Glucose level charts – Importance, components, and more

Glucose level charts – Importance, components, and more

The blood sugar or blood glucose level will indicate the amount of sugar in the bloodstream of a person at an instance. The sugar is carried to the cells of the body to provide energy to the different parts of the body. Our body derives this sugar from the different dietary items that we consume. The blood sugar level is controlled by the human systems so that the glucose levels are never too high or too low. The sugar in the blood is not the same as sucrose or the sugar that we consume – it is in the form of glucose. The level of blood sugar or glucose alters throughout the day. It is the lowest in the morning before you have your breakfast. It rises soon after meals but then settles after an hour or so. In a healthy person, the level of blood sugar in a fasting state will be below 99milligrams per deciliter. However, in patients with diabetes, this level is a lot more fluctuating. The main aim here is to maintain the level of blood sugar within 130 mg/dl before meals and less than 180mg/dl after their meals. What Is A Glucose Chart Or A Blood Sugar Chart?
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The importance of nutrition in sickle cell disease

The importance of nutrition in sickle cell disease

Sickle cell disease, also known as sickle cell anemia, is a genetic disorder that modifies regular red blood cells into a sickle or crescent shape. The disease is more common in people with a deficiency in vitamin D and poor appetite. The condition may also lead to reduced growth and development in children. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how nutrition can help support sickle cell patients. Balance and increase nutrients When it comes to sickle cell disease, asymptomatic patients tend to show energy levels below the set threshold. This number falls to about half when illness sets in or when the person is hospitalized. Therefore, one should increase the food they eat if they wish to tackle the condition’s symptoms. Some of these foods include the following: Whole grains, rice, and cereals, which are high in vitamin B, magnesium, folate, and selenium Milk, cheese, and yogurt that are loaded with vitamin D and calcium Certain vegetable oils that are rich in vitamin E and fatty acids Meats, nuts, seeds, and beans are good sources of protein, zinc, and iron Green leafy vegetables and fruits, as these foods carry high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and even fiber Calorie intake A high-calorie intake also supports those with sickle cell disease.
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4 herbal remedies for sickle cell anemia

4 herbal remedies for sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the initially flexible, round red blood cells become crescent moon- or sickle-shaped. As a result, blood flow through small vessels slows down or stops, leading to various symptoms. The only cure for sickle cell anemia is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. However, recent studies have shown that certain herbs and their blend can also provide relief. Read on to learn more about the herbal management of sickle cell anemia. Niprisan herbal extract formula Nigeria has the highest number of sickle cell patients in the world. To help its citizens fight the disease, the Nigerian government’s National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) developed a herbal formula called Niprisan that has shown promising results. It is made with extracts from four different plants: Piper guineense seed: Also called the West African pepper or Guinea pepper Pterocarpus osum stem: An African timber Eugenia caryophyllus: Also called cloves Sorghum bicolor: Also known as sorghum, great millet, durra, jowari/jowar, or milo The main active compounds of these herbs are piperine, chavicine, capsaicin, and cubebin. The medicine is unlikely to cause significant side effects. Fagara zanthoxyloides Herbal management of sickle cell anemia involves a few other herbs as well, which have shown promising results.
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8 tips to help maintain normal blood sugar levels

8 tips to help maintain normal blood sugar levels

An unhealthy lifestyle coupled with the amount of stress we are burdened with to achieve the “perfect life” has left us combating various serious health issues. Some of these ailments are hereditary, whereas, some of them are self-created. And, then there are those ailments that fall under both these categories. Diabetes is one such ailment that is known to have its roots firmly planted in our genes and can be a result of our reckless lifestyle as well. However, if normal blood sugar levels are maintained, people can easily coexist with diabetes and lead a normal life. Whichever treatment a person opts for controlling their diabetes, it involves maintaining normal blood sugar levels. A rise in the blood sugar levels leads to a string of other problems. So, the key to living with diabetes involves taking steps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Diabetes isn’t an ailment that can be cured completely. So, one must follow these tips to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Lose weight Obesity is the root cause of a wide-range of disease or is known to worsen an already existing condition. Excess weight makes the person resistant to insulin, and this, in turn, disrupts the normal blood sugar levels in the body.
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Symptoms and causes of ADHD

Symptoms and causes of ADHD

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition mostly diagnosed in children, and its symptoms can continue well into adulthood. This disorder can result in hyperactivity, difficulty focusing, behavioral issues like frequent outbursts of anger and frustration, and inattentiveness. While this condition does not have a cure, the symptoms can be managed effectively with proper treatment. Read on to know more about this condition. Symptoms of ADHD The main symptoms of ADHD are impulsive behavior, inattention, and hyperactivity. The signs can appear from a young age and become apparent even before children turn 12 years old. Also, ADHD can manifest in different ways in boys and girls. While it is common for boys to be more hyperactive, girls with this disorder tend to be inattentive. Generally, children with ADHD will either be inattentive or hyperactive or have a combination of these symptoms. Inattention If a child shows some of the following signs for at least 6 months, they might be facing the problem of inattentiveness: Makes careless mistakes while doing homework or fails to pay attention to detail Cannot focus while playing or performing simple tasks May not listen carefully, even when someone is talking to them directly Cannot follow instructions Is unable to organize tasks Avoids any task that requires focus Loses things easily and frequently Can become distracted easily Impulsivity and hyperactivity The following is a list of the symptoms that indicate impulsivity or hyperactivity in children if they manifest for 6 months or longer:
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Important things to know about addictions

Important things to know about addictions

Addictions have become an extremely serious global issue. From different kinds of substances to alcohol and nicotine, people can be addicted to a variety of vices. Being addicted to something is a disorder, which affects the behavior and brain. When the addiction increases, one loses control over his/her urge to use the substance, even if they know how bad it is for them. Understanding it better First, one needs to understand that addiction is a disease. It can start from consumption on an experimental basis, which leads to more intake use until the person cannot control the urge any longer. While some substances may take time to become addictive, a few can be riskier and turn a person into an addict immediately. Like most other diseases, addictions can be treated, but it requires more support from loved ones, and one needs to develop the willpower to quit. Symptoms of addiction Sometimes it can become quite difficult to identify if one is addicted to any substance. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol or any other substance is the best way to save oneself from addiction. However, if a person has started consuming any of these substances, they must look for the following symptoms to recognize if they have become addicted.
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Aging –  Its types, warning signs, symptoms, and risk factors

Aging – Its types, warning signs, symptoms, and risk factors

Aging is a natural process. All of us grow older with time, which is why it is crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle. This way, old age does not bring too many problems along. From pain in the joints to suffering from forgetfulness, there are a bunch of things that are associated with aging. Types of aging Cellular aging The aging process of cells is dependent on the frequency with which they replicate. A cell can replicate itself around 50 times, and after that, the genetic material cannot be copied properly. This happens because of shortened telomeres. Hormonal aging Hormones play a huge part in the aging process, more so when a person is in their childhood or adolescence. The levels of hormones keep fluctuating as long as we live. Puberty results in the formation of large pores and acne. As we get older, the change in hormones contributes to the formation of dry skin. Metabolic aging Cells are responsible for transforming food into energy throughout the day. The byproducts produced during this process can be quite harmful. The metabolizing process causes damage to the body. Some are of the opinion that the slow-down of the metabolic process through methods like calorie restriction could result in slowing down the process of aging.
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Knowing the symptoms of common allergies and their risk factors

Knowing the symptoms of common allergies and their risk factors

An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance. The immune system is responsible for producing substances referred to as antibodies. When an individual suffers from allergies, their immune system generates antibodies that help in identifying the harmful allergens affecting the body. The symptoms of allergies are dependent on the substance one has been affected with. The reactions can be mild, moderate or severe in nature. Hay fever Hay fever, which is also called allergic rhinitis, can result in sneezing, runny nose, itching in the eyes or the nose, and watery or swollen eyes. Food allergy An allergy, which has resulted from consuming a particular food item, can lead to a tingling sensation in the mouth, lips or face swelling up or anaphylaxis, which could pose a threat to one’s life. Insect sting allergy A sting from an insect can cause the affected portion to swell up considerably, cause an itching sensation across the body, and lead to shortness of breath. Medication allergy An allergy, caused by the consumption of some medication, results in an itchy skin, rash, hives, swelling on the face, wheezing, and anaphylaxis. Atopic dermatitis This is a skin condition, which also goes by the name of eczema.
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Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s results in the unfortunate wasting away of brain cells, causing their premature death; it is a progressive ailment. It is the most common kind of dementia, wherein a person’s social skills, behavior, and thinking capabilities decline, disrupting their ability of independent functioning. The earliest signs of this disorder may be forgetfulness with severe memory loss as the disease progresses. Here are the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: Memory loss Repeating questions and statements Difficulty in finding words to identify objects, participate in conversations, or express thoughts Forgetting events, appointments, and conversations Forgetting family members’ names and common objects Getting lost in known places Misplacing things Thinking and reasoning Losing the ability to make reasonable judgments and decisions Making uncharacteristic or poor choices in social gatherings Difficulty in responding to everyday situations Planning and performance Routine activities, such as cooking or planning becomes difficult Advanced stage patients may not be able to perform basic tasks, such as bathing or dressing Personality and behavioral changes Delusions Depression Loss of inhibitions Apathy Wandering Mood swings Modified sleeping habits Social withdrawal Aggression and irritation Distrust in others Why does Alzheimer’s occur? The patient’s brain changes due to Alzheimer’s disease. The brain becomes smaller as the disease progresses with lesser healthy brain cells.
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A helpful overview on anemia

A helpful overview on anemia

Anemia refers to the medical condition in which the body does not produce enough red blood cells to transfer oxygen to the tissues in the body. When you suffer from anemia, you feel weak and exhausted all the time. This disease can be temporary in nature or have a long-term effect on a person’s health, in which case they will require continual treatment. Causes Inflammation Several kinds of diseases like kidney diseases, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and chronic inflammatory diseases obstruct the process of producing red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia This is the most common kind of anemia. As the name suggests, it is a result of a deficiency of iron in the body. The bone marrow requires iron to produce hemoglobin. When there is a shortage of the nutrient, the body fails to generate a sufficient amount of hemoglobin to produce red blood cells. Vitamin-deficiency anemia Apart from iron, the body requires vitamin B-12 and folate to generate red blood cells. When your diet does not have any of these, there is a sharp drop in the red blood cell count. There are also cases of people who consume vitamin B-12 but not absorbing it properly. That gives rise to vitamin-deficiency anemia.
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Arthritis – Types, signs and risk factors

Arthritis – Types, signs and risk factors

Arthritis is a medical condition that is marked by inflammation in the joints. It can affect a single joint or several joints in the body. There are different types of arthritis. Each one can be traced to a different cause, with various methods to treat them. Types Primarily, there are two main kinds of arthritis – rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. These can be broken down into several categories. Osteoarthritis This is the most commonly diagnosed form of arthritis. When a person is suffering from osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joints gets severely damaged. The cartilage is the tough, coarse protective coating found at the end points where the bones come together to form a joint. Cartilage acts as a cushion to this part of the bones and facilitates the frictionless movement of the joints. When the cartilage gets damaged, the bones grind against each other, causing severe pain and restrictive movements. This damage can take place over a few years or in a short time. Rheumatoid arthritis In this type of arthritis, the immune system adversely affects the outer covering or the lining around the joint capsule. The joint capsule is a hard membrane that surrounds parts of the joints.
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