Watch out for these early warning signs of a seizure

Watch out for these early warning signs of a seizure

The brain is the point of control for almost every bodily function, from body movements and balance to the functioning of body organs, heart rate, and breathing. Seizure results from disturbances in the brain’s electrical activity, triggering changes in one’s movements, feelings, and behavior and affecting consciousness. Seizures may have many underlying causes, including brain injury, stroke, or a brain tumor. Some hidden warning signs that usually manifest before a seizure are listed below. Jerky muscle movements A myoclonic seizure is a form of seizure that lasts for a brief while and involves the involuntary jerking of muscles. Jerking of muscles indicates an underlying neurological problem and is a seizure sign to watch out for. Staring Some persons with silent or “absence” seizures at the early stages may stare into nothingness for a few seconds before returning to attention. This symptom is generally prevalent among children from 4 to 14 years of age. Loss of consciousness Individuals with tonic-clonic seizures may experience loss of consciousness during seizure attacks, often accompanied by intense muscle contractions. Sometimes, these patients may bite their tongues or lose bladder control during the seizure attack. Anxiety Several patients with seizures and epilepsy report feeling anxious just before a seizure attack.
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4 warning signs of dental problems

4 warning signs of dental problems

Dental problems are a major issue that can affect one’s daily routine. Sometimes, the smallest of cavities or tooth decays can trigger pain and discomfort that are simply unbearable. And most often, daily nutrition and poor lifestyle choices are the primary reasons behind these symptoms. Immediate attention is advisable to prevent these small issues from worsening. Some of the most obvious signs of dental problems that develop due to poor oral hygiene are listed below. Toothache The most obvious sign of dental problems is a persistent toothache. This pain worsens while eating hot foods or drinking cold beverages due to increased sensitivity. In most cases, toothaches are caused due to cavities that burrow deep into healthy molars where the bacteria thrive. But some people also experience toothache triggered by a severe gum infection. Either way, ignoring the pain will only worsen the underlying problem. Sores Mouth sores or ulcers are a symptom of dental conditions. For example, consuming sugar-rich products and beverages feeds the millions of harmful bacteria that grow in the gaps of the teeth. This infection causes cavities to form and weaken the roots of healthy teeth. The same bacteria also spread inside the mouth and causes canker sores or cold sores to develop due to the infection.
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4 signs of heart disease due to high sugar levels

4 signs of heart disease due to high sugar levels

The heart is the lifeline of the human body, performing several indispensable functions, from supplying oxygen to other body organs and maintaining blood pressure to pumping carbon dioxide to the lungs for exhalation. Unfortunately, approximately one person dies every 33 seconds in the country due to heart disease. Although heart problems may have various causes, diabetes is among the major triggers of cardiovascular conditions. Here are some diabetes-related heart conditions and their early signs: Heart attack Patients with type-2 diabetes are twice as likely to develop diabetes as those with normal blood sugar levels. Moreover, patients with diabetes are susceptible to silent heart attacks, which involve no apparent signs. Swelling in the legs or ankles, sweating, nausea, fatigue, and chest pain are some common signs of a heart attack. Arrhythmia Arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, may develop or aggravate due to diabetes as a result of disruption to the heart’s structure. Increased palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, and a fluttering sensation in the chest are some signs of arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation Studies have shown that diabetes acts as a major risk factor for atrial fibrillation. Diabetes involves structural, autonomic, and electrical changes to the atria, which can contribute to the development of this condition.
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5 signs of a weakened immune system due to excessive sugar intake

5 signs of a weakened immune system due to excessive sugar intake

The immune system plays a critical role in maintaining our overall health. Its function is to protect the body from cell changes, germs, and substances that may cause harm and lead to health disorders. This is why following healthy food habits, sleep patterns, and exercise routines is recommended to keep the immune system strong. However, having a sweet tooth and eating too many sugary foods and beverages can negatively affect your immune system. Here are the signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar: Your body is unable to fight off infections You may feel like reaching out for a packaged snack when midday hunger pangs strike. Since such snacks usually have high amounts of sugar, regularly eating them can affect your body’s ability to fight infections. This happens because the excess sugar you consume affects your body’s white blood cells. These cells are responsible for dealing with viruses, bacteria, and other infection-causing substances. Your wounds don’t heal fast enough Another common sign of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar is the slow healing of wounds. Eating foods with too much sugar inhibits the normal functioning of the white blood cells. The white blood cells work as the body’s defense mechanism whenever you have a cut or a wound.
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4 signs of aging skin linked to high sugar intake

4 signs of aging skin linked to high sugar intake

Foods rich in sugar may help boost energy levels for a short period, however, excessive sugar intake has adverse effects on health. One of the key consequences of having a lot of sugary foods and beverages is diabetes, which affects various parts of the body, like the heart, kidneys, and skin. Further, this can interfere with the natural aging process of the skin. So, here are a few signs of aging associated with sugar intake: Yellow, red, or brown patches One with high blood sugar may experience issues such as small raised bumps on the skin that look like pimples. Eventually, these turn into patches of swollen and hard skin, taking on a yellowish, reddish, or brown color. Other signs include itchy and painful skin, visible blood vessels, and a shiny appearance of the surrounding skin. Hard, thick skin Another common sign of aging brought on by excessive sugar intake is hard, thickened skin on the fingers, toes, or both, known as digital sclerosis. One may notice waxy skin on the back of their hands and find it difficult to move the fingers. This sign may also spread to the forearms and upper arms, back, shoulders, and neck. Blisters Excessive sugar intake may lead to the development of blisters on the skin.
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3 effects of excess sugar on the eyesight

3 effects of excess sugar on the eyesight

Sugary foods are a top favorite across age groups. However, most people are unaware of the health issues caused by excess sugar intake, including eye problems such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and even cataracts. In most cases, regularly eating sweet items can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to diabetes. Diabetes, in turn, adversely affects the eyesight. Thus, here are the top signs of poor eyesight due to excess sugar intake. Signs of poor eyesight caused due to excessive sugar consumption Halos When dealing with eye diseases like glaucoma and cataract, one may notice the appearance of halos around different light sources. In most cases, this is caused to due to the refraction of light rays that enter the eye and can cause difficulties while doing daily activities, such as driving a vehicle. Blurred vision One of the most common signs of poor eyesight caused by excessive consumption of sugar is blurred vision. In the case of glaucoma and cataracts, one may notice sudden changes to vision, making the world seem dimmer or cloudy. On the other hand, diabetic retinopathy patients may experience this symptom due to the blood vessels leaking fluid into a part of the retina.
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4 hearing conditions linked to diabetes

4 hearing conditions linked to diabetes

The ears play a vital role in helping individuals perceive their surroundings through hearing. Unfortunately, around 15% of adults nationwide experience some form of hearing difficulty. This health condition can arise from various factors like damage to the inner ear, aging, loud noise, and genetic variations. Unbeknownst to many, several studies have associated excessive sugar intake with the onset and deterioration of hearing problems. Some hearing disorders associated with diabetes are listed below. Sensorineural hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) results from damage to the auditory nerve, cochlea, or central nervous system. This type of hearing loss is commonly associated with complications resulting from diabetes. Typically, over time, diabetes can damage the tiny blood vessels and nerves present in the inner ear, contributing to the onset of this hearing condition. Sounds seeming excessively loud in one ear, problems with understanding conversations, and difficulty hearing in noisy environments are some early signs of SNHL. Tinnitus Tinnitus refers to persistent ringing in the ears, even without an external source. The condition is more prevalent among individuals with diabetes. Excessive sugar intake can change one’s brain function, posing a challenge for the brain to regulate the activities of the central nervous system. Consequently, one may temporarily experience tinnitus until the brain’s functioning returns to normal levels.
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4 ways in which excess sugar affects the nervous system

4 ways in which excess sugar affects the nervous system

Sugar is one of the most widely and regularly used ingredients in many foods and beverages. It provides a short energy boost that can be quite rewarding. This is why many people indulge in sugary sweets and beverages, to repeatedly mimic the benefit. However, indulgences can turn into addictions, leading to excessive sugar consumption that disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system. Here are some common signs one should look out for. Cognitive issues Excess sugar negatively impacts a person’s memory and learning capabilities. High glucose levels in the blood stream can slow down thinking, affect attention span, and trigger inflammation in the brain. Sugar can also create an imbalance in brain chemicals and affect hormones to cause mood swings. One might experience depression and increased anxiety as blood glucose levels continue to fluctuate. Vision problems Overindulging in sugary foods can trigger focal nerve damage that directly affects one’s vision. Common signs of vision problems in the early stages include trouble with focusing on objects or experiencing double vision. The brain loses its ability to automatically identify and focus on individual objects in the foreground while blurring the background and vice versa. Peripheral vision is also affected due to these reasons.
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4 early signs of cancer due to excess sugar

4 early signs of cancer due to excess sugar

From diabetes to cardiac concerns, the detrimental effects of excessive sugar intake are well-documented. However, recent studies have uncovered a potential link between sugar intake and cancer development. This revelation has sparked curiosity and concern among health-conscious individuals seeking to understand the complex relationship between sugar and this fatal disease. Unraveling these early warning signs helps us empower ourselves with knowledge and make informed choices to protect our health. Chronic fatigue and weakness Persistent fatigue and weakness can be early warning signs of cancer related to excessive sugar intake. It can lead to rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in energy crashes and chronic fatigue. Certain cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, can cause fatigue due to their impact on the body’s immune system. Frequent infections Increased intake of refined carbohydrates and sugary foods can suppress the immune system. And a weakened immune system is just an accessible entryway to numerous infection-causing microorganisms. It puts patients at a higher risk of catching infections frequently and impairs their ability to fight off infections. The suppressed immune system also increases the risk of developing various types of cancer. Recurrent respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections can indicate an underlying cancerous condition.
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3 signs of Alzheimer’s due to excessive sugar

3 signs of Alzheimer’s due to excessive sugar

Excessive sugar intake is always considered harmful to the body. It can also cause complications, leading to mental health disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is a progressive illness that destroys memory power and also some other brain functions that make engaging in everyday activities difficult. While it is difficult to diagnose Alzheimer’s easily, some signs and symptoms can be recognized in its early stages. Cognitive decline Eating excess sugary foods is associated with compromised cognitive performance and weakened memory, which are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. When there is too much sugar in the blood, it can get thicker and can weaken the blood vessels. This leads to a decline in mental health that can increase the risk of dementia and cause Alzheimer’s in the long run. Also, when the blood vessels are weakened or destroyed, the blood supply to other body parts is reduced. This can cause the blood vessels to clog, resulting in a series of strokes that cause different symptoms of dementia. Inflammation in the brain When there is an increase in sugar consumption, it leads to a spike in glucose in the body. High levels of glucose can cause inflammation in the body. The cells swell up with fluid, and this causes the cell to put pressure on the tissues.
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4 signs of kidney disease due to excess sugar consumption

4 signs of kidney disease due to excess sugar consumption

Most people enjoy munching on sugary foods like cookies and indulge in fizzy drinks throughout the year. While consuming these in moderation might be alright, excess sugar intake can lead to diabetes. People with diabetes may develop a subtype of the disease known as diabetic nephropathy, which affects the kidneys. Here are four signs associated with kidney problems caused due to diabetes. These signs may require an expert’s intervention who will recommend a treatment plan. Frequent urination (Polyuria) One of the symptoms an individual with diabetic nephropathy may experience is frequent urination. When the blood sugar levels are very high, the kidneys may not be able to keep up with the amount of glucose and allow some of it to go into the urine. Therefore, the individual may have the urge to urinate often, even at night. Loss of body mass An individual may lose a couple of pounds due to multiple factors, including regular exercise. However, if this happens without any effort, they might have diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes may have extra glucose circulating in the body, which goes into their urine. Therefore, they may lose pounds even when they eat more to satisfy their hunger. The symptom must be checked by an expert immediately.
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