Ways to manage hair loss

Ways to manage hair loss

Hair loss mainly affects the scalp and it can slowly lead to baldness. The reason for hair fall can be many, including heredity reasons, medicinal side-effects, certain medical conditions, and hormonal issues. The good news is that it is not completely untreatable. There are both medical options and home remedies that can help manage hair fall and regrow healthier hair. Treatment for hair loss There are both surgical and medicinal options available to slow down hair fall or even completely reverse it. A doctor will perform certain tests to determine the right course of action to treat the condition. If the hair fall is caused by any other medical condition, then the doctor will treat that first. However, in the case of pattern baldness, the person will be prescribed certain medications. Minoxidil (Rogaine) This medicine can be obtained without a prescription, and it comes in the form of foam or liquid. The patient needs to apply it on their scalp in order to treat hair loss effectively. They should keep in mind that it may take up to six months of use before their hair stops falling and regrowth starts. Hence, they need to be patient. Finasteride (Propecia) This is a pill that the patient can buy only with a prescription.
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Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Uric acid crystals result in gout. It is an inflammatory condition that usually affects men as a type of arthritis. It causes severe joint pain around the knees, feet, and ankles. However, there are certain measures that one can take for gout treatment. We will discuss these as well as home remedies in this article. Types of medications Some medicines may be prescribed to the patient on a regular basis; these can help to alleviate the symptoms of this condition: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications These medications are known to reduce the duration of the attack. If one takes them within the first twenty-four hours, then it really helps. They are usually prescribed to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain. Corticosteroids These types of medications are usually administered orally or may even be injected into the body. They not only help in the reduction of the swelling but can also combat inflammation. In some cases, the doctor may also inject a hormone known as an adrenocorticotropic hormone to help the body produce corticosteroids naturally. The doctor may also give a combination of both at different times to help with alleviating the symptoms. Colchicine Colchicine is derived from a plant, which has been used to reduce the symptoms of gout for over 2,000 years.
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Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top Remedies and Treatment for GERD GERD stands Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is characterized by a condition in which the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe. This backwash severely affects the esophagus lining. While many people experience acid reflux occasionally, GERD is a lot more severe and a chronic form of this problem. The different treatments and remedies to keep heartburn or GERD at bay are: Treatment measures for GERD The typical treatment steps for heartburn and GERD involve: The doctor recommends a few over-the-counter medicines that mainly consist of antacids. These can help in neutralizing the formation of acid inside the system. Some medicines, known as H2 receptor blockers, help prevent the formation of acid. They can be tried as well. The doctor may ask you to take medications that are available to lower the sphincter muscles. In very severe cases, procedures like LINX device and fundoplication may also are required. Lifestyle remedies for GERD: Some of the best lifestyle remedies for heartburn and GERD include: Eat many small meals frequently One should avoid eating large meals at once. Having large portions may end up putting extra pressure on the stomach. Large amounts of food can make one a lot more prone to acid reflux.
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Treatment options and home remedies for hearing loss

Treatment options and home remedies for hearing loss

It is crucial for all our senses to work in harmony for a healthy, functioning of the body. Our hearing is one of the most important senses. Without it, we may face balance issues, safety issues, and problems understanding people. In this article, we will talk about the different treatments recommended for hearing loss and certain home remedies for this condition. Steps to treat hearing loss There is a four-step process that one needs to follow for hearing loss. Here is the ideal course of treatment that most otolaryngologists would recommend: Step 1: To evaluate one’s hearing The first step towards treatment for hearing is to go to an E.N.T (ear, nose, throat) specialist or an otolaryngologist or audiologist to get one’s hearing issues evaluated. Step 2: To know about one’s options for treatment The second step is to figure out which stage of hearing loss one has reached. After that, they need to figure out their options, such as hearing aids, auditory brain stem implants, or cochlear implants. Step 3: To learn about one’s device or the treatment option recommended for them The difficult part is to adapt to the treatment options one undertakes. It is essential to take proper instructions and consult experts when one starts using hearing aids and treatment devices.
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6 ways to prevent heart disease naturally

6 ways to prevent heart disease naturally

Heart diseases can be of various kinds, but most of them are fatal. The origin of most heart diseases can be traced to unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices like consuming junk, oily, or fried food, along with leading a sedentary lifestyle. Bringing about certain well-thought-out changes in lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease significantly. Home tips for a healthy heart The mentioned tips are effective in promoting heart health and help keep heart diseases at bay. However, if one notices any symptoms of heart disease, a visit to the doctor at the earliest is recommended: Ginger Not only is this a delicious spice, but it can also work wonders in helping one gain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger is known to prevent blood clotting, reduce triglycerides, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. This spice is also known to reduce gas and soothe the tummy. However, it is a natural blood thinner, so consuming too much ginger should be avoided, especially if one is taking prescription blood thinners. Capsaicin This is the component that lends a spicy kick to many types of peppers. As per a study in 2015, this chemical has a wide variety of benefits, ranging from lowering the blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome to slowing down the development of atherosclerosis to increasing exercise time in patients with angina.
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Lifestyle remedies for joint conditions

Lifestyle remedies for joint conditions

From suffering a fracture in your leg to the joints connecting your hands diagnosed with arthritis, disorders related to joints and bones can vary. It is very important to promptly respond to join t conditions as even a minor disorder in any part of your body can make you immobile. If your joints remain healthy, there will be no restrictions when it comes to your body movements. A joint condition, if aggravated, can lead to chronic pain and even disable a body part. Lifestyle remedies to treat joint conditions Lose weight A body with extra weight tends to attract diseases easily. Your body weight plays a big role in the pain you experience when you are suffering from a joint condition. The more weight you have, the more pressure will be exerted on your joints. The ones connecting the feet, hips, and knees suffer from maximum pain. If you manage to cut down on extra weight, it will reduce the pain, lend your joints more mobility, and protect them from further damage. Work out on a regular basis If you do not get much physical movement, your joints will become even stiffer. Apart from contributing to weight loss, working out helps in making joints more flexible.
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Strengthening your immune system at home

Strengthening your immune system at home

Our immune system consists of chemicals, cells, and special organs, which give the body the strength to fight infections. The stronger your immune system, the healthier you are. The major components of the immune system are the lymphatic system, the complement system, spleen, white blood cells, thymus, and the bone marrow. You must try to lead a healthy and disciplined lifestyle so that your immune system remains strong, and your body keeps all the diseases of different kinds at bay. How to strengthen your immune system at home? Maintain a healthy sleep cycle Regular sleep of seven to nine hours is the key to leading a healthy life. It is one of the most basic lessons taught to an individual in childhood. A lot of people fail to realize this and, sometimes, disrupt this cycle without understanding that it can lead to severe health problems. Some people stay up till 4 o’clock in the morning so that they can finish binge-watching all the episodes of the new series. Such habits must change, and you must go to bed at a fixed time and sleep soundly for several hours before you get up in the morning and discover what the day has in store for you.
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4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

Menopause is diagnosed when a woman doesn’t menstruate for 12 months at a stretch, and it is the end of a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycles. Natural menopause occurs when the ovaries start showing signs of reduced production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. On the other hand, induced menopause is often a result of the surgical removal of the ovaries to treat a medical condition or the ovaries getting damaged due to the consumption of certain medications or exposure to harmful radiation. Menopause can lead to pain and discomfort, along with several other symptoms, but following some simple tips can help women reduce the discomfort and pain associated with menopause: Maintain a stable weight Women tend to gain weight during menopause due to the hormonal changes that their bodies undergo, and it can also happen due to aging, genetics, or lifestyle choices. Weight gain or the accumulating fat content in the body makes women susceptible to developing heart diseases and other conditions like diabetes. The increased weight also aggravates the symptoms of menopause and increases the risk of joint conditions like osteoporosis. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce the symptoms and protects the body against several harmful diseases.
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Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

The human body has a system of multiple inter-related processes. The kidneys and liver are crucial organs, as these cleanse your body of toxins. Any disorder or infection in these organs may interfere with the other bodily processes. One needs to be aware of certain remedies and foods that help keep these organs in peak shape. For the kidney Here are three home remedies and foods that may be beneficial to treat kidney infections: Drink water and cranberry juice If one wants relief from kidney infections, it is vital to flush out harmful bacteria. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily is helpful. Additionally, malic, quinic, and citric acids found in cranberry juice are also beneficial to relieve infections in the urinary tract. Apply warm and moist heat To soothe irritated nerves and reduce pain, using a warm water bottle or heating pad to the affected areas is beneficial. One must cover the heated bottle with a cloth to avoid burns. Apply the heat compress for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink green tea Green tea extract is known to have an antibacterial effect on bacterial strains that cause urinary tract infections. Consuming green tea may be beneficial to alleviate the discomfort caused due to kidney infections.
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Improving your mental health at home

Improving your mental health at home

While your physical well-being is important, keeping your mind healthy is a must. If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, or any other brain disorder, it will reflect in your physical health too. People who are suffering from poor mental health exhibit symptoms like hypertension, an abnormal increase in the rate of the heartbeat, or a sharp pain in the chest. You must make an effort to enhance your mental health on a daily basis. Home activities for improving mental health Exercise Apart from keeping your body fit, exercise helps in improving your mental health too. It is a very effective way to let go of nervousness and all the anxiety that has accumulated in your body as a bundle of negative energy. You do not have to indulge in rigorous exercise. Doing some simple exercises at home should work as a good stress-buster. Yoga, pilates, cycling, or swimming, pick an exercise of your choice and make it a point to do a bit of it every day. The trick lies in being regular and disciplined with whatever you choose to do. Meditation Most people lead such busy lives that they find it difficult to even stop for a moment to catch their breath.
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Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a kind of condition in which the immune system does not respond as it should. It gets directed against the working of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS entails optic nerves, spinal cord, and the brain. It is meant to work in tandem with the immune system. However, when MS occurs, it fails to do so. Let’s take a look at some of the treatment options for multiple sclerosis. Treatment for multiple sclerosis Depending on the type, here are the common treatments for multiple sclerosis:   There is no particular cause for multiple sclerosis. As a result, the treatment focuses on recovering fast after an attack rather than getting to the root. Here are the common measures:  Corticosteroids, such as intravenous methylprednisolone and oral prednisone Plasmapheresis   Modifying progress To deal with primary progressive multiple sclerosis, ocrelizumab is usually recommended. It is the only FDA-approved disease-modifying therapy available. For particular types of multiple sclerosis, where it keeps recurring, the doctor may use different treatments, depending on the intensity of the condition. Some of the common treatments for these include:  Beta interferons Glatiramer acetate Fingolimod Dimethyl Fumarate Teriflunomide Siponimod Some of the other treatments for the signs and symptoms of MS include:  Physical therapy Muscle relaxants Medicines used to reduce tiredness Medicines to help increase walking speed Home remedies for multiple sclerosis There are plenty of other treatments available to help relieve the symptoms and deal with problems related to multiple sclerosis.
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