8 warning signs of depression to watch out for

8 warning signs of depression to watch out for

Depression is a mental health condition that impacts one’s way of thinking, behavior patterns, and daily functioning. If left untreated, clinical depression may manifest in the body and lead to other health issues like gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular diseases, and more. To manage the condition, a health expert may evaluate a person’s general health to determine whether they are depressed and suggest personalized treatments. Some warning signs of depression that necessitate professional help are listed below. Irritable mood Some milder symptoms of depression include irritability and restlessness, which may worsen and lead to angry outbursts, low tolerance levels, anxiety, or aggressiveness.  Fatigue or loss of energy Depression can exhaust a person mentally and physically without any significant lifestyle changes. The condition can also bring feelings of weariness, lack of energy, and inexplicable tiredness. Feeling helpless and unworthy On an emotional front, the disorder might cause a person to assume responsibility for circumstances beyond their control. A depressed individual frequently loses the drive to carry out daily tasks which they otherwise carry out effortlessly. One may also experience low self-esteem, excessive self-blame, and feelings of despair. Mood swings, inability to see one’s capabilities or feeling like the situation may never improve are other common indicators of the condition.
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Top 9 myths about migraine debunked

Top 9 myths about migraine debunked

Migraines are a type of headache that can trigger a severe pulsing sensation or throbbing pain on one side of the head. It is one of the most common neurological conditions and affects over 47 million individuals nationwide. And while most people are familiar with the facts about migraines, others have misconceptions about the condition. Here are the nine most common debunked myths to help individuals be more mindful of the condition. The primary cause is stress Stress is a common migraine trigger, but it is not the underlying cause. The condition is caused by structural, genetic, and chemical changes that make the brain more sensitive to headaches triggers, including stress. They are a terrible headache People believe that migraines lead to only bad headaches. However, they may experience other symptoms such as dizziness, digestive problems, hypersensitivity to lights and sounds, and nausea. The attack lasts for a few hours Contrary to the myth, the pain caused by a migraine and its duration may differ from person to person. For example, some might experience symptoms for a few hours, while others might suffer from the effects of the condition for up to three days. Increased prescription offer better relief Prescriptions might help with pain relief, but taking more than the recommended dosage can have serious side effects.
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5 tips to achieve a pearly white smile

5 tips to achieve a pearly white smile

Research suggests that smiling has several health and mood-boosting benefits. And it takes only 14 muscles to smile! But unfortunately, yellow teeth, crooked or misaligned molars, and common oral hygiene mistakes make people insecure or self-conscious about their smile. The good news is that simple changes in nutrition and daily lifestyle can help one achieve whiter teeth and restore that beautiful smile. Here are five dentist-recommend tips for getting that perfect smile. Use clear aligners Even a few crooked teeth or misaligned molars can force a person to hide their beautiful smile. And braces are just another painful hassle to endure. So, why not use clear aligners? These are designed and molded to fit the upper and lower jaws perfectly without being noticed. Though expensive, clear aligners have proven helpful in correcting individual molars with minimal pain and effort. Try teeth-whitening home remedies Many home remedies help people achieve whiter and healthier teeth. Oil pulling is a popular remedy where one vigorously swishes coconut oil inside the mouth to remove the teeth-yellowing bacteria. Alternatively, baking soda boasts natural teeth-whitening properties and can be brushed onto the teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush. Even eating crunchy fruits and vegetables rich in fiber can help rub away plaque with every bite.
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6 foods that can worsen Eosinophilic Esophagitis symptoms

6 foods that can worsen Eosinophilic Esophagitis symptoms

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a condition wherein eosinophil, a type of white blood cell, accumulates in the esophagus, causing inflammation. It is typically accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), and vomiting. The condition often results from food allergies or environmental triggers. Thus, it helps to eliminate certain foods and add them back individually to identify any allergies. Here are some foods that may trigger EOE: Dairy products Even generally, milk is associated with increased mucus production, leading to congestion among people with lactose intolerance. Dairy intolerance can also cause or aggravate EoE. While some patients may react to dairy in all its forms, some others may be able to have certain dairy products, like baked items, without any consequences. Thus, it also helps to eliminate all dairy products initially and add them back one by one to identify the level of lactose intolerance. Fish and shellfish Fish and shellfish may also act as allergens for patients with EoE. Individuals with shellfish allergies often experience swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing. So, eliminating fish and shellfish and adding them back can help determine if either or both are causing the disease. Eggs Eggs contain specific properties that release histamine, a significant agent in mucus production, in the body.
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5 signs of prostate cancer to watch out for

5 signs of prostate cancer to watch out for

The male reproductive system has a small walnut-shaped gland called the prostate responsible for creating the fluid that nourishes and carries sperm. Any abnormal cell growth in this gland can lead to cancer. In the initial stages, prostate cancer patients usually do not experience any visible symptoms. As long as the tumor is confined to the gland, the cancer treatment can be effective. Here are some warning signs of prostate cancer that necessitate prompt diagnosis. Early warning signs of prostate cancer Prostate cancer develops slowly and is largely asymptomatic, but those in more advanced stages may experience the below symptoms. Bladder issues The prostate gland is located close to the bladder and urethra, so one may experience symptoms affecting urination. A common sign of prostate cancer is a constant or frequent urge to empty one’s bladder. One may also experience a burning sensation, pain, or difficulty stopping while urinating. Other changes one may notice include blood in the urine or the flow being too weak. Fatigue and nausea Studies indicate that cancerous cells consume over 20 times more glucose than normal cells. This large amount of energy intake may lead to losing body mass or feeling tired and nauseous without any lifestyle changes.
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Top 5 foods that alleviate acid reflux in EoE patients

Top 5 foods that alleviate acid reflux in EoE patients

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the esophagus (the food pipe or tube that connects the stomach and the throat). Patients with EoE often experience acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain. There are treatment options available to help with both acid reflux and EoE. However, it is necessary to make changes to food habits to avoid frequent flares. Eating the right foods can significantly improve a patient’s condition. Bananas Bananas are high in fiber and low in acid content. In addition to this, they also have high potassium content, all of which can help alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux. It works as a natural antacid that neutralizes the acidity levels in the stomach. Bananas can be had in place of a mid-meal snack or can be added to smoothies or breakfast bowls to help with acid reflux and eosinophilic esophagitis symptoms. Melons Melons such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon have a high water content that can help dilute the acid in the stomach. Intake of these fruits can help lower the symptoms of acid reflux. Melons also have a substantial quantity of antioxidants and vitamins that can bring down the inflammatory levels in the esophagus and the stomach.
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8 best foods for managing COPD

8 best foods for managing COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) like emphysema and chronic bronchitis are inflammatory lung conditions that make it difficult for a person to breathe. One may experience wheezing, coughing, or excessive mucus formation. Usually, long-term exposure to irritating gases, dust, chemicals, or burning fuels puts one at risk of developing the disease. While many treatments are available, food and drinks play a significant role in managing COPD side effects and flare-ups. 8 best foods for managing COPD Here are a few foods that may help COPD patients: Eggs and nuts Rich in protein, eggs, and nuts like walnuts, cashew, and almonds can help restore energy, strengthen respiratory muscles, and reduce muscle loss. Oats, quinoa, and whole grains Whole grain cereals, bread, barley, quinoa, and oats are all fiber-rich. COPD patients are at risk of developing heart diseases. Fiber helps regularize bowel movements, keep the digestive tract clean, and lower cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of heart disease, constipation, and bloating, making breathing difficult for COPD patients. Almond milk and uncooked mushrooms Almond milk and mushrooms are high sources of vitamin D. COPD patients may experience brittle bones, and Vitamin D is a key nutrient in maintaining the health of both lungs and bones.
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6 tips for dealing with IUD side effects

6 tips for dealing with IUD side effects

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are popular contraception tools used by women around the world. The device can prevent pregnancy for several years; however, like most treatment options, it may have side effects. So one can expect cramping, heavy bleeding, and irregular periods as common effects. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage these consequences and get IUDs without worrying about health risks. Here are some tips for tackling the side effects of IUDs: Understand the risks A doctor can explain what to expect after getting an IUD and offer suggestions for managing potential side effects. They can also answer any queries and ensure the device is inserted correctly. One must seek expert advice before and after getting an IUD. Try pain relievers Pain relievers can help alleviate pain and cramps associated with IUDs. One must follow dosage instructions carefully, not exceeding the recommended limit. Before beginning any treatment, one must consult a physician and check its suitability. Consider heat therapy Applying heat to the lower abdomen may help alleviate discomfort and cramps. One can place heating pads or take warm baths to relieve symptoms; however, they should avoid doing this for an extended period, as it could cause burns or harm the skin.
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6 myths about IUDs to stop believing today

6 myths about IUDs to stop believing today

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a form of long-term birth control used by millions of women worldwide. But despite their popularity, several myths about IUDs often confuse women about whether this is the correct contraceptive method for them. This article lists some of these common myths about IUDs. It also provides information to help separate fact from fiction so that women can choose the best contraceptive method as per individual preferences. IUDs are only suitable for women who have had a baby Many believe IUDs are best only for women who have given birth as they have bigger uterine cavities. But this is not true. IUDs are available in different sizes, and experts recommend them even for young women who have not given birth. Regardless of a woman’s reproductive history, these devices are a safe alternative for avoiding unintended pregnancies. IUDs cause pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID) PID is an infection of the female reproductive system. Some think IUDs cause this infection and, thus, refrain from using them. But this is quite the opposite of what experts believe. According to many professionals, these devices carry a very low risk of causing PID, especially after the device gets adjusted to the body. The IUD could get lost inside the body IUDs have a string attached to one end, enabling easy removal from the uterus.
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8 health issues that may be caused by jewelry

8 health issues that may be caused by jewelry

Jewelry is a delightful way to express one’s style. It helps elevate one’s look and adds a dimension to the outfit. However, individuals should be mindful of the potential health implications associated with certain materials and styles. By being aware of these health hazards, individuals can make informed decisions to prioritize style and well-being. By balancing one’s fashion preferences with due consideration for personal health, one can simultaneously ensure one looks and feels good. 8 jewelry-related health issues to note Risks of body piercing infections While body piercings and jewelry can be a form of self-expression, improper care may lead to infections. Poorly sterilized piercing equipment or inadequate aftercare can contribute to complications. One can also have an allergic reaction to a piercing. Adhering to hygiene practices and opting for high-quality, hypoallergenic jewelry reduces the risk of infection. Choking hazards for children Children’s jewelry, especially pieces with small charms or beads, can pose choking hazards for children. Parents and caregivers should be cautious when selecting jewelry for young children, ensuring that it meets safety standards and doesn’t have small components that could be swallowed. Neck and back strain from heavy necklaces Long and heavy necklaces can contribute to neck and back strain, especially if worn for extended periods.
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8 places where one can catch flu easily

8 places where one can catch flu easily

In the tapestry of everyday life, flu hotspots are woven seamlessly into various environments. While avoiding these places may not be feasible, individuals can adopt simple yet adequate preventive measures. Regular handwashing, maintaining good respiratory hygiene, and considering the use of masks in crowded settings are practical strategies to navigate through potential flu hotspots. By fostering awareness and adopting these practices, individuals can minimize the risk of catching the flu and avoid infecting others. Public transportation hubs Bus stations, subway platforms, and airports are breeding grounds for flu viruses. The proximity of people and frequently touched surfaces make these hubs susceptible to flu. Individuals should exercise caution, wash hands regularly, and consider wearing masks. Educational institutions Schools, colleges, and universities can be fertile grounds for the flu to circulate. The close interaction among students, shared spaces, and communal facilities contribute to the ease with which viruses spread. Students and educators should prioritize hygiene practices, such as washing hands and maintaining a clean environment. Healthcare facilities Places designed to promote health can harbor flu viruses. Hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices see a constant flow of individuals, including those already infected. Practicing good hygiene, wearing masks, and adhering to health guidelines minimize the risk of flu transmission in these settings.
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