7 incredible ways exercise facilitates healthier skin

7 incredible ways exercise facilitates healthier skin

Healthy skin reflects a thriving body and a healthy immune system. While skincare routines and beauty treatments are essential to maintain skin moisture and remedy skin conditions, exercising one’s way to glowing skin is a relatively new but highly effective route. Today, exercise is recommended for tighter and better-textured skin and to prevent skin diseases. This article provides insight into the different ways in which exercise can contribute to healthy skin: Reverses aging signs A research study demonstrated that individuals aged 65 years and above who maintained basic moderate-intensity aerobics workout routines had skin resembling that of 20-40-year-old individuals. Moreover, recent research suggests that even half an hour of aerobics each day can reverse and prevent signs of aging. Removes toxins from the skin Exercise improves blood flow in the body, which results in more efficient toxin removal from the skin and, consequently, more glowing skin. It also implies that the skin cells are replenished with essential nutrients, resulting in glowing skin and the prevention of skin diseases. Reduces risk for chronic skin problems Exercise releases endorphins or “feel-good” hormones, which considerably reduce stress. Low-stress levels result in bountiful skin health and prevent several skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
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7 ways exercise helps prevent and manage diabetes

7 ways exercise helps prevent and manage diabetes

Numerous studies have shown the undisputed benefits of physical activity for people with type 2 diabetes. The condition develops when the body cannot produce or process insulin effectively. Insufficient insulin levels result in excess glucose in the bloodstream, which may eventually cause serious health complications like kidney failure, stroke, or blindness. In addition to suitable treatments, regular physical exercise is an early line of defense doctors recommend for people with diabetes. Effects of exercise on diabetes Exercise can help one manage type 2 diabetes symptoms, as regular physical activity may slow the progression of the disease or even reverse its long-term effects. Here are some ways exercise helps people with the condition: Managing blood sugar levels Physical activity combined with good food habits can work wonders for one’s health. Walking, running, swimming, or cycling are cardio-based activities that help keep glucose levels in check and boost the body’s insulin sensitivity. According to the International Journal of Cardiology Research, muscular training also aids in controlling blood sugar levels. Muscle building alone can take up to 80% of the glucose in the body and clear up the bloodstream. Doctors may also recommend walking after meals to manage diabetes. Managing stress Physical and mental stress lead to the release of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream.
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Exercise – An effective solution in cancer management

Exercise – An effective solution in cancer management

In the past, doctors typically advised cancer patients to rest and avoid physical activity. However, early exercise cancer research (or research oncology) in the 1990s and 2000s contradicted this advice. This field has grown exponentially over the past decade, with over 1000 randomized controlled trials. Evidence now overwhelmingly suggests that those living with cancer can greatly benefit from being physically active. Therefore, exercise can now be precisely prescribed to address several cancer-related conditions. How does exercise help mitigate cancer-related outcomes? Studies in exercise oncology can be traced back to the 1980s when research by a leading state university found that breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who exercised daily experienced less fatigue, nausea, and disability from the treatments. This kickstarted research in the field to find out the relationship between exercise and cancer. In 2019, a panel of experts found that doing half an hour of aerobic exercise three times a week during and after cancer treatment can ease fatigue, anxiety, and depression and improve quality of life and physical functioning. The panel also concluded that there was no increased risk of lymphedema from resistance exercise twice a week. However, researchers do currently lack evidence as to whether exercise can help improve other health outcomes such as peripheral neuropathy, cardiotoxicity, cognitive functioning, pain, or chemotherapy completion rate.
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7 teeth-whitening hacks for brighter smiles

7 teeth-whitening hacks for brighter smiles

A smile is the best ornament an individual can flaunt, and an ornament with glistening pearls is the most invaluable accessory. Besides, pearl-white teeth are a dream come true for most. Therefore, alongside getting professional teeth cleanups regularly and having nutritious meals, following simple teeth-whitening tips can provide long-lasting positive outcomes. Moreover, one may practice such hacks at home with readily available products, so here are some natural teeth-whitening tips for white, healthy teeth: Oil pulling Oil pulling, a traditional, alternative-medicine practice originating in India, requires one to swish one tablespoon of any form of edible oil around one’s mouth. This can be done for a certain amount of time, initially for 5-10 minutes and then extending to 20 minutes. Although oil pulling is not directly associated with white teeth, it helps remove stains from the teeth and eliminates plaque and gingivitis-causing bacteria. Thus, this practice, combined with other teeth-whitening remedies, can significantly contribute to white and healthy teeth. Fruit for teeth whitening Fruits like strawberries, watermelons, pineapples, and papayas help maintain teeth whiteness. For example, one may purchase teeth-whitening gels containing bromelain, papain, etc., or rub fruit peels against one’s teeth for the best results. However, directly rubbing one’s teeth with pieces of fruit is not recommended, as it can worsen the color of the teeth.
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5 early signs of multiple sclerosis

5 early signs of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder that affects the nervous system. If one does not undergo the necessary treatment in the initial stages of this condition, one may develop brain and spinal cord disabilities. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare expert immediately when typical symptoms start showing. Some common indicators of multiple sclerosis are slurred speech, unexplained tingling sensations, and frequent tiredness. Some of the slightly more imperceptible early signs of multiple sclerosis include: Vision problems Currently, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, doctors conduct optical tests on individuals to diagnose and treat the condition. In most cases, a person’s vision starts faltering when the condition emerges within them. Some common early signs of multiple sclerosis include eye pain even in the absence of injuries, blurred vision, progressively worsening shortsightedness or farsightedness, double vision, and sudden and unexplained color blindness. People tend to overlook vision-related problems that emerge out of nothing. On the contrary, they must consult their local healthcare expert immediately as these problems are common early signs of multiple sclerosis. Bowel problems During the initial stages of multiple sclerosis, bowel-related issues such as constipation and incontinence are fairly common in individuals. Again, the frequent nature of such symptoms causes people to ignore them, something that can be a massive mistake in the long run.
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5 food allergens that can cause breathing issues

5 food allergens that can cause breathing issues

Food allergies are common in most children and adults, and the number of people diagnosed with them has steadily risen. It has been estimated that a minimum of 8% of the younger population has some food allergy. It is, therefore, critical to be aware of common food allergens and their effect on digestion and breathing. This information helps parents look after their children and be prepared for any warning signs and symptoms. Eggs One of the common food allergens that affect breathing in people is eggs. Although, most children outgrow their allergy to eggs by the time they reach the age of 16 years. Some common symptoms of an egg allergy are digestive distress, stomach ache, hives, rashes, and respiratory problems. Some severe cases might also have patients experience anaphylaxis after ingesting egg whites; in fact, the whites tend to be a more prevalent allergen compared to the egg yolk. Like in most allergies, avoiding eggs is one of the safest ways to avoid allergic reactions. Fish About 7% of the adult population suffers from fish allergy. Like most other food allergies, fish allergy is also commonly developed in the early years. However, it can manifest and be diagnosed later in life.
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6 worst cities for people with allergies

6 worst cities for people with allergies

Small towns and villages usually outperform big cities, with lower levels of noise, water contamination, and other environmental factors affecting a person’s quality of life. But what makes a city particularly repulsive for people with allergies? Principally, it is the climate, average temperature, humidity, and air quality. These factors play a major part in the concentration of allergens in any city. Based on these factors, here are the country’s worst cities for people with allergies. Scranton, Pennsylvania Scranton’s high average humidity level (82 percent) and the record number of certified allergists (253) assigned to improve the city’s air quality are testaments to its unenviable allergen capital status. The city’s burgeoning railway and mining industry contribute to its poor air quality. Furthermore, the region has a large population of birch trees (a leading cause of allergies), and its grass and tree pollen seasons overlap, making sneeze seasons longer. These factors make Scranton arguably one of the worst cities for people with allergies to stay in. Richmond, Virginia Like Scranton, Richmond has a high pollen count throughout the year. Additionally, this city has fewer allergists to manage its air quality and allergen levels, an aspect that negatively influences these attributes. Richmond also has a large percentage of people using allergy treatments regularly.
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8 poor habits that worsen skin health

8 poor habits that worsen skin health

Clear skin is rarely a result of sporadic visits to the salon or expensive treatments. To maintain healthy skin, one must consistently follow a combination of good habits involving one’s hygiene, food intake, and sleep patterns. At times, one may discover that no amount of store-bought products is able to heal one’s blemishes and acne. More often than not, the following poor habits may be the cause of one’s skin problems. Not wearing sunscreen Extreme UV exposure can cause skin irritation, pigmentation, sunburn, premature aging, or even skin cancer. One’s advised to apply sunscreen on exposed skin and wear sunglasses to protect one’s eyes. Sunscreen with a lightweight formula is more suitable for oily skin, while tinted sunscreen with built-in moisturizers can work well for dry or sensitive skin. Using dirty makeup blenders, and brushes Makeup brushes and beauty blenders can accumulate dirt and bacteria and cause skin infections. Cleaning them with warm water and gentle, non-toxic shampoo every one or two weeks can ensure better skin health. Sleeping with makeup on Makeup clogs the skin pores, damages skin cells, and prevents the skin from breathing or healing. This results in fine lines and acne breakouts. Touching one’s face frequently Hands come in contact with dirt, grime, and bacteria more frequently than other exposed parts of one’s skin.
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8 side effects of excessive caffeine consumption

8 side effects of excessive caffeine consumption

If brewing yourself a warm cup of tea or coffee is among your first tasks of the day, you are not alone. Three in four people who consume caffeine in the country report having a caffeinated beverage at least once daily. In limited quantities, caffeine has several health benefits, including increased alertness, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, and enhanced mood. However, in excess, this cuppa that cheers can have several detrimental side effects: Insomnia Insomnia is one of the most common side effects of excessive caffeine. A study found that caffeine six hours before bedtime reduced sleep time by one hour. It is best to avoid caffeinated beverages after sunset and generally limit caffeine intake even during the day to enhance the quality of sleep. Moreover, although caffeine typically stays in one’s system for five hours, it may remain in one’s body for anywhere between one to nine hours, depending on the person. Hence, one must observe one’s caffeine intake and consequent effects on sleep patterns and control their intake accordingly. Headache Frequent caffeine intake can trigger throbbing pain on the sides of one’s head. Such headaches are commonly called “caffeine headaches” and are particularly prevalent among individuals already prone to migraine.
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6 tasty and heart-healthy foods to eat

6 tasty and heart-healthy foods to eat

A healthy heart is a necessity for a healthy life. Whether you have already made some changes or are thinking about it, we are here to share information that can help. Coronary heart diseases are a common affliction these days. One of the significant contributors to heart disease is the food we eat. Therefore, it is essential to change our food preferences and switch to foods that are healthy for the heart without compromising on their taste. Avocado The green fleshy fruit is a perfect addition to eggs or on its own as guacamole. It is an amazing food to add to the grocery list considering its benefits for the heart. The fruit is a natural source of healthy fat and is sodium-free, transfat-free, and cholesterol-free. Almost 75% of the fat in avocados is unsaturated, taking it to the top of the list of heart-healthy foods. It also has plenty of fiber, reducing the risk of heart disease. Dark chocolate Yes, chocolate is lovely to eat when adding foods to the menu that are good for the heart. Dark chocolate specifically has higher protein and fiber content. Plus, the higher cocoa content lowers the amount of sugar in it. Choose a dark chocolate concentration that is palatable to you.
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4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

When it comes to health, what you introduce into your body and environment holds great importance. This holds for lung health as well. With increased levels of air and water pollution surrounding us, impaired lung capacity is a growing concern. In such a scenario, avoiding foods that could further contribute to the deterioration of your lungs is necessary. Avoiding foods that can compromise lung health can also help maintain heart health. Processed meat Increased intake of highly processed meats like bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and other deli meats has long been linked to compromised lung health. According to numerous research results, daily intake of processed forms of meat can impair lung function, increasing the risk of developing and triggering conditions like COPD. A set of research also found the rehospitalization rate to be higher in COPD patients that continued using processed meat. The problem is the high salt content and the subsequent water retention these foods can cause. Added sugar Sugars that are not naturally present in food and have been added as a measure of taste enhancement or preservation are added sugars. Most often, it is in the form of refined sugar or other syrups. Commonly occurring foods with added sugars include cereals, granola, cakes, flavored yogurts, and more.
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