6 easy home remedies for nasal polyps

6 easy home remedies for nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growth of the tissues that form in the nose or sinuses. If they are too large or there are many nasal polyps, it causes itching, runny nose, sneezing, and breathing difficulty. Nasal polyps are quite common and may be caused by allergies, inflammation, or infection. Surgery is a common treatment option; however, not everyone needs it. Here are some natural remedies to help ease nasal polyps symptoms and avoid surgery. Steam inhalation Inhaling steam can help unblock the nasal passages by thinning nasal mucus. It can also reduce swelling within the airways. An easy way of inhaling steam is to take a hot shower. Alternatively, you may heat a bowl of water and position the face over it while keeping a towel draped over the head to prevent steam from dispersing. Turmeric Turmeric is a yellow spice known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In people with nasal polyps, turmeric can decrease irritation and inflammation of the airways. There are many ways of using this spice. One can make turmeric tea by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of the spice in a cup of boiling water or add turmeric powder to curries, stir-fry recipes, and smoothies. Cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper contains an active compound called capsaicin, which makes the hot pepper taste hot.
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3 crucial tips for managing dementia

3 crucial tips for managing dementia

The degeneration of brain cells can lead to the development of various health concerns. It can compromise the person’s cognitive and physical function and deteriorate their lifestyle. To avoid these complications, doctors often recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eliminating unhealthy foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent the brain’s and other organs’ free radical damage. Here are three essential tips that help avoid the degeneration of brain cells due to dementia. Have these foods to prevent degeneration Proper nourishment is essential for brain functions, and providing the correct nutrients helps prevent this organ from rapid damage. Here are some foods to consider: Nuts Regular inclusion of nuts in meal plans can help develop better cognitive skills. It can also help keep other systems running smoothly. Nuts have also been linked to having a better memory. Green vegetables Two servings of green vegetables a week can help prevent the degeneration of brain cells. Those who include leafy vegetables in their daily meals are better protected against cognitive decline. Fatty fish Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish like salmon, tuna, and herring. This nutrient also benefits people with low cognition and those at risk of developing degenerative brain disorders. Berries Berries are rich sources of anthocyanin, a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
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3 foods to avoid with ADHD

3 foods to avoid with ADHD

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disease that affects many people across the globe, children as well as adults. The common symptoms include daydreaming, forgetfulness, talking too much, making careless mistakes, hyperactivity, and trouble concentrating. ADHD is manageable with treatments. But, lifestyle changes can support ongoing treatment and improve the condition further. Doctors have identified some foods to avoid with ADHD that patients should be aware of. Candy When dealing with ADHD, one should avoid candy because it has a very high sugar content and artificial coloring. Both elements can worsen hyperactivity. While avoiding candy will not prevent hyperactivity altogether, it will help reduce the intensity and frequency of episodes. Too much sugar, in general, can also impact energy levels and lead to other health conditions like diabetes, so it is best to limit its quantity in foods. Coffee Coffee is also a no-go for people with ADHD. The caffeine in coffee can improve concentration levels, but it can worsen the symptoms of this health condition. It can also interfere with ongoing treatment. Besides coffee, beverages like tea and even cola are also counted among the foods to avoid with ADHD due to their caffeine content. Frozen fruits and veggies While fresh fruits and veggies are healthy, frozen ones may have artificial additives that worsen ADHD symptoms.
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7 early warning signs of dementia and care options

7 early warning signs of dementia and care options

Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a multitude of symptoms and health conditions. It can impact a patient’s memory and cognitive functioning. Statistics provided by the World Health Organization suggest that there are more than 55 million dementia patients worldwide. Symptoms can differ from one patient to another; however, some warning signs of dementia remain common irrespective of its cause. It is more commonly seen in patients above 60 years. Short-term memory changes Issues with one’s memory are the most common and noticeable signs of dementia. These subtle changes observed in patients are often associated with their short-term memory. These changes include forgetting their tasks and the placement of items. Problem finding the right words Problem with communication of thoughts or the inability to find the right words to express one’s thoughts is a common sign of dementia. This can lead to stopping in the middle of a sentence. Conversing with dementia patients, therefore, takes a longer time. Mood change The slightest of things can cause mood changes in dementia patients. Differences in their surroundings, disruption of routine, inability to find items, and more can make them anxious, upset, agitated, or give rise to other emotions. It is one of the early warning signs of dementia.
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Simple, effective, and natural ways for managing ADHD

Simple, effective, and natural ways for managing ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder that progresses well into adulthood. ADHD mainly affects a patient’s ability to pay attention, control their impulsiveness, or avoid being extremely overactive. But it is one of the few neurodevelopmental disorders that can be treated with prescriptions, therapy, and even a combination of natural remedies and the following lifestyle changes. Here are the best suggested natural treatments for ADHD. Behavioral therapy Therapists can help teach how one can deal with mood changes and improve the overall outlook. Suggestions include creating a productive routine, learning to organize, and better managing distractions. All this can be done by bringing about a discipline in lifestyle. Exploring new opportunities, setting goals, and managing expectations can enforce positive thinking. Monitor foods and avoid allergens There are many substances found in processed foods that have been linked to increased hyperactivity among young children. It is advisable to avoid foods and beverages that are laced with artificial coloring or flavoring. In addition, immediate medical attention is advisable if the patient shows symptoms of food allergies. Chemical preservatives, certain dairy products, and even natural fruits/vegetables containing salicylates are trigger allergens to avoid with ADHD. Physical activity Exercising or any form of physical activity can help the body lower cortisol levels and decrease stress.
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4 vitamins to consume for good eye health

4 vitamins to consume for good eye health

The eye is an organ part of the visual system in the human body that enables individuals to see. But several factors can affect one’s overall vision. Age, diabetes, high blood pressure, and genetics are significant factors impacting one’s vision. Improper nutrition can also be a contributing factor to poor vision. Therefore, one must ensure they eat foods rich in vitamins to improve eye health. Here are four such vitamins to include in each meal. Vitamin A Including foods rich in vitamin A may help maintain a clear cornea (the outer covering of the eye). The vitamin is also a component of a protein in the eyes known as rhodopsin. The protein allows individuals to see in low light conditions. Furthermore, vitamin A reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Foods abundant with A vitamins include pumpkins, bell peppers, squash, and sweet potato. Carrots, black-eyed peas, spinach, broccoli, mangoes, and cantaloupe are other foods rich in this vitamin. The lack of vitamin A can lead to xerophthalmia, a severe condition that may cause permanent blindness. Vitamin C Eating foods rich in vitamin C can have several health benefits, including those for the eyes. The vitamin also protects the eyes from oxidative damage.
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Foods to avoid for managing bronchitis

Foods to avoid for managing bronchitis

Bronchitis is a lung condition in which the lining of the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for transporting air to and from the lungs, gets inflamed. The condition can be chronic or acute and can develop as a result of an underlying respiratory condition or a cold. Certain foods can also trigger the condition and cause the symptoms to worsen. Here are some foods to avoid when diagnosed with bronchitis. Dairy products People suffering from chronic bronchitis need to limit their intake of dairy products. When digested, these items release a compound known as casomorphin, which is known to elevate the amount of phlegm and mucus released by the body. This can lead to severe coughing, which could worsen wheezing and pain in patients suffering from the disease. Instead of dairy products, you can opt for alternatives such as almond or soy milk. Excess salt Excess salt can be extremely harmful to patients suffering from the disease because too much sodium can cause water retention in the body leading to difficulty breathing. To season your food, it is essential to opt for low-sodium salt alternatives, as suggested by a nutritionist, to counteract any harmful effects on the body. It is also essential to keep an eye on labels about the amount of salt present in snacks and processed foods.
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Foods to avoid for managing Crohn’s disease

Foods to avoid for managing Crohn’s disease

When you have been diagnosed with a condition such as Crohn’s, it is vital to watch what you consume to avoid triggering or worsening symptoms. Although there is no specific meal plan for patients with this condition, it has been noticed that avoiding a few foods can help to manage the condition more effectively. However, these trigger items can vary from one person to another. Read on to learn about the foods to avoid during Crohn’s flare-up: Dairy products If you have Crohn’s disease, you might be lactose intolerant too. Lactose is a protein found in milk and dairy items such as cheese, and some people find it difficult to digest or process. Hence, consuming these items could trigger the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and lead to bloating, diarrhea, cramping, etc. However, dairy products are a rich source of vitamin D and calcium; if you are avoiding them, you would need to get these nutrients from other food sources. This can include green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals or juices. You might also need to talk to your doctor about taking supplements. Greasy and fried foods People with this condition should avoid items such as French fries and fried chicken.
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Hyperkalemia – 10 foods to avoid

Hyperkalemia – 10 foods to avoid

Potassium plays a huge role in the health of our heart muscles and nerve cells. And high levels of this element in the blood cause hyperkalemia. If you consume meals high in potassium, your doctor may advise you to decrease portion sizes and concentrate on fruits and vegetables with a lower potassium content. Here is a list of foods rich in potassium that must be avoided if you have hyperkalemia. Yogurt and dairy products A serving of nonfat yogurt weighing eight ounces has roughly 625 mg of potassium, making it one of the dairy aisle’s highest sources of potassium. Even reduced fat milk contains 366 mg of potassium in a glass of cow’s whole milk. Ricotta and cottage cheese are also high in potassium. Goat cheese is a low potassium food, proving that not all cheeses are made equal. Likewise, About 131 milligrams of potassium may be found in a half cup of vanilla ice cream. Bananas When people consider foods high in potassium, bananas frequently come to mind. A banana normally contains 422 mg of potassium. Among all the fruit, bananas are athletes’ favorite as they provide energy. However, it could be highly dangerous for someone suffering from hyperkalemia. Consult your doctor if you have hyperkalemia and stick to fruits such as apples and berries.
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Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid

Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the central nervous system. It is one of the most common neurological disorders and is more common in women than in men. According to some data, this condition affects around 2.2 million people worldwide. Avoiding and eating certain foods could help manage the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. In this post, we will explore foods to better manage multiple sclerosis symptoms. Saturated fats Animal products such as red meat, cheese, butter, and full-fat dairy are sources of saturated fats. These foods are known to raise the level of LDL, also known as bad cholesterol, and are linked to inflammation. It could lead to various high-risk conditions such as stroke and heart attack. It is found that people with MS are at a high risk of heart problems, especially women. But specific easy steps would help manage this condition, such as avoiding unhealthy fats. Trans fats Like saturated fats, to deal with and manage MS, it is good to avoid trans fats such as packaged products, baked cookies, and crackers. Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular problems by enhancing inflammation in the blood vessels. Therefore, to manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), it is best to avoid trans fats such as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, etc.
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Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging

Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging

People begin to get worried about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as they age. Getting flawless skin is a common goal, and one can find plenty of advice online and in magazines on how to achieve it. However, one does not always need expensive products to boost their skin health. In fact, avoiding common skincare mistakes could help prevent premature aging. So here are a few things to avoid for youthful skin: Not using a sunscreen Skin diseases, including skin cancer, are brought on by over-exposure to harmful UV rays of the sun. According to dermatologists, about 90% of premature wrinkles could be caused by sun exposure. So, it is essential to use sunscreen even when one is outdoors for a short duration. Also, one should use sunscreen irrespective of the weather, i.e., even on cloudy days. One should use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Moreover, it is not just the heat from the sun that can cause premature aging, regularly using hot showers, saunas, and hot tubs can also cause skin damage. So, using lukewarm or tepid water to wash your face is the best solution. Unhealthy food choices Most health issues, including skin diseases , can be prevented by making better food choices.
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