Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of Parkinson’s disease

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system. Some of the common symptoms of this disease include rigidity in the muscles, slowing down of movements, stooped posture, and hand tremors, among others. Parkinson’s disease sets in at different stages of a person’s life. Let us understand more about this disease to keep you informed. Stages Here are the five stages of Parkinson’s disease: Stage 1 The first stage of Parkinson’s disease has very mild symptoms. Only very close family members may notice changes in your movement. Also, body tremors may be restricted to one side of the body. Stage 2 The symptoms increase at this stage. Patients experience more tremors and stiffness. Also, the symptoms may extend to both sides of the body. Stage 3 Stage 3 sees the worsening of Stage 2 symptoms. An additional symptom is that at this stage the patient begins to lose balance. But they can still live by themselves. Stage 4 A patient with Stage 4 Parkinson’s does not have the capability to live by themself. They might require assistance to move around. Stage 5 This is the most severe stage of Parkinson’s disease. A patient suffering at this stage cannot even stand on their own.
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A guide on STDs – Types, diagnosis, and prevention

A guide on STDs – Types, diagnosis, and prevention

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections, which are capable of transmitting from one person to another, mostly due to sexual contact. These sexual conditions are actually more common than you may think. In fact, sometimes you may not be aware of having an STD, as it may not have any symptoms. The STDs come in many forms but most of them can be easily treated. Types of STDs There are multiple types of STDs. The most common forms are: Chlamydia It is a very common form of bacterial infection, but it is easy to treat. Genital warts It is caused by the human papillomavirus and results in growths around the anus and in the genital region. Gonorrhea It is caused by a bacterial infection. It may not have any symptoms but can be treated easily. Molluscum contagiosum This is an infection, which results in tiny bumps on the skin. It generally goes away on its own. Hepatitis B It is a type of virus and can result in liver disease. Herpes It is a common form of STD, which causes sores on genitals or in the mouth. The symptoms can be treated but there is no cure for herpes. HIV It is one of the most serious forms of STD that attacks your immune system and can result in AIDS.
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Common signs of pregnancy

Common signs of pregnancy

From fatigue to nausea and weight gain, several symptoms can indicate pregnancy. The entire pregnancy can last for about 40 weeks, and for some women, it may even sound scary. Having said that, understanding the symptoms of pregnancy and what to expect during this period can help make this period smooth and comfortable for women. Common symptoms of pregnancy Among the first things women should know are the signs that can help them understand that they are pregnant. Although the symptoms of pregnancy may differ among women, here’s a list of the most common ones: A missed menstrual cycle : The most common and among the earliest signs of a pregnancy is a missed menstrual cycle. However, this is not a sure sign as irregular or delayed menstrual cycles can also be a result of ill health. Tender breasts : Tender and sensitive breasts can also be a sign of pregnancy as they are caused by hormonal changes that occur during the early stages of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting : Nausea is a common symptom of pregnancy, and it generally starts a month after a woman conceives. However, it may occur earlier for some women, while others may not develop this symptom at all.
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Types of skin problems and how to treat them

Types of skin problems and how to treat them

Skin problems are of different kinds. They vary vastly in terms of both severity and the type of symptoms they show. Skin-based disorders can be temporary or permanent, and the pain they inflict upon an individual varies from person to person. If not treated upon immediately, they can continue to grow and can be life-threatening too. Different forms of skin problems along with their treatments Acne (Acne Vulgaris) For ages, acne has turned out to be the most commonly occurring skin problem across the country. It is a disorder, which is mostly found in teenagers, though adults suffer from it too. Apart from pimples, the presence of blackheads, nodules, and cysts indicate that a person is suffering from acne. One can get acne on one’s back and chest along with one’s face. It would help if one reached out to a dermatologist as soon as one sees any of these symptoms. A medicinal cream called Adapalene Topical (Differin) is found in most medical stores and can be purchased without providing a prescription. If one is suffering from severe acne, doctors may recommend them using Tretinoin topical drugs. Shingles (Herpes Zoster) This is a kind of a virus, which causes a red-colored rash that can also be described as a blister.
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A guide to the various stages and types of sleep disorders

A guide to the various stages and types of sleep disorders

Getting a good amount of sleep is fundamental to our health. Not getting sufficient sleep can have a grave effect on our physical and mental health. While most of us may not sleep simply because we are watching a show, there are some people who suffer from sleep disorders and cannot help it. Stages of human sleep Any kind of disturbance in the period or quality of sleep is known as a sleep disorder. Human sleep can be explained in the following stages: Stage 1 This stage is called non-rapid eye movement sleep. Stage 2 This stage is the second stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep. It constitutes half of your sleep. Stages 3 and 4 These stages see the person most deep in sleep and they account for approximately 10 to 20 percent of the sleeping period. They occur during the first half of the duration of sleep. Stage 5 This stage is called the rapid eye movement stage (REM). It is in the stage that we see dreams. The amount of time each person spends in each stage will differ as per their age. Types of sleep disorders Now let us take a look at some of the main types of sleep disorders:
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Understanding gastritis – A common stomach condition

Understanding gastritis – A common stomach condition

The stomach has three main functions: storing food and liquids, producing digestive juices, and sending food to the small intestine, but stomach conditions can disrupt its functioning. Stomach-related disorders, including gastritis, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), peptic ulcer, viral gastroenteritis, hiatal hernia, gastroparesis, and stomach cancer, can cause severe pain and extreme discomfort, and they require immediate medical attention. Types of gastritis – A common stomach condition Gastritis is one of the most common stomach conditions and affects 25-35% of the country’s population. It has two primary stages: acute and chronic. The former is characterized by sudden swelling or inflammation in the stomach lining and can be caused by injury, a viral or bacterial infection, stress, and ingestion of irritants like alcohol, steroids, NSAIDs, or spicy food. It leads to the development of symptoms like a loss of appetite, black stools, indigestion, nausea, bloody vomiting, and abdominal pain. On the other hand, chronic gastritis develops over time and is generally caused by bacteria, alcoholism, certain medications, stress, or immune system disorders. This condition inflames the stomach lining and destroys some of the protective cells in the lining. Chronic gastritis can last for several years and slowly weakens the stomach lining. It can also lead to other diseases like dysplasia or metaplasia, and its symptoms include pain in the upper abdomen, indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
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Weight management for obesity – Stages, diagnosis, and prevention

Weight management for obesity – Stages, diagnosis, and prevention

Obesity is one of the most common medical problems in the country, and almost one-third of the adult population of the country requires weight management. Technically, if an adult who is over the age of 35 years has a BMI of 30 or more, they will be considered obese. Let’s take a look at the stages of obesity weight management and how to diagnose and prevent it. Stages of obesity There are broadly six stages of obesity weight management. Denial This is the first step of any behavioral issue, but the fact is that there is a mathematical calculation for the ideal weight and one for obesity as well. Thus, it is not a subjective matter, and one can clearly understand that there is a reason for action if the weight goes above the ideal weight. Decision Even after realizing that the weight is off the scale, it takes time for people to register the next steps. Whether one wants to maneuver eating habits or increase exercise every day, people take time to implement plans. Action The weight management phase starts here. This is an inclusive action and it is not limited to only eating healthy or working out. One must eat well, exercise regularly, cut down on bad habits, maintain a healthy sleeping schedule, and various other things to keep oneself from obesity.
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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

ADHD, short for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, affects children worldwide, and this also often carries on into their adulthood. Some of the different problems faced by kids suffering from ADHD include sustaining attention for a long time, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. There might be other problems associated with ADHD, like low self-esteem, low grades in school, and difficulty in keeping up with relationships. More often than not, symptoms of ADHD are seen to have decreased with age. However, there are cases wherein ADHD symptoms never subside. Levels of ADHD There are three different levels or stages at which ADHD can affect individuals. They are: Predominantly inattentive ADHD This level of ADHD may be related to missing details very easily and getting distracted often. Also, one may get bored very quickly. One has difficulty in processing new information, and there is also the tendency to not listen properly. One might not be able to follow directions very clearly and also lose things like pencils or papers. It has been observed that girls are more likely to get inattentive ADHD than boys. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD This is mostly associated with symptoms like restlessness and difficulty with sitting still. Kids suffering from hyperactive-impulsive ADHD have a tendency to talk consistently, and it’s less likely that they will engage in quiet activities.
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Understanding skin aging

Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of addiction

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of addiction

There are three terms that one can relate to addiction – reward, motivation, and memory. Addiction is when the body craves a behavior or substance in an obsessive pursuit of a reward. The person will have little concern about the consequences of the particular behavior or substance. Things to note in case of addiction Some of the attributes that one can relate with addiction include an inability to stay away from the substance, lack of self-control, an outrageous desire for the substance or behavior, ignorance towards the problems that the behavior might be causing, and a growing tendency to ignore the emotional response. Addictions have been known to interfere with daily life and there are also cases of relapse and remission. The complications of addiction can be physical, emotional, as well as financial. Stages of addiction There are five main stages of addiction. These include: Experimentation Every addiction starts with experimentation and during this stage, one cannot understand that this is the beginning of an addiction. One cannot be sure that this will turn into something serious, and hence no necessary steps are taken at this stage. A simple way to find out how this will turn into addiction is understanding the reason for experimenting and how often a person experiments with new substances.
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Allergies – Stages and prevention

Allergies – Stages and prevention

The immune system of our bodies is constantly fighting against viruses and bacteria to keep us healthy. However, in certain cases, the immune system may also end up fighting some substances that are not always harmful. When this happens, you experience an allergic reaction. The allergens are the substances that cause the reactions. With a little carefulness, you can prevent the allergies effectively. The allergic development Even though an allergic reaction can vary from person to person, it generally progresses in the same five stages: Stage 1 The allergen enters your body through food, air, or touch, and contact the cells in your body. Stage 2 Your immune system creates immunoglobulin E, which is a type of antibody. Stage 3 This antibody enters your gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract but does not do anything. Stage 4 The next time when you are exposed to the same allergen, the immunoglobulin E treats it as a harmful substance and reacts with it. Stage 5 24 hours after the reaction, the immune system cells move towards the areas that were affected to release certain chemicals to treat it. How to diagnose allergies Your allergies can be diagnosed by a doctor. Before visiting him or her, you must recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
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