5 ways to live healthy with hemophilia

5 ways to live healthy with hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare disorder wherein the blood doesn’t clot as it should due to the lack of sufficient blood-clotting proteins. So a person affected by the condition will experience bleeds for longer spans before clotting occurs. Hemophilia can also trigger internal bleeding, especially bleeding inside the knees, elbows, and ankles that might be life-threatening. Though treatments cannot cure hemophilia, here are five tips to stay healthy when dealing with hemophilia. Eating specific foods The food we eat plays a vital role in providing the necessary nutrition to the body. It also improves one’s overall well-being. As for hemophilia, people affected by the condition must eat foods like oats, whole wheat, barley, brown rice, broccoli, spinach, and dried beans. These foods are abundant in protein, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12, copper, vitamin B6, and folic acid, which are involved in red blood cell production. Maintaining oral hygiene Brushing teeth is essential for healthy living in patients with hemophilia. Those with the blood disorder can bleed heavily from injuries sustained to their teeth or gums. Therefore, brushing helps stay away from visits to the dentist that may result in gum bleeding. Maintaining oral hygiene also helps eliminate germs from the teeth and gums.
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5 alarming signs of headaches

5 alarming signs of headaches

Headaches are quite common, even among children. But the degree of headache may be different during different events. If you’re prone to getting headaches often, it is advised to note the frequency and the degree of pain and symptoms. We emphasize paying close attention to these details as some signs of headaches can indicate an underlying medical condition. This article highlights signs of headaches that could pose a serious problem. Thunderclap This type of headache is characterized by a sudden onset of pain that peaks within 60 seconds. This symptom can have serious underlying issues, such as internal bleeding in the brain. This could easily lead to brain hemorrhage, leading to a stroke or aneurysm. Painkillers and sleep are not the only solutions to this issue. One should call 911 or head straight to the hospital if one experiences this symptom. High fever High fever accompanied by headache is an alarming sign that one needs to watch out for. It usually indicates an infection, run-of-the-mill sinusitis, among other conditions. The doctor would look for more signs before concluding the problem. If one experiences a stiff neck with headache and fever, it is quite possible that it could be meningitis. This complication may also cause confusion and difficulty talking, which needs to be treated immediately.  Pain behind or around the eye Headache with pain in or around the eye that compromises your vision may have an underlying medical condition.
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5 early signs of bone weakening that require immediate attention

5 early signs of bone weakening that require immediate attention

As we age, it is normal for loose skin elasticity and weakening of the bones, also known as osteoporosis. However, the condition may get noticed sooner if one pays close attention. Weak bones are often seen in elderly patients, but in some cases, people can lose bone density at a young age due to vitamin deficiency, poor eating habits, or cancer. So let’s learn more signs that indicate the weakening of the bones. Brittle fingernails Nails and bones have no direct connection, although brittle nails could indicate a weak bone condition. Also, if you regularly get your nails done, it contributes to the poor condition of your nails. It is better to get tested in time as brittle nails are a sign of weakening bones and developing conditions like osteoporosis. Receding gums Gums are another body part that can tell you how well your bones are doing. For example, receding gums could indicate that your body might lack the required amount of calcium or vitamin D. This is seen because the gums are losing their grip on the jaw bone. Therefore, if you experience receding gums, you should visit the dentist to seek appropriate treatment. Lower back pain A common symptom associated with loss of bone density is lower back pain.
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5 early warning signs of arthritis that shouldn’t be ignored

5 early warning signs of arthritis that shouldn’t be ignored

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent disorders in the country, with approximately 1 in 4 adults diagnosed with some form of the condition. There are over 100 different subtypes of arthritis, with each condition characterized by different symptoms. The most common indicators are joint pain and stiffness, which worsen with age. However, early diagnosis and prompt treatment can help patients manage symptoms. Some early warning signs that indicate arthritis are discussed below. Joint pain Arthritis mainly affects the joints with inflammation, leading to pain and tenderness in major bone and muscle groups. It is often coupled with stiffness that is prevalent in the morning and worsens with prolonged periods of inactivity. These flare-ups mainly trigger pain in the membranes connecting two joints. Skin nodules and lumps Arthritis patients often experience skin nodules or excess tissue growth under the epidermis. Inflammation is one of the main triggers of such growths on the knuckles, fingers, forearms, elbows, knees, and even behind the heels. In the case of osteoarthritis, one of the common subtypes, these lumps or nodules first appear on the big toe. Mobility issues Inflammation and pain affect vital muscle and joint groups, leading to mobility problems. The range of motion for the arms and legs becomes restricted as swelling and stiffness develop in the region.
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5 peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

5 peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

Most people do not give much thought to the way they urinate. But the way this important natural bodily function is carried out has a huge impact on health. A few peeing mistakes can cause bladder and kidney problems, hormonal imbalances, or other urinary tract infections that put health at risk in the long run. So, here are some common peeing mistakes one might be making and ways to avoid them: Holding it in When one is engaged in important activities, they may delay urinating even if they feel the urge. Although the bladder is designed to expand, holding pee for a long time repeatedly can damage the organ and lead to chronic bladder overstretching, disrupting bladder control. Parents or caregivers can help kids understand the importance of taking regular bathroom breaks even when in school. Peeing too frequently If one pees too frequently, even when they don’t need to, the bladder gets trained to respond to smaller volumes of urine. An overactive bladder can hamper daily life, making peeing too much one of the top peeing mistakes to avoid. Further, if one is unable to hold their pee at all, this could be a sign of an underlying health condition.
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5 signs that indicate the need to consult a dermatologist

5 signs that indicate the need to consult a dermatologist

Typically, people prefer to avoid visiting a healthcare expert since it is a stressful experience. However, a person’s skin, more often than not, provides an adequate picture of their health, so if the skin is showing signs of excess dullness, redness, changes color rapidly, or displays other symptoms, it is advisable to see a skincare expert at the earliest. Here are some of the signs that mean that one has to visit a dermatologist: Having dry, flaky skin patches Dryness and flaky skin patches are indicative of health conditions like psoriasis or eczema. In fact, these tend to be some of the early symptoms of such a condition, making it imperative for people to visit a dermatologist immediately. A dermatologist can correctly detect such conditions and provide the necessary treatment or prescription-based solutions to reduce the severity of the symptoms and improve one’s quality of life. One especially needs to consult a dermatologist if they experience flaky or overly dry skin on their scalp, chest, knees, elbows, or lower back. Having nail or skin infections Skin and nail infections mean that things like fungus, bacteria, viruses, or yeast have come into contact with a person’s skin. The most common indicator of this is swelling, inflammation, pus, warts, itching, or nail/skin discoloration.
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6 signs of bad dental practices

6 signs of bad dental practices

Maintaining good oral hygiene does not simply refer to brushing, flossing, and home remedies. Periodic planned visits to the dentist’s office also determine the scope of oral care in the long run. But one must also be aware of the possibility of dental negligence from the professional and unsafe practices that con unsuspecting patients. It’s necessary to assert extra vigilance and identify these common red flags that question the authenticity of dental care treatments. Providing inflated bills Often, people get overwhelmed with technical jargon used for explaining treatment packages. Some professionals take advantage of this situation to bill charges explicitly without one’s knowledge. Not paying attention to detail A comprehensive exam and a thorough review of past health complications can provide valuable insights for the dentist to plan a good treatment. However, if he or she is taking this step lightly, then it’s better to avoid fixing another appointment and find a better practitioner in the neighborhood. Lack of ethics Speaking rudely, not paying attention, or unnecessarily losing one’s calm because their patients are asking questions are all warning signs that should not be ignored or tolerated. Too many promotions and ads A dental clinic that spends too much time and money advertising on billboards and online may not be good enough, as there is such a thing called as overselling.
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3 dos and don’ts for healthy nails

3 dos and don’ts for healthy nails

Although made from skin cells, fingernails and toenails are hard due to the laminated layers of a protein called keratin. Regardless of their texture, nails are an essential body part as they help us pick up things and protect our toes and fingers. Hence it’s crucial to care for them and maintain their health and appearance. What follows are a few dos and don’ts when practicing a nail care routine. Dos for healthy nails Keep them dry and clean Fingernails and toenails shouldn’t be kept wet for too long as moisture is a hotbed of bacteria production. Soaking the nails in water for an extended period can also lead to a split in the fingernails, which can become painful and lead to infections. Always wear rubber gloves with a cotton inner lining when washing dishes and cleaning the house or bathroom. They will keep your hands and nails from getting wet and coming into contact with harsh chemicals. Cut them regularly An essential component of good personal hygiene is cutting the nails regularly. While you can get a manicure from a professional, using clean clippers at home will also do the job. Cut the tips across and then shape them from the sides for a gentle curve that doesn’t hurt or get stuck in clothes.
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6 foods to eat for skin, nail, and hair health

6 foods to eat for skin, nail, and hair health

The nails, hair, and skin perform more vital functions than we can imagine. While the nails contribute to sensations and protect the digits, the hair helps regulate the body’s temperature. The skin forms the body’s outermost layer and protects it against harmful substances and injuries. Thus, healthy hair, skin, and nails are essential for overall physical well-being. Here are some foods one should incorporate into one’s meal plan for hair, skin, and nail health: Fatty fish Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, significantly boosting skin, hair, and nail health. They protect the body from sun damage and ensure good scalp health. Eggs Besides being excellent protein sources, eggs are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, E, and B7, zinc, and biotin. Consequently, they are highly recommended for hair, skin, and nail growth and strength. For example, one can have eggs for breakfast in the form of popular breakfast meals like scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, and omelets. Oatmeal Oatmeal is packed with fiber, zinc, copper, and essential vitamins. Zinc is particularly effective in reducing acne and facilitating strong nails. When eaten with milk, oatmeal can act as a complete breakfast meal and replenish the body with the required protein intake.
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4 questions one should ask a gastroenterologist

4 questions one should ask a gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologists are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating digestive tract disorders. This can include problems ranging from the passage of gas, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome to even colon cancer, and more. While asking them certain questions can be embarrassing, one must not shy away from them. Instead, one must enquire about the issues to receive more information. Keep reading to know more about these questions and why they must be asked. Is passing a lot of gas an issue? Usually, one may release gas in the form of burps or even farts, but most people do not know that this gas forms due to many reasons. While the passage of gas is completely natural, sometimes when it builds up, it can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. This often occurs when the patient regularly eats fatty foods, has an increased level of stress, eats too quickly, or has irritable bowel syndrome. In such cases, gastroenterologists may provide a diagnosis of the underlying issue and develop a treatment plan. How do I know if my stool is normal? Typically, stool can be of different colors, shapes, and sizes. It must be log-like and have cracks on its surface.
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Top 7 foods that help relieve migraines

Top 7 foods that help relieve migraines

Migraine, marked by a severe headache and throbbing pain, is a common phenomenon that affects many people. There are several reasons for it, including sensory stimuli, stress, weather changes, hormonal changes, and other underlying health conditions. When the neural activity becomes overactive, it gets more sensitive and causes migraine. To avoid this, it is important to make changes to one’s food regime. Adding certain foods discussed below to one’s daily meals can help relieve migraines. Leafy greens like spinach and kale Spinach and kale are both leafy greens that contain magnesium, which has shown to prevent neurons from becoming hypersensitive. This, in turn, helps keep migraines at bay. Kale is also rich in fiber, but one may require some time to get used to its strong taste. These versatile foods can be blended into soups, salads, pastas, as well as chips. Scrambled eggs Eggs are a nutrient powerhouse that also provide migraine-fighting benefits of magnesium along with other additional nutrients including protein, essential vitamins, and zinc. They are also incredibly easy to make and an affordable option to include in one’s daily food regime. Almonds Almonds are one of the best foods for migraines as they contain magnesium and essential fats and fiber, which can also bring overall health benefits to individuals.
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