How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares

How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares

Ulcerative colitis, commonly known as UC, is a chronic disease that affects almost 1 million citizens of the country. It is a disease of the colon (large intestine) that inflames the colon lining and the rectum. According to an epidemiological research report, people following a diet consisting of high-fat foods are at a higher risk of suffering from this disease. Also, the Ashkenazi Jews and the Caucasians have the most number of sufferers. Although the exact reason behind ulcerative colitis flares is still unknown, according to many healthcare professionals, this is a result of environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors. Treatments for ulcerative colitis flares Fortunately, a wide range of ulcerative colitis treatment options is available that can help to control UC. Achieving remission and getting UC under control are the main goals of these treatment processes. Immune system suppressors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, inflammation and other UC symptoms controlling steroids etc. are some commonly used medications to deal with ulcerative colitis flares. Removing the rectum and the colon by undergoing surgery is also another process of treatment for UC. However, it is advisable to undergo a surgery only if your doctor suggests and when the medications are not being effective. Other than the medications, many medical research reports have reflected the fact that plenty of natural treatments are available to deal with UC.
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Foods to avoid if one has colitis

Foods to avoid if one has colitis

Foods to avoid if one has colitis Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum, which make up for a major part of the large intestine. It can cause symptoms like bleeding from the rectum, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These can flare up due to various triggers, with food being one of the major ones. A low-fat, low-salt, high-calorie, low-fiber and gluten-free diet is the best diet to follow for those who suffer from colitis. There are certain foods can result in the aggravation of the symptoms of the condition, read on to know more. Gluten Foods that have gluten, like wheat, rye, and barley can cause allergies in some people. It can also lead to the development of symptoms similar to those seen in ulcerative colitis in those who have gluten sensitivity. This is why the ingredient is high on the list of foods to be avoided. Alcohol Alcohol can irritate the stomach and worsen the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It must be avoided or consumed in moderation and ideally, one should either drink alcohol with a meal instead of on an empty stomach. High-fiber foods High-fiber foods like adzuki beans, peas, lentils, and legumes can cause bloating and gas and can worsen the symptoms of colitis.
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Home Remedies for Colitis That Actually Work

Home Remedies for Colitis That Actually Work

Many people wonder if there is any home remedy for colitis. If you are wondering the same thing, then you would be delighted to know that there are many home remedies available for colitis which you should not overlook. Colitis or ulcerative colitis can be a painful disease. But frankly speaking, there is no way that one can treat this disease completely. However, the home remedies that you will learn about in this article will surely help you to reduce the inflammation that happens because of colitis. Here are some of the colitis treatments at home that work effectively. Home remedies for colitis Fennel seeds The use of fennel seeds is quite useful for colitis treatment at home. For that, you need to soak the seed into lukewarm water for an entire night. Then you need to strain the seed in the morning. After that, you have to drink that water for the whole day whenever you feel inflammation in your colon. This seed water will provide you with the much needed soothing impact on your colon. Cod liver oil Cod liver oil is the source of many healing properties for colitis. It really helps to integrate the calcium and the minerals present in the body of an individual.
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Causes of Bad Breath and Ways to Cure It

Causes of Bad Breath and Ways to Cure It

Halitosis or as it is commonly known, bad breath, is an embarrassing condition. Gum, mints, mouthwashes, and other products designed to fight bad breath are only temporary measures as they don’t address the cause of the problem. Some food items, health conditions, and habits are the main causes of bad breath. You can cure bad breath with proper and consistent dental hygiene. The malodor may vary depending on the underlying cause. If self-care techniques don’t work, it is best to see your dentist or physician to make sure that it isn’t a symptom of other serious condition. Symptoms Some people may have bad breath and don’t know about it. Other people worry too much about their breath even though they have little or no mouth odor. It is hard to self-assess your breath. Therefore, ask a close friend or relative to check if you have bad breath. Causes There are many probable causes for bad breath. They are: Food The breakdown of food particles in your mouth increases bacteria and causes a foul odor. When you eat certain foods like onions, garlic, and spices, they enter your bloodstream, are carried to your lungs, and affect your breath. Tobacco products Smokers and oral tobacco users are prone to having gum diseases, which could lead to bad breath.
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List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth

List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth

Teeth begin to turn yellow with age. But, some simple ways can help you in retaining the white color of your teeth. There are numerous tooth whitening kits available in your nearest medical store. But, most of these are chemical-based products, which bleach your teeth. If you want to whiten the teeth and at the same time want to avoid chemicals, you should intake foods that whiten teeth naturally say no to red wine, dark berries, and black coffee. Here is a list of 10 such foods that whiten teeth naturally. Strawberries Strawberries are known as the most efficient natural tooth whitener. They are the storehouse of malic acid, which is a natural astringent that prevents tooth discoloration. No matter how you eat them, cereal, salad or dessert, strawberries will ensure that you always own a brighter smile. You can even mash strawberries and use them as toothpaste as they are counted as one of the top foods that whiten teeth naturally. Seeds and nuts Most of the seeds and nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews or sunflower seeds have an abrasive texture. This abrasive texture works as a stain remover of your teeth and naturally whiten them. Onion Ignore its breath.
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13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally

13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally

13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally A beautiful smile can be your biggest asset, and as strange as it may sound, you can get pearly whites by adding some foods to your diet! Our diet plays a key role not only in improving our health but also our teeth. A balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, water, and dairy products will not only guarantee an optimum weight but also a ravishing smile. Top foods that help whiten teeth naturally Strawberries: They contain an enzyme known as malic acid which is known to whiten teeth naturally. You can mash strawberries and apply it on the teeth. After around five minutes, you may rinse it with water and floss. Apples : Apples are one of the foods that help whiten teeth naturally because chewing it produces a scrubbing effect. Apple contains high amounts of malic acid, a common ingredient in toothpaste. This stimulates saliva production which acts as a self-cleaning agent and helps destroy bacteria that are responsible for bad breath. Pineapple: It contains bromelain which has cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties; this is why it is used for making stain-removing toothpaste. Broccoli: Being rich in fiber, broccoli helps reduce inflammation of the mouth.
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The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease

The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease

Gum disease can cause immense pain in your teeth too. As medications for gum disease are expensive, it is better to look for treatment methods with some home remedies. With home remedies, you can treat your gum disease once and for all, and this is the reason many people prefer home remedies for gum disease. In this article, let’s find out some of the most effective home remedies for gum disease. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has some powerful anti-inflammatory agents that could really help you get relief from the pain due to gum disease. A study conducted on tea tree oil’s effects on gum disease in 2008 revealed that the application of a gel made from tea tree oil can reduce the gingivitis and gum bleeding effectively. What you can do is buy toothpaste that has tea tree oil as an ingredient or add some drops of tea tree oil in the toothpaste you are already using. You need to brush with tea tree oil in your toothpaste for two to three times a day in order to get maximum results. Sea salt Sea salt has been known widely for its effectiveness in treating pain and reducing inflammation.
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Know about the Best Vitamins for Healthy Eyes

Know about the Best Vitamins for Healthy Eyes

Everyone wants a crystal clear eyesight and healthy eyes. We completely depend on our vision for normal functioning, that the thought of diminishing vision is often terrifying. To make sure that you keep your eyes healthy, as you age. It’s important to know the best vitamins for the eyes. Vitamins are organic compounds that are required by the body in adequate amounts. An organic compound is said to be a vitamin when the body cannot synthesize that particular compound, but that compound is necessary for normal body functions. Hence, the best way to get vitamins is to consume them in your diet. Supplementation of vitamins may be required in deficiency states, but not for healthy individuals. Currently, 13 recognized vitamins are essential for the human body. Vitamins perform a diverse range of functions. They can regulate mineral metabolism, hormone production, cell growth regulation, and also some of them are antioxidants. Vision care: The best vitamins for the eyes It is estimated that 75% of people notice a change in their visual acuity by the age of 50. Taking the best vitamins for the eyes is a good preventative measure. The best vitamins for the eyes include: Vitamin A You might have been told that eating carrots are important for good eyesight.
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5 foods to avoid for better eye health

5 foods to avoid for better eye health

The foods we eat play a significant role, and that dictates how our organs function. The eyes are vascular, and it is necessary to eat nutritious foods to keep the blood vessels in good health. Eating unhealthy foods may block the veins that provide the eyes with the essential nutrients and oxygen. Such restrictions may affect one’s vision. Keeping this in mind, here are five foods that can worsen eye health. Margarine Margarine is considered a healthy alternative to butter, as it is made from vegetable oils. However, it still contains trans fats. These fats may increase a person’s cholesterol levels and put them at risk of heart diseases and eye problems. Red meat Red meat contains preservatives like salt, cholesterol, and fat, making them tasty and increasing their shelf life. However, these chemicals may harm one’s health and lead to high blood pressure. Such pressure spikes can lead to Choroidopathy, a fluid buildup below the retina. Fish Several fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may offer health benefits. However, fish also contain hints of mercury. People who eat lots of fish may be at risk of eye damage because of the chemical element. Coffee Coffee contains caffeine, an energy-boosting component that helps people stay active.
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Foods that you should avoid when suffering from arthritis

Foods that you should avoid when suffering from arthritis

Arthritis, a disease that affects your bones and joints, is characterized by inflammation and pain that can worsen with age. It is a very common condition. Although the effects of this condition can be reduced, it can never get completely cured. Foods like fish, nuts, and vegetables help prevent arthritis. However, some foods can cause inflammation and trigger the many symptoms of arthritis. There are many foods that you should avoid if you’re suffering from arthritis. Some of these include: AGEs Advanced Glycogen End (AGE) is a toxic substance that is formed when food is grilled, fried, or heated up in any form. This substance can cause damage to the proteins in your body. To fight this damage, your body releases cytokines, an inflammatory substance, which could trigger arthritis. Sugar High amounts of sugar in your food could also contribute to the development of AGEs. It is best to reduce the intake of candies, sodas, and other items that are rich in sugar. Dairy The protein found in dairy products is harmful to some people with arthritis, as it irritates the joints. If dairy products disturb your health, it is recommended you shift to vegan products which do not contain this protein.
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Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

Since Crohn’s disease directly affects the digestive tract and causes irritation and discomfort in the alimentary canal, people suffering from this disease should take primary care of their regular diet. The amount of food consumed, the calorie intake, and many other factors should be taken into consideration when suffering from this condition. In certain cases, the symptoms could get worse if one fails to maintain a healthy diet. What is Crohn’s disease? Crohn’s disease is both rare and life-threatening. It is a chronic disease which requires long-term medical attention and is mostly incurable. It results in inflammation of the intestines and might be accompanied by scarring of the inner intestinal lining. It can occur in any part of the intestine; however, the colon of the large intestine and ileum of the small intestine are prone to get affected more easily. The condition often lasts for years but can be lifelong for some people. Crohn’s disease may also result in ulcers in the inner lining as well as fistulae, which is extremely painful. Laboratory testing, as well as abdominal imaging, helps detect the disease. Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease Since Crohn’s disease is not easy to cure, people suffering from it are advised to take thorough care of their diet.
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