign of Parkinson’s. Tremors can start in the fingers but can turn into severely uncontrolled movements affecting the entire arm as the condition progresses. Poor balance, posture, and gait Changes in one’s walk and pace, like suddenly walking slower, could be another early sign of the disease. Parkinson’s also affects the nerves that control flexibility and balance. If the person takes more time or struggles with maintaining balance, it indicates damage to the basal ganglia nerves. Changes in stance are also noticeable as the disease progresses, with one developing a stooped or hunched-over posture.
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4 warning signs of dementia that should not be ignored

4 warning signs of dementia that should not be ignored

Dementia is a condition in which an individual’s memory, social abilities, cognitive functions, and thinking are severely affected. Dementia is a family of diseases that affect patients’ brains. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common dementia, especially among the elderly. Sometimes, diagnosing dementia can be difficult as many of its symptoms seem harmless. For instance, memory loss can either be dementia-driven or due to old age. Keep reading to learn about the warning signs of dementia. Memory loss Unlike normal memory loss, which happens mainly due to old age, dementia is not a natural process. The main difference between the two conditions is that dementia-driven memory loss is accompanied by other issues, such as losing the ability to learn, reason, think, and remember. While memory loss can be sharpened over time with the right foods, sleep patterns, cognitive exercises, and physical activity, dementia is more irreversible. Altogether, dementia involves severe memory loss, but not all types of memory loss indicate dementia. Therefore, one must visit their local healthcare expert whenever they encounter either situation. Tendency to misplace belongings A person diagnosed with dementia often loses their personal belongings. It mainly happens because the memory function of their brain is irreparably damaged.
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Top 4 side effects of excessive caffeine intake

Top 4 side effects of excessive caffeine intake

Coffee and tea are very popular beverage choices. However, they contain caffeine – a substance that can boost metabolism, mood, and mental and physical performance. Many people drink caffeine for mental alertness, migraine, memory, and athletic performance. In most cases, drinking these beverages in low to moderate quantities is considered safe, but high doses of caffeine may have unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous side effects. So it’s advised to limit caffeine intake as much as possible. Side effects of caffeine Experts believe healthy adults can drink up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. It means nearly 4 cups of brewed coffee a day is safe. However, one must know the possible side effects of caffeine, some of which are listed below. Insomnia One of the most prized qualities of caffeine is its ability to help people stay awake. But excessive amounts of caffeine can make it challenging to get restorative sleep. Furthermore, studies have found that high doses of caffeine decrease total sleeping time, especially in older adults. In addition, caffeine taken later in the day may interfere with sleep as its effects take several hours to wear off completely. Rapid heart rate High amounts of caffeine also possess stimulatory effects that can increase heart rate.
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5 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy

5 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy

From movement and awareness to thinking, speech, and hearing, the CNS controls several integral bodily functions. Epilepsy is a CNS-related disorder caused by brain activity abnormalities, triggering abnormal behavior phases. Muscle stiffness, uncontrollable body jerks, and loss of consciousness are some of its common symptoms. A systematic treatment course, a healthy meal plan, and some lifestyle changes can help control epilepsy symptoms. Here are some foods patients with epilepsy should avoid or limit: Bananas Bananas contain high potassium levels, which is an essential nutrient for the body. However, excessive banana consumption will lead to excess potassium concentration in one’s body. This may lead to periodic seizures. Thus, patients with seizures must consume bananas in limited quantities. Sugary foods and beverages Increased sugar intake can spike in blood sugar levels, which may trigger seizures in some people. Consequently, it helps to avoid foods and beverages containing high sugar concentrations, including soft drinks and processed foods. Baked items Baked foods are typically prepared using refined flour and contain trans fats, which can increase one’s risk for cholesterol and heart diseases, including cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiac arrhythmia can lead to convulsive syncope, characterized by seizure-like symptoms. Thus, it is important to avoid or limit having baked foods like cakes, pastries, and bread, particularly if they are store-bought.
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Best and worst foods for managing scoliosis

Best and worst foods for managing scoliosis

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine in the coronal or frontal plane. It is generally diagnosed during adolescence and may lead to pain in the lower back, back stiffness, pain or numbness in the legs due to pinched nerves, or fatigue due to muscle strain. Treatment for this condition involves the use of braces, spinal fusion surgery, or spine and rib-based growing operations. Further, healthy food choices are an important part of recovery. Best foods Here are three foods to eat when undergoing scoliosis recovery to improve health and wellness: Fresh fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables are a rich source of nutrients as well as fiber, which are important for maintaining one’s overall health. Fresh produce like broccoli, apples, tomatoes, avocados, cauliflower, carrots, kale, Brussels sprouts, pears, peaches, celery, and green beans can be beneficial during recovery. Unprocessed meats: Organic meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and beef, are a great way of providing proteins to the body. However, one should steer clear of processed meats, as they may have unhealthy additives and preservatives. Foods with vitamin D and calcium: Calcium and vitamin D are crucial for maintaining bone health and must be added to meals in healthy doses.
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Top 6 foods for healthy and glowing skin

Top 6 foods for healthy and glowing skin

Nutrition is important for good health. Unhealthy food can cause damage to one’s metabolism and organs. Furthermore, various studies have suggested that food and its nutritional value significantly affect the health and aging of the skin. So, healthcare experts recommend adding healthy foods to one’s nutrition regime. Read further to know which foods help achieve glowing and blemish-free skin. Top 6 foods for glowing skin A meal plan that focuses on high-quality lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, fiber, and healthy oils is the best for supporting healthy skin. Avocados Fresh fruits such as avocados are packed with healthy fats. These fats greatly benefit the skin. Moreover, avocados are a good source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative damage. Tomatoes Tomato-based foods like juice and sauce may help clear up acne. Moreover, tomatoes contain a phytochemical known as lycopene, which makes them red. Lycopene boosts collagen strength and fights against the damage caused by UV rays. Ginger This superfood is best known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, multiple studies have shown that ginger has a soothing effect on the skin. So, one can also try ginger facials to achieve glowing skin. Walnuts Walnuts are a rich source of essential fatty acids, which are fats that aren’t produced by the body.
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5 unexpected things that may increase one’s cancer risk

5 unexpected things that may increase one’s cancer risk

The incidences of cancer have been estimated at 442.4 per 1,00,000 men and women in the country. This health condition has emerged as a major cause of concern. However, interventions for cancer are becoming more advanced and successful. Following a prescribed treatment course and making some lifestyle changes can help in the symptom management of cancer. But here are some things you probably never knew could increase one’s risk for this disease. Chimneys Chimney sweeping results in exposure to large volumes of soot and dust. Ingestion of wood fumes, coal, and other burnt substances have been found to cause scrotal skin cancer or scrotal carcinoma, now commonly called as Pott’s cancer. Historically, children, particularly young boys, were ordered to clean chimneys due to their petite sizes. The prevalence of chimney sweep cancer among these children led to the discovery of this cancer type by doctor Percivall Pott in London in 1775. Hair straighteners According to recent studies the use of hair straighteners and relaxers may increase women’s susceptibility to uterine cancer. Moreover, it suggested that women of African descent may be at higher risk for this type of cancer than others.  Scented candles Scented candles are often the ideal props to set up the perfect romantic dinner or date night.
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Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Nutrition plays a crucial role in a person’s general health. The food one eats regularly helps keep the skin and hair healthy. Further, foods also impact the hair’s volume, growth, and strength. However, the speed of growth and hair strength may also depend on various factors such as genetics, age, overall health, and environmental exposure. Although one cannot change these factors, one can adjust the daily meal plan to ensure proper nutrition. Foods for healthy hair Vitamins and minerals in food play a pivotal role in the growth cycles of hair follicles. Hence, healthcare professionals suggest a meal plan encompassing all the vital nutrients for healthy hair. Some of such healthy food choices are listed below. Salmon Fishes like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. As the body cannot produce these fats, one can add these fish to their meal plan to ensure nutrition. Further, the fatty acids also protect the body from diseases and ensure the growth and shine of the hair. Eggs A good source of protein and biotin, eggs are essential for hair growth. As hair follicles are made up of protein, one must ensure regular protein intake to ensure minimum hair loss.
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