4 Ways to Maintain Eye Health While Wearing Contact Lenses

4 Ways to Maintain Eye Health While Wearing Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be a lifeline for those who find wearing glasses regularly too cumbersome. They negate the need to clean the lens constantly and need barely any upkeep. Some might even prefer its aesthetic advantage, like allowing one to change the eye color. However, as contact lenses are closer to the eyes, one must take more precautions to maintain eye health. So, here are four ways to protect one’s vision while wearing eye lenses. Travel tips while wearing eye lenses When traveling, it is better to avoid wearing glasses all the time since they could prevent one from participating in activities like adventure sports and get fogged up or dusty. What one needs, thus, are eye lenses. However, if one isn’t careful, one may have to constantly deal with red, watery, and itchy eyes due to one’s contact lenses.  Before one leaves on one’s travels, it is advisable to visit the eye care provider and ensure the prescription is up-to-date. During the trip, remember to take out the contact lenses before showering or swimming. Removing them prevents germs in the water from getting into the eyes. Also, replacing the contact lenses as often as one’s eye lens provider advises is essential.
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4 common smells that may trigger migraines

4 common smells that may trigger migraines

For most people, overpowering or intense odors may just be a mild annoyance, but strong smells are prime triggers for those with migraines. Multiple studies have found that up to 95% of individuals with migraines also have osmophobia, a distinct sensitivity to specific smells, a condition that triggers or worsens migraine flare-ups when such individuals are exposed to certain odors. Keeping that in mind, here are some common smells that trigger migraine episodes in people: Cleaning products Cleaning products such as bleach and disinfectants have strong antibacterial and deodorizing properties. These properties give such products a strong, instantly identifiable smell that can be sensed from several meters away. The frequent use of bleach to clean homes, offices, auditoriums, and party spaces means its overpowering smell has become commonplace. Unfortunately, these powerful fumes are a prime trigger for migraine attacks in vulnerable people. It is not uncommon for someone with a migraine to feel a strong headache building up as soon as they breathe in the smell of cleaning products around them. In this way, the deodorizing elements in cleaning products ironically make them hazardous to migraine sufferers. Scented candles Scented candles contain several components and elements that trigger migraines. For example, heated sage or jasmine oils are among the chemicals that release irritants that cause sinus inflammation and nose and throat issues.
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8 unfavorable cities for those with migraines

8 unfavorable cities for those with migraines

Migraine is a medical condition that leads to severe, throbbing headaches, usually felt on one side of the brain. It may be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light, and dizziness. They may be a result of hormonal changes, emotional triggers, eating habits, and environmental factors. Based on the prevalence of triggers, here is a curated list of some of the worst cities for individuals with migraines. These include: Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN Cincinnati has a combination of triggers that grant it the top position on this list. The city is known for its erratic lifestyle, with factors such as high commute times, overtime work hours, and high stress levels. This is coupled with high levels of intake of trigger foods, and changes in weather (such as winter warming, heavy rains, and floods), increasing the likelihood of a migraine attack. Madison, WI Madison experiences several temperature changes around the year. This is known as seasonal temperature variance, and it could be one of the reasons behind more frequent migraines. The city also has high recorded levels of trigger food intake, such as chocolates and pizzas, leading to an increased frequency of migraines. Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR The city of Little Rock experiences rapidly changing weather and frequent changes in barometric pressure.
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9 kidney cancer warning signs to be aware of

9 kidney cancer warning signs to be aware of

When cells grow out of control in one’s kidney tissues, it causes kidney cancer. Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs responsible for flushing out toxins, regulating fluids, maintaining electrolyte balance, and many other essential bodily functions. Tumor growth can disrupt these vital functions and cause different health complications. The condition does not usually show symptoms in its early stages, but here are some warning signs that may surface over time and indicate cancer growth in the kidneys. Warning signs of kidney cancer These are a few warning signs of kidney cancer to look out for: 1. Pain or discomfort in the side or back Kidneys are located behind one’s abdominal organs, one on either side of the spine. So, any tumor formation in the kidneys can cause persistent pain or discomfort in the side or lower back. This pain may come and go, but if it is recurrent and unrelated to any other apparent cause, it is better to discuss it with a healthcare professional. 2. Flank pain Flank is the region between the lower ribs and hips. Kidney cancer patients may experience discomfort in this area, and it may vary in intensity, from sharp or persistent to dull sensations that may surface occasionally.
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5 early signs of colon cancer one should not ignore

5 early signs of colon cancer one should not ignore

Colon cancer, like many other malignancies, can be effectively treated and cured when it is localized to the bowel. To achieve that objective, diagnosing this condition in its earliest stages is imperative for both healthcare professionals and possible patients. Detecting colon cancer in its initial grades requires people to pay attention to certain signs and symptoms that their body is showing. Here are some of the early signs of colon cancer to help diagnose it quickly: Tenesmus One of the most common ways in which colon cancer manifests itself in people is through tenesmus. In this condition, a person will experience the desperate urge to use the restroom multiple times, even after they have defecated. This sign indicates that there is a kind of malignant pressure on the colon areas. This pressure makes a person constantly feel like their bowel movement is incomplete whenever they visit the toilet to pass stools. People experiencing this sign must visit a local healthcare expert as soon as possible to get themselves screened for colon cancer. Ongoing discomfort in the belly area The presence of a tumor in the lower intestine causes issues like pain, belly cramps, gas, or a wobbly feeling. These are generally considered to be red flags of colon cancer.
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4 early signs of viral infections and ways to prevent them

4 early signs of viral infections and ways to prevent them

Viruses can be found in many places, including within the human body. While not all viruses are harmful, some can cause serious health issues. Viral infections occur when certain viruses start to thrive on the healthy cells of the body to replicate themselves. Some of these common viral infections include cold, flu, stomach flu, HPV, chicken pox, and herpes simplex viral infection. All of these infections start with a few common symptoms. These are early signs of viral infections. Flu-like symptoms A viral infection starts with the development of several flu-like symptoms, which include fatigue, fever, body aches, and headaches. The intensity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on how far the infection has progressed. In most cases of viral infections, these symptoms develop suddenly. Therefore, it is crucial to seek immediate medical consultation to treat the infection before the symptoms worsen. Upper respiratory issues In some of the most common types of viral infections, the upper respiratory tract is affected. As a result, there can be persistent coughing, sore throat, sneezing, and nasal congestion. In addition, ear infections may also develop. Some people experience sinus infections as well. If medical help is not sought sooner, the infection may become severe, leading to extreme inflammation and sepsis in the lungs.
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8 tips to manage a runny nose

8 tips to manage a runny nose

Nothing is more discomforting than managing a runny nose while doing daily chores. A runny nose or rhinorrhea is a classic symptom of common cold, flu, or allergic reactions. The fluid released from the nose may be thin and transparent or thick and yellowish. Addressing a runny nose’s underlying cause can help deal with this symptom effectively. So, here are some practical, quick tips to prevent oneself from a runny nose: Have warm beverages A warm beverage to stop a runny nose may range from essential warm water to soothing herbal teas, warm milk with some honey drizzled, comforting tomato soup, or clear chicken broth. Warm beverages soothe the throat and clear congestion, helping one recover from a runny nose. Moreover, warm beverages like tomato soup and chicken broth contain electrolytes, which help regain energy more quickly and accelerate recovery. Apply a warm, wet compress Applying a warm, wet compress on the forehead can clear up mucus, relieving nasal congestion and helping manage runny nose and cold-induced headaches. Inhale steam Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of steam inhalation in loosening up mucus, relieving congestion, and managing a runny nose. One may inhale steam from a bowl of hot water or a vaporizer device for the best results.
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9 warning signs of PFIC liver disease

9 warning signs of PFIC liver disease

Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC) is a rare and challenging liver disorder affecting individuals across the globe. This genetic condition disrupts the normal flow of bile from the liver, leading to many health complications. PFIC is primarily caused by mutations in genes responsible for bile transport proteins, which impair the liver’s ability to excrete bile properly. As a result, individuals with PFIC experience a variety of symptoms. Some of the warning signs to look out for include: Persistent jaundice Jaundice, characterized by a yellowing of the eyes and skin, is a key indicator of liver dysfunction. In PFIC, this discoloration persists due to the impaired bile flow from the liver. Bile contains bilirubin, a pigment formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. When the liver cannot effectively excrete bilirubin, it accumulates in the bloodstream, causing the distinctive yellow hue associated with jaundice. Pruritus The intense itching experienced by individuals with PFIC is a consequence of elevated bile acids in the skin. These acids accumulate due to impaired bile flow, triggering a maddening itch that can significantly impact daily life and sleep. The constant scratching may lead to skin damage, creating a challenging cycle for those grappling with this symptom.
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7 warning signs of an aortic aneurysm

7 warning signs of an aortic aneurysm

The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, responsible for carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body. If there is a weakness in the walls of the arteries, they can become enlarged, leading to a condition called an aneurysm. An enlargement or bulging of the aorta beyond 5cm is known as an aortic aneurysm. In the early stages, there are no noticeable signs of an aneurysm.  As the condition worsens, the following signs and symptoms may emerge: Pain A large aortic aneurysm that dissects or leaks blood may result in severe pain in the jaw, neck, or upper back. This pain may further extend to the chest and back. Some people have also reported a pulsating sensation in the abdomen. In the case of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, one may feel a deep, throbbing pain in the back or the sides, along with pain in the buttocks, groins, or legs. Difficulty breathing An aneurysm could result in pressure on the trachea. If this occurs, one may experience symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. Rapid heart rate Bulging of the aorta may cause the heart to function harder. This pressure could lead to a rapid heart rate, often accompanied by clammy hands.
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6 silent signs of liver cancer

6 silent signs of liver cancer

Medical experts often refer to liver cancer as a silent condition, as it causes very few symptoms in the early stages. Most symptoms start showing as the patient progresses and reaches an advanced stage. This generally leads to a late diagnosis when treatment options are administered only to manage the symptoms. A complete cure usually becomes difficult at this time. This is why paying attention to some of the silent signs of liver cancer is also important. Knowing these symptoms may help in seeking an early diagnosis and timely treatment: 1. Persistent pain in different areas Liver cancer can cause a constant ache in different areas of the body. This ache is generally experienced in the right shoulder, back, or upper right abdomen. The pain is rarely severe and is often a dull sensation that causes some discomfort. In most cases, persistent pain and some swelling in the abdomen occur. This symptom usually becomes evident during a physical examination, particularly when the doctor presses the painful areas a little harder. 2. Unexplained fullness in the abdomen with loss of appetite With the cancer cells growing in the liver, excess fluids might accumulate in the nearby organs, particularly in the abdomen.
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6 subtle warning signs of lymphoma

6 subtle warning signs of lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system. The complication occurs when abnormal lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, begin to multiply uncontrollably. The two primary categories of lymphoma are Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In either case, one might experience certain subtle hints of the condition that could help them seek treatment as soon as possible. Here are six warning signs of lymphoma that one should know of. Fatigue and weakness A person might experience fatigue and weakness due to various health conditions. These signs may also result from excessive physical activity or a busy lifestyle. But if the symptoms persist even after the body is well rested, it could indicate a possible underlying issue. The body might spend significant energy battling cancerous cells caused by lymphoma, triggering persistent fatigue, lethargy, and weakness. Itchy skin (Pruritus) The persistent itching might be a sign of a skin rash caused by genetics or a reaction to foods or other environmental conditions. However, the subtle symptoms may also be an indicator of lymphoma. The itchy skin might not be restricted to one area and is usually unrelated to visible skin conditions or allergies. It may occur all over the body and result from chemicals released by the lymphoma cells.
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