Top foods to eat for Crohn’s disease

Top foods to eat for Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic, lifelong disease that results in irritation and inflammation along the digestive tract. A Crohn’s flare-up could trigger or worsen symptoms including appetite loss, nausea, abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, and diarrhea, among others. When one eats the correct kinds of foods, it can help in managing and relieving such flare-ups. Herein, we discuss the best foods one can have in such instances. Refined grains Refine grains such as pasta are easy to digest. They possess less fermentable fiber as compared to whole grains and, hence, they pass quickly through the digestive tract. They also are less likely to cause inflammation and tend to be easier on the gut. Some examples of refined grains are rice snacks, waffles, pancakes, plain crackers, pasta, white rice and bread, and fortified ready-to-eat cereals that contain added essential minerals and vitamins. Oatmeal Oatmeal made from rolled/quick oats is a kind of refined grain that contains slightly lesser fiber as compared to steel-cut oats. When one experiences a Crohn’s flare-up, it’s best to avoid foods that contain insoluble fiber, which could worsen diarrhea symptoms. Oatmeal has a soluble fiber known as beta-glucan that helps in easing diarrhea by adding bulk to the stool by slowing digestion, and absorbing water in the intestines and forming a gel.
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Avoid these 3 foods to maintain cholesterol levels

Avoid these 3 foods to maintain cholesterol levels

Cholesterol plays an important role in many bodily functions. It is of two types — The first type is LDL or bad cholesterol, which leads to plaque build-up in blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart diseases. The other is HDL or good cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart conditions. It is important to develop healthy eating habits to lower LDL cholesterol. Mentioned below are three foods to avoid to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Three high cholesterol foods to avoid Sugar-sweetened beverages Common examples of such beverages include off-the-shelf soft drinks, sodas, sports drinks, flavored juices, and energy drinks. Some form of electrolyte replacement drinks also contain excess sugar. These items are high in calories and provide zero nutritional value. Almost 11 percent of total calories come from sugar-sweetened drinks. Instead of these beverages, one can choose to have plain water since it provides adequate hydration. One can also opt for fresh homemade lemonade or fruit juices. To keep the calories in check, you can have herbal tea and low-calorie hot chocolate. Saturated fats Pizzas, butter, cheese, fast foods, red meat, or foods cooked in palm oil are all high in saturated fats. This type of fat increases bad cholesterol in the blood.
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Essential Vitamins for Preventing Hair Loss

Essential Vitamins for Preventing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition that affects thousands of men and women across the country. A person can experience it on the scalp or other parts of the body. Frequent hair loss can affect a person’s self-esteem and can be an indicator of underlying health conditions. It is vital to know about the essential vitamins for preventing hair loss that can help in controlling the condition. Why does hair loss happen? First, let’s take a quick look at the causes and symptoms of hair loss. This condition is often a result of medication, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle or hereditary factors. Male pattern baldness or excessive loss of hair from the scalp, commonly known as alopecia, is mostly a result of genetic factors. Different people may experience different types of hair loss. Men and women lose their hair in different ways. Some people may experience symptoms such as thinning of hair or bald patches while others may find clumps of hair fall after brushing or washing their hair. People who have gone through radiation or chemotherapy experience hair loss all over the body, although this hair grows back once the treatment is complete. Other factors such as age, traumatic experiences or nutritional deficiency can also result in hair loss.
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7 Foods for Healthy Hair

7 Foods for Healthy Hair

The food you eat can have a major impact on the health and appearance of your hair. More often than not, a majority of hair problems like hair loss, hair thinning, and itchy scalp stem from nutritional deficiencies. If you suffer from iron or vitamin deficiency, there are chances that you are highly susceptible to hair problems. Your diet plays a crucial role in hair treatment, and here we have compiled a list of food items to consume for healthy hair and to boost hair growth: Fatty fish Fish and other seafood are enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids and a host of other nutrients that help control hair fall and aid hair growth. Increasing the consumption of fatty fish like salmon and mackerel is a great way to boost hair growth. Along with that, it helps combat a myriad of conditions like a dry and flaky scalp. Berries Berries like strawberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants that safeguard your hair from free radicals, which damage it and hamper healthy growth. The high content of vitamin C in berries aids hair treatment by boosting the collagen production in hair and promotes hair health. It keeps premature aging signs like greying and thinning of hair at bay.
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Nine useful home remedies for treating cold and flu

Nine useful home remedies for treating cold and flu

Having a cold and flu at the same time can be an exasperating condition, especially if you are down with a range of symptoms such as fever, muscle ache, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, headaches, sneezing, chest congestion, nasal stuffiness, nausea, loss of energy, diarrhea, etc. Therefore, it can undoubtedly interfere with your everyday activities. However, the good part is that there is a range of cold and flu treatments which can assist you in alleviating the discomfort. The following cold and flu treatments comprise the use of home remedies as well as OTC (over-the-counter) medications. The best aspect is that most of the home remedies can be easily found in your kitchen. OTC medications – Based on the signs, you can use OTC drugs to ease the distress caused by cold and flu. You can get a variety of medicines such as decongestants, antihistamines, cough suppressants, antipyretics, pain relievers, expectorants, combination medications, etc. For instance, if you are particularly suffering from a stuffy nose and fever, you can use nasal sprays, nose drops, antipyretics, combination medicines, etc. to get rid of the congestion. Likewise, if you are suffering from body ache and fever, you should opt for pain relievers and antipyretics to gain quick relief.
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5 signs it’s time to end online therapy sessions

5 signs it’s time to end online therapy sessions

In today’s fast-paced world, online therapy has become an avenue for people to take a break and care for their mental health without taking too much time out of their busy schedules. However, at some point during this process, one might find oneself at a fork where one needs to decide whether to continue with the therapy or not. Here are some signs that it may be time to put an end to online therapy sessions. Reaching a plateau During an online therapy session, it is important to discuss new insights, exercises, approaches, or strategies that can positively impact one’s life. However, this begins to diminish with time, resulting in a plateau. At this point, the therapist may not have any new advice to share, making therapy feel like a pointless expense. Depending on one’s overall health, one should talk to the therapist about terminating the treatment, and the possibility of speaking to a new therapist.  Lack of things to talk about With repeated online therapy sessions, the same stories are bound to resurface. However, if one notices that the pattern is repeating over and over again, it may be time to consider terminating the sessions. This can be an indicator that the underlying cause is not being addressed, resulting in a cycle of repeated sessions.
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Pros and cons of online therapy sessions

Pros and cons of online therapy sessions

In recent years, digital technology has revolutionized various aspects of daily life, including healthcare. The emergence of online therapy sessions offers convenience to individuals by allowing them to seek support from the comfort of their homes. While in-person therapy remains an important aspect of healthcare, online therapy sessions come with various advantages and disadvantages. Individuals must carefully consider both the pros and cons of online therapy to make an informed decision regarding their mental health. Pros Easy access One of the biggest benefits of online therapy sessions is that anyone can access it. Going to a therapist or a clinic in person may not be possible for everyone. For instance, it is hard for people to opt for traditional in-person therapy if they live in remote areas where there is limited access to healthcare professionals. Similarly, visiting therapists in person is difficult for people with mobility issues. Online therapy sessions eliminate these challenges and make it easy for almost everyone to consult a therapist. However, it is important to note that a stable internet connection is necessary to attend an online session without hassle. Comfort Some people may not prefer a clinical setting as they may experience anxiety or discomfort in such a space.
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5 health conditions associated with knee pain

5 health conditions associated with knee pain

Knee pain is a common complaint among many people. It is usually caused due to the general wear and tear of the knee from everyday activities. The problem is far more prevalent among athletes who undergo severe and extreme physical strain and older people due to aging. Knee pain could also be a symptom of other health conditions and issues. Identifying the underlying cause can help manage the pain better and prevent it from reoccurring. Iliotibial band syndrome The iliotibial band is a strong band of tissue that starts from the hips and ends toward the knees. When this band of tissue becomes too tight, it rubs against the thighbone, leading to knee pain. Distance runners and cyclists generally suffer from this problem. Dislocated kneecap This is among the most common conditions linked to knee pain. A dislocated kneecap occurs when the patella, or the triangular bone at the front of the knee, moves from its usual location. It leads to severe pain in the affected knee during any movement. ACL injury The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, connects the shinbone to the thighbone. A sudden jerking movement can sometimes lead to a tear in this ligament. The knee pain-causing injury is generally observed among those who play sports like soccer and basketball.
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6 health impacts of not drinking enough water

6 health impacts of not drinking enough water

Water is crucial for survival. Since 60% of the human body is made of this compound, many cognitive, cardiovascular, and metabolic activities depend on its intake for daily functioning. According to experts, adults must drink at least eight glasses of water daily to remain hydrated. This intake value will vary slightly depending on factors like a person’s body mass, age, and gender. However, not drinking enough water can lead to various side effects. Skin problems Drinking water has many skin benefits as the water molecules hydrate and moisturize the skin cells. Reducing intake causes the skin to dry out, lose its natural elasticity, and develop fine lines or wrinkles as collagen cracks due to dehydration. Cognitive impairment Water helps maintain the necessary sodium and glucose balance, among other essential electrolytes responsible for cognitive function. In fact, 73% of the brain is made up of water, so reducing its intake can result in confusion, brain fog, and memory problems. Increased food intake Sometimes, people mistake thirst for hunger and eat more foods to curb these hunger pangs. However, a glass of water can easily satiate such cravings. One can have a small snack if one still feels hungry after drinking water.
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4 side effects of inadequate water intake

4 side effects of inadequate water intake

The secret to maintaining good health may be eating healthy and staying active. However, the importance of water cannot be overlooked, as every organ in the body needs sufficient water to function properly. Water also aids in lubricating the joints and maintaining body temperature. In fact, drinking insufficient water throughout the day can lead to various side effects, such as urinary problems and dizziness. In severe cases, it can even lead to kidney stones. 4 common side effects of insufficient water intake Persistent headaches One of the first side effects of insufficient water intake is the presence of persistent headaches, which can result in throbbing pain and hinder daily activities. Hence, when suffering from persistent headaches, it’s suggested that an individual consume a large glass of water and rest until the headache disappears. In most cases, dehydration-related headaches should disappear in a couple of hours after consuming water. Low energy or fatigue When an individual is dehydrated, they may notice a drop in their energy levels. They may face symptoms such as decreased focus, lightheadedness, and dizziness. The dehydration can worsen during the afternoons due to continued inadequate water intake, worsening the fatigue, and they may be unable to go about their day as usual.
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Toxic ingredients of cleaning products to avoid for better lung health

Toxic ingredients of cleaning products to avoid for better lung health

A recent study suggests that people exposed to spray cleaning chemicals, like industry workers or cleaning personnel, were more likely to see a decline in lung function over time than those who weren’t. Besides causing health concerns in humans, some of the cleaning products’ ingredients can alter the water’s PH balance and affect aquatic animals. Keep reading to learn about chemicals commonly found in cleaning products that are best avoided for optimal lung function. Impact of chemicals in cleaning products on the body Some disinfectants, degreasers, and other cleaning products containing bleach and other harmful chemicals get absorbed through the skin or enter the body through inhalation. These chemicals may trigger allergic reactions in people who are continually exposed to them. They may also lead to lung injuries, asthma, and reactive airway symptoms. Patients with rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, asthma, and other chronic lung disorders should exercise caution while handling these products. Harmful chemicals in cleaning products to avoid Sodium hydroxide Also known as caustic soda or lye, sodium hydroxide dissolves in water and produces a strongly alkaline solution. The ingredient is used in drains, toilet cleaners, oven cleaners, dyes, and bleach. Long-term exposure to sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns in one’s eyes, skin, or lungs.
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