Avoid these 4 foods to manage cold sores

Avoid these 4 foods to manage cold sores

Cold sores, called fever blisters, are viral infections that lead to tiny, fluid-filled blisters. The blisters usually appear on and around one’s lips but can also affect one’s genitals. Cold sores are contagious and may lead to sore throat, itching, fever, or muscle aches. The infection often disappears without a scar after two to three weeks. Here is a list of foods to avoid to manage the symptoms of cold sores. Foods to avoid for cold sores Hot peppers and chilis Hot sauces and spicy condiments like peppers and chilis are best avoided during cold sores outbreaks. These foods are likely to worsen the symptoms of the infection and cause a cold sore to reopen. Nuts, poultry, and seeds Peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, and poultry contain arginine, which may trigger cold sore outbreaks. The herpes virus needs arginine to multiply. So, the duration of the blister can be cut short, and the infection can be stopped from spreading if the virus is starved of L-arginine. While these foods contain other essential nutrients, one is advised to reduce the intake of food rich in L-arginine only until the cold sore is healed. Sugary cereals and processed foods Processed food like pasta, pizza, meat, snacks high in calories, sugary cereals, coke, or other artificially sweetened beverages is best avoided.
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9 best foods for relieving constipation

9 best foods for relieving constipation

Constipation is a common problem that is characterized by symptoms like passing stools less than three times a week, straining, lumpy or hard stools, feeling blocked, and being unable to pass a stool. The intensity of these symptoms may vary from person to person. Healthy eating habits can help relieve constipation by adding bulk, softening the stool, and decreasing gut transit time. So, here are a few foods that can relieve constipation: Prunes Prunes are a popular natural remedy for constipation. They are rich in fiber, and the insoluble fiber content (cellulose) increases the water content in the stool, which adds bulk. The soluble fiber produces short-chain fatty acids in the colon, increasing bulk. Prunes also contain sorbitol and phenolic compounds, which have a laxative effect on the body. The combination of these three factors makes prunes an excellent home remedy for those struggling with constipation. Apples Apples are also a rich source of fiber. The insoluble fiber content adds bulk, while the soluble fiber (pectin) forms short-chain fatty acids and pulls water into the colon. This softens the stool and decreases gut transit time, which can help relieve constipation. For best results, one should have apples with their skin intact.
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6 foods that can lead to weakened bones

6 foods that can lead to weakened bones

One of the biggest food-related cliches is “you are what you eat.” However, that phrase is spot on when it comes to one’s bone health. Eating the right foods can strengthen one’s bones significantly, while the wrong foods can weaken bones by leaving them vulnerable to conditions, such as osteoporosis, and also affect the quality of life at large. If you are at risk of bone-related issues, you must avoid these six foods. Hot dogs Its health hazards are well-known across the healthcare community. And yet, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is still a major flavor enhancer in many processed foods one can buy in the market. Foods such as hot dogs, beef jerky, mayonnaise, frozen pizzas, and fried chicken are seasoned with MSG to give them an irresistible taste, fragrance, and flavor. MSG can stimulate one’s nerve cells, leading to seizures and migraines. It can also decrease bone density in regular consumers of the above-mentioned foods. Coffee Caffeine is just as bad as MSG when bone health is the topic of discussion. Caffeine-rich beverages, such as coffee, decrease the bone’s ability to absorb adequate amounts of calcium from food for reinforcement purposes. This causes issues such as brittle and porous bones in the long run.
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9 foods people with overactive bladder must avoid

9 foods people with overactive bladder must avoid

An overactive bladder, or OAB, is a sudden, often uncontrollable urge to pass urine. Sometimes, OAB may also lead to urge incontinence or the inability to exercise urinary control. The condition is typically caused by infection, nerve damage, estrogen deficiency after menopause, or abdominal trauma. Besides seeking treatment and making some lifestyle changes, managing one’s meal plan can also contribute to rectifying the condition. Some foods that individuals with OAB should avoid are listed below. Caffeinated products Caffeine can aggravate OAB symptoms by increasing the frequency of urination and, in extreme cases, leading to urinary incontinence. Reduction of caffeine intake is advised for women grappling with urgency urinary incontinence. In addition, it helps to replace caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee with non-caffeinated alternatives like fresh fruit juices and milk (if one is not lactose intolerant). Tomatoes Due to their acidic nature, tomatoes may increase the acid levels in urine, causing problems like bladder irritation and increased urge to urinate. Thus, people with OAB should avoid tomatoes and products made of tomatoes, including pizza sauce, ketchup, and salsa. Oranges Being citric, oranges may also irritate one’s bladder and increase one’s urge to urinate. One should limit or avoid oranges, orange juice, and other citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit, and lime for urinary control.
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6 healthy foods that help keep lung cancer at bay

6 healthy foods that help keep lung cancer at bay

Lung cancer is the dangerous mutation of cells that develop in the lungs, affecting vital respiratory functions. It is divided into two primary types- small and non-small cell lung cancer. Exposure to pollutants, radiation, gases, and other carcinogens in the atmosphere is among the leading risk factors triggering this condition. However, it is possible to lower the risk by changing daily nutritional and lifestyle habits. Here are some top foods that help fight lung cancer. Onions and garlic Onions and garlic belong to the allium foods family and boast excellent cancer-fighting properties. Studies show garlic can actively boost the activity of natural killer cells and macrophages that prevent cancer cell mutation. Similarly, onions are widely used for their antioxidant-rich properties with strong compounds that actively interfere with and prevent cancer cells from mutating. One can include these food items in their daily meal plan to utilize their health benefits. Cruciferous vegetables Plant-based nutrition has proven to be quite effective in lowering the risk of lung cancer with effective preventive measures. Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli are among the top choice in cruciferous vegetables. According to many studies, these veggies contain an active compound called sulforaphane that effectively prevents cell mutation.
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8 foods and beverages that help recover from the flu

8 foods and beverages that help recover from the flu

While flu is a common health condition, its symptoms can cause discomfort and disrupt daily functioning. Fever, body aches, chills, and sore throat are just some of the symptoms individuals with flu typically grapple with. In addition, several home remedies, such as having warm water and cooling fluids, taking adequate rest, and sipping ginger water, can help recover steadily from flu. In addition, certain foods and beverages can help expedite the process: Chicken soup The warm broth in chicken soup is an excellent source of hydration and can help open up the nasal pathways. Moreover, the ingredients in chicken soup contain essential nutrients like carbohydrates; proteins; vitamins A, B12, and C; electrolytes; essential fatty acids; and antioxidants, which can soothe and replenish the body. Spinach Spinach entails several vital nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, and K, which boost the immune system and help fight against conditions like the flu. It is also a fibrous vegetable that can provide the body with much-needed strength. Other leafy greens like kale, Brussels sprouts, and lettuce can also help heal from the flu. It is best to have spinach in some cooked form, such as stir-fries, soups, and gravies. Coconut water Besides being a naturally refreshing beverage, coconut water has several antibacterial properties that increase the body’s immunity to diseases like the flu.
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5 tips for healthy lungs

5 tips for healthy lungs

Maintaining lung health is crucial for our overall well-being. Our lungs are primarily responsible for supplying oxygen to our body and releasing carbon dioxide, which is why taking good care of them is essential. However, with the increasing prevalence of lung-related diseases worldwide, prioritizing lung health is becoming more critical than ever. This article will impart valuable tips to help one keep their lungs healthy. Some of them are: Environmental factors that affect lung health The air we breathe can have a significant impact on our lung health. Exposure to air pollution, occupational hazards, and allergens can increase the risk of developing lung-related diseases. Air pollution significantly contributes to lung-related diseases and can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and lung cancer. Occupational hazards such as asbestos, coal dust, and silica can also lead to lung-related diseases. Besides, allergens and irritants such as pet dander, pollen, and smoke can also irritate our lungs and cause respiratory problems. To minimize exposure to these environmental factors, it’s essential to wear protective gear, avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, and maintain indoor air quality. Tips to promote healthy lungs Here are some tips to keep your lungs healthy: Practice good hygiene Practicing good hygiene helps prevent the spread of respiratory infections, which can be particularly harmful to people with compromised lung health.
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Prostate cancer – Warning signs and management remedies

Prostate cancer – Warning signs and management remedies

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer found in men. It is said that one out of every eight men is susceptible to a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. It is commonly seen in men aged 50 years or older but can sometimes be found in younger patients. However, early detection and management of prostate cancer can prove beneficial for better results and a preferable outcome for patients. Warning signs of prostate cancer In its early stages, prostate cancer often does not give rise to any symptoms. However, as cancer progresses, it can bring along some of the following warning signs: Urinary problems Men diagnosed with prostate cancer or considered potential patients often show changes in urinary patterns. Changes such as increased urgency, frequency, difficulty starting or stopping the flow, weak flow, or a burning sensation during urination are all considered warning signs. Some patients might also note the presence of blood in their urine or semen and should not ignore the signs. Erectile dysfunction Prostate cancer can interfere with the blood vessels and nerves responsible for causing an erection. This interference can cause difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection. Pain As and when the disease progresses, it can cause pain in the body.
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6 foods to avoid for managing epilepsy

6 foods to avoid for managing epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that impacts brain activity and may cause seizures, episodes of unusual behavior, and a lack of awareness. It is a chronic, non-communicable disease that can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnic groups. Although there is no cure for epilepsy, there are several ways to manage the condition. One of them is avoiding foods that may interfere with treatments. Some common foods to limit with epilepsy include: Caffeine Caffeine is known to stimulate the central nervous system. While there is no conclusive evidence between caffeine and epilepsy, the Epilepsy Society suggests that consuming caffeine may increase the risk of a seizure. Caffeine also interferes with how our bodies break down nutrients and impedes the functioning of formal treatment, leading to more seizures. It is commonly found in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks. Artificial sweeteners Certain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, have also been reported to increase the risk of seizures. Foods with artificial sweeteners include soda, candy, pudding, packaged baked goods, canned foods, jams, and jellies. However, more studies are required to determine the viability of this relationship. Grapefruit When undergoing epilepsy treatment, avoiding grapefruit and grapefruit juice is important. This is because grapefruit contains compounds that can affect the effects of the therapies and increase the chances of side effects.
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7 easy teeth whitening remedies to try at home

7 easy teeth whitening remedies to try at home

Teeth staining is a common complaint among adults. Yellow, stained, or discolored teeth often result from eating specific foods that are highly acidic or filled with sugar. Certain lifestyle habits and health conditions can also cause teeth discoloration. But the good news is that you can use several teeth whitening home remedies to eliminate superficial stains and restore your teeth’s shine. These remedies are effortless and will not burn a hole in your wallet. Oil pulling This is one of the simplest teeth whitening remedies you can try at home. All you need is some coconut, sunflower, or sesame oil. The process involves rinsing the mouth with the oil and spitting it out. Do this after brushing your teeth. Oil pulling is known to remove debris, dirt, and bacteria from the teeth and eliminate stains over time. Activated charcoal Activated charcoal is believed to have properties that can remove plaque from the teeth, which is often a major cause of teeth discoloration. But be careful while using charcoal on your teeth, as it is highly abrasive. Take some finely powdered charcoal, add a little bit of water to it, and use a brush to apply the mixture to your teeth gently.
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6 healthy foods to manage menopause symptoms

6 healthy foods to manage menopause symptoms

Menopause is a transitional stage that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. During this phase, the body undergoes many changes. Accordingly, women feel symptoms such as wild hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, and increased body heat during menopause. Certain foods like processed meat, spicy meals, and sodium-rich items tend to trigger these symptoms easily. However, some other foods can help reduce their severity significantly. Some healthy foods to manage menopause symptoms are listed below. Yogurt One of the hormones that fluctuate most during the menopausal stage is estrogen. Estrogen levels undergo a major decline during this phase. An estrogen deficiency can harm bone health and vital bodily functions among women. Reduced bone density can cause health conditions like osteoporosis. To prevent that, women need to eat calcium in high quantities. Low-fat dairy foods such as yogurt and fatty fish can restore the body’s calcium levels. One can choose plain yogurt with little or no added sugar to manage menopause symptoms. For vegetarians, various plant-based yogurts are also available. Oatmeal Like calcium, fiber is important to reduce cholesterol, keep blood sugar levels in check, and prevent constipation. Therefore, fiber-rich grains, vegetables, and fruits are essential to a woman’s daily meals during the menopausal transition.
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