4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

Diabetes patients must focus on their daily carbohydrate intake as it is one of the major factors that affect blood sugar. Excess carbohydrates in the system trigger the pancreas to produce and release more insulin. For diabetics, one of the main concerns is eating fruits, as they are rich in natural sugars and fructose. But here are a few simple ways one can include more fruits in daily foods without worrying about type 2 diabetes. Consider low glycemic (GI) fruits Low GI fruits contain natural fibers that help the body with digestion. Cherries, grapefruit, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, grapes, blackberries, and oranges are excellent fruits that supplement daily nutrition. Fibrous fruits also help one feel more satiated throughout the day and curb hunger pangs. Don’t eat in one go The body can only process a finite amount of sugar and carbohydrates in a single day. So, it is better to have a smaller serving of fruits to balance carbohydrate and calorie intake. Also, consider fresh fruits over frozen or dried options. Fresh fruits contain a lower and more easily digestible concentration of natural sugars, minus any preservatives or additives. Portion sizes matter People with diabetes should really pay attention to portion sizes.
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8 healthy and cholesterol-lowering snacks

8 healthy and cholesterol-lowering snacks

Those with high cholesterol should ideally opt for healthy snacks rather than empty calories or artery-clogging foods. Snacks with excessive fats or sugar can adversely affect cholesterol levels, so every calorie counts here. Moreover, skipping snacks is not an option. This is where healthy snacks come into the picture; they can help maintain metabolism, blood sugar, and even cholesterol levels. Here are eight easy snacks that will help lower cholesterol. Avocado on toast Avocado contains unsaturated fats, which keep cholesterol levels in check. This fruit contains about 10 grams of fiber. Pair it with whole grain, pumpernickel, or rye toast to make the snack even more fibrous. Popcorn According to the American Heart Association, popcorn lowers cholesterol levels since they are high in fiber content. In fact, popcorn contains more fiber than whole-wheat bread or brown rice. Although it has low calories, it should be eaten in moderation. Nuts Studies have concluded that bad cholesterol can be controlled by replacing fatty foods with healthy monosaturated foods, like nuts, almonds, and walnuts. But be sure to eat only a handful. Tuna nori wraps Tuna helps lower cholesterol since it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Make a tuna salad by adding olive oil, onions, or celery.
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5 foods that help lower the risk of endometrial cancer

5 foods that help lower the risk of endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer, also called endometrial carcinoma, begins in the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. It’s the most common gynecological cancer in the country. Most endometrial cancers are adenocarcinomas, which means they occur in the cells of the glands in the endometrium. Research indicates that eating certain foods helps prevent endometrial cancer while improving overall health. Here, we’ve listed five such foods that may lower the risk of endometrial cancer. Tomatoes The anti-cancer properties of tomatoes are strongly linked to their rich lycopene content. Lycopene is a nutrient that helps stop the growth of cancer cells in the endometrium. It can also lower the risk of cancers of the breasts, lungs, and stomach. Thanks to their versatility, tomatoes go well with several recipes, especially pasta sauce and salads. Spinach Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense veggies. It’s full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that can help ward off a slew of health conditions. Eating healthy spinach-based dishes or other leafy greens, such as kale or broccoli, may also lower the risk of endometrial carcinoma. Soybeans Soybeans are legumes rich in various nutrients, including fiber. A study has linked high soy intake with a 20 percent decreased risk of endometrial cancer.
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Endometrial cancer – 3 foods to avoid

Endometrial cancer – 3 foods to avoid

Endometrial carcinoma is a type of cancer, specifically uterine cancer. It is one of the most common type of invasive cancer that develops in the female reproductive system. The condition is said to be more common among post-menopausal individuals. Estrogen imbalance, PCOS, and obesity, are some of the factors that can increase the risk of developing this condition. Besides, there are certain foods that can contribute as risk factors for endometrial carcinoma. Dairy Dairy has been increasingly losing its credibility as a healthy food group. It does not have a clear stand when it comes to dairy and its association with cancer. However, for patients with endometrial carcinoma, it is advised to stay off or at least try to avoid dairy as a regular food group. It is the same for various other types of cancer. The lack of evidence holds doctors and other care professionals from declaring dairy as a complete no-no for cancer patients. However, from the available data, it can be concluded that regular intake of dairy products does increase the chances of developing endometrial cancer because of the high saturated fat content, and the food group’s ability to impact the level of estrogen in the body.
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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – Foods to avoid

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – Foods to avoid

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or IPF is a chronic lung condition where a patient experiences difficulty breathing due to scarred and strained lungs. The condition is generally seen in people aged 70 years or above. The exact cause of IPF is not known. However, there are measures that can be taken to manage the condition and lifestyle. While some foods help manage the condition and control its symptoms, there are foods that result in exacerbated symptoms. This article talks about the foods that are better avoided with IPF. Dairy Dairy is one of the food groups that should be consumed in small portions. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients must try to avoid it completely. Milk and other milk products can lead to increased phlegm and mucus production in the body. This can, in turn, contribute to difficulty in breathing for the patients. It can also lead to increased coughing and wheezing, exerting excessive pressure on the lungs. Daily consumption of dairy products like ice cream and butter should be avoided at all costs. Dairy alternatives like soy milk, tofu, almond milk, and other plant milk products can be used. Processed meat Processed meats have long been condemned for their potential to cause harm to an individual’s health.
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5 mattresses that suit every type of sleeper

5 mattresses that suit every type of sleeper

When it comes to a person’s good health, there are three constant factors that are considered – food habits, active lifestyle, and quality sleep. This article is concerned with that last aspect. Achieving quality sleep begins from knowing how to choose the perfect mattress for your body type. If you are struggling with getting some good sleep, you might want to change your mattress. The various mattresses mentioned below should help you make an informed choice. Coir foam mattress This kind of mattress is perfect for people with back pain. It offers sufficient support to the body, and does not hamper the individual’s posture. That said, it’s very important for people with back pain to have a mattress that comfortably takes the weight of their body. Latex mattress This type of mattress is a lot softer and comfortable than spring mattresses. Latex mattresses have breathable layers. If you experience night sweats, this mattress should be your ideal choice. This type is definitely cooler than memory foam. Hypoallergenic mattress A hypoallergenic mattress is important for people with a sensitive nose. These mattresses prevent allergens, bugs, and microbes from settling onto the surface. Hypoallergenic mattresses also prevent the body oils from being absorbed, keeping the foam hygienic and fresh for recurring use.
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10 side effects of using a poor quality mattress

10 side effects of using a poor quality mattress

Having a proper mattress is an extremely important part of getting a good night’s sleep. Not investing in one can lead to several health issues along the road, making you feel unrested and resulting in chronic aches. In case you have not read about the consequences of using a poor-quality mattress regularly, here are a couple of side effects of sleeping on a bad mattress that may affect your physical and mental health. 10 side effects of using a poor quality mattress Premature aging A bad mattress leads to poor REM sleep, which affects your skin terribly. It results in dark circles, puffiness around the eyes, and dull skin. Memory issues The brain needs adequate rest after a full day of work. Sleep is an important aspect of rest and recovery, which helps in keeping the brain sharp and focused. Chronic drowsiness A lack of sleep leads to a tired mind and body. A good mattress will rectify this problem immediately. Waking up fresh and well-rested helps one stay active and not feel drowsy throughout the day. Back pain A lousy mattress interferes with the sleep cycle and creates severe physical problems. Back pain can lead to several complications, deterring you from having an active lifestyle.
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Nutrient-dense foods to eat during pregnancy

Nutrient-dense foods to eat during pregnancy

Eating the right kind of food when pregnant is very important for both you and the baby. That being said, finding the right foods that are healthy and satisfy your cravings can be difficult without a proper meal plan. So, if you’re deciding on your eating plan and do not know where to start, here is an essential guide that can help with foods that are good for pregnant women. Read on to learn more. Dairy products like yogurt It’s incredible how the human body is capable of creating new life. Of course, to do this, the body requires tons of extra protein and calcium that support the child’s growth. To ensure that you are getting your fill of all these essential nutrients, you can try to add dairy products to your meals. This includes milk, cheese, and yogurt. These dairy products will provide you with high-quality protein like casein and whey. They are also a great source of vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. Whole grains like oats Whole grains are packed to the brim with essential fibers and plant compounds that can keep the body healthy and even promote the health of the unborn child. They also contain some amounts of protein, vitamin B, and magnesium.
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5 foods that help cope with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

5 foods that help cope with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a severe disease that can cause scar tissue to grow inside the lungs. The abnormal growth of such tissue can slow the flow of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and make it harder to breathe. There is no cure for IPF, but a few treatments can slow its progression and prolong life expectancy. Furthermore, combining these five foods with treatments may also help cope with the lung condition. Apples Eating apples regularly is known to have several health benefits. Improving lung health is one of them. The fruit contains quercetin, an antioxidant that compliments the lungs. Eating about five or more apples a week will help reduce lung diseases like COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. Beetroots and beet greens People who eat beetroots and beet greens have shown signs of better lung function. The food is rich in nitrates, which help calm the blood vessels. The compound is also known to curb blood pressure and smoothen the flow of oxygen to the respective organs in the body. Furthermore, beet greens contain magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and carotenoid antioxidants. These elements also benefit lung health. Pumpkin Pumpkins are a popular fruit abundant in properties like carotenoids, including zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta carotene.
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5 potential negative effects of using a bad mattress

5 potential negative effects of using a bad mattress

One of the most important pieces of equipment to facilitate a good night’s sleep is a mattress. However, if you’re not using the right mattress, or if your mattress is too old, it could harm you in ways you probably can’t imagine. Numerous studies show that mattresses are responsible for poor sleep and a range of health problems. Here, we discuss some ways in which a mattress can negatively affect your overall health. It can trigger allergies When a mattress gets old, it tends to attract dust mites. These microscopic creatures live off dead skin cells and thrive in a warm environment. People who are allergic to dust mites can experience coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes. Dust mites are especially problematic for people with asthma, as they can trigger shortness of breath, chest pain, and wheezing. It can cause pain Not using the right mattress can lead to pain in the back, neck, and joints. Back pain occurs when the mattress is excessively soft or saggy and doesn’t support your spine. A mattress with many lumps and saggy parts can contribute to neck pain. If your mattress is too firm, on the other hand, it can cause joint pain.
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Foods to avoid and consume for colitis patients

Foods to avoid and consume for colitis patients

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes the inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine, and rectum. It also causes sores. It is regarded as an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own body. It can also be called an inflammatory bowel disease, and yet it is not the same as Crohn’s disease. This disease affects over 900,000 citizens every year and is seen in males more than females. This disease is diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40 years. Diet An individual suffering from this disease needs help to manage their symptoms and also change their diet. A colitis patient must follow a diet that suits them. For different symptoms there are different types of diets:- A high-calorie diet is needed as people suffering from ulcerative colitis tend to lose weight and suffer from malnutrition. A high-calorie diet will help prevent it. A lactose-free diet is for those who suffer from this disease and are also lactose intolerant. A low-fiber diet helps to reduce the frequency of cramps and bowel movements. A low-salt diet is for those patients who are on corticosteroid therapy. This diet helps to reduce water retention. A low FODMAP – Fermentable Oligo-Di-Mono-saccharides and Polyols, these are some types of sugars which are found in some sugar alcohols and carbohydrates.
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