Foods to eat and avoid for managing thyroid cancer

Foods to eat and avoid for managing thyroid cancer

The thyroid gland is a little butterfly-shaped gland sitting at the back of the throat. It plays a crucial role in regulating almost every other hormone in the human body. Therefore, caring for the thyroid gland’s health is necessary. Many treatment options can help manage the symptoms of thyroid cancer and other problems associated with the condition. However, they are always more effective when combined with the right food plan. Foods to eat Brazil nuts When undergoing thyroid cancer treatment, patients should have a handy snack that sits well with the thyroid gland while also keeping them satiated. Brazil nuts are a great snack option that helps with thyroid regulation. The selenium in these nuts makes them a winner for people with thyroid cancer or other functional issues. A handful of hazelnuts and macadamia nuts will also do the trick. If one is not a fan of these, a piece or two of Brazil nuts will give similar results without going big on the quantity. Seaweed Iodine plays a crucial role in producing thyroid hormones. A lack of it in the body can initiate the downfall of the hormonal balance. Thankfully, seaweed is easily available and packs loads of iodine in just a tiny packet.
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9 common diaper changing mistakes first-time parents make

9 common diaper changing mistakes first-time parents make

Babies bring just as much responsibility as joy into one’s life, and no one knows this better than first-time parents. Diaper changes are among the most challenging duties associated with baby care. Though it might seem relatively easy, there are some blunders new parents unintentionally make that may end up being hurtful or, at times, even dangerous for the child. Some common diaper-changing mistakes parents make, and ways to avoid them are listed below. Using a bed instead of a changing table Soft surfaces like beds make it more challenging to hold your infant steady. A child may also pee in the middle of changing, leading to a bigger mess. Therefore, it is better to use a level surface, like the floor or a changing table, which is easier to clean. Not having a designated space for changing A baby is more vulnerable to infections during a diaper change. So having a designated place ensures good hygiene and the baby’s safety. In case of emergencies, it’s advisable to disinfect the space before taking on the task. Spread a plastic mat in the area to minimize the mess. Avoiding diaper change when it isn’t soiled Even if a diaper is seemingly clean and dry, it’s advisable to change it every two to three hours.
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7 foods that may trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

7 foods that may trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a condition wherein the esophagus gets inflamed, leading to difficulty in swallowing food, chest pain, and acid regurgitation. One type of eosinophilic esophagitis is reflux esophagitis, which often worsens inflammation. Moreover, the subtype is a complication that may stem from acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Apart from treatments and other remedies, avoiding certain foods may prevent acid reflux, reducing the risk of inflammation in the esophagus. Foods that can trigger eosinophilic esophagitis or reflux esophagitis Tomatoes Tomatoes or their by-products are rich in malic and citric acid. These ingredients can trigger excess production of gastric acids in the stomach. So if an individual has too many tomatoes, it may create enough gastric acid to force the food back up to the esophagus and may lead to GERD, a contributing factor to reflux esophagitis. Onions Eating onions is often associated with increased production of gastric acid. The food takes longer to digest and thus might lead to bleaching, a common symptom of GERD. Furthermore, while people who cook onions may notice improvements in some symptoms of acid reflux, the food may still produce more acid. Therefore, to avoid any complications in the esophagus, one should reduce the consumption of onions or turn to green onions instead.
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4 safe foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

4 safe foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an immune system disorder affecting the esophagus – the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. When a type of white blood cell called eosinophils builds up in one’s esophagus, it leads to inflammation and damage to the esophageal tissues. Studies indicate that it is three times more likely to affect men than women. Listed below are some early signs, risk factors, and foods to eat for EoE patients. Risk factors It is mainly triggered by certain types of foods or allergies to environmental components like pollen, dust mites, molds, etc. People with asthma, eczema, and hay fever, as well as people with a family history of EoE, are more vulnerable to it. Besides these factors, seasonal changes also increase the chances of people developing the condition. The EoE cases spike during spring, summer, and fall since pollen levels are higher. Early signs One may often vomit, experience pain and reflux that seems untreatable, or have trouble swallowing solid food. Some early signs of EoE are also based on one’s age. Infants and little children may experience loss of body mass or hampered growth. Older children may have a poor appetite and abdominal pain, while adults may also experience chest pain and heartburn.
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10 potential accidents to be mindful of at work

10 potential accidents to be mindful of at work

Most people travel to work five days a week, and sometimes more. With all this time spent in the office, or outside, depending on the profession, it is quite likely that they have a workplace accident at some point. Despite most organizations taking precautions, it is better to be aware of the risks. So whether one works from a desk or is regularly on the move, here are the most reported workplace accidents to note. Motor vehicle accidents Several people drive cars or bikes to deliver goods and services as part of their job profile. They are exposed to challenging weather conditions, faulty automotive equipment, and negligent drivers that can lead to road accidents. Following driving policies set by the company is a key element in ensuring personal safety. Physical altercations Many people get into disputes at the workplace for several reasons, which may turn into physical altercations. The situation may lead to superficial or serious injuries. To avoid such instances, employers must create channels for employees to report any suspicious activity or bring any heated exchanges to the notice of management to prevent disputes. Slip and fall The floors at workplaces are cleaned regularly to keep them free from dirt and debris.
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7 foods that help deal with menopause symptoms

7 foods that help deal with menopause symptoms

Menopause refers to the 12-month gap after a woman’s last menstrual cycle, which tends to start during a girl’s adolescence or earlier. Typically, women between the ages of 45 and 55 experience menopause at some stage with varying discomforts. Most symptoms can be managed via prescriptions and home remedies. Alternatively, doctors suggest simple changes in daily nutrition to manage the symptoms better. Here are seven foods one can consider to tackle the symptoms. 7 foods to help manage menopause symptoms Dairy Menopause can have a deteriorating effect on healthy bones due to sudden metabolic and hormonal changes. If left unchecked, it could lead to rapid bone loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis among older women. Experts suggest at least 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium intake regularly to support bone health. Natural skim milk, cow milk, soy milk, low-fat cheese, and yogurt are excellent foods to boost calcium intake. Cruciferous vegetables Leafy greens and healthy cruciferous vegetables should also be eaten daily to boost natural fibers, proteins, iron, and antioxidants in the body. Spinach, turnip, and collard greens are veggies rich in calcium to help improve bone health. Also, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts are nutrient-dense veggies linked to reducing the severity of hot flashes, one of the persistent symptoms of menopause.
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8 foods that help fight colon cancer

8 foods that help fight colon cancer

Colon cancer develops when there’s uncontrollable and abnormal cell growth in one’s colon or rectum, which invades and damages other healthy tissues. Since it originates in one’s intestines, colon cancer severely affects one’s ability to digest food and eliminate waste. According to the American Cancer Society, bad eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle increase one’s chance of developing it. But some superfoods can help improve gut health and manage the disease better. Berries, black plums, grapes, and pomegranates Black plums, red and black grapes, and pomegranates contain anthocyanins. Similarly, berries, including black elderberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, chokeberries, and strawberries, are excellent sources of anthocyanins and antioxidants. Anthocyanins help in slowing cancer cell growth and increasing tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy. They are also highly nutritious and fibrous, which boosts digestion. Apples and bananas Constipation and diarrhea are two of the early signs of colon cancer. Fruits like apples, oranges, pears, and bananas are rich sources of fiber that can help regularize one’s bowel movements and improve gut health. Cancer also causes chronic weakness in patients since the cancer cells consume abnormal amounts of energy and stress out the digestive system. So, fruits can help since they give an instant energy boost and are easier to digest.
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5 foods to fight the symptoms of leukemia

5 foods to fight the symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia refers to types of cancer that develop in the blood cells. A person is at a greater risk of developing the disorder if they are over 55. However, it isn’t uncommon for younger children to also suffer from similar complications. Moreover, a permanent cure for leukemia is still in the works. However, one can still follow simple methods to manage the condition, including eating specific foods to fight cancerous cells. Berries Berries have a long history of benefits in improving overall health. When it comes to leukemia, they are rich in antioxidants, which are known to protect the body from free radicals. Berries are specifically known to fight the effects of breast, bladder, and esophagus cancers. Tomatoes The antioxidant lycopene present in tomatoes may help those with leukemia manage the symptoms. The food is also rich in other properties like vitamins A, C, and E, known to fight free radicals that may trigger cancer formations in the body. Tomatoes are also known to benefit those with prostate cancer. Yogurt Yogurt contains healthy bacteria that can improve how a person handles the foods they eat. This bacteria is also known to regulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body.
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Top 8 foods that boost the immune system

Top 8 foods that boost the immune system

If your body recovered within a week from a common cold or fever the last time you fell ill, you have your immune system to thank. The immune system comprises cells, organs, and tissues, which together protect the body from microorganisms that can cause diseases. These components are inseparably linked to ensure physical well-being and strength. Further, certain foods can significantly boost the immune system function, increasing the body’s resilience to health conditions.  Spinach Spinach is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, magnesium, iron, and vitamins C and E. The nutrients protect the body against diseases like anemia, macular degeneration, heart problems, and certain types of cancer. Blueberries Blueberries are rich in flavonoids, an antioxidant that boosts the immune system and reduces cell damage. The berries are also packed with vitamins A and C, manganese, potassium, and fiber, which are essential for overall physical health. Garlic Garlic contains high levels of sulfur, helping fight colds and flu. It is also known to lower blood pressure levels and prevent cholesterol and certain types of cancer. Its antibiotic properties protect the body against disease-causing fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Greek yogurt Greek yogurt contains iodine, vitamin A, vitamin B12, calcium, and probiotics, which aid digestion and work wonders for the immune system.
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5 superfoods to lower blood sugar

5 superfoods to lower blood sugar

According to CDC, approximately 1 out of 10 people live with diabetes. In fact, high blood sugar-related diseases are problematic globally too. High blood sugar causes many health issues and lifelong problems for people of all ages. One way to control and reduce one’s blood sugar is to include certain foods in daily meal plans. These foods contain specific nutrients and elements that help lower one’s blood sugar levels. Oatmeal Oatmeals are highly effective in countering diabetes due to their high fiber content and low glycemic index value. Eating whole oats can reduce a person’s blood glucose levels by boosting their insulin sensitivity. While adding oatmeal to your daily meals, people need to choose steel-cut or rolled oats as they can be absorbed into the bloodstream slowly. One needs to avoid eating oatmeal with added sugar while purchasing it. Walnuts Like oatmeal, nuts of all kinds are also low-glycemic, high-fiber food that helps reduce blood sugar. Additionally, nuts are rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and similar other foods. Walnuts are one of the best nuts, which, apart from reducing blood sugar, also help improve the heart health of individuals. Walnuts also help people balance their meal routines due to the wide range of nutrients they contain.
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10 foods that naturally reduce blood sugar

10 foods that naturally reduce blood sugar

Stress, physical activity, and lifestyle habits can affect the management of diabetes and other conditions that impact one’s blood sugar levels. But nutrition is perhaps the most crucial factor. Eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can spike glucose levels and lead to other complications. On the other hand, research suggests that certain foods can help lower blood sugar levels and should, therefore, be included in the meal plan. Flax seeds Flax seeds contain fiber and healthy fats that help control blood sugar levels. Research shows that adding around 30 grams to daily meals can help maintain blood glucose. Broccoli Rich in sulforaphane, broccoli has been shown to lower blood glucose and enhance insulin sensitivity, making it healthy for diabetics. Shellfish Shellfish are excellent sources of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Their high antioxidant content is particularly helpful in regulating blood sugar levels. Salmon Salmon is another seafood that can reduce glucose surges and slow down digestion. Its omega-3 fatty acids also help with several other health disorders. Oats Oat bran is rich in soluble fiber, which can control fasting blood sugar levels, especially in type 2 diabetes patients. Oats are a perfect breakfast or post-workout option. Chia seeds As per a study published in a reputed health journal, chia seeds have been proven to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
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