Common blood disorders – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Common blood disorders – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Blood disorders can be of various types. The most common ones include anemia, bleeding and clotting disorders like hemophilia, and cancers like lymphoma and leukemia. In this article, let’s look at the symptoms, causes, and risk factors associated with some of the common blood disorders. Read on to know more about three common blood disorders. Leukemia Among the most common symptoms of leukemia are extreme fatigue and feeling ill. Additionally, people with leukemia have a tendency to bleed easily; the urine or stool may be accompanied by blood, or patients might bleed from their nose or gums. One may also experience swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, and a loss of appetite. Causes: Leukemia typically develops when the DNA inside the blood cells starts getting damaged, which can cause the blood cells to grow and divide uncontrollably. In this situation, the healthy blood cells die and are replaced by new abnormal cells, which develop inside the bone marrow. However, abnormal blood cells do not die naturally and keep building up. This leads to the cancerous cells overcrowding and outnumbering the healthy cells, resulting in leukemia. Risk factors: The most common risk factor associated with leukemia is the presence of certain viruses (human T-lymphotropic virus) in the body.
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Lung cancer – Types, symptoms, and causes

Lung cancer – Types, symptoms, and causes

When the cells in the lungs begin to abnormally multiply and grow, it results in cancer. Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. And the risk of suffering from this life-threatening disease is even higher when one is a smoker. Herein, we discuss the various factors that come into play when it comes to lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer Usually, lung cancer does not present any symptoms or signs in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, one may notice Headache Bone pain Loss in weight Hoarse voice Chest pain Shortness of breath Coughing of blood A new cough that persists One should consult a doctor if they notice these signs. If someone is unable to quit smoking, they should visit a medical practitioner for quitting techniques to help avoid this disease. Types of lung cancer There are two kinds of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer This is a catchall term that includes many varieties of this disease, like large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. Small cell lung cancer This happens mainly to people who are heavy smokers, and it’s rarer than non-small cell lung cancer. Risk factors of lung cancer Various factors put you at risk of getting this disease.
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Symptoms, causes, and risks of high cholesterol

Symptoms, causes, and risks of high cholesterol

Cholesterol can be understood as some waxy substance in your blood, which is needed by the body to build its healthy cells. However, when the cholesterol increases to an uncontrolled level, it can put you at risk of heart diseases. Furthermore, as a result of high cholesterol, there can be a fatty deposit in your body’s blood vessels. Because of this, it gets hard for the blood to flow through the arteries. What can high cholesterol lead to and how does it develop? At times, the deposits break down and lead to a clot formation, which can either result in a stroke or a heart attack. Though high cholesterol mainly develops as a result of your unhealthy lifestyle choices, it can be inherited too. However, it is both treatable and preventable. With the inclusion of regular exercises, a nutritious diet, and proper medication, you can reduce cholesterol levels. Symptoms As such, there are no definitive symptoms of high cholesterol. The only real way to diagnose it is via a blood test. Causes Cholesterol is attached to proteins and is transported into the body via the blood. This amalgamation of cholesterol and protein is known as a lipoprotein. Depending upon what the lipoprotein carries, there are two different types of cholesterol.
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Dealing with symptoms, causes, and risks of cold, cough, and flu

Dealing with symptoms, causes, and risks of cold, cough, and flu

Typically, viruses cause the common cold. This includes head cold, chest cold, and even seasonal flu. Most people tend to simply use over-the-counter medicines to relieve the symptoms, which include a runny nose, cough, as well as congestion. In the following article, we will cover the symptoms, causes, and risks associated with cold, flu, cough, and virus. Symptoms Waking up coughing or sneezing are just some of the common symptoms associated with cold, flu, cough, and virus. Also, it is crucial to figure out the difference between cold and flu. While a cold is mild, the flu can be a little more intense. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with these conditions: Cold Cough Stuffy or runny nose Low-grade fever Having frequent body aches Mild headache Flu Runny nose Body aches or muscle pain Tiredness Sore throat Cough Stuffy nose A frequent sensation of throat clearance Shortness of breath Wheezing Heartburn Viral infection, on the other hand, can create a host of symptoms depending on what you contract, but the main symptoms would typically be from the lists above. Causes While the causes may seem similar, they differ for all three: cold, flu and cough. Here are the common causes for all of these conditions:
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What you need to know about dehydration

What you need to know about dehydration

Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more fluid than it takes in. As a result, the body does not have enough fluids to carry out its regular functioning. If you do not replace these lost fluids, then your body will get dehydrated. Anybody can become dehydrated, and the condition can be quite dangerous for both adults and children. In the following article, we will discuss the different aspects of dehydration, to help you understand it better. Symptoms of dehydration The common symptoms which point to cases of dehydration may differ based on age. In infants or young children, symptoms such as dry mouth or tongue, are the earliest indicators of dehydration. Having no tears while crying is also one of the signs to watch out for. Sunken eyes and cheeks are other indicators of dehydration in infants. In adults, different symptoms may point toward dehydration, including extreme thirst and infrequent urination. Dark-colored urine, fatigue, and dizziness are some of the other symptoms to watch out for. Causes of dehydration In most cases, dehydration can occur for the simplest of reasons. To start with, you may not be drinking enough water because you may be busy or sick.
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Chronic fatigue – A brief overview

Chronic fatigue – A brief overview

Chronic fatigue is a type of condition in which one experiences extreme fatigue and tiredness. It does not go away with rest and can even be caused due to an underlying condition. Medically, this disorder is also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or systemic exertion intolerance disease. Chronic fatigue symptoms The main symptom of this disorder is a kind of exhaustion, which can result in flu-like symptoms. When one undertakes physical activities, one may not have any energy for other activities. Research indicates that people who have this disorder tend to have a varied physiological response to any kind of physical activity. So, some common symptoms can include the following: Having extreme tiredness Having joint pain or muscle pain Having frequent headaches Feeling dizzy or extremely sick Irregular heartbeats or having a fast heartbeat If someone experiences any of these symptoms, we recommend consulting a medical expert for a proper plan of treatment. When one has the right information, it is easier to understand the reason for constant fatigue. Chronic fatigue causes Chronic fatigue has a lot of different causes. However, experts say that there is no fixed reason. Instead, there are plenty of triggers for it. For instance, certain factors can increase the chances of developing chronic fatigue.
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Depression – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Depression – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a prolonged feeling of gloominess or sadness, and the most commonly diagnosed type of depression is clinical or major depression. It can directly impact how one feels, behaves, and even thinks about situations and people. Additionally, it can lead to several physical as well as emotional issues. People with depression may find it extremely difficult to go about their daily activities and carry out simple tasks like getting out of bed or brushing their teeth. Depression warrants medical and psychological intervention to fight the symptoms and improve the quality of life for the patient. In this article, we will cover different aspects of this disorder. Symptoms of depression People tend to experience multiple episodes of this disorder. Some of the common symptoms they exhibit during these episodes are constant feelings of tearfulness, emptiness, or sadness. Frequent outbursts of anger and frustration and constant irritability are also common signs of a depressive disorder. Also, one may lose interest in their hobbies or other activities they liked to indulge in earlier, and depression may even manifest in the form of low libido. People with depression may also experience constant tiredness or lack of energy, so the smallest of tasks can take a lot of effort to complete.
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Top 3 conditions that affect eye health

Top 3 conditions that affect eye health

Many people face eye health issues at some point in their life. While some of these issues are minor and tend to resolve on their own or with basic treatment, others are severe and require a specialist’s care. There are multiple reasons for poor eye health, which might lead to partial or total blindness. In this article, we have listed the three most commonly diagnosed eye conditions, along with their symptoms and risk factors. Glaucoma Glaucoma is the second biggest cause of permanent blindness among people in the country. The aqueous humor is a watery fluid found in the eye’s anterior chamber where the camera, iris, lens, and pupil are located. This fluid is vital to the functioning of the eyes, as it maintains the requisite pressure called the Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and provides nutrients to help maintain the shape of the eye. An increase in this pressure leads to glaucoma. Symptoms In most cases, glaucoma is asymptomatic and progresses gradually, but the symptoms may appear gradually in some cases. Here are the common signs of this eye condition: Nausea Blurry vision Severe eye pain, along with nausea and vomiting Redness of the eye Headache Tenderness in the surrounding area Viewing halos around lights Risk factors Ethnicity African-Americans face a higher risk of this condition that affects eye health.
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Relation between family history and pregnancy

Relation between family history and pregnancy

The news of a baby arriving brings an enormous amount of happiness in the family. With pregnancy come the various highs and the lows in the health of the expecting mother. It’s important to remember that family history has an important role in what health conditions the baby may inherit and how parents deal with them. It goes without saying that family & pregnancy are very much related to each other. Causes of complications in pregnancy It is advisable to know about the family history of both the parents so that timely action can be taken against issues such as genetic diseases, birth defects, and developmental disabilities. However, before delving into the relationship between family & pregnancy and the associated risk factors, let’s first look at some of the most common causes of complications in pregnancy. There are several causes that can lead to complications in pregnancy. Complications are health problems that involve the mother or baby or both. Some women experience issues during pregnancy, while some experience pre-pregnancy issues. The following causes of complications in pregnancy are quite common: High blood pressure can cause complications in pregnancy as it becomes hard for the blood to reach the placenta. This plays an important role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
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Understanding what is gout

Understanding what is gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect any person. Generally, it affects the big toe’s base joint and may appear as sudden and severe pain, redness and tenderness, and swelling. Symptoms may appear and disappear at the slightest trigger, but luckily, there are several ways to prevent flares and manage the symptoms. Symptoms Generally, the symptoms of this ailment occur in the middle of the night and include the following: Severe joint pain Although gout generally affects the big toe joint, it may affect any other joint too. Some other affected parts may be wrists, ankles, fingers, elbows, and knees. Individuals usually suffer from severe pain between the first four and 12 hours of its onset. Limited motion range As the disorder progresses, you may lose the normal motion in the affected joints. Lingering discomfort Even after the severest pain passes away, you may feel the discomfort for several days or even weeks. Over a period, the attacks may affect more joints and result in increased discomfort. Redness and inflammation The affected joints are often warm, swollen, red, and tender. Causes Initially, gout is the result of excessive uric acid in the blood, known as hyperuricemia. The higher levels result in the accumulation of urate crystals in the affected joints, which cause severe pain and inflammation.
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Diabetes – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Diabetes – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Diabetes is a condition that develops due to high sugar levels in the blood. Insulin, a hormone in the body, helps the sugar in the blood to be transported to different cells of the body. These cells either utilize this sugar for energy or store it for future use. However, in this condition, the body either fails to produce sufficient insulin or is unable to use the insulin that it makes.  Symptoms Some common signs of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) include: Weight loss Blurry vision Fatigue Excessive hunger or thirst Excessive urination Sores, which do not heal easily Men-centric symptoms Erectile dysfunction Low libido Muscle strength reduces Women-centric symptoms Yeast infections Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Itchy or dry skin Gestational diabetes Usually, a lot of women who suffer from gestational diabetes do not showcase any symptoms. In them, the condition is primarily detected during a routine pregnancy test done between the 24 th and 28 th week. In a few cases, women with gestational diabetes also experience extreme urination or thirst. Causes The cause of diabetes is often dependent upon its type. Type 1 There is no certainty of the exact cause of this form of diabetes. However, what happens is that the immune system tends to attack and further destroy the beta cells, which are responsible for producing insulin in the pancreas.
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