9 best foods to help manage acid reflux and GERD

9 best foods to help manage acid reflux and GERD

Acid reflux is a health condition in which the stomach’s contents move back into the food pipe. If acid reflux worsens, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD can be a long-term problem accompanied by discomforts like pain in the upper abdomen and heartburn. One way to relieve the symptoms is to avoid all possible triggers. And since certain foods can also aggravate the condition, one must follow a healthy meal plan. Foods for acid reflux and GERD management Acid reflux, which occurs when acid flows from the stomach to the esophagus, is a prevalent problem. One of its leading causes is a weak or damaged lower esophageal sphincter. Some foods help control the amount of acid the stomach produces, thus managing the symptoms. Here are a few such foods that can control acid reflux or GERD: Ginger A spice rich in natural anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is one of the best natural treatment options for heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems. Zucchini Often known as summer squash, zucchini is a low-acid vegetable, making it highly suitable for patients suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux or GERD. Bananas A fruit rich in potassium, bananas are usually recommended for patients suffering from acid reflux.
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7 incredible benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

7 incredible benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

Understanding the benefits of the nutrients in different foods helps determine which ones to add to the meal plan. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that perform many essential bodily functions and are found in several everyday foods, including fatty fish, flaxseeds, plant oils, and guavas. Eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid are the three primary types of omega-3 fatty acids. Let’s have a look at some benefits of eating omega-3-rich foods regularly. Lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases Triglycerides increase one’s susceptibility to atherosclerosis, a condition that gradually thickens the arteries and increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids lower triglyceride levels in the body, thus reducing one’s susceptibility to heart diseases and arrhythmia. Good eye health Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid, forms a crucial part of the retina. An absence of it in the eyes can lead to compromised vision. Thus, foods rich in omega-3 can help prevent eye problems like macular degeneration and permanent blindness. DHA is mainly found in fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, herring, and shellfish. Resistance to auto-immune diseases Omega-3 fatty acids can help the body fight auto-immune diseases like type 1 diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps relieve psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
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7 best and unfavorable cities for people with asthma

7 best and unfavorable cities for people with asthma

Over 25 million people in the country live with asthma. Where people live can dramatically affect the severity of their symptoms daily and the quality of care they receive. For example, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America drew up the 2019 Asthma Capitals Report, where they examined over 100 metropolitan cities across the country along eight risk factors that influence asthma outcomes to find out the best and worst cities to live for asthmatics. The worst cities for people with asthma are: Springfield, MA Springfield has a high rate of asthma-related emergency room visits, the overall prevalence of asthma, and pollen counts, making it one of the worst cities for those with asthma. Dayton, OH Dayton has high asthma rates, indicated by the high usage of quick-relief treatments and controllers. Greensboro, NC Greensboro has a low rate of asthma specialists and a high rate of uninsured citizens, making it one of the worst cities to live in as an asthma patient. Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia has a high prevalence of asthma, a high number of emergency room visits, and a high number of asthma-related fatalities. Cleveland, OH Cleveland has poor air quality, a high rate of quick-relief treatment use, and a high occurrence of asthma.
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Noteworthy best and worst cities for migraines

Noteworthy best and worst cities for migraines

Migraine typically causes severe pain on either one or both sides of the head. The pain is a throbbing or pulsing sensation and can often make it difficult to function in day-to-day life. Migraines are accompanied by other symptoms and can last from hours to days. There are several causes for them, including external factors. Thus, here is a list of all the best and worst places to live for those with migraines. Worst places for migraines There are a large number of individuals who suffer from migraines. This is typically a form of headache that also comes with other signs and symptoms. Those who have migraines also experience nausea, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and even dizziness. One of the ways to understand which places are the worst for migraines is to take a close look at what triggers are present in a particular location. The condition can be triggered by external factors such as heat, humidity, and even cold. For some, dust, smoke, pollen, and even chemicals could be a trigger. Certain places in the country have certain external factors that could trigger migraines or make individuals more prone to this condition. Some of these locations include Cincinnati, Madison, Nashville, Chattanooga, Canton-Massillon, Knoxville, and St.
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10 simple snack ideas to manage arthritis

10 simple snack ideas to manage arthritis

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints in the body, with symptoms like pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain may vary based on age, genetics, sex, and earlier injuries. When managing arthritis pains, healthcare experts may recommend treatment options and changes to one’s meals to boost recovery. Here are a few snack ideas that most people with joint pain caused by arthritis should consider eating. Salmon and crackers Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Individuals should mix cooked salmon with an olive-oil-based vinaigrette and eat it with whole-wheat crackers. Apple slices Fruits like apples are abundant in fibers, vitamin C, and polyphenols that are effective against arthritis pains. One can easily snack on apple slices throughout the day. Low-fat string cheese dip Dips made of low-fat string cheese are an ideal option one can consume along with other snacks in between meals. The cheese is rich in calcium, essential for developing and maintaining healthy bones. Salads Salads made with vegetables like mushrooms, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli may significantly help boost one’s ability to fight off arthritis pains. They can also be cooked and added as a side dish to an individual’s meals.
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3 tips for maintaining lung health

3 tips for maintaining lung health

Respiratory health is one of the most important aspects of living a healthy and fulfilling life. Air quality has been deteriorating over time with the increasing threat of climate change and natural and man-made disasters. So, here are some tips for maintaining lung health and ensuring healthy breathing practices. If one experiences changes in breathing patterns or any such issues, consulting a doctor is crucial for ruling out respiratory illnesses. Limit exposure to pollutants With the Air Quality Index being compromised every day, it is important to make sure that one does everything necessary to maintain respiratory health. This includes avoiding not just air pollutants like dust particles but also smoke from industries and chemicals from cleaning products at home or workplaces. One of the ways to avoid exposure is to be around those who follow a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle at home and work. If one resides in a city that frequently has poor AQI, then it is important to limit going outside too much and instead spend time at home or indoors. Further, one should check the AQI before stepping out every day and limit exposure to only necessary outdoor activities. Prevent infections Getting a cough or a cold occasionally may be inevitable, however, frequent infections indicate a weakened immune system.
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10 ways to manage ulcerative colitis while traveling

10 ways to manage ulcerative colitis while traveling

For people living with ulcerative colitis, traveling can be an anxiety-ridden experience. The physical symptoms of the condition are always painful, including rectal bleeding, sharp abdominal pain, diarrhea, and a looping, endless urge to seek a restroom nearby. These, in turn, lead to constant stress. So, how can someone with this condition make their travels less of an ordeal? Here are some handy tips for traveling better with ulcerative colitis: Preparing well in advance Taking two or three days to prepare before traveling can be helpful for people with ulcerative colitis. Even for short trips, one can do their packing and scheduling in advance to avoid making panicky, on-the-fly decisions once they hit the road. Keeping an emergency kit in your carry-on One can include things like tissues, wipes, multiple underwear/adult diapers, hand sanitizer, prescription treatment products, and other vital products in their emergency kit. Even if all items aren’t used, the kit can provide some much-needed assurance to travelers. Carrying a water bottle People with ulcerative colitis lose a lot of fluid, so they must always keep themselves hydrated. So taking an empty bottle and filling it just before boarding a plane is a smart way to carry water on flights, as airport security usually does not allow passengers to carry full water bottles.
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Foods to eat and avoid for asthma

Foods to eat and avoid for asthma

A chronic respiratory disorder known as asthma is characterized by inflamed airways that make breathing challenging. Even though symptoms must be treated medically, certain foods can provide relief. On the other hand, some foods can worsen allergies and lead to painful symptoms. Vitamins C, D, and E, as well as selenium, fiber, and certain lipids, can help with asthma treatment. Here are the best foods for asthma patients to eat and stay away from. Best foods for asthma Carrots Carrots high in beta-carotene and vitamin C also contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants that protect the lining of the airways. Vitamin C aids in preventing oxidative stress and damage to respiratory cells and fluids. It may be included in salads, cold-pressed juices, and smoothies. Additionally, they can be roasted or grilled; rapid heating ensures that they keep some crunch and more of the vitamin C that comes from carrots. Sardines Sardines are abundant in selenium, which has cell-protecting and antioxidant effects. It has been discovered to help reduce airway mucus secretion and control inflammatory airway conditions, especially when paired with vitamin E. Sardines provide 82% of the recommended daily intake in three ounces. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits with high vitamin C content, such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit, can be used in sweet and savory recipes.
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4 easy snacks for an ideal anti-psoriasis meal

4 easy snacks for an ideal anti-psoriasis meal

Psoriasis is a common autoimmune skin disease. People living with this condition tend to have scaly red rashes on their skin. These rashes can be painful and also highly itchy for individuals with psoriasis. To treat the condition, one can use various creams and prescription-based products. Besides, something as simple as eating the right food and snacks can make psoriasis management easier. Here are some food choices that can be helpful while dealing with psoriasis. Oatmeal with blueberries and flaxseed Flaxseeds are high in ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), a form of omega-3 fatty acid. This element has anti-inflammatory properties, which is a huge positive against inflammation-based conditions such as psoriasis. Also, blueberries have strong anti-inflammatory properties. So, a person with psoriasis can make this meal by combining a cup of cooked and softened oatmeal, three-fourths of a cup of blueberries, and a tablespoon of well-ground flaxseed. Apart from being a delicious snack, oatmeal with blueberries and ground flaxseed is hugely filling and nourishing, making it one of the best anti-psoriasis snacks. Cardamom vanilla almonds Nuts and seeds are delicious, crunchy, and, above everything, highly anti-psoriatic. Therefore, a nutty snack like cardamon vanilla almonds is not only a sensory delight but also full of healthy fats that boost skin and heart health.
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4 early warning signs of a heart attack

4 early warning signs of a heart attack

Throbbing chest pain. Profuse sweating. Dizziness. In this age of unlimited information, most people know the critical indicators of a heart attack. Many even know the steps to follow before a medical team arrives to comfort someone experiencing an attack. However, one can be even more proactive by detecting the initial heart attack signs and visiting the nearest healthcare center to address the situation. These are some hidden heart attack signs: Throbbing backache One of the earliest indicators of heart attacks is stinging pain in other body areas. So, one might experience pain in their back, arms, jaw, neck, and even feet in some cases. Other body areas other than the chest, such as one’s shoulders and abdomen, can feel pain sensations too. Essentially, this happens when the heart triggers certain nerves to provide signals to the other parts of the body regarding, say, a blocked artery in an individual. As one’s nerves are connected to the heart, brain, chest, neck, abdomen, and other parts, one will feel pain signals in these other parts. So, if one experiences an unexplained backache, they must visit their nearest healthcare expert immediately as they may be showing one of the hidden heart attack signs.
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5 serious diseases that exercise can help prevent

5 serious diseases that exercise can help prevent

Everybody knows that exercise is beneficial, but squeezing in a solid workout session in a jampacked daily schedule may still be challenging for many. Moreover, most people may incorrectly believe that as beneficial as daily exercise is, it does not inhibit the biggest diseases. So, the question is, can exercise avert the deadly cancers and diabetes of this world? Unsurprisingly, the answer is yes. Here are some serious diseases that exercise can prevent: Osteoporosis Bones undergo plenty of wear on a daily basis. Osteoporosis and osteopenia directly result from this and the gradual weakening of one’s bones. These conditions also cause a weakening of muscles. Regular weight-bearing exercises, if done within reasonable limits after consulting with a healthcare expert, can drastically reduce the likelihood of bone mass loss prevention. Simple activities such as walking or jogging can also do the trick over a long period. Targeted strength training exercises are highly effective for this purpose as well. High blood pressure A lack of exercise is directly related to conditions such as hypertension and high blood pressure in individuals. Essentially, these conditions are related to excessive fat accumulation in the body, which mainly happens when one does not participate in regular physical activity such as workouts.
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