7 best foods for a healthy and glowing skin

7 best foods for a healthy and glowing skin

You must eat a healthy and balanced meal because it is essential for overall health. However, did you know that certain foods can also help to promote healthy and glowing skin? There is no denying that skincare products and routines can help improve your skin’s appearance. But, yet again, you must try to bring out your inner radiance by incorporating some healthy habits. So, let us discuss some must-have foods for healthy skin. Avocado to make you glow Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats that can help maintain supple and smooth skin. It is also rich in antioxidants, including vitamin E, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, the high vitamin C levels in avocados can help to boost collagen production, which is beneficial in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Berries for all skin problems Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries consist of antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. These berries also contain vitamin C, which helps boost collagen production and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, they are low in sugar and help prevent breakouts and acne. Fatty fish for your skin Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids essential for maintaining healthy skin.
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9 foods to help regulate blood sugar

9 foods to help regulate blood sugar

People dealing with conditions that affect blood sugar need to be careful about the food they consume. Although other factors such as one’s metabolism, activity levels, and other lifestyle factors also impact blood sugar levels, certain foods can spike sugar levels and cause symptoms of inflammation, while others can help regulate sugar levels better. Generally, foods with a lower glycemic index (GI) are recommended to manage sugar levels. Some of these include: Broccoli When broccoli is chopped or chewed, a plant chemical called sulforaphane is released. Sulforaphane is a type of isothiocyanate linked to reducing blood sugar. Broccoli extracts have been recorded to have antidiabetic and antioxidant properties, as it helps enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce oxidative stress on the organs. To enhance the availability of these benefits, it is best to consume raw or lightly steamed broccoli. Pumpkin Pumpkin is a rich source of fiber and antioxidants, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. It is also used as a traditional diabetic remedy in certain countries. This is because pumpkins are a rich source of carbohydrates called polysaccharides, which can help decrease blood sugar levels, according to certain studies. Pumpkin seeds, too, are a great source of healthy fats and proteins and can help manage sugar levels better.
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7 nutritious snacks kids can enjoy

7 nutritious snacks kids can enjoy

Snacks play a significant role in a child’s eating habits. They help kids feel energized all day. But snacking is a habit that can turn unhealthy. This is where your responsibility as a parent comes in. You can make sure that snacking does not turn into an unhealthy habit for your kids. This can be achieved by giving them healthy snacks. Here are seven suggestions for nutritious snacks your kids will surely enjoy. Peanut butter on toast Rich in various nutrients and vitamins, peanut butter makes your toast healthier. It is low in fat, and sugar and has a considerable amount of potassium, which helps in promoting optimum fluid level in the body. Fresh vegetables Cultivating the habit of eating fresh vegetables helps your kids strengthen their immune system since they have plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and water in the body. Just making a simple salad of carrot sticks, celery sticks, bell peppers, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes can be very tasty and enjoyable for kids. Boiled eggs Consuming boiled eggs regularly can make your kids strong and smart. Eggs are rich in iron; fat; vitamins A, D, E; and choline. It just takes 5 to 10 mins to boil an egg in water and it makes your snack more nutritious.
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6 mistakes to avoid while peeing

6 mistakes to avoid while peeing

Peeing is a routine bodily function that gets rid of toxins and waste from the body. However, most people are unaware that certain mistakes might harm the bladder while peeing. The bladder is a part of the urinary tract system; it collects and stores urine before it is expelled. So, it is crucial to maintain a healthy bladder to prevent infections and complications. Here are a few peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder. Holding urine for too long Sometimes it may be unavoidable, and one may have to hold their pee in for a long time, such as in the case of long car rides, concerts, movies, and so on. However, holding urine usually causes the bladder to stretch beyond its normal capacity. The risk of urinary tract infection and damage to the bladder increases if a person frequently holds in urine for extended periods. This may lead to urinary incontinence as well as an increased risk of infection. So, it is best to relieve the bladder as soon as there is the urge to pee. Straining to urinate Another common mistake often ignored by many people is pushing too hard to get the pee out of the bladder.
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5 common breathing mistakes to avoid

5 common breathing mistakes to avoid

Lifestyle choices and daily habits play a key role in maintaining respiratory health. Further, how well the lungs work in the long run can be determined by breathing habits. While one may not think about how they breathe, certain practices can make it difficult for the lungs to get enough air. Such errors can also worsen issues such as panic attacks and headaches. So, here are a few common breathing mistakes to avoid: Not exhaling enough while exercising Exercising, especially when one is new to it, can feel strenuous. So, it is common for one to take in a lot of air while breathing and not exhale as much. Even those who have been exercising for a long time can focus more on inhaling than exhaling. This imbalance usually develops during exercises such as running, cycling, or walking. These activities put pressure on the face and shoulders, making one exhale less carbon dioxide. In the long run, one can frequently experience lightheadedness, fatigue, and cardiovascular issues due to improper breath control during workouts. So, one can make a conscious effort to breathe in with the nose and breathe out through the mouth while working out. Having a bad posture Those working long hours at office jobs can have a bad posture, mostly because they sit in front of their laptop or smartphone throughout the day with little respite during breaks.
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7 signs of headaches that need urgent attention

7 signs of headaches that need urgent attention

Individuals may experience a headache on many occasions. When a headache occurs, the intensity of the pain can be dull, sharp, constant, or throbbing. About one out of every six people complain about such aches each year. Despite the pain, headaches often occur intermittently, and one may not have to worry about them. However, if some signs and symptoms occur frequently and without warning, one may have to see their physician. Recurring headaches A headache that occurs regularly could be categorized as a chronic headache. This is characteristic of people who have headaches for at least 15 days each month. Some types of headaches that may turn chronic include tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines. Individuals affected by regular headaches may also suffer from psychiatric problems like depression or anxiety. Pain that wakes you up suddenly If the pain from a headache wakes an individual up, it could be an alarming sign of a hypnic headache. These may occur at the same time several nights during a week. The pain from hypnic headaches can be described as stabbing, throbbing, burning, pulsating, or dull. While the condition affects people of all ages, it is more common in individuals over 50. These headaches are also known to affect women more than men.
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Esophageal cancer – Signs and management options

Esophageal cancer – Signs and management options

Esophageal cancer affects the esophagus, a long hollow tube that is present from the throat to the stomach. The esophagus helps move the food from the back of the throat to the stomach and helps start the digestive process. Cancer develops inside the lining of the esophagus and can spread anywhere along the tube, compromising the function of the esophagus. This type of cancer is usually seen in men than in women. Signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of this type of cancer are usually well observed and identified. They make it easy for cancer to be diagnosed at an early stage. However, in some cases, the symptoms are missed, and the cancer is only accidentally found during health checkups and tests. So, it is always advised to stay mindful of the body’s signs to stay on top of health. Here are some of those signs to look out for: Trouble swallowing This can happen not just with solids but with liquids as well. There can be some inflammation which can lead to pain and swallowing problems. Chest pain Inflammation can cause chest pain which originates from the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. Increase in BMI This can be unexpected and without any effort.
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9 common mistakes that worsen constipation

9 common mistakes that worsen constipation

Constipation is a digestive problem marked by infrequent bowel movements (usually less than three times a week). One may find it difficult or painful to pass stool, and the condition may become chronic if it lasts several weeks. While it is a common and curable condition, constipation can significantly impact an individual’s daily life, mood, energy levels, and overall fitness. Here are some mistakes one should avoid for managing or preventing constipation. Not drinking enough water Water is imperative for smooth bowel movement. The colon draws water from the body to soften stool and eliminate it easily, but dehydration can harden it and lead to constipation. Usually, doctors advise drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day, but the requirement may vary from person to person. One can also add water-rich foods like melons, berries, cucumbers, soups, and unsweetened pure juices to their meals to ensure adequate water intake. Suddenly increasing fiber intake Fiber is an essential plant-based carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. The soluble fiber found in foods like apples, barley, bananas, oats, and beans helps soften stool and regulate bowel movement. On the other hand, the insoluble fiber in foods like whole grains and legumes helps speed up the movement of food in the digestive tract toward the intestines.
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6 warning signs of prostate cancer to be aware of

6 warning signs of prostate cancer to be aware of

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting men, especially those over 50. Like most health issues, early detection is critical in treating the disease; the same goes for prostate cancer. However, there are some early warning signs which can help in identifying the disease. If you notice any of these, you must speak to a health professional immediately and get the necessary tests done immediately. Change in urinary habits Men with prostate cancer can experience some changes in their urinary habits. This can be the need to urinate more frequently, especially at night, leading to sleep discomfort. It is also possible that they may have trouble starting or stopping the urine stream. This could be due to weak urine flow, and it can also make the bladder feel like it has not been appropriately emptied, leading to discomfort. Pain or discomfort Prostate cancer can cause pain in the pelvic region, which can also extend to the lower back and upper thighs. It is also possible that during ejaculation, some men may experience intense pain. These are all signs that a health professional should make a proper diagnosis to check the prostate. Blood in the urine This is an alarming sign of prostate cancer and can even be painful.
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7 warning signs of eczema to be aware of

7 warning signs of eczema to be aware of

Eczema is a skin condition that weakens the skin’s barrier function, which may cause it to become dry, itchy, and bumpy. There are several types of eczema based on the skin functioning it affects. These are atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis. It can affect people at any age, but symptoms generally appear during childhood. It is important to know its warning signs to recognize eczema. Itchy skin Feeling itchy is one of the most common signs of an eczema flare. Generally, the symptom precedes the redness and may be mild or severe. This occurs because, during a flare, there is an increase in inflammation, which also increases the blood flow, generating an itchy sensation. Dry skin People with atopic eczema often have dehydrated skin because their skin cannot retain any moisture. This can exacerbate during a flare, causing painful cracks or even bleeding in some cases. Rashes Rashes are also a common symptom for most people with eczema. They occur as a result of inflammation during a flare and are generally accompanied by itchy and dry skin. They occur in response to a trigger, which can vary from person to person. The most common triggers include irritants such as soaps and detergents, environmental factors and allergens such as cold weather, dust mites, pet fur, pollen, or mold, food allergies, sensitivity to certain materials such as wool or synthetic fabrics, hormonal changes, and skin infections.
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9 warning signs of poor blood circulation

9 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Poor blood circulation develops when the arteries that supply blood to the body are narrowed or blocked. If left untreated, poor circulation can lead to health complications like aches, nerve damage, or peripheral artery disease—a condition where poor blood circulation affects the arms, legs, and feet. One may also be at risk of developing a stroke due to insufficient blood flow. So, here are the warning signs of poor circulation one should not overlook: Causes Many issues can affect blood circulation. For instance, the spike in blood glucose levels associated with diabetes can damage the blood vessels carrying the fluid. High body mass and high blood pressure can also slow down blood flow. High cholesterol may get accumulated around the blood vessels and restrict the flow. The buildup of plaque in the arteries, which is a condition called atherosclerosis, can also limit circulation. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle and aging can weaken the circulation system. Warning signs Cold hands or feet Healthy blood circulation keeps the body warm. But if the blood flow is restricted due to nerve damage or other reasons, one may feel their hands and feet turning cold even in warm weather. Joint pain or stiffness Poor blood circulation may lead to fluids accumulating in certain body parts, like the legs, ankles, and feet.
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