5 worst cities allergy sufferers should avoid

5 worst cities allergy sufferers should avoid

Allergies can be tough to live with. Studies indicate that environmental factors such as tree and grass pollen, dust mites, and mold trigger this condition. Some common allergic reactions include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, runny or stuffy nose, or even swollen mucous membranes. Due to their climatic or geographical features, some cities may be bad for allergy sufferers. Keep reading to learn about cities that are best avoided if you are battling allergies. Scranton, PA According to a survey by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA ), Scranton recorded below-average scores for spring and pollen allergies. Additionally, the allergy care program is not appropriate due to the lack of availability of allergy specialists, especially during the spring and fall allergy seasons. One of the reasons behind the pollen count upsurge is the birch tree growth surrounding the city’s coal banks that trigger a reaction.   Wichita, KS Wichita is another city that scores below-average points in allergy management. Due to the rising temperatures during spring, tree growth increases, leading to more pollen production. This pattern also leads to a general increase in over-the-counter (OTC) treatment options to manage allergy symptoms.  McAllen, TX The cedar pollen carried into the city by the mountain breeze is a significant trigger of allergy symptoms.
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8 common allergens that can affect breathing

8 common allergens that can affect breathing

The swelling or narrowing of one’s throat or the airways to the lungs may lead to wheezing. It may further result in shortness of breath as the lugs cannot hold the necessary air when affected by swelling or mucus buildup. While such symptoms are commonly associated with asthma and chronic pulmonary disease, they may also be triggered by reactions to allergens. Therefore, one should be aware of the common allergens that affect breathing. Pollen Pollen from certain trees, grasses, and ragweed is a common trigger of asthma. The fine yellowish powder may also trigger hay fever (allergic rhinitis). But the type of pollen that causes the problem may differ from person to person and from place to place. Bee sting Someone with an allergic reaction to bee stings may suffer from anaphylaxis. It is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction, which may lead to trouble breathing and swallowing. Mold Many people suffer from mold allergies. They have a sensitive immune system that identifies minute, airborne mold spores as foreign invaders and develops allergy-causing antibodies to fight them. This results in symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath. Dust mites Dust mites are difficult to see without a microscope. They thrive in warm, humid environments, such as in bedding, carpeting, and upholstered furniture at home.
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6 foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD

6 foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD

Diabetes, a health condition that affects blood sugar levels often has kidney disease as one of its complications. Research suggests that one in three adults in the country with diabetes also develops chronic kidney disease over time. Foods rich in nutritional value can play a major role in controlling both these conditions. One must limit certain foods and add others to ensure they get the right nutrition. Furthermore, one may follow a nutritionist-recommended food plan. Top six foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD Apples Fresh fruits such as apples are incredibly beneficial for kidney health and chronic kidney disease (CKD). They contain vitamin C, which is good for the immune system and healthy tissues. Furthermore, they are rich in antioxidants and low in calories. Moreover, they do not cause any spikes in blood sugar levels. Onions This vegetable does not only add flavor to the food but also provides immense nutritional value. Onions contain fewer amounts of potassium and are rich in flavonoids – a powerful antioxidant. Additionally, onions are beneficial foods for diabetes and CKD as they help lower blood glucose levels and even improve glucose tolerance in type-2 diabetes patients. Pasta Typically, pasta is low in potassium and phosphorus.
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Eczema – Types, early signs, and triggers

Eczema – Types, early signs, and triggers

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that results in blistered, dry, and scaly patches on the skin. Eczema is a group of skin disorders. Each type results in a mix of symptoms that are similar and distinct. It is most frequently characterized by itchy skin. This skin condition can appear in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, with severity ranging from mild to severe. Here are a few of the early signs of various types of eczema. Early signs of eczema There are several types of eczema, and each has its own set of symptoms. Among the types are: Atopic dermatitis This is the most common type of eczema. In this case, it starts as a severe itch. Severely irritated skin may crack and bleed or drip clear liquid. Other symptoms vary according to age and the severity of the illness. Symptoms in babies include dry, itchy skin, fussiness, and difficulty sleeping. Adults typically exhibit symptoms on their hands, eyelids, and beneath their eyes. It causes thick, dry, cracked skin that itches or burns. Eczema most commonly appears behind the knees and inside the elbows. It can also appear on the neck, wrists, ankles, and the tops of the thighs. The skin may swell, darken, and thicken over time.
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6 foods that can contribute to cancer risk

6 foods that can contribute to cancer risk

The number of people being diagnosed with cancer appears to be steadily rising. As a result, it has become more important to take note of the factors that could be contributing to the disease, including the added amount of chemicals and pollutants surrounding us. Although more studies are needed to know for sure, certain foods can help decrease cancer risk. Similarly, some foods can increase the risk of developing different cancers. Refined sugar Excessive intake of refined sugar is a primary cause of many common lifestyle disorders. It is also associated with an increased possibility of cancer. Some foods with refined sugar that can increase cancer risk are breakfast cereals and processed and packaged foods. Processed meat Processed meats like sausages, pepperoni, and hot dogs are a source of harmful compounds. Research suggests the regular intake of these cured meats considerably increases cancer risk. A daily intake of one and a half ounces of processed meat can increase rectal cancer risk by as much as 18%. If complete elimination is not an option, adding nitrite and nitrate-free meats to meals is advisable. Chips Salt is a potential carcinogen, which means it can increase cancer risk, especially if added excessively to meals.
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How coffee helps lower the risk of diabetes

How coffee helps lower the risk of diabetes

Foods and beverages directly affect a person’s blood glucose levels. So, people with diabetes should carefully evaluate their food habits and choices and exercise caution before incorporating anything new into their meal plans. Many people start their day with a cup of coffee. While more research is required to know for sure, some studies suggest that the beverage may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes if had in moderation. Polyphenols in coffee may lower type 2 diabetes risk Caffeine and polyphenols are two of the many compounds in coffee that positively affect the body. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that aid in treating various illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. Moreover, diabetes increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Since antioxidants like polyphenols benefit heart health, they can help mitigate this risk. Magnesium in coffee may reduce the condition’s occurrence Coffee also contains magnesium and chromium. A higher magnesium intake has been linked to a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. However, coffee has a lower concentration of these ingredients than other foods. Hence, individuals must not rely entirely on this beverage as a source of magnesium and chromium. 3 to 4 cups daily may lower one’s risk A particular study found that people who increased their daily coffee intake by more than one cup over four years had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those who did not.
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7 harmful baby product ingredients to avoid

7 harmful baby product ingredients to avoid

As a new parent, one may have to choose from several brands in each category of baby products, ranging from sunscreens, body lotion, and bath essentials to baby cribs and diapers. Parents would want the best products for their children, but not everything expensive or marketed as organic is good for a baby’s skin and health. Some of the ingredients found in common products can be harmful. Here are seven such ingredients to avoid: Synthetic fragrances Many baby care and cleaning products come with refreshing scents marked as “fragrance” on the label, as the FDA does not require companies to share ingredients used to make the scent. But most fragrances contain harmful synthetic musks or chemicals that may cause allergic reactions in babies. Even if there is no immediate reaction, the fragrance may be absorbed into the skin, posing reproductive or developmental health risks. One should also check products labeled as “unscented” to verify if they are entirely fragrance-free. Bleach Chlorine bleach is found in baby laundry detergents, washing powders, mildew removers, and toilet bowl cleaners. Bleach is linked to lung diseases and skin and eye irritation. Babies have sensitive skin, making them vulnerable to harsh chemicals. Long-term exposure to bleach and other reactive substances like ammonia can cause a burning sensation in the throat, eye irritation, or breathing issues in babies.
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Tips for managing seizures at school and the workplace

Tips for managing seizures at school and the workplace

Epilepsy is a common brain disorder that can cause recurring seizures. It can affect people of all ages, but older adults and children are more susceptible. As per estimates, around 3.4 million people in our country live with epilepsy, including 3 million adults and 470,000 children. As children and adults spend most of their time outside, it is imperative to know how to manage epilepsy and seizures and prevent complications. Tips for managing seizures in schools If a child has epilepsy, parents must work with the school to ensure their kids are cared for during school hours. Here are some tips for managing epilepsy and seizures at school: Educate key school personnel Teachers, administrators, students, and nurses are a pivotal part of the school ecosystem. Parents should visit the school and meet such individuals to discuss the child’s needs. They must be educated about epilepsy, its treatment, and, of course, seizure first aid. It helps ensure the child’s safety during school hours. Avoid triggers While at school, the teachers and staff should take sufficient care to ensure students prone to seizures are not exposed to potential triggers, such as bright lights. Keeping a record of identified triggers is an important tip for managing seizures in kids.
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5 household items that are linked with cancer

5 household items that are linked with cancer

The prime cause of cancer is unknown, but studies associate constant exposure to certain chemical components with an increased risk of developing the condition. Statistics indicate that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the country, next to heart disease. Some risk factors are more prominent, like inherited flawed genes, radiation exposure, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. But here are some unsuspecting things surrounding us that may add to the problem . Hair straightener Chemical hair straighteners and relaxers contain harmful chemicals like parabens, bisphenol A, metals, or formaldehyde. According to experts, these chemicals may increase the risk of developing uterine cancer. These chemicals get more easily absorbed into the scalp. According to research, using straighteners has been linked to an increased risk of hormone-related cancers in women. Talcum powder Talc, a mineral mainly used in making talcum powder, is mined from the earth. In its natural form, the substance contains asbestos, a carcinogen strongly linked to different cancers. Talc miners, for instance, who are exposed to it for a long time may be at risk of lung cancer. Alternatively, women using talc near the private parts may be at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Asbestos-free talc can be a relatively safer option.
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6 techniques to prevent migraine before sleeping

6 techniques to prevent migraine before sleeping

Migraines are not normal headaches as they can develop abruptly and cause severe throbbing pain and a pulsing sensation on one side of the head. These symptoms are usually accompanied by increased nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity making it even more painful to manage in broad daylight. Migraines can also develop at night, thus affecting sleep. So, it is better to make favorable lifestyle changes to prevent these headaches from wreaking havoc at night. Avoid heavy meals Eating a heavy meal right before bed is never a good idea. Doctors advise eating a couple of hours before and allowing the body to digest the foods. Also, it is better to avoid stimulant beverages like caffeine at night. To prevent migraines, it is best to drink enough water throughout the day and refrain from drinking a lot of water before bed. A full bladder can break the sleep cycle, and exertion can trigger migraines. Limit the use of electronic devices Smartphones can be tempting to use at night with all the information overload that is happening daily. But the blue light emitted from electronic viewing devices tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime. This affects the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle making it difficult to fall asleep.
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5 reasons at-home teeth whitening isn’t ideal always

5 reasons at-home teeth whitening isn’t ideal always

Stained teeth may make an individual feel self-conscious about the way they look. They may also refrain from smiling for the same reason. As a workaround, people resort to oral care procedures like teeth whitening. Studies also show that about 67% of individuals in the country have tried some type of procedure, including at-home kits, to whiten their teeth. However, the constant use of these products may do more harm than good, and here are five reasons why. Loss of tooth enamel The enamel is a shell that protects the teeth from any damage. However, the constant use of teeth-whitening products may lead to tooth enamel erosion. The lack of this outer tooth covering may make one more susceptible to tooth decay. And since at-home whitening products are not as effective as the ones available at the dentist, people may overuse them, leading to severe enamel erosion. Uneven whitening A person who whitens their teeth at home without proper guidance might find that the process is not completed evenly. These products may also be unable to get between the teeth because of their inferior quality. Following the process, the individual might notice patches or stains on some parts of the teeth, while other regions look brighter and stand out.
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