3 insulin pumps you can buy in 2021
Insulin pumps facilitate the delivery of insulin. Individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes often require periodical insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Some type 2 diabetic patients whose pancreas don’t make sufficient insulin also require such doses. Insulin pumps provide a basal dose of insulin every 3-5 minutes, which in turn mimics the function of naturally functioning pancreas. Listed below are the three best insulin pumps of 2021. Tandem insulin pumps Tandem Diabetes Care offers the t:slim X2 insulin pump. It has a full-color touchscreen and is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity with many devices like smartphones and CGM. The pump has an in-built algorithm that automatically monitors basal doses based on glucose readings. When integrated with Dexcom G6, no fingerstick calibration is required. The t:slim X2 is the first device that can be updated remotely. This allows patients to be up to date without waiting for insurance to cover a new device. What’s more is that this insulin pump is waterproof within three feet depth for about 30 minutes, so individuals can keep it on while showering. The t:slim X2 is also battery-operated; it sends alerts for high temperatures and counting carbs. The device can also calculate boluses up to 50 units.
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