5 common health conditions that can lead to myalgia

5 common health conditions that can lead to myalgia

Most individuals are likely to experience myalgia (pain in the muscles) at some point during their lifetime. Studies show that 11% to 40% of adults in the country live with chronic pain. You might experience the sore, aching feeling in a small area or the whole body. The severity of the ache experienced may also vary. Several factors can lead to the development of this condition; here are five common causes. 5 health conditions that can trigger myalgia Lupus Lupus is a disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking its tissues and organs. The most noticeable symptom of the condition is a facial rash that looks like the wings of a butterfly opening across both cheeks. Lupus may lead to inflammation, which can affect various organ functions. However, each individual may experience different symptoms of the autoimmune disease. A common complication triggered by lupus is myalgia. The condition can also lead to inflammation in the muscles, most commonly in the thighs, upper arms, hips, and shoulders. Those with lupus may experience weakened muscles, making it difficult to raise their arms or stand up from a chair. Strains Several muscle pains are triggered by accidents that may bruise muscles in the body.
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8 foods best avoided by those with hyperkalemia

8 foods best avoided by those with hyperkalemia

Our body needs a multitude of vitamins and minerals to function properly. But if the body experiences either a deficiency or excessive availability of these compounds, it can lead to side effects. Potassium is an essential mineral that, when available more than required, can cause hyperkalemia. The normal potassium level in the blood is 3.5 to 5 mmol/L. Anything above that can be fatal, and avoiding foods rich in this particular mineral is necessary. Banana Banana is one of the first foods that come to mind when considering potassium. The general potassium content in a banana is estimated at 422 mg. Due to this high potassium content, this fruit is considered an athlete’s best friend. However, for those with hyperkalemia, it can be potentially dangerous. In such cases, it is better to snack on fruits like berries and apples. Beans and legumes Beans and legumes are common protein sources for vegetarians and vegans. However, they are also a reliable source of high potassium content in daily food. Pinto and lima beans have approximately 300 mg of potassium per half cup. When regular intake is considered, it amounts to a higher number. Dried fruits The nutrient density in dried fruits as compared to fresh fruits is higher.
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10 avoidable foods for those with Crohn’s disease

10 avoidable foods for those with Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease involves an immune reaction against the intestinal tract. This condition mainly affects the intestines, but it can inflame the mouth, throat, or anus. One can experience uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and loss of appetite. Each person’s body reacts differently to Crohn’s disease, so there’s no recommended list of food items to eat for all. But certain foods tend to cause flare-ups, and avoiding them will help manage symptoms better. Whole wheat pasta and bread Whole wheat pasta and bread have a high amount of insoluble fiber that passes through the gastrointestinal tract. For a healthy body, insoluble fiber attracts water into one’s stool and regularizes bowel movement. But Crohn’s disease may block the intestinal tract when there is severe inflammation and cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. One should have foods rich in soluble fiber and low in residue, like well-cooked vegetables, ground chia seeds, soups, overnight, and oatmeal, to avoid inflammation. Popcorn Most people are unaware that popcorn is a whole grain, which is difficult for the body to break down if they experience Crohn’s flare-ups. One can instead go pretzels, a hard-boiled egg, a piece of fruit, etc., as these snack alternatives to avoid triggers.
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6 common early signs of colon cancer

6 common early signs of colon cancer

Colon cancer is the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. According to reports, the chances of developing this health condition are higher in millennials than in older adults. Due to these findings, many experts have reduced the recommended age of regular colon screenings from 50 to 45 years. One must visit a doctor as soon as possible after experiencing the following early warning symptoms of the disease. Rectal bleeding Blood in the stools is one of the most common early signs of colon cancer. Doctors may send a stool sample to the laboratory for a fecal occult blood test when this symptom occurs. Pain in the abdomen Any abdominal or stomach pain (including discomforts like bloating or cramps) can be an early symptom of this health condition. The pain is due to the formation of cancer cells in the abdominal region. Changes in bowel habits Irregularities or changes in bowel habits, such as constipation and diarrhea, are early indicators. Some patients may report changes in stool consistency or narrowing of the stool. Fatigue This is a common sign in many health conditions and should not be ignored. Improper absorption of minerals in the body can lead to complications like anemia, which can cause fatigue, tiredness, or weakness.
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5 common mistakes to steer clear of when buying health insurance

5 common mistakes to steer clear of when buying health insurance

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for all residents in the country. Moreover, a multifold increase in medical costs has made it difficult to afford decent healthcare without insurance. But with so many plans and policies available for Medicare, Medicaid, and Medigap, choosing the right one can be challenging. It is also important to note and avoid these common mistakes while planning for healthcare coverage for self and one’s family. Here are some to avoid: Not researching properly You have to do primary research to understand the options for health insurance. For example, United Healthcare (UHC) offers exclusive Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) benefits to qualifying applicants covering Medicare and Medicaid. Seniors above 65, those with special needs due to disabilities, and citizens eligible in the low-income criteria can apply for particular insurance policies by UHC. These criteria also impact part A and part B premiums payable for 2022. Without research, you might miss several of these benefits provided by private insurance companies. Taking insufficient coverage Policy coverage is one of the critical factors to consider when choosing health insurance plans. The first point to consider here is the average waiting period for the policies to activate and cover expenses.
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Understanding the impact of water contamination on health

Understanding the impact of water contamination on health

Water is one of the most essential components for the survival of all living organisms. However, rapid urbanization and industrialization over the last few decades have led to an increase in the contamination of water sources in the country. Even with multiple facilities designed for filtration and purification, drinking water can have hazardous elements that increase the risk of known chronic diseases and severe illnesses. Here is a look at the consequences of water contamination: Health concerns As the human body is made up of nearly 70% water, most organs and functions are affected by consuming contaminated water. Here are the common consequences: Heavy metal contamination issues Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury increase the risk of developing cancer in the liver, bladder, or lungs. Long-term consumption can affect neurological development among kids affecting their cognitive skills. Women drinking contaminated water during pregnancy are at substantial risk of developing fetal malformations. Heavy metals like arsenic can also be introduced into breast milk, affecting the health of breastfed newborns. Respiratory issues and autoimmune disorders Byproducts of chlorine and other chemicals used for disinfection can mix with groundwater. These chemicals adversely affect the upper respiratory tract, causing chest pain and lung irritation.
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Eosinophilic esophagitis – Symptoms, causes, and therapy

Eosinophilic esophagitis – Symptoms, causes, and therapy

Eosinophilic esophagitis, widely known as EoE, is an allergic condition of the esophagus – the tube connecting the mouth and stomach. When a person suffers from it, their esophagus becomes inflamed and unable to contract. This condition can lead to the development of abscesses or rings, and the body employs eosinophils, better known as white blood cells, to counter it. It can happen at any age, and the symptoms vary between persons. Symptoms Eosinophilic esophagitis is a disease that is often confused with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) due to matching symptoms. The symptoms of the condition differ with age and can also vary from one patient to another, but may include trouble while swallowing, food getting stuck in the throat, upper abdominal and chest pain, heartburn, and vomiting. Causes and risk factors This condition develops when eosinophils build up in the esophagus, causing discomfort and inflammation. Multiple factors like food allergies, history of the disease in the family, and climatic conditions may put a person at risk of developing this health condition. Food allergies Food allergies are one of the biggest risk factors as it triggers the eosinophils to travel to the esophagus. It can sometimes even lead to medical emergencies and may require the assistance of a healthcare professional.
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Best shoes for plantar fasciitis relief

Best shoes for plantar fasciitis relief

Some people often experience chronic stabbing pain in their heels, especially when they get out of bed. The phenomenon is caused because of a health condition called plantar fasciitis. It affects the lower region of an individual’s foot. The pain caused by the condition leads to immense discomfort and unbearable pain that may affect one’s ability to indulge in daily activities like walking. But with the right footwear, one can improve, cope and manage the condition. Mistakes with picking footwear for plantar fasciitis One must find footwear ideal for the gait and foot anatomy, as it helps prevent stress injuries. Many people go to a store and purchase a pair of shoes based on a sales associate’s input or how attractive the kicks look. However, this selection process is flawed as it does not account for the essential comfort factors needed for people with plantar fasciitis. Moreover, shoes that are uncomfortable due to under or oversized, cushioned, or structured footwear may lead to an altered gait pattern, causing more discomfort. Choosing the right shoes Healthcare experts like physical therapists and podiatrists do not prescribe a specific type of shoe for plantar fasciitis. Each person is evaluated differently to understand which shoe is suitable for their situation.
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Multiple myeloma – Stages, prognosis, symptoms, and management options

Multiple myeloma – Stages, prognosis, symptoms, and management options

Multiple myeloma is a rare health condition involving cancer of plasma cells. Plasma cells secrete immunoglobulin or antibodies responsible for fighting infections and boosting the immune system. Cancerous plasma cells begin developing in the bone marrow in patients with multiple myeloma. The exact causes of multiple myeloma are unknown; however, factors like benzene exposure, age, and specific ethnic backgrounds have been linked with it. This article analyzes various myeloma stages, prognosis, symptoms, and treatment options. Stages of Multiple Myeloma Multiple myeloma stages are typically classified using one of two distinct evaluation systems – the Durie-Salmon staging method and the International Staging System (ISS): Durie-Salmon staging This staging method classifies multiple myeloma into three stages based on factors such as the number of myeloma cells, hemoglobin and albumin counts, the amount of M-protein in one’s blood or urine, calcium levels in the blood, and the level of bone damage caused by myeloma cells. This method also classifies myeloma into Group A or Group B, wherein A indicates no damage to kidneys, whereas B implies kidney damage. A person could be classified as Stage IIB, for example. International Staging System (ISS) The following aspects are considered under ISS: Albumin levels The average albumin level is 3.5 to 5.5 mg/dL.
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Peyronie’s disease – Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and management

Peyronie’s disease – Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and management

Peyronie’s disease is a health condition affecting men, where scar tissues cause the penis to curve and lose girth or length. It is a rare case of erectile dysfunction (ED), and in severe cases, it might be painful enough for the patient to avoid intercourse. Unfortunately, the disorder remains undertreated due to its embarrassing nature, even though one in a hundred males over 18 in our country receive a diagnosis for the same. Symptoms The primary symptom of this condition is a curvature of the penis. The other signs to look for are painful erections, shortened penis, lumps in the penis, loss of girth, and discomfort during intercourse. Usually, these symptoms develop slowly but can sometimes be noticed overnight. Causes and risk factors The definite cause of Peyronie’s disease is yet to be understood, but it is most likely due to damage to small blood vessels during sports or an accident. Although every male does not develop it, a few factors can increase the risk: Family history Experts believe the disorder might be hereditary, causing it to pass on to the males in the family. So, if a father suffers from the condition, it may likely be passed on to his son.
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Metastatic breast cancer – Signs, diagnosis, and management options

Metastatic breast cancer – Signs, diagnosis, and management options

Metastatic breast cancer occurs when breast cancer begins spreading to other body organs. Typically, the cancer spreads to the brain, liver, bones, and lungs and is classified as the fourth stage. Every area where the cancer has spread is referred to as a “metastasis” (plural: metastases) and involves extensive interventions to slow the cancer’s progression. This article discusses the symptoms and diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer, together with survival rates and treatment options. Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer Nipple discharge One of the early symptoms of metastatic breast cancer is nipple discharge, which may be yellow and pus-like and sometimes appear blood-like. Fractures The cancer or tumor may spread to the bones or spinal cord, causing acute pain and fractures. Shortness of breath If breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it can cause lung cancer, with symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, and wheezing cough. Headache and blurred vision Sometimes, breast cancer may also spread to the central nervous system at the metastatic stage, causing symptoms like blurred or double vision, headache, and difficulties with movement. Nausea and swelling of body organs Metastatic breast cancer, having spread to the stomach and liver, can cause swelling of the hands and legs, nausea, yellowing of the skin, etc.
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