11 popular plants that are toxic to dogs

11 popular plants that are toxic to dogs

For dog parents, there’s perhaps nothing more important than the well-being of their four-legged babies. From selecting the most nutritious pet foods to ensuring regular exercise and grooming, pet parents go all out to fulfill their responsibilities. However, certain unlikely foods and products may prove fatal to these adorable creatures, and pet parents must keep themselves up to date about these threats. Here’s a look at some plants that are toxic to dogs. Aloe vera While aloe vera may have healing properties for humans, its consumption may be toxic to dogs. Some side effects dogs may suffer upon ingesting aloe vera are vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even comatose in some instances. Therefore, it’s crucial to place aloe vera plants away from them. Daffodils If eaten, these mesmerizing spring flowers can cause several health issues among dogs, including low blood pressure, intestinal spasms, diarrhea, and, in some cases, cardiac arrhythmia. Sago palm This plant resembles a miniature palm tree and is popularly grown indoors as well as outdoors. However, sago palms can lead to seizures, diarrhea, liver failure, and other life-threatening conditions if ingested by a dog. While their leaves and barks are also harmful, their nuts and seeds are more toxic to our canine friends.
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Home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestations

Home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestations

Keeping your dogs safe from fleas and ticks can be an exhausting job. The constant scratching and biting can be tiring and unhealthy. Not only this, it can bring down the mood of your furry friend, affecting the whole household. Therefore, it is better to stay prepared in case of an unforeseen pest attack. This article talks about some effective and accessible natural remedies that will give you and your dogs some much-needed relief. Home remedies for fleas and ticks in dogs Natural oils Natural or essential oils must be diluted first, after which you can use them as a spray or a pre-bath rinse. Alternatively, you can dilute them with carrier oils and massage them into their coat. Whatever you do, make sure to get your vet’s approval beforehand. Garlic Garlic has various nutritional benefits apart from being an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. Don’t get too concerned about its strong odor. Add a small amount of crushed garlic to your pet’s food and watch this natural remedy work its magic. Vinegar Another natural remedy that is not only easily accessible but can double up as a flea and tick repellant for dogs is vinegar. You can dilute it with water and use it as a spray.
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4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

While human foods like fish and milk are safe for dogs, certain other options can harm their health and cause allergic reactions. Unfortunately, many pet parents don’t know this and continue to feed their four-legged friends from their own plate. Keeping this in mind, we’ve put together a list of human foods that are harmful to dogs, including the Chihuahua breed, and some pet food brands like Royal Canin ® and Purina ® that provide healthy alternatives. Chocolates Chocolates are toxic for all dogs, but Chihuahuas and other small breeds can have a more intense reaction. Chocolates have a compound called theobromine, which dogs can’t handle. While some dogs may vomit and suffer from diarrhea, others may experience seizures, tremors, or irregular heartbeat. Xylitol (artificial sweetener) Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in non-sugary gums, cakes, mints, and candy. Ingestion of this substance may interfere with a dog’s blood sugar levels. The smaller the dog, the more the impact. Other foods that have xylitol include peanut butter, jellies, jams, and fruit drinks, to name a few. Grapes and raisins These tiny foods that are super delicious for us humans can cause severe reactions among dogs when ingested in large quantities. And since pups never stop searching for food, you must be careful not to drop grapes or raisins around the kitchen area.
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Human foods that are best for dog health

Human foods that are best for dog health

One loves pampering their pet dogs with the best of foods and treats. This often means that you may indulge in sharing some of your foods with them. But dogs have a different digestive system compared to humans. This means that some of the foods that you enjoy could actually be harmful to them. This article discusses foods that are safe for your dog and provide them with necessary nutrients. Carrots Carrots are known for their nutritional benefits for humans. They are loaded with vitamins and beta-carotene that help promote heart, eyes, and skin health. Carrots are also super good for dogs. Carrots help remove plaque buildup from your pet’s teeth, helping maintain good dental health. Their nutritional content can also help improve a dog’s immune health, promoting a shiny coat and skin. Chicken Dogs love chicken meals and chicken broth, and these foods are also healthy for them. Plain-boiled chicken is a great option for when your dog has an upset tummy. It is important to remember that you should give them this food with little to no seasonings. Popcorn Popcorn is a great snack for humans and dogs. They contain minerals such as magnesium and zinc that can help both you and your dog stay healthy.
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4 human foods that are safe for cats

4 human foods that are safe for cats

If you have pet cats at home and occasionally feed them from your plate, you must know which foods are safe for them. Cats can be greedy eaters, and irrespective of the cute faces they make at the dinner table, it’s best not to give them anything besides cat food until you’re a hundred percent sure. To help you, we’ve listed a few human foods that are safe for cats to eat. Salmon Cats love fish, and vets recommend feeding them fish-based cat foods. Most options are rich in omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish, in particular, like tuna, salmon, or mackerel, is excellent for their eyesight and joints. However, don’t feed your feline straight from the can; they might lick it too aggressively and cut their tongues. It’s best to provide them with cooked pieces that have no bones. Whole grains Grains are power-packed with nutrients and are healthy for both humans and cats. Oats, mainly, have lots of protein, but not many cats like it. Some cats prefer coarse food made from brown rice and cornmeal. If you’re not feeding your cat meat or fish, whole grains can be a good substitute. You can cook smaller grains like millet, couscous, or wheat berries at home.
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5 human foods that are toxic for cats

5 human foods that are toxic for cats

As a responsible pet parent, you do your best to ensure healthy nutrition and a happy environment for your cats. But it can be hard to resist feeding them a few tidbits off your own plate. However, there are certain human foods that should not be given to cats under any circumstances as they can prove to be life-threatening. Here are five foods that are an absolute no-no for kittens and cats. 5 human foods that are toxic for cats Chocolate Milk chocolate and dark chocolate, even in small quantities, can trigger vomiting and diarrhea among cats. Some felines may even experience a rapid increase in breathing rate and body temperature, in addition to the risk of seizures. Garlic and onions Both garlic and onions contain compounds that break down the red blood cells. These vegetables are harmful to cats in every form, be it raw, cooked, powdered, or dehydrated. If you notice shortness of breath and sudden weakness in your cats, it could be an anemic reaction. Raw eggs Raw eggs are loaded with millions of bacteria such as E. Coli and salmonella. Even mild exposure to these pathogens causes vomiting, diarrhea, and increased fatigue. Eggs also contain an enzyme that destroys essential B vitamins and increases the risk of convulsions.
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5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

Every pet parent wants their four-legged companion to have a lustrous coat of fur. Having a shiny coat isn’t just about looking pretty, the shein is a reflection of your dog’s good health. You don’t need to splurge on pet-friendly creams and lotions or put in a lot of time grooming your pet. Just following these simple tips can help ensure that your dog’s skin and coat are in the finest condition. Regular baths and brushing Giving you dog a bathing once or twice a month is enough. But keep in mind that using organic pet shampoos with natural ingredients is ideal. Additionally, brushing your dog every few days helps spread natural oils on their skin, producing a glossy and healthy coat. Feeding meals rich in fatty acids Omega-3s and 6s play crucial roles in maintaining a dog’s coat condition as well as overall health. Omega-6 fatty acids promote healthy skin and lustrous coat while omega-3s fight inflammation and improve mood.  Coconut oil massages  Coconut oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin. Applying and massaging your dog’s skin with this oil will instantly moisturize their skin and make their coat shiny. Adding a few drops of coconut oil to your pet shampoo will give better results.
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6 plants that are toxic to dogs

6 plants that are toxic to dogs

Dogs love smelling things. They want to put their snout on anything that comes across their path, be it garbage on the sidewalk or blossoming flowers in a park or garden. While some things are downright disgusting, other items can be toxic to your dog’s health. Certain plants can cause diarrhea and other serious issues like liver damage. Hence, it’s important to keep your dog away from the plants mentioned below. Sago palms These popular indoor ornamental palms are found in warmer climates. Every part of this plant is toxic to your dog. If consumed, it can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tremors, and seizures. Aloe vera Aloe vera is another common household plant grown mainly because of its many beneficial properties. However, its gooey gel contains some components that are toxic for dogs. It can cause lethargy, stomach problems, vomiting, and diarrhea. Elephant’s ear Elephant’s ear is a beautiful plant commonly found in warm climates. This plant can be harmful to dogs as it contains glass-like insoluble oxalate crystals, which can result in severe irritation, swelling in the mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. Azaleas All parts of the azalea plant, including the flower, leaves, seeds, and  honey made from its nectar, are toxic to dogs.
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7 plants that are toxic to cats

7 plants that are toxic to cats

Cats are smart animals who are typically mindful of what they eat. But sometimes, seeds or pollen of a toxic plant get stuck in their fur or on their paws, and cats may ingest toxic substances while grooming themselves. To avoid this and keep your cat safe, all pet parents should take some time to learn the names of plants that are toxic to their health. Some of these plants are mentioned below. Peace lily (spathiphyllum) All its parts, including the leaves, roots, petals, and pollen, should be kept away from cats. If cats ingest peace lilies, they could get acute kidney failure. Other symptoms of poisoning would include vomiting, irritation of the mouth and GI tract, excessive drooling, and in rare cases, difficulty swallowing or breathing. Sago palm (cycas revoluta) Sago palm contains a toxic substance called cycasin, which, when consumed, may result in liver damage in cats. It could also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and black, tarry-looking stool. It could also lead to bruising, excessive thirst, lethargy, and in rare cases, death. Eucalyptus (myrtaceae) Eucalyptus can cause complications like drooling, vomiting, decreased appetite, and diarrhea in cats. The toxicity level of this plant is low, and the symptoms often disappear within 24 hours.
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4 signs indicating that one’s pet dog is sick

4 signs indicating that one’s pet dog is sick

It can be difficult for pet parents to spot signs of illness in their dogs, as these animals are skilled at hiding them. By the time symptoms become noticeable, the illness may have already progressed significantly. Dogs tend to display discomfort when the symptoms worsen, which could mean they have been sick for a while. Therefore, it’s important to be observant of any signs that may indicate your dog is unwell. Increased or decreased urination It’s important to watch out for signs such as difficulty urinating, changes in urine output, or blood in urine to determine if your dog is unwell. This is especially important for senior dogs. Bloody urine could indicate health problems such as bladder stones, urinary tract infections, blood disorders, or cancer. Frequent urination could be a sign of kidney problems. Low energy levels It’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s energy levels. If you notice that they are more lethargic or lazy than usual, it could be a sign that they are feeling under the weather. They may seem unusually tired or sluggish and may not be as playful or responsive as they normally are. If you observe any of these symptoms, taking your dog to the vet for a checkup is a good idea to ensure they are in good health.
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8 telltale signs that it’s time to take a cat to a vet

8 telltale signs that it’s time to take a cat to a vet

Cats are natural but small predators. They believe showing signs of sickness makes them easy prey for other larger predators. That is why they tend to hide their discomfort when feeling unwell. If a cat you care for displays signs of ill health, that can be a major cause of worry, warranting immediate attention from a vet. Watch out for the following changes in behavior or signs that your cat is sick: Vomiting or diarrhea: While vomiting occasionally is not a concern, keep an eye out for the timing and frequency of vomiting and diarrhea, as this may require a trip to the veterinarian. Sudden changes in appetite, drinking, or eating habits: Changes in appetite and eating habits could result from or lead to hyperthyroidism, fatty liver disease, or hepatic lipidosis in cats. Noticeable weight changes: If your cat has been experiencing unexplained weight gain or loss, it may be time to visit the veterinarian. Breathing problems: If your cat is experiencing wheezing, rapid or raspy breathing, or shortness of breath, rush them to the veterinarian for an emergency check-up. Mood changes: If your friendly and confident cat begins to show signs of aggression or fear, you may want to have them checked.
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