5 early signs of breast cancer

5 early signs of breast cancer

When affected by cancer, one’s healthy cells grow and mutate uncontrollably. Breast cancer develops when the cells in the breast lobules, ducts, or connective tissue multiply abnormally, affecting various areas of the organ. Breast cancer accounts for nearly 30% of the diagnosed cancer cases among women in the country. Even men are at risk of developing one of its subtypes. So, here are some of the early signs of the condition one can observe: Lumps If one notices a new lump under the breast or arms, it should be checked immediately, as this excess growth could indicate abnormal cell mutation. This is a clearly noticeable early sign of breast cancer. Lumps that persist even after experiencing normal periods could indicate cancer development. These lumps can develop with irregular hard edges, primarily indicating the presence of cancerous tissue. Changes in the nipples One should also check for changes in the shape of the nipple. If there is any retraction or inversion of the nipple causing pain that persists for a while, one should immediately seek professional assistance. A clear, brownish, yellowish, or reddish discharge from one or both breasts could also indicate the initial stages of breast cancer. Redness and itchiness Breast cancer also presents several surface irritation symptoms, including redness in a particular spot, persistent itching, skin irritation, a developing rash, and swelling in the affected area.
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6 early signs of multiple myeloma

6 early signs of multiple myeloma

When one suffers from multiple myeloma, this blood cancer forms in their healthy plasma cells. These white blood cells can produce antibodies that identify bacteria and fight them, helping prevent illness. In this disorder, the bone marrow produces too many cancerous plasma cells, which replace normal blood cells. In addition, an abnormal protein produced by these cancer cells can lead to complications. Here are early signs of multiple myeloma that one should know. Early signs of multiple myeloma While this condition may not cause symptoms in the early stages, it can lead to various severities. It is usually discovered during a routine blood test or, in some cases, a urine test. Some of the early signs of multiple myeloma include the following: Bone pain This condition can directly affect bone density and lead to pain in the back, ribs, and hip bones. Usually, people experience it as a dull, aching pain that gets worse with movement. Weak bone strength can also result in fractures of the spine and long bones like the arms and legs. It can also compress the spinal cord, causing numbness in the legs. Anemia Anemia interferes with blood cell production in the bone marrow, resulting in the body’s lack of red blood cells.
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7 things to avoid to manage rheumatoid arthritis

7 things to avoid to manage rheumatoid arthritis

This autoimmune disease is characterized as an inflammatory disease that attacks the lining of the joints in the body. The inflammation around the joints causes swelling, tenderness, and pain. This chronic disease may affect one or multiple joints at once. Over a period, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can lead to bone erosion and joint deformity. Given the seriousness of this long-term illness, we have enlisted things that can worsen rheumatoid arthritis. Too much rest is not a good idea Moving around with rheumatoid arthritis could get challenging, but adopting an active lifestyle is instead a smarter thing to do. Doing daily chores, going for a stroll, and picking hobbies like gardening keeps. An active lifestyle rewards the body in the long run. After all, working out is one of the most important ways to lessen the disability associated with this condition. Exercise regularly can improve strength and flexibility in those with rheumatoid arthritis. Stronger muscles can support the joints well; on the other hand, better flexibility can aid joint function. Skipping treatment It’s not wise to stop treatment or avoid taking the prescribed tablets for the condition. If a dose is missed, it’s advised to have it as soon as possible.
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8 foods that help manage symptoms of menopause

8 foods that help manage symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life as their menstrual cycles come to an end. The phenomenon leads to a reduction in the estrogen hormone, which may affect one’s metabolism. The changes may also lead to declining bone density, hot flashes, and irregular sleep patterns. The symptoms of menopause may sometimes last for years. Therefore, women must follow a proper meal plan to cope and manage during the transition. Salmon Fatty fish like salmon are known for their heart-healthy properties called omega-3 fatty acids. These acids can improve an individual’s mood and brain function. The properties can also keep blood pressure levels in check and regulate symptoms like hot flashes. Broccoli Vegetables like broccoli are beneficial for the human body in several ways, including managing the symptoms of menopause. Broccoli contains calcium, which is known to build bone strength. It can also improve estrogen levels responsible for curbing the risk of breast cancer. Eggs Eggs are flush with vitamin D and iron, essential for women going through menopause. The food also contains healthy proteins known to reduce cholesterol levels and curb the risk of heart disease. Oatmeal Adding whole grains such as oatmeal to a meal plan can boost the fiber levels in one’s body.
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6 foods that help in strengthening the immune system

6 foods that help in strengthening the immune system

A strong immune system is an essential part of leading a healthy life. A healthy immune system incorporates organs, tissues, proteins, and bodily processes that help fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and other foreign bodies. There are multiple ways to improve and maintain a strong immune system, one of which is to eat certain foods. Read on to learn more about foods that help in boosting one’s immune system. Yogurt Yogurt and other probiotic foods are essential to improving the body’s immune system. These foods help to improve the microbiome and bacteria that reside in the gut and the digestive tract. These bacteria play a crucial role in regulating the immune system. They also help ensure that the immune system only attacks infection and harmful bacteria and viruses but not healthy cells and tissue in the body. Besides yogurt, you can add other probiotic foods like kimchi and kombucha to your meals. Fatty fish Fatty and oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and more contain loads of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with lower risks of developing conditions such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even eczema. It also helps with the prevention of certain autoimmune disorders and even cancer.
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6 poor habits to avoid for good skin health

6 poor habits to avoid for good skin health

The skin can look tired, aged, and become acne-prone for various reasons, such as air pollutants and seasonal changes. But there may also be times when you experience breakouts out of the blue and for no mistake of your own. However, certain habits you can control might be influencing your skin more than you realize. These can worsen the skin’s overall health and also lead to conditions like eczema if you aren’t careful. 6 habits to avoid for better skin health Going out in the sun without SPF One of the golden rules of having healthy skin is to use sun protection. This includes sunscreens, hats, and sunglasses. Being disciplined about using sun protection ensures that your skin remains free of sun damage and does not show early signs of aging. It is also an effective way of reducing the risk of skin cancer. Using an unclean brush Regularly and repeatedly using unclean makeup brushes can be a definitive way of damaging your skin. You might not be aware of it, but your makeup tools can be a trove of bacterial growth that can harm your skin. For example, they could cause rashes, acne, and infections and might, in rare cases, lead to skin pigmentation.
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5 silent signs of leukemia that need close attention

5 silent signs of leukemia that need close attention

Leukemia is a blood cancer that predominantly affects a complex network of tissues making up the bone marrow and lymphatic system. In most cases, cancer spreads and affects the white blood cells, particularly in the bone marrow leading to excess production of these infection-fighting cells. Leukemia is a slowly progressing cancer that may go unnoticed; therefore, paying attention to the following silent signs becomes necessary. Unusual bleeding Unexplained nosebleeds or frequent bleeding of the gums are among the first signs of blood clotting. Clots can force the blood out with the slightest bruises, so paying attention to these bleeds is crucial. Women may also experience heavy menstrual periods indicating a severe problem. Observing purple spots anywhere on the skin is also a sign of blood clotting, so immediate medical attention is advisable. Fatigue and weight loss Leukemia affects the body’s ability to produce new red blood cells. A low RBC count means reduced oxygenated blood flowing through the body to different organs resulting in weakness and lethargy. Persistent tiredness can force a person not to be able to keep up with daily activities. However, one’s appetite may also be affected, causing rapid weight loss. Fever, pain, and weight loss Frequent bouts of fever raise the body temperature resulting in night sweats and chills.
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12 superfoods that help ease menstrual cramps

12 superfoods that help ease menstrual cramps

Period cramps are a result of uterine muscles contracting to shed tissue. The contraction momentarily cuts off the oxygen supply to the uterus, which releases the chemicals that cause pain. Women all around the world face varying degrees of period cramps that interfere with their ability to function normally. But eating certain types of foods and drinks can reduce the pain and provide more comfort during that time of the month. Water Hydration is said to help alleviate period pain. A study showed that women who drank more water used fewer painkillers and reported less severe cramps. Turmeric milk Turmeric added to milk has traditionally been used by many cultures to relieve PMS symptoms and regularize periods. This anti-inflammatory spice stimulates blood flow in the pelvic region and has an antispasmodic effect. Bananas Bananas are rich in fiber and magnesium, easy to digest and help regulate bowel movement. They can help one feel less bloated and reduce the severity of cramps. Oranges A powerhouse of vitamin C and antioxidants, oranges can reduce menstrual cramps. The fruit also has a high water content, thus helping with hydration. Fish Fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. All of these nutrients minimize menstruation discomfort and help improve mood.
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Nutrient dense foods to eat for menopause

Nutrient dense foods to eat for menopause

Menopause marks the end of the regular menstrual cycle. If a woman doesn’t get her period for over 12 months, her body will undergo a series of metabolic changes. Menopause can trigger several discomforts ranging from physical symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats to emotional disturbances like mood swings and personality changes. However, it is possible to manage menopause with simple changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle to improve the outlook in the long run. Cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, and berries Several research studies explain why including more green vegetables and berries helped women experience fewer hot flashes associated with menopause over time. Top picks include broccoli, cauliflower, and dark berries, which help increase estrogen levels and further lower the risk of breast cancer complications. Dark greens and leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, leaf lettuce, and beet are also rich sources of calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. These nutrients are essential for regulating mood and energy to lower the impact of menopausal hormone changes that affect one’s personality. Healthy omega-3 fatty foods Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the crucial anti-inflammatory compounds to include in daily nutrition to help manage hot flashes and lower the severity of night sweats experienced during menopause.
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Lymphoma types and early warning signs

Lymphoma types and early warning signs

Lymphoma cancer is detected in the lymphatic system, which comprises the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, stomach, intestines, and skin. The disease is marked by abnormal growth of white blood cells. More than half a million new lymphoma cases are diagnosed in the country every year. Since lymph tissues are spread throughout the body, lymphoma can start almost anywhere. Here are some common early signs of the disease to look out for. Types of lymphoma The disease can be classified into over 70 types based on cancer growth, aggression, and symptoms. The disease originates in white blood cells called B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells) found in the bone marrow. Broadly, lymphoma is divided into two types: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma It begins in the lymphatic system and is marked by abnormal white blood cell growth that forms tumors throughout one’s body. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is more common in older adults. Hodgkin lymphoma Hodgkin lymphoma usually begins in B cells and is comparatively easier to cure at an early stage. It can affect both kids and adults at any point. Several treatments are available for the disease, from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy, to stem cell transplantation. A patient’s recovery depends on the type and stage of their cancer.
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6 ingredients in detergents that cause skin irritation

6 ingredients in detergents that cause skin irritation

Laundry detergents and fabric softeners are key items on one’s shopping list as people regularly wash clothes, bedding, and even furnishings. However, even the major brands in the business heavily rely on certain chemicals and additives that increase the potency and efficacy of their product. This, of course, can come at the cost of irritating sensitive skin. So here are six common ingredients in detergents that you should avoid if you have sensitive skin: Preservatives Soaps, detergents, and laundry cleaners are laced with preservatives that increase the shelf life of the product. Phenoxyethanol and formaldehyde are common preservatives that kill bacterial growth and stabilize the solution for long-term effectiveness. However, their direct contact with sensitive skin can result in harsh flare-ups and inflammation, especially among those who already suffer from skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. Fragrances Artificial fragrances are added to cosmetic products and laundry detergents to make fabric smell great after a thorough wash. However, most artificial fragrances are made using an ethanol base that can cause irritation once the detergent comes in contact with the skin. Fragrances also release harmful fumes that should not be ingested. Parabens Parabens are the most common chemicals in water-based laundry detergents, as they increase the product’s shelf life and prevent mold from affecting the formula.
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