7 simple exercises for a healthy and happy life

7 simple exercises for a healthy and happy life

A healthy meal plan and a systematic exercise regime complement each another in facilitating a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is essential not only for physical fitness but also mental and emotional well-being. Working out releases endorphins, or “feel-good hormones,” which are connected to the brain’s reward centers. However, maintaining a fixed exercise routine has become extremely difficult for most individuals. So, here are some simple exercises to do every day at home amid your busy schedule: Push-ups Push-ups are the go-to exercise for achieving core strength, burning calories, enhancing flexibility, and improving upper-body strength. They don’t require too much space and can be practiced in the comfort of your living room. Crunches Crunches should be a part of your workout regime if your want to strengthen your abdominal muscles. They are popular among individuals trying to develop abs; however, they also serve several other functions, such as improving core strength and correcting posture. Squats If you get past the initial muscle discomfort, your body will thank you for doing those squats regularly. Squats are highly beneficial for strengthening various body parts, including hip muscles, obliques, calves, hamstrings, and glutes. Studies suggest that three sets of ten to 12 reps each of any type of squats can considerably help with overall body strength, mobility, and balance.
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6 nutritious foods to strengthen the immune system

6 nutritious foods to strengthen the immune system

The immune system protects the body from outside invaders, including germs, viruses, fungi, and toxins. The system is made up of various organs, cells, and proteins that work together. However, for the immune system to function correctly, one has to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes following a suitable meal plan that can benefit their overall health. So here are six foods one should eat to boost their immune system. Blueberries These berries are rich in multiple properties that can benefit the body. Blueberries contain a flavonoid called anthocyanin, which possesses antioxidant properties to boost the immune system. The berries help boost the respiratory tract’s immune defense system. Dark chocolate The human body is often susceptible to developing free radicals, created when the body breaks down food or comes in contact with pollutants. The radicals can damage healthy cells if they make contact. Dark chocolate is abundant in the antioxidant theobromine. This can help strengthen the immune system, which can fight off such free radicals. Broccoli Adding this vegetable to one’s meals may help improve vitamin C levels. Broccoli also contains potent antioxidants, including sulforaphane. The respective vitamins and antioxidants are important to support the immune system. Ginger Ginger has been used in several cooking recipes for centuries because of its powerful healing capabilities.
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Lung cancer – Silent signs to look out for

Lung cancer – Silent signs to look out for

Lung cancer is among the leading causes of death in both men and women. Even though it is treatable, early detection and diagnosis are crucial. The two most common symptoms of the condition are believed to be persistent cough and shortness of breath, but in many cases, they do not appear until the advanced stages. So, here are a few other silent signs of lung cancer one should look out for. Fatter fingertips A few types of lung tumors produce hormone-like chemicals. These chemicals can push more fluid and blood to the fingertip tissues, making them look thicker or larger. Furthermore, the skin next to the nails can look shiny, and the nails may curve more. Statistics suggest that 80% of people with this symptom have lung cancer. Stomach issues Many people with lung cancer develop hypercalcemia, characterized by high amounts of calcium in the blood. The condition can lead to problems like stomach aches and constipation. Moreover, some hormone-like substances released by the tumors may cause kidney problems, leading to cramps and nausea. Hoarseness or changes in voice Some also notice a few changes in their voice, making it seem strained or raspy. This may happen due to the lung’s pressure on the nerve that controls the vocal cords.
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7 signs of multiple myeloma to look out for

7 signs of multiple myeloma to look out for

Multiple myeloma is a rare type of cancer that leads to accumulating cancer cells in the bone marrow. It alters the blood’s plasma cells and lowers the body’s production of disease-fighting antibodies, thus causing a wide range of symptoms in the process. However, the disease often has no signs in its early stages, making it challenging to identify. Therefore, here are the silent signs of multiple myeloma to look out for: Fatigue Healthy blood cells allow the body to fight disease and infections easily. However, with the increase of cancerous cells in the body, it has to work much harder to fight infections, causing fatigue and weakness. Bone problems Since myeloma affects the bone marrow, it can affect the process of bone cell formation, which can lead to problems like bone pain and brittle or broken bones. Kidney problems The breakdown of bone in the body leads to a rise in calcium levels, which can lead to several complications like increased thirst and urination, constipation, confusion, and kidney damage. Low blood counts The multiplication of myeloma cells in the body leads to crowding out healthy blood cells. This reduces the occurrence of red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells (leukopenia), making one more susceptible to infections.
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Try these 5 foods to reduce period pain

Try these 5 foods to reduce period pain

The menstrual cycle is an important aspect of the reproductive system. This is when the body undergoes changes periodically and prepares for the possibility of a pregnancy. Before or during periods, an individual may feel bloated, have mood swings, and even experience cramps. These signs can make it difficult to function in day-to-day life. These five foods can help to tackle the pain that is caused due to muscle cramps and spasms during periods. Bananas Bananas are a great fruit for menstrual cramps. They are not only easily available but also affordable, which makes them a great choice for everyone. They contain tons of fibers that promote bowel movements and reduce constipation, making the person feel less bloated. It also contains magnesium which has been known to help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Lemons Lemons contain Vitamin C that helps the body to absorb iron from foods and allows it to go into your bloodstream and other organs and tissues. During a period, individuals tend to lose a lot of red blood cells compared to what the body can produce. This means having some lemons can help boost the absorption of iron. Lemons also contain fibers that can prevent muscle spasms resulting from period pain.
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Signs and management options of premature menopause

Signs and management options of premature menopause

Early (or premature) menopause happens when a woman’s periods stop before the age of 45. It can occur naturally or be a result of certain treatments. It is generally diagnosed through blood tests and a physical examination to rule out other conditions like pregnancy or thyroid disease. The tests are used to measure estradiol and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels, which indicate the onset of ovary failure and estrogen production levels, respectively. What are the physical symptoms of premature menopause? The main symptom of early menopause is periods becoming infrequent or stopping altogether without any other reason. Other physical signs may include: Hot flushes Sudden feelings of hot and cold in the face, neck, and chest, which can make one feel dizzy. Difficulty sleeping This may result from night sweats, making one tired and irritable during the day. Palpitations This occurs when the heartbeats become more noticeable. Other premature menopause signs Headaches and migraines that are worse than usual Muscle aches and joint pains Changed body shape and size Skin changes, including dry and itchy skin Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) Reduced libido Vaginal dryness, pain, itching, or discomfort What are the mental health symptoms of premature menopause? Common mental health symptoms of early menopause and perimenopause include:
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Watch out for these 3 early warning signs of lymphoma

Watch out for these 3 early warning signs of lymphoma

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system – a part of the germ-fighting network in the body comprising the lymph nodes, thymus gland, bone marrow, and spleen. Lymphoma can affect all these areas and also other parts of the body. There are two main subtypes of lymphoma – Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The treatment plan mostly depends on the lymphoma type and its severity. Read further to know more about this condition. Early signs and symptoms In most cases, lymphoma treatment may vary depending on various factors, such as the organs involved and the progression of the disease. Also, some patients may experience glaring signs of the condition, but others may not have anything at all. Hence here are some early symptoms of lymphoma. Swollen lymph nodes The lymph nodes are a part of the immune system in the body as they help circulate lymph fluid which contains immune cells throughout the body. In patients suffering from the condition, the swollen lymph nodes might appear like lumps under the skin and are primarily noticed in areas like the underarm, side of the neck, groin, and above the collarbone. Even though a glaring sign of lymphoma, the swelling may also be caused by infections.
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5 foods to avoid to manage ulcerative colitis symptoms

5 foods to avoid to manage ulcerative colitis symptoms

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and sores or ulcers in the digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis affects the large intestine, and there is no permanent cure for the condition . However, some management options can help keep the symptoms at bay. One of the most crucial management tips is changing food and nutritional habits. Here are some foods that one must avoid to prevent inflammation or discomfort. Dairy products It is observed that those with UC are often lactose intolerant and have trouble properly digesting. The trigger here is not dairy per se but the small intestine’s inability to digest the sugar found in milk with the help of an enzyme called lactase. This indigestion leads to abdominal pain and even diarrhea in some cases. Therefore, it is best to avoid dairy and dairy products like milk or cheese, but if you want to add them to your meal plan, consult nutritional experts about adding lactase supplements to ease digestion. Processed foods It includes packaged breakfast cereals, canned vegetables, sausage, ham, salami, and microwave-ready meals. Processed food products are often high in trans fat, which is known to cause a higher risk of developing ulcerative colitis.
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10 foods for managing GERD

10 foods for managing GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) develops when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the esophagus—the tube connecting the mouth and stomach. Acid reflux causes heartburn, discomfort, or even vomiting and is triggered primarily by certain types of foods. GERD can be easily managed by getting the right nutrition and maintaining healthy habits post meals. As GERD is directly associated with the digestive tract, eating the right foods becomes all the more important. Foods for managing GERD Common symptoms of GERD include heartburn, bloating, burping, dry cough, and sore throat. One may also experience a burning sensation in the chest or stomach after a full meal or having highly processed or spicy foods. Here are some foods that can help keep GERD symptoms at bay: Egg whites Egg whites, rich in protein, are alkaline foods, making them a good option for dealing with heartburn. Whole grains Foods like brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, barley, and millets are highly fibrous foods, making one feel full for a long period. This ensures one does not overeat or snack between meals, which is one of the prime reasons for heartburn. Oatmeal Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber and can lower the risk of acid reflux.
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5 smoothies that help deal with arthritis and joint pain

5 smoothies that help deal with arthritis and joint pain

Arthritis and joint pain can weaken a person, leading to mobility issues and other health conditions. People coping with arthritis require timely and consistent treatment, care, and lifestyle changes to control its symptoms. A nutritious food intake contributes to a healthier lifestyle and a better response to treatment. Besides having wholesome foods, incorporating refreshing smoothies into one’s meal plan can balance taste and nutrition . Here are some smoothies that can help individuals with arthritis. Pineapple and blueberry smoothie Pineapple contains high vitamin C, an antioxidant that can relieve joint pain. Moreover, blueberries contain anthocyanins, which help reduce inflammation. A blend of pineapple, blueberry, and other ingredients like ginger root and honey can create a refreshing smoothie perfect for the taste buds and joints. Green smoothie Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and parsley are packed with crucial nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K; iron; polyphenols; and antioxidants, in addition to being low in calories. A smoothie with leafy greens and some fruits of your choice can be your go-to breakfast or snack for healthy joints and reducing arthritis symptoms. Orange, carrot, and turmeric smoothie Citrus fruits like oranges are packed with vitamin C, highly effective in reducing joint inflammation. Moreover, carrot contains vital nutrients like vitamin A and beta-carotene, making them an excellent addition to the anti-arthritis meal plan.
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Worst cities to live in for migraine sufferers

Worst cities to live in for migraine sufferers

Some cities can be healthier for migraine sufferers, and can reduce the incidence of migraine attacks. According to research conducted in 2006 by some researchers, four categories of data were analyzed to determine which cities were the best and the worst for those with migraine. While more recent analyses have added access to world-class healthcare to this list, the original methodology used for determining these hotspots included several parameters such as: Lifestyle factors:  Factors that can contribute to an increase in migraine attacks include the number of hours of overtime worked, plane travel, frequency of vigorous exercise, frequency of insomnia, and frequency of sunburn. Irregular sleep patterns and high amounts of stress also contribute to the frequency of migraine headaches. Prescriptions filled:  This is defined as the number of migraine-related prescriptions per capita. Environmental factors:  Many environmental factors are commonly known to trigger migraines, such as barometric pressure, rapidly changing weather, and extreme temperatures. The coasts are safer than the mountains when it comes to rapidly changing weather. Migraines can also result from the social environment, induced by factors such as divorce rates, crime rates, suicide rates, and commute time. Consumption of common food triggers:  While this is a personal factor, common trigger foods include citrus fruits and juices, cheese, chocolates, pickles, sour cream, nuts, coffee, tea, soda, hot dogs, sausages, peanut butter, and foods with nitrates in them.
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