7 unhealthy habits that damage teeth

7 unhealthy habits that damage teeth

Maintaining a healthy smile goes beyond just regular brushing and flossing. One may follow several habits without realizing the potential harm they can cause to one’s teeth. From seemingly harmless activities to daily routines, these habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. Here are some common but often overlooked habits that harm oral health. One must avoid them to extend the longevity of their pearly whites. Poor oral hygiene Neglecting proper oral hygiene practices, such as inconsistent brushing and skipping flossing, can pave the way for plaque buildup. This buildup contributes to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease, which can lead to more serious dental issues if left untreated. Using teeth as a tool Using one’s teeth to open bottles, tear packages, or crack nuts might seem convenient, but it’s a recipe for disaster. This habit can cause chips or cracks in one’s teeth or lead to gum bleeding. So it’s advisable to use one’s teeth only for chewing food and not as substitutes for scissors or bottle openers. Nail biting Nail biting affects one’s nails and takes a toll on one’s teeth. This habit exerts pressure on one’s teeth and jaw, potentially causing misalignment and damaging tooth enamel.
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5 signs that may indicate anemia

5 signs that may indicate anemia

Anemia is a condition where there are not sufficient healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin to transport oxygen to the body’s tissues. There are various causes of this blood deficiency and also risk factors that could worsen its condition. And while there are treatment options for anemia, it is important to diagnose the complication early to reduce its effects. Here are six common warning signs that are potential indicators of anemia. Breathing difficulties Someone who develops anemia may suffer from breathing difficulties. The irregularity may result from the lungs trying to overcompensate to carry more oxygen. Even a little exertion may lead to symptoms like shortness of breath. Palpitations The lack of oxygen in the blood could lead to one experiencing palpitations and feeling anxious simultaneously. An irregular heartbeat is unhealthy as the heart needs to work extra hard to compensate for the lack of oxygen, which could also result in pain in the chest. In severe cases, it could lead to an enlarged heart or failure. Therefore, these signs must be discussed with an expert immediately. Cold hands and feet Feeling cold in the feet and hands is usual in cooler temperatures. However, if someone develops these signs out of the ordinary, it could be an indicator of poor blood circulation caused by anemia.
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6 healthy snacks to lower cholesterol levels

6 healthy snacks to lower cholesterol levels

If one has high cholesterol levels, they may have to monitor their meal plans. Neglecting what they eat may have adverse effects on their health and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. While certain foods can help reduce cholesterol levels, eating the same thing regularly could get boring. So, here are six healthy snack ideas to diversify meals and control the levels of cholesterol – the waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver. Almonds These nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, which may fight against the effects of high cholesterol levels in the blood. It is suggested to have about one-quarter cup of almonds throughout the day. Other healthy sources of nuts to add to meals include walnut halves and hazelnuts. Popcorn The snack choice that most people enjoy during a movie is also beneficial for those with high cholesterol. The fiber content of the food contributes to lowering the waxy buildup in the blood. However, one should avoid adding flavors like butter and salt to popcorn as these may worsen cholesterol levels. Greek yogurt dip The snack is higher in proteins when compared to plain yogurt and is also low in sugar. So, Greek yogurt dip could make a suitable addition to heart-healthy foods.
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7 signs of a weakened immune system

7 signs of a weakened immune system

The immune system acts as the body’s defense against bacteria, viruses, and other infections. Apart from this, its main tasks are to recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment and fight any abnormal cell formation in the body, such as cancer. The immune system also makes antibodies against germs it has previously come in contact with to keep one healthy. Here are some signs of a weak immune system: Extremely high-stress levels Reports by the American Psychological Association suggest that long-term stress has been linked to reduced immunity levels. This is because stress affects the lymphocytes (white blood cells) in the body, making one more vulnerable to viruses and infections. Constant colds As an adult, it is normal to contract two to three colds per year. These may last for 7-10 days. However, when one experiences a cold that just won’t go away, it may be a sign that they are immuno-compromised or have a weakened immune system. Stomach problems Frequently occurring gas, diarrhea, or constipation could also be a sign of a weakened immune system. According to certain research, approximately 70 percent of the immune system is located around the digestive tract. When this is compromised, it makes one more susceptible to inflammation and diseases.
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4 bad habits that can cause muscle cramps

4 bad habits that can cause muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are sudden, involuntary spasms or contractions in one or more muscles. Although they last only a few seconds or minutes, the accompanying pain can be torturous to bear. The cramps can result from various factors, including poor lifestyle habits many people unknowingly indulge in on a daily basis. Here, we have listed a few common bad habits to avoid as far as possible to prevent painful muscle cramping. Not drinking enough water Not drinking enough water, especially during summer, can be problematic. Heat causes the body to lose a lot of fluid content through perspiration. To make up for that, one should consume at least three to four liters of water daily, if not more. Not doing so can cause dehydration, which reduces a person’s blood volume. A reduced blood volume, in turn, leads to lesser blood, oxygen, and nutrients flowing to the organs and muscles, resulting in muscle cramps. Dehydration primarily causes cramping in the stomach due to the digestive system’s massive fluid requirements. Not consuming enough electrolytes A lack of electrolytes in the body is another major cause of muscle cramping. Certain minerals like magnesium and calcium have electrolytic properties that perform essential functions. For instance, they help maintain electrical neutrality in cells and support muscle and nerve health.
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4 essential questions to ask a pulmonologist

4 essential questions to ask a pulmonologist

Statistical evidence suggests that over 34 million people nationwide are grappling with a chronic lung condition, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Such alarming statistical figures suggest that lung disorders are rampant in the country. A pulmonologist plays a crucial role in administering the required treatments and helping individuals manage symptoms of their lung diseases. While consulting a pulmonologist, it is essential to ask certain key questions to know better about one’s condition: What is my diagnosis and prognosis? It is essential to differentiate between diagnosis and prognosis and understand these aspects while addressing a lung issue. Diagnosis refers to the nature of the health condition, while prognosis refers to the course it is likely to take. While the former is based on one’s symptoms, the latter varies among individuals diagnosed with the same condition and may be based on various factors, such as age and comorbidities. It helps to consult a pulmonologist about one’s diagnosis and prognosis to understand what condition one is grappling with, any unusual symptoms one is likely to experience, etc. What is the cause of my symptoms? Understanding the underlying cause of a health condition can help one address the issue at its root.
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Top 4 questions to ask when consulting an ophthalmologist

Top 4 questions to ask when consulting an ophthalmologist

Eye checkups are incredibly important as they help diagnose common eye-related disorders such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataract in their early stages. Frequent visits to an ophthalmologist can keep eye-related diseases and infections at bay. However, it is normal to have questions before and after an eye exam. Sorting out one’s concerns helps in the preparation and better management of vision health. Here are a few important questions one must ask an ophthalmologist. Important questions to ask the ophthalmologist What tests will I be undergoing today? Typically, an eye test or an eye exam is a test of the patient’s vision. It usually includes the reading out of numbers and alphabets off a chart. However, this chart is often placed at a distance. So, when one struggles to read, the ophthalmologist detects refractive errors and suggests contact lenses or eyeglasses, according to the individual’s preference. But in rare cases, one can also be suggested to undergo further diagnostic tests, especially when risk factors such as high blood pressure and heart disease are involved. What are some easy ways I can care for my eyes? Generally, as a person age, they become more susceptible to eye problems. Hence, one must ask the ophthalmologist how to care for one’s eyes at home.
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5 causes of eye problems and damage

5 causes of eye problems and damage

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever,” it is rightly said. And the perception of beauty is made possible by the virtue of the eyes. From watching a movie and enjoying the beauty around us to reading an article online, every minute aspect of our lives is governed by our visual faculties. Hence, eye care should be a crucial part of caring for one’s well-being. Here are some common negative habits that affect one’s eyes: Eating unhealthy foods The eyes require vitamins, minerals, zinc, lutein, omega-3, and other essential nutrients. The body absorbs these nutrients through healthy foods. For example, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and broccoli are rich in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A and is essential for good eye health. Similarly, omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fatty fish, are required for good vision. Staring at electronic devices Exposure to white light for long periods is one of the biggest concerns prevalent today, with over 66% nationwide in the country admitting to sleeping with their phones by their side at night. This alarming pattern has several negative consequences, including dry eyes and severe eye strain. Thus, the National Sleep Foundation advises that one should put away electronic devices like mobile phones at least half an hour before going to bed.
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6 essential questions to ask a therapist

6 essential questions to ask a therapist

Embarking on a therapeutic journey is a significant step toward self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. However, finding the right therapist and establishing a productive therapeutic relationship requires open communication and clarity. To make the most out of your therapy sessions, it’s essential to ask your therapist the right questions. These questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of the therapeutic process, establish mutual trust, and align your goals. Let’s discuss a few of them. What experience do you have in treating my specific concerns? Checking the therapist’s experience and expertise is essential. Knowing they have helped people with issues similar to yours will go a long way in calming your doubts and intrusive thoughts. Inquiring about their experience in treating similar cases can provide reassurance and confidence in their ability to support you effectively. How do you approach confidentiality and privacy? Confidentiality is a cornerstone of therapy, promoting a safe and trusting environment. Discussing the therapist’s approach to confidentiality, including any limits or exceptions, you can ensure that your personal information remains private. Understanding these boundaries will foster a sense of security and enable you to share openly without fear of judgment or disclosure. What are the goals and expectations of therapy?
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4 key questions to ask a radiologist

4 key questions to ask a radiologist

When undergoing any kind of treatment, it is important to have an understanding of the procedures, risks involved, and the recovery process. For instance, radiology involves diagnosing and treating injuries or illnesses detected with the help of imaging procedures, like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. So, when consulting a radiologist, you should not hesitate to address necessary queries concerning your health. So, here are some questions you need to ask a radiologist: What is the purpose of the test? It is important to understand why a specific diagnostic test is recommended by the radiologist. You should ask the doctor about how the test will detect or confirm a health issue and the outcome you can expect. Are there any risks to consider? Most imaging tests are considered to be safe, but it is always important to ask about any side effects or risks. For example, when undergoing an MRI, you should have no metal objects on your body or clothes. Similarly, other tests might require distinct precautions to avoid safety hazards.  How is the test conducted? It is always a good idea to ask your radiologist about the test procedure. They can help make you understand the steps involved in the process, how long the procedure is, and if there is any preparation required.
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5 alarming signs of high blood sugar

5 alarming signs of high blood sugar

Due to the pandemic, there has been a surge in diabetes cases around the world. This rise has been exacerbated by low-grade inflammation caused due to viral infections, which impact insulin resistance. According to research, these viruses can replicate within pancreatic beta-cells, where insulin is produced. This further affects the synthesis and secretion process of the hormone. This sudden increase has made it more critical to recognize the five alarming signs of high blood sugar. Excessive thirst Also known as polydipsia, excessive thirst is a common sign of high blood sugar caused by dehydration resulting from frequent urination. Patients with high blood sugar levels might constantly battle the urge to drink fluids to quench their insatiable thirst. Increased hunger People with high blood sugar are also prone to increased hunger as a sign of their condition. Polyphagia causes the body’s cells to miss out on receiving sufficient energy from glucose. In order to cope with it, the body breaks down stored fat and muscle tissue, which might cause unintentional loss of body mass. Frequent urination Polyuria is also one of the common signs of high blood sugar. The kidney’s primary function is to eliminate excessive sugar in the body. The urge to empty the bladder is more frequent at night, known as nocturia.
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