Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored

Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 24 million people suffer from schizophrenia . It often surfaces during late adolescence and the twenties, and men are more prone to it than women. The condition is usually attributed to significantly distressed personal or professional life. People with schizophrenia have an increased mortality risk due to chronic health issues. Thus, it is necessary to recognize its symptoms for proper diagnosis and cure . Some of these include Hallucinations This is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of schizophrenia . A person is said to be hallucinating when they claim to see, hear, taste, or feel things that are not present in their real environment. Auditory hallucinations or hearing voices is the most common state of hallucinations. Those with this condition will claim that they hear voices inside their heads. These voices may comment on their behavior, make criticizing remark, or even communicate with the person. These hallucinations can happen even when a person is fully awake and is not inebriated. Delusions Delusions are regarded as beliefs that a schizophrenic person may possess that are difficult to comprehend and, at times, feel strange. There are different types of delusions that people may feel Referential delusion:
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Foods to avoid for managing schizophrenia

Foods to avoid for managing schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves. Patients experience a drop in concentration levels, reduce social interactions, and may even have hallucinations. Thankfully, several treatment options help control the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. However, those with schizophrenia must also follow a healthy nutrition plan and choose foods wisely. Here are a few foods to avoid with this mental health condition. Foods containing gluten Studies have shown a link between gluten consumption and schizophrenia. Those who have celiac disease (gluten sensitivity) in their childhood have a greater risk of developing this mental condition. And those who already have the disorder might experience an aggravation of symptoms after eating gluten-based foods. They may also suffer from poor absorption of iron and gut issues. So, it is best to keep this ingredient out of the menu by avoiding foods like bulgur wheat, bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, cookies, and crackers. The symptoms of schizophrenia are said to reduce when these are eliminated from the meal plan. Patients with gut and gastrointestinal problems also show signs of improvement. Artificial sweeteners Artificial sweeteners are commonly used in soft drinks, candy, and canned foods. Since it is an alternative to sugar, many people use it to maintain good health.
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11 foods to avoid when dealing with Crohn’s disease

11 foods to avoid when dealing with Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that leads to swelling in the small intestine resulting in problems like diarrhea and stomach pain. The swelling makes it tougher for the body to absorb the nutrients in food. Certain foods can also trigger the symptoms and lead to flare-ups; the triggers can differ from person to person. Nevertheless, here are a few common foods that should be avoided to prevent worsening Crohn’s disease symptoms. Spicy food For those with Crohn’s disease who love chilies or spicy food, restricting these foods is important to manage the symptoms. This is because certain spices can worsen the pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. Alternatively, one should use mild herbs and natural flavorings such as lemon in limited quantities. Dairy products Many people with Crohn’s disease experience worsening symptoms after consuming dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk. For them, it is better to try milk alternatives, like almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, and oat milk. People with the disease can also try low-fat substitutes like kefir. Deep-fried foods People with Crohn’s are advised to limit their intake of fried and greasy foods as these contain unhealthy fats that may aggravate the symptoms and lead to problems such as loose motion and cramping.
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Avoid these things for effectively managing skin disease

Avoid these things for effectively managing skin disease

Skin disease can be caused due to a variety of reasons, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, genetic factors, contact with irritants, or even due to a weak immune system. Some skin diseases are mild, while others can cause extreme discomfort and distress and may require specialized treatment. If you are suffering from a skin disease, here are a few things you should avoid to control the spread and intensity of the disease. Avoid using strong soaps, detergents, and shampoos Skin disease can worsen when you wash your body or clothes with strongly scented soaps, detergents, and shampoos. Soaps made with chemicals remove the natural oils from the skin and make it dry and itchy. Fragrance-free, mild soaps and detergents are best, and rinse your body and clothes well. For severe skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, it is best to avoid using soap unless it is essential. Avoid hot water Extreme temperatures can inflame the skin and trigger a flare-up in people with skin conditions. To soothe your skin, use lukewarm or cool water for a shower. Hot water will dry the skin and cause redness, itching, and sometimes peeling. Avoid excessive sunlight Having sufficient exposure to sunlight is essential, but it can be harmful to people with skin diseases.
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Beware of these skincare mistakes that can trigger premature aging

Beware of these skincare mistakes that can trigger premature aging

Premature aging is a condition when the natural effects of growing old start early. The condition makes a person’s skin appear older than its actual age. The most visible signs of aging are age spots, dryness, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and more. The aging process could also accelerate due to multiple skincare and lifestyle missteps. Here are some commonly made mistakes that one must avoid to maintain skin healthiness and counteract the signs of aging. Avoiding sunscreen Premature aging happens when you ignore sunscreen as part of your skincare routine. Sunscreen aids in protecting the skin against harmful UV rays from the sun, thus, preventing skin damage. When sunscreen is not applied to areas of the body exposed to sunlight, it can result in problems such as dark spots, damage to collagen, dilated vessels, and wrinkles. It is important to wear proper sun gear to save the body from UV rays. It is also significant to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is sweat and water-resistant. If you want extra protection, you can also choose to wear clothing with Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) tags. Extreme exfoliation People use scrubs to get rid of dead skin cells and gain soft, smooth skin. However, this can often cause bruising of the facial skin and inflammation.
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5 common health conditions that can cause muscle pain

5 common health conditions that can cause muscle pain

Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, can affect the entire body or specific regions. Almost everyone experiences such pain at some point in their life. While it can be treated, knowing the cause is essential to develop a treatment plan. The pain could be triggered by various factors, including injury, trauma, and even severe diseases or infections. Read on to learn about the five most common health conditions that may cause muscle pain. Lupus Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and pain throughout the body. Muscle aches and pains are widespread in people with the condition. It is usually the first symptom that causes people to seek diagnosis and treatment. When lupus and muscle ache exist together, it is called lupus myositis. Patients may experience severe pain and inflammation in their shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs. This can make it difficult for them to get up from a chair, climb stairs, or brush their hair. Although muscles do not weaken in lupus, the pain can be intense. Multiple sclerosis This is an autoimmune disease that damages the nerves in the body. Sometimes, it affects the nerves that control muscle movement, causing acute pain. The muscles usually become stiff or weak and trigger painful muscle contractions.
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Avoid these foods to manage multiple sclerosis

Avoid these foods to manage multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Although it might not seem obvious, the food you eat can be a trigger for the symptoms of this condition. Therefore, being aware of the foods to avoid when diagnosed with this condition is critical in managing it effectively and preventing it from worsening. Listed below are some foods you should avoid if you have been diagnosed with this condition. Saturated fats This type is mostly found in animal products such as full-fat dairy items, although it can also be found in food items containing coconut or palm oil. These fats can raise bad or LDL cholesterol levels increasing your risk of heart disease. According to a study, if you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, then you are already at a higher risk for developing various heart problems. Therefore, avoiding these unhealthy fats might be a good idea, and opt for healthier alternatives. Trans fats This is another type of fat best avoided by those with multiple sclerosis. It is mostly found in baked goods such as pies, cookies, and other packaged food items. Trans fats can trigger or increase inflammation in the blood vessels, which can cause heart problems.
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5 signs of osteoporosis that shouldn’t be ignored

5 signs of osteoporosis that shouldn’t be ignored

Osteoporosis (OP) is a health condition where the bones become weak and susceptible to unprecedented fractures. This health condition affects around 10 million people aged 50 or above. There are treatments and lifestyle changes to cope with the condition. Several osteoporosis symptoms go undetected until a later stage, often until a fracture. Therefore, learning about these uncommon, rarely noticed signs of osteoporosis may help one fight the condition effectively. Receding gums The teeth in the human body are linked to the jawbone. So if someone is affected by osteoporosis, they might start losing bones, thus causing the gums to recede. The loss of bone density can also make it easier for bacteria to penetrate and affect the bone, thus leading to gum disease. Weak, brittle fingernails Weak or brittle fingernails may develop because of several factors, including regular gardening, swimming, and other activities. However, people with OP may also develop brittle or weak nails. Genetics Sometimes people with a family history of osteoporosis are also likely to develop the condition. The risk is higher if the mother or father has fractured a hip due to low bone density. Loss of height An individual may start losing a little height as they age.
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6 unusually early signs of eczema

6 unusually early signs of eczema

Eczema is a group of skin disorders commonly diagnosed among young children, teens, and adults. There are several types of eczema, but atopic and contact dermatitis are the most prevalent types that develop visible symptoms. Inflammation is one of the primary discomforts of any kind of dermatitis. However, patients can also develop some unusual symptoms due to skin infections and complications. Here are six uncommon early signs to monitor closely. Visible skin abnormalities Eczema exposes the skin’s upper layer to various infections. Rashes, discoloration, small fluid-filled bumps, hyperpigmentation, and thick, scaly patches on the skin are some early signs of eczema. These symptoms usually develop early during childhood. Inflammation and dryness The skin begins to lose its textural integrity once eczema develops. Inflammation is one of the first markers noticed among the most common types of dermatitis. The skin also becomes dry as eczema spreads. Coin spots Only 2 in 1000 people who contract discoid or nummular eczema will develop spots resembling a small coin’s shape. These spots trigger itching and can develop into puss-filled blisters. If left unchecked, such spots can break out and ooze fluids, potentially causing permanent scarring. Fluid leaks Venous eczema is a type of dermatitis where the blood pressure in the veins forces liquids from these skin spots to leak.
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4 foods that help manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

4 foods that help manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease caused by the immune system attacking the joints in the body resulting in swelling, pain, and inflammation. This illness can affect people of all age groups. The exact cause is still unknown, and there is no permanent cure for the condition. However, early treatment and lifestyle changes can relieve the symptoms and discomfort associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Important changes include adding certain foods that help combat inflammation.  Best foods to manage symptoms Although several treatment options can help relieve the associated symptoms, adding certain foods to one’s daily meals may also ease the discomfort. Some of these foods are:  Beans This food is packed with fiber, which can help lower the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), leading to less inflammation. Beans are also a rich source of magnesium, protein, folic acid, zinc, and potassium. So it is advised to regularly consume kidney, red, and pinto beans to fight inflammation and boost immunity.  Cherries Cherries contain anthocyanins—a chemical that is a potent antioxidant and helps manage inflammation. In addition, the fruit also helps in fighting against cell damage to make the bones and joints get stronger. So, people with the condition should opt for freshly picked cherries every day to help build strength and reduce the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.  Carrots Carrots and other orange-colored vegetables are rich sources of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which help the body fight against inflammation.
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What does ADHD look like in children

What does ADHD look like in children

At times, it is normal if your child forgets something, daydreams in school acts without thinking, or gets restless at the dinner table. When this behavior is fused with frequent bouts of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, it may be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that generally appear in early childhood. Research reveals that one in ten children between the ages of 5 and 17 years is diagnosed with ADHD in the country. ADHD in children is often associated with the problems they face at school—being inattentive most of the time, losing things, and more. It is a common observation that young boys are more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder than young girls, which may be because one of the significant symptoms of ADHD, hyperactivity, is more pronounced in boys’ behavior. A few girls might also display the classic symptoms of hyperactivity, but it’s rare among them. In girls, the disorder mainly manifests in the form of continually daydreaming or over-talkativeness. However, parents must realize that many ADHD symptoms might only be typical childhood behaviors and can vary from child to child, which makes ADHD a challenging disorder to diagnose.
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