6 silent warning signs of skin cancer

6 silent warning signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer is classified as the most common type of cancer nationwide. Some of the prevalent types of skin cancer include basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The survival rates of patients with skin cancer are typically higher if the cancer is detected before it spreads to the vital organs. Thus, it is essential to diagnose and treat the condition early. Here are some early silent signs of skin cancer: Itchy rashes Although rashes are not uncommon, raised, itchy rashes that persist over prolonged periods may be warning signs of skin cancer, specifically basal skin carcinoma. These patches are typically red and raised; however, in some cases, patients with skin cancer may develop flat, yellow, or pink patches with elevated edges. Dark spots underneath the fingernails and toenails Sometimes, patients with skin cancer may experience the development of dark spots under their fingernails and toenails. Although these symptoms may also indicate a fungal infection, one should consult a dermatologist promptly to detect the presence of skin cancer. Sudden changes in skin moles Sudden, unusual changes in one’s skin moles may be a sign of melanoma and should not be ignored. For example, one part of the mole may not resemble the other, or the mole may have inconsistent edges.
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Top 5 probiotic foods for a healthy gut

Top 5 probiotic foods for a healthy gut

Probiotics have often been found to be helpful in not only promoting heart health but also reducing depression and encouraging a healthy gut. Probiotics are living organisms that help promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Hence they are also effective in preventing many disorders, including diabetes. So, it’s suggested to add probiotic fermented foods to one’s meal plan. Read further to learn more about the benefits of probiotic foods. Promoting gut health – Top 5 foods to eat Yogurt One of the best sources of probiotics, yogurt has friendly bacteria that promote gut health. Furthermore, eating yogurt has multiple health benefits, including bone health, and can also benefit patients with high blood pressure. Additionally, yogurt can also be consumed by people with lactose intolerance as the bacteria turns some lactose into lactic acid, giving yogurt its sour taste. However, one should choose yogurt with active or live cultures to reap the benefits. Pickles Fermented cucumber pickles are also good sources of probiotics. They are not only low in calories but also improve digestive health. Moreover, they are rich in Vitamin K, which is essential in blood clotting. Hence, one should read the labels carefully and choose pickles that contain natural lactic acid to reap optimum benefits and promote gut health.
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4 bathing and showering mistakes to avoid

4 bathing and showering mistakes to avoid

Bathing or showering is essential to personal hygiene and isn’t hard to do. One only needs water, soap, and a towel to clean the body. However, some people make mistakes in the process that compromise their skin and hair quality, increasing the risk of skin irritation, dryness, and other problems. So, it’s imperative to know these bathing and showering mistakes and avoid them as far as possible for the best results. Spending a long time in the bath or shower Taking long hot showers is one of the biggest mistakes compromising skin quality. When hot water runs over the body, it strips away all the natural oils from the skin, leaving it completely dry. Dry, cracked skin can increase the risk of bacteria entering the body. Hence, experts recommend a cold water shower that lasts for five minutes to keep the skin healthy and moisturized. Washing the hair every day The hair produces oils, which are needed to keep it from becoming dry and brittle. However, many complain that these oils make their hair look greasy and, hence, wash their hair every day, depriving it of the much-needed oils. Experts recommend keeping a gap of around two to three days between each hair wash, which can change depending on hair type and age.
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11 superfoods that help relieve menstrual cramps

11 superfoods that help relieve menstrual cramps

Period pain and cramps affect people differently. During menstruation, the uterine muscle contracts to shed tissues. The body briefly cuts off the oxygen supply to the uterus during the contraction, which releases pain-inducing hormones. For many women, the pain is severe enough to interrupt their daily routine. Adding certain foods to one’s nutrition regime can help reduce discomfort and provide relief from cramps. Here are some anti-inflammatory and nutrient-rich superfoods to ease menstrual cramps. Bananas Bananas are packed with vitamin B6, potassium, fiber, and magnesium, which are some necessary nutrients that the body needs, especially during menstruation. Bananas are easy to digest and they help regulate bowel movements. This, in turn, may ease some common symptoms of menstruation like bloating and cramps. One can prepare a banana smoothie and add chunks of pineapple to add flavor to the drink. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps in reducing inflammation. Oranges Oranges have a high water content that can help one stay hydrated. They are also a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help reduce menstrual cramps. Avocado Packed with magnesium, potassium, and anti-inflammatory fats, avocados are menstruation superfoods that help ease cramps and maintain energy levels.
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Foods to eat and avoid for heartburn prevention

Foods to eat and avoid for heartburn prevention

Heartburn is a condition where patients experience pain in the throat and chest along with discomfort. It is caused by the upward flow of stomach acid that has managed to reach the esophagus. This causes inflammation and irritation of the food pipe. While several treatment options are available, it is crucial to change regular eating habits to alleviate symptoms and slowly but naturally recover from the condition. Here are foods to eat and avoid for heartburn. Bananas A natural antacid banana is one of the few fruits without citrus content. Bananas can be conveniently used for people with heartburn and acid reflux issues. Including one ripe banana in one’s daily meal plan is recommended to alleviate heartburn symptoms. However, it is to be used carefully for some patients as it might work as a trigger for them. It is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist to help inculcate food into one’s heartburn remedy routine to ensure it does not aggravate any other underlying conditions. Yogurt One of the key benefits of yogurt is that it helps prevent heartburn. A cooling agent is functional in finding relief from the burning sensation of heartburn. Yogurt works as that cooling agent. Not only is it useful in finding relief from the burning sensation, but regular intake will also help keep heartburn at bay.
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10 foods to avoid for managing Eosinophilic Esophagitis

10 foods to avoid for managing Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory condition that affects the esophagus. It is the muscular tube that connects the throat and the stomach. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of specific WBCs in the esophageal lining. The gathering of eosinophils is triggered as an allergic reaction to certain foods, therefore, knowing the following foods that could trigger the condition and worsen EoE symptoms is important. Let us learn which foods one must avoid. Chocolate Usually considered a healthy dessert, eosinophilic esophagitis patients must avoid chocolate because of its theobromine content. It relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter or LES and allows the stomach acid to flow back up the esophagus. This can cause inflammation and irritation of the esophagus, further worsening EoE symptoms. Tomatoes Tomatoes are acidic and are a part of several everyday foods. Their acidic nature and tomato seeds can irritate the esophageal lining and may cause flare-ups in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis. Citrus fruits Fruits like oranges, lime, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits can irritate the lining of the esophagus. It can also elevate the immune reaction in the body of an EoE patient. This can further complicate the patient’s condition and increase the severity of their symptoms.
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5 tips to regain that confident smile

5 tips to regain that confident smile

It takes only 17 muscles in total for a person to smile. Yet, many people shy away from smiling openly for several reasons, including misaligned teeth or yellow molars. Common oral hygiene mistakes and persistent dental problems can make people conscious of their smiles. However, simple changes in food habits, lifestyle, and treatments can help you regain that confident smile without much effort. Here are five tips to bring a difference to your smile. Using clear aligners Misaligned or crooked teeth can make a person extremely conscious about their smile. Moreover, not everybody is comfortable wearing braces to correct crooked teeth. Clear aligners like Invisalign are a pain-free option for children and adults who require teeth correction. These flexible molds are customized for the upper and lower teeth, effectively aligning teeth to restore that beautiful pearly white smile. Clear aligners are expensive, with kits starting at $1,200 and going upwards of even $10,000 for the complete set. However, many dental clinics offer easy installment options to help pay for the procedure. Some insurance policies also cover part of this cost, depending on the authorized extent. Quick and simple home remedies Simple hygienic teeth cleansing habits can help flaunt a beautiful and confident smile.
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Common IUD side effects and how to tackle them

Common IUD side effects and how to tackle them

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a popular form of birth control. Shaped like a “T,” they are inserted towards the top of a woman’s uterus to prevent sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg. There are two forms of IUDs: hormonal and non-hormonal. Both have different side effects on different people, and users often experience them in the first few weeks of insertion. But the good news is that the side effects can be managed. What are the side effects of IUDs? The most common side effects are irregular bleeding for a few months, pain, cramping, dizziness, and lighter/shorter periods or no periods at all. Women may also experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with symptoms like headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, or skin blemishes. Other rarer side effects include cysts on the ovary and infections due to bacteria entering the cervix or uterus. Sometimes, IUDs can shift or get displaced in the uterus, increasing the risk of embedment (or when the device attaches to the wall of the uterus), perforation (when the IUD goes through the wall of the uterus), migration (when the IUD moves to a different location in the uterus), and expulsion (when the IUD moves out of the uterus). How to tackle the side effects?
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8 incredible smoothie recipes to beat the flu

8 incredible smoothie recipes to beat the flu

With the cold and flu season just around the corner, it is time to boost your immunity with the right fruits and vegetables. If you are not someone who enjoys eating them whole or raw in any form, put them into the food processor to whip up delicious smoothies instead. Add them to your breakfast in the morning, or have them as an evening snack to support your overall health with all the right nutrients. 8 smoothie recipes to boost your immune system and beat the flu and common cold Blueberry-maple smoothie Blueberries are a rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants that boost one’s immunity. Blend one cup of blueberries with one cup of milk, half a cup of yogurt, two tablespoons of maple syrup, and some ice for a delicious treat. Pumpkin smoothie Fall isn’t the only time that pumpkins should be in demand! These orange gourds are a great source of vitamin A, which plays an important role in protecting the immune system. Blend some vanilla frozen yogurt with pumpkin puree, milk, pumpkin spice, and protein powder to create a delectable smoothie. Carrot cake smoothie Swap out your dessert for this mouth-watering smoothie, loaded with the goodness of vitamin A from the carrots and the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of cinnamon and honey.
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6 common myths about IUD debunked

6 common myths about IUD debunked

Despite their effectiveness, IUDs continue to be shrouded in myths and misconceptions that prevent many women from using them as a form of birth control. These myths about IUDs often result from a lack of accurate information and can be particularly harmful as they discourage women from accessing a safe and reliable contraceptive option. This article aims to debunk six common myths about IUDs to help women make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Six myths about IUDs that every consumer should know Myth 1: IUDs may lead to infertility One of the most pervasive myths about IUDs has been that they might lead to infertility. This is incorrect; women can still conceive after removing an IUD. However, debunking this misconception is crucial because it can put women off using IUDs as contraception. Myth 2: IUDs may cause discomfort during sexual activity Another misconception about IUDs is that they make intercourse uncomfortable. Even while some women may feel pain or discomfort from their IUD and string, this typically only occurs in specific circumstances and can be treated by a medical expert. In the end, though, most women who use an IUD don’t mention having this when engaging in sexual activity.
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6 food elimination meal regimes to curb allergy risk

6 food elimination meal regimes to curb allergy risk

Food allergies are common among several individuals in the country. For example, an individual with an allergy may also be susceptible to other health conditions, including eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) – an inflammation of the esophagus. The complication is caused by a specific white blood cell (eosinophil). A standard method to prevent the condition is by reducing foods that may cause allergy-linked EoE. Therefore, here are six elimination meals plans to help one identify and avoid allergy-causing foods. Basic elimination In a basic elimination meal plan, healthcare experts ask the individual to refrain from consuming shellfish, milk, wheat, nuts, citrus fruits, eggs, and added sugars. One may also avoid other options, including soy and soy products, beef, gluten, and processed meats. By excluding these foods, one can determine the ones causing allergic complications like IBS, skin conditions, and migraines. Eating these foods may also help determine the ones that trigger EoE. GAPS regime Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) focuses on curing the allergic reactions that affect the gut lining. It is also indicated for individuals with IBS, Crohn’s disease, chronic diarrhea, gastritis, or ulcerative colitis. The process involves six stages where patients must gradually introduce foods to their daily meal regime.
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