Ways to manage joint pain in different weather conditions

Ways to manage joint pain in different weather conditions

Joint pain is one of the most common and persistent symptoms of arthritis. While some can manage the discomfort with mild prescriptions, others may have to rely on physiotherapy and lifestyle changes to improve their outlook in the long run. There are many known triggers of joint pain, but surprisingly, changes in weather can also trigger these discomforts. Experiencing bad joint problems triggered during climatic changes can be dealt with in the following ways. Joint pain during winters The cold season can be tough on joints, especially when a person is already experiencing pain triggered by arthritis. Studies indicate that a drop in temperature lowers barometric pressure (the atmospheric pressure), forcing muscle, tendons, and tissues to expand. Overexpansion puts severe pressure on the joints and the tissue cushioning two bones. To reduce bad joint pains during winters, one can wear more layers and cover-ups to protect from extreme temperature drops. Movement helps keep the muscles strong and prevents the risk of spasms. One can also apply heating pads to areas where the pain has just started to develop when the temperature drops. Joint pain during summers As if summer heat waves weren’t enough of a nuisance, many people also experience joint problems with the increase in temperature.
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5 signs of headaches that shouldn’t be ignored

5 signs of headaches that shouldn’t be ignored

Migraines are headaches usually accompanied by symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light. Although the throbbing pain is persistent on one side of the head, it can vary in intensity and can be quite abrupt. These headaches should not be ignored, as intense migraines can affect cognitive function and simultaneously increase neurological health complications. Here are five noticeable signs that require active medical intervention to manage the symptoms. Noticeable changes in frequency and intensity If one notices abrupt changes in the intensity of pain, it should be checked. For example, if migraine headaches that were persistent in the morning have now unexpectedly changed frequency and timing without any significant changes in routine, it should be reported. These unexplained changes could be triggered by developing neurological disorders that can only be confirmed with tests. The thunderclap headache These headaches occur out of nowhere and develop with an intensity that can cause someone immense pain. There is no warning, and the pain develops within a matter of seconds. Immediate medical attention is necessary as soon as the first symptom is felt. In rare cases, it could be a sign of internal bleeding due to an aneurysm or hemorrhaging. Strokes and head trauma are also known causes that trigger this sudden uncontrollable pain.
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The difference between a headache and a migraine

The difference between a headache and a migraine

It can be challenging to differentiate between a headache and a migraine while you’re encountering an elevated degree of pain and pressure in your head. Separating a headache from a migraine and the other way around is important. It can mean quicker alleviation and timely treatment, and assistance in preventing the occurrence of future headaches or migraine attacks. Read about the distinctions between headaches and migraines and their types and symptoms in this article. What is a headache? Headaches are among the most widely recognized kinds of aggravation that individuals experience. The pain ranges from mild to severe and happens on both sides of your head. Headaches can last between 30 minutes to a week. There is a wide range of headaches; they can be separated into two general classifications. Primary headache disorder occurs in the absence of any other illness or condition. Tension-type, cluster, and hemicrania are some common types. Secondary headache disorder happens when the headaches are side effects of different circumstances like colds, flu, influenza, tumors, among others, or are indications of various illnesses. What is a migraine? Migraine produces a more extensive scope of side effects than headaches and lasts somewhere in the range of four hours to a few days.
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5 things to avoid doing after a migraine

5 things to avoid doing after a migraine

Migraines lead to a stinging sensation on one side of the head. In most cases, you may experience what is known as the postdrome. It’s the last stage of a migraine, where the pain finally subsides but leaves you exhausted. This phase can last between a couple of hours to a few days, based on your lifestyle. Whether during a migraine attack or after, avoid doing the following things to manage the condition. Don’t oversleep or sleep too little The amount of sleep you get can influence a migraine. You must sleep for at least seven to eight hours a night. Oversleeping can trigger migraine headaches. If you get enough sleep but still feel lethargic on waking up, or cannot sleep, it could be a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea. See a doctor immediately to get the necessary treatment. Don’t drink too much caffeine While caffeine works as a remedy for migraines, having too much can trigger migraines and their symptoms. It can also result in rebound headaches and lead to other health problems. So, reduce caffeine intake, especially if you’re susceptible to migraines. Don’t eat processed and cured meat Foods that are processed or cured, including sausages, ham, and bacon, are abundant in nitrites and nitrates.
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Relation between prescription glasses and migraines

Relation between prescription glasses and migraines

A migraine is a complex neurological disorder that causes moderate to severe pain—usually on one side of the head—throbbing or pulsing. Migraine sufferers experience a range of other symptoms that can vary across individuals. Many people who have bad eyesight often wonder whether not wearing their prescription glasses or contacts can trigger a migraine headache. This article answers that critical question and explains the relationship between eyesight and migraine. Ocular migraines Migraines can affect eyesight. In fact, there’s a medical term for that, ocular migraine. This is a form of severe headache that is accompanied by temporary vision changes, such as seeing flashes of light, zigzagging patterns, blind spots, and shimmering spots or stars. These symptoms are collectively referred to as migraine aura. There are mainly two types of ocular migraines: migraine with aura and retinal migraine. The former impairs vision and can make an individual see flashing lights, stars, patterns, or blind spots, while the latter causes bad eyesight in only one eye and is usually characterized by decreased vision and flashing lights. There are many risk factors for ocular migraines, such as genetics, hormone imbalances, weather changes, and certain odors. Does poor eyesight trigger migraine? Refractive errors, such as astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, or presbyopia, don’t directly cause or trigger a migraine, whether ocular or other types.
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4 common migraine misconceptions

4 common migraine misconceptions

Anyone who has ever had a migraine attack understands how debilitating it can be. The experience is not made easier when you’re faced with a ton of questions latent with misconceptions that the general public holds about this illness. There is still a lot to be understood about this misunderstood condition, to make matters worse. This article talks about some common misconceptions and facts about migraine to help spread awareness. Myth or fact: Migraine is just a headache Myth. Migraines are a type of headache, but they can’t be classified as simple headaches. Migraine episodes may be accompanied by light sensitivity, nausea, aura, pulsating pain, etc. Migraine is more appropriately classified as a neurological disease that can cause functional changes in the brain. Migraine may or may not present itself in the form of a headache, and it often shows other neurological signs that help in its diagnosis. Myth or fact: Caffeine causes migraine Myth. Caffeine can certainly act as a trigger for headaches or migraine in some patients. However, it cannot be labeled as a causative agent in the grand scheme. Most treatment options prescribed by doctors contain caffeine to help reduce headaches. Some patients even prefer drinking caffeinated beverages at the start of a migraine attack, as it often helps lower the severity of the episode.
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Types of migraines that affect eyesight

Types of migraines that affect eyesight

Migraine headaches cause a pulsating pain that is usually accompanied by nausea. Such issues can make focusing on work or chores quite cumbersome. This condition is also associated with light sensitivity, as brightness from lights and screens could be unbearable. This article highlights the types of migraines that have such an effect.    Migraine with aura Aura is a symptom characterized by temporary vision impairment during or before migraines. Other symptoms that occur in this type of migraine include zig-zag patterns and patches of light. Along with vision-related issues, the aura may be responsible for triggering symptoms like the sensation of pins and needles and weakness or numbness on one side of the body. These symptoms build up gradually and may last for around an hour. Ocular migraine Visual, retinal, ophthalmic, or ocular migraine normally affects just one of the eyes. The general symptoms of this type of migraine are much akin to those of migraine with aura. Temporary vision loss and blindness in one eye are salient to this condition.  Steps to take during visual disturbances In case you’re out shopping, at work, or driving, it is best to find a safe spot to relax and take deep breaths. This step will help you calm down and phase out the migraine symptoms that trigger issues with eyesight.
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5 unusual ways to tackle a bad headache

5 unusual ways to tackle a bad headache

Headaches are a widespread health issue and can have underlying causes or result from stress or dehydration. Either way, it is a debilitating condition and can affect a person’s day-to-day functioning. There are many treatments for headaches. But, for those who suffer from them constantly, opting for prescription treatments may not be the safest solution. Instead, they can opt for some varied and unusual home remedies for headaches. Read on below to know more. 5 easy natural ways to get rid of a headache Get rid of any pressure One of the easiest ways to tackle a bad headache is to get rid of all the physical pressure on your head. Avoid tying a tight ponytail or bun and wearing ill-fitted hats for too long. In many cases, external pressure can be the cause of your headache. So, getting rid of it could provide some instant relief and even help with migraine headaches. Take a hot shower Another unusual method for getting rid of your headache effectively is taking a hot bath or shower. A lukewarm or hot water bath can promote circulation and ease muscle tension in your neck and back. This can help release some of the pressure in the head and ease your headache, migraines, and sinuses.
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5 things to avoid doing before bedtime

5 things to avoid doing before bedtime

You may go to your bed at the best hour to get restful sleep on your high-quality mattress from top brands, be it Tempur-Pedic, Saatva, Sleep Number, Serta, or Essentia, but still, you may toss and turn endlessly, unable to sleep. Wondering why? Well, you may have an unhealthy pre-bedtime routine that’s keeping you from a good night’s sleep. Here are five things you must avoid before getting into your mattress for better sleep: Using your phone Many people scroll on their phones while the lights are out and they’re cuddled under the covers. This keeps your mind alert and makes it challenging to nod off on time. Rather than reaching for your smartphone or laptop before bed, read a calming book to get a decent night’s rest. Eating an enormous, heavy dinner Devouring a whole pizza or several tacos may not be the smartest plan before hitting the bed. Our stomachs also need to rest while we rest. The process of digesting is additionally the most minimal around evening time, and a heavy dinner can cause inconveniences, like upset sleep. If you have bladder issues, drinking fluid is among the things to avoid before bed for at least five to six hours for better sleep.
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5 ways to improve bone health

5 ways to improve bone health

It is crucial for all individuals to build and maintain healthy bones from an early age. To do so, one needs to ensure sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D. Weak bones can lead to conditions like rickets or osteoporosis, which can threaten one’s mobility. Hence, it is important to have certain nutrients and make some lifestyle changes to decrease the risk of bone density loss. Accordingly, here are five ways to maintain healthy bones. 5 tips to ensure good bone health Boost calcium consumption Calcium is a mineral that is fundamental for improving teeth and bone health. It is also significant for muscle function, nerve signaling, hormone secretion, and blood pressure regulation. Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese are major sources of calcium. Collard greens, kale, and bok choy also contain a good amount of calcium. Increase vitamin D intake Vitamin D is a fat-soluble element that forms on your skin after it’s exposed to the sun’s rays. It helps calcium absorption and bone cell functions. Fatty fish like salmon, swordfish, salmon, tuna, and rainbow trout are excellent sources of vitamin D. Other foods include oranges, lemons, tomatoes, kiwis, and red peppers. One can also have egg yolks, beef liver, pork, or cheese to increase their vitamin D levels.
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4 superfoods for nursing mothers

4 superfoods for nursing mothers

New moms have a few challenges to face every day after delivery. They have to accommodate everything around the changing routine of the newborn baby. And one of the most pressing concerns for the mother is breastfeeding. From getting the posture right to ensuring that the milk supply is sufficient for the baby, there are many breastfeeding concerns that a mother experiences. This article highlights some foods that benefit infants as well as nursing moms. Avocados This is a nutritional powerhouse for humans, especially for nursing moms. Packed with essential vitamins like vitamin B, vitamin K, folate, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E, avocados are a great addition to one’s meal plan. Avocados are also loaded with heart-healthy fats, which are essential for babies. It also keeps the mom feeling full for a longer time. Green vegetables Kale, spinach, collards, or any leafy greens help in increasing milk production for nursing moms. This is a beneficial tip for new moms with a low milk supply. Besides, the infants will develop a liking for the taste of the vegetables when they are toddlers. Beans and legumes Besides being packed with vitamins, proteins, minerals, iron, and phytoestrogens, some beans like chickpeas are loaded with galactagogue.
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