4 foods that can increase the risk of diabetes

4 foods that can increase the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects nearly 100 million people globally. Food plays an important role in managing diabetes symptoms and its related complications. Most severe cases of diabetes and its associated complications are a result of long-term consumption of foods that increase insulin resistance and blood sugar levels. While most know of the common foods that aggravate blood sugar levels, here are some lesser-known foods that aggravate diabetes. Flavored yogurt Even healthy snacks like flavored yogurt contain sweeteners and other forms of artificial flavors that might increase blood sugar levels. Switch to plain yogurt and add your favorite fruits to enhance the flavor. It has been observed that Greek yogurt has twice the protein and half the carbohydrates and fats that might contribute to blood sugar levels. Icelandic yogurt is another option as it is made from skimmed milk. It is strained more than Greek yogurt, which makes it thicker and more abundant with protein. Granola bars Granola bars have gained popularity in recent times, owing to their energy source from healthy ingredients like cereals, nuts, and seeds. However, granola bars also contain added sugars in different forms, making them bad food for diabetes. Hence, make sure to choose from sugar-free granola bars or the ones with the least amount of sugars.
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Rheumatoid arthritis – Foods to avoid

Rheumatoid arthritis – Foods to avoid

Arthritis is a condition that causes severe pain and stiffness in the joints. Its types are varied but widely divided into two categories – inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis. The degree of stiffness or inflammation is affected by many factors, the primary being the food you eat. Its symptoms can be managed by limiting foods that trigger inflammation. Here are seven things rheumatoid arthritis patients should avoid. Foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids The intake of excess foods with omega-6 fatty acids can trigger inflammation in arthritis. These foods are soybeans, corn, safflower, sunflower, canola oils, nuts, and meat. It is best to switch to mono-saturated fats like olive oil and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, or cod to provide the body with healthy calories. Excessive sugar Patients with arthritis should limit the consumption of excessive sugar items such as candy, ketchup, barbecue sauce, soda, chocolates, and pastries. Sugar flares the release of cytokines, a form of protein in the body that results in inflammation. Avoid forms of sugar like corn syrup, fructose, maltose, and sucrose. One should also limit the intake of certain carbonated or fizzy drinks. They contain high levels of phosphoric acid, which promotes calcium excretion through urine.
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Unhealthy before-bedtime habits that worsen sleep quality

Unhealthy before-bedtime habits that worsen sleep quality

Statistics suggest that more than 30% of the country’s population fails to get quality sleep. This could be due to poor lifestyle choices. Improvement in these lifestyle choices may include avoiding stimulants and switching to branded mattresses. However, at times even mattresses from Tempur-Pedic, Saatva, Sleep Number, Serta Mattress, and Essentia Mattress may not be enough to improve sleep quality. To improve your sleeping patterns, here are some mistakes you should be avoiding: Habits to avoid before going to bed for better sleep Using electronic devices Modern lifestyles require the constant use of electronic gadgets. Unfortunately, phones, iPads, laptops, and even televisions emit blue light, which reduces the production of sleep hormone when it falls on the retina. Although you can install a blue light filter on most devices, it still adversely affects melatonin production. Switch out staring at your phone to reading or meditating to improve sleep quality. Indulging in stimulants Consuming caffeinated beverages or other harmful stimulants can disrupt sleep. While sweets may promote sleep, eating chocolate that contains high amount of caffeine may make it difficult to fall asleep. Although dark chocolate has its benefits, sleep experts recommend consuming it and caffeinated beverages at least four to six hours before bedtime.
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Foods that help combat UTI

Foods that help combat UTI

Urinary tract infection or UTI can cause persistent itching, a frequent and strong urge to urinate, abdominal pain, cloudy urine, burning sensation, fever, and even leakage. These symptoms can interfere with the daily lives of those affected and make them extremely uncomfortable. One can get a UTI multiple times during their lifetime. However, adding certain food items to one’s meals and following an appropriate treatment plan can help fight the symptoms and prevent reinfection. Cranberry This is one of the most popular food items to combat UTIs. Doctors may recommend cranberry supplements to UTI patients as the fruit contains chemical compounds that keep bacteria from developing and accumulating in the lining of the urinary tract. Even after the infection has been treated, the berry can help prevent reinfection. The most effective way to utilize cranberries is to have the whole fruit instead of buying cranberry juice or drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Cinnamon This spice is loaded with antibacterial properties and so can help fight inflammation. Cinnamon is known to keep the bacteria E. coli from developing and sticking to the walls of the bladder and urethra. You can add this spice to many recipes or even use it in tea to make it a part of your daily routine.
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6 best times to drink water

6 best times to drink water

The importance of staying hydrated for the smooth functioning of our bodies cannot be overstated. This is why having at least eight glasses of water every day is recommended. However, when and how you have water throughout the day is just as important as ensuring that you meet your hydration goal. Here are the best times to have water can help you get the maximum benefits and avoid feeling tired and drained: Right after waking up A glass of water first thing in the morning has numerous benefits: This not only rehydrates the body, but also prepares the stomach lining for the day, gives the body and brain a kickstart, and keeps the drowsiness at bay. Research also suggests that the first glass of water can boost skin and hair health, along with the health of other vital organs. In fact, you should get reusable water bottles and keep one on your nightstand so that you can get your first 8 ounces as soon as you wake up. 30 minutes before a meal A glass about 30–45 minutes before a meal can help you feel fuller and avoid overeating, thus keeping your calorie intake in check. This can also improve digestion as it prepares the stomach and intestinal lining for the food.
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5 simple ways to take care of your joints

5 simple ways to take care of your joints

The body’s joints are junctions where the bones meet, which help carry out our day-to-day activities. Additionally, these joints, especially those of the hips, spine, and knee, support the weight of the whole body. As time passes, wear and tear of these joints result in pain. And that’s why taking care of these body regions is critical. Here are some of the ways that can be adopted to care for them.  Ways to care for your joints Many reasons are responsible for joint pain, and these factors impact the body through illnesses such as osteoarthritis, which causes inflammation and pain. If osteoarthritis has affected the back, it may also lead to overwhelming pain and discomfort while sitting, standing, and walking. Joint pain and discomfort can be addressed through proper care, and here are some of these methods:  Stretching One of the most common reasons for joint pain is stiffness in the body. As the stiffness increases, the pain may also increase, causing a lot of discomfort and pain. Activities such as cycling and swimming help in mobilizing different joints of the body and aid in keeping stiffness at bay.  Strengthening the muscles The joints comprise bone and a non-stretching and tough band called ligament and muscles that can be strengthened by regular exercise.
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Psoriasis – Causes, triggers, and management

Psoriasis – Causes, triggers, and management

Psoriasis is a prevalent skin disorder that leads to various symptoms, the most prominent being skin inflammation and itchy, red, and white patches on the skin. Although the condition is mainly seen in adults, it can impact individuals of all ages. In most cases, it affects specific areas, such as the knees, elbows, and lower back. Sometimes, it also affects joints, causing pain and swelling. When that happens, the disorder is called psoriatic arthritis. Causes The exact cause of psoriasis is unclear. Experts believe that it is an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune conditions are when the immune system attacks the healthy cells in various body parts, leading to inflammation and other symptoms. In psoriasis, the immune cells act as though they are fighting an infection or tackling a healing wound. They produce chemicals that lead to inflammation and cause excessive growth of skin cells. Doctors have determined specific factors that increase the risk of developing this condition. These include cardiovascular diseases, trauma to the skin, diabetes, hypertension, infection, and even metabolic syndrome. Doctors have also found that genetics play a vital role in developing psoriasis. Individuals with a family history of psoriasis are more likely to develop this condition than others.
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7 vitamins that promote eye health

7 vitamins that promote eye health

The eyes are a vital sensory organ of the human body that helps us interpret our surroundings and respond to them. Hence, investing time and effort in eye care is necessary. Not doing so can increase the risk of several eye ailments, especially with age. While there are many ways to maintain eye health, nutrition plays an important role. Specific vitamins replenish the body and are required for healthy eyes and good eyesight. Vitamin E Vitamin E helps prevent age-related eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Besides using chewables that have this vitamin, one can avoid dark circles by applying vitamin E-oil under the eyes. Some foods rich in this nutrient are peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, leafy greens, pumpkin, and wheat germ oil. Apart from promoting healthy eye lenses, vitamin E helps deal with various health conditions, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Vitamin A Night blindness is an eye disorder caused by a lack of rhodopsin, a photopigment activated by vitamin A. Therefore, the body requires sufficient vitamin A to prevent the problem. This nutrient also helps maintain the cornea. Carrots are among the richest sources of vitamin A, and they also have high levels of beta carotene, a natural compound that helps fight many ailments.
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8 foods that can trigger schizophrenia symptoms

8 foods that can trigger schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder that may cause a person to hallucinate. The condition may also lead to other symptoms, such as delusions, unusual behavior, and disrupted thinking. These symptoms can affect one’s ability to function normally and overall well-being. Since the condition affects mental health, it is important to avoid foods that may make the condition worse. Here are some foods a person with schizophrenia must avoid. Wheat-based foods Gluten-free foods are easily available today. The options have also grown popular among the general population. However, some individuals with celiac disease may have adverse effects from consuming specific ingredients in wheat-based foods. A person who continues to eat foods they are intolerant to seems to be a contributing factor that triggers health conditions like schizophrenia. So one must get tested for celiac disease before trying to slice out gluten from their food regime. Refined sugars People with mental health disorders often eat poorly, resulting in poor nutrition. When an individual includes foods rich in refined sugars, it might trigger the symptoms of schizophrenia. So one should follow a low glycemic load meal plan. Avoiding candy, cake, and sweetened beverages is an ideal way to steer clear of such sugars and improve how they manage their condition.
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Foods to be avoided when dealing with Crohn’s flare-ups

Foods to be avoided when dealing with Crohn’s flare-ups

Crohn’s Disease is a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). It affects the inner lining of the digestive tract by swelling up the tissues, leading to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition. It can often lead to life-threatening complications. Crohn’s can be caused due to hereditary factors or a sudden response by the immune system. There is no cure for this condition, but therapies can control flare-ups and bring about long-term remission. Risks and Symptoms: Crohn’s Disease can occur at any age. However, it is commonly diagnosed before the age of 30. People of Eastern Europe are at the highest risk of developing this condition. It is now also being increasingly observed in other parts of the world. Some common symptoms of this condition include diarrhea, fever, fatigue, abdominal pain or cramping, blood in your stools, mouth sores, reduced appetite, and weight loss, inflammation of skin, eyes, and joints, inflammation of the liver or bile ducts, kidney stones, iron deficiency/anemia, delayed growth (in children). Foods to avoid during flare-ups Some foods can trigger flare-ups amongst people with Crohn’s Disease or worsen them. These may not be the same for everyone, so it is essential to determine your triggers and leave them out of your nutrition plan.
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6 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

6 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the body’s immune system begins to attack the nervous system, and this damages the nerves and the myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibers. Consequently, the nerves begin to lose the ability to transmit signals to different parts of the body, hindering the patients’ ability to carry out everyday activities. Currently, there is no permanent cure for this illness. However, treatment can ease the symptoms and discomfort.  Food choices Food plays a major role in providing the body with the nutrition it needs. Certain minerals and vitamins strengthen the body and help it fight against illnesses and infections. Even though there are no specific food-related guidelines for multiple sclerosis (MS), patients can avoid the following foods to prevent worsening the symptoms and their overall health. Saturated fats Saturated fats have been linked to multiple conditions. These include hypertension, heart disease, strokes, and even some forms of cancer. Some research also points out that saturated fats in foods may be related to the relapsing MS symptoms and even the progression of the disease. Foods that have saturated fats and should be avoided by people with MS include meat, milk, eggs, chicken skin, etc.  Excess sodium/salt Research shows that high or moderate amounts of sodium/salt intake can lead to relapse of symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients, increasing their discomfort.
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