7 Common Flu Hotspots to Avoid
As the winter season approaches, the chances of catching a cold or flu will increase, as respiratory illnesses are common during the colder months. Therefore, individuals must be extra careful, as certain everyday items, places, and surfaces can be breeding grounds for certain viruses that cause flu. Identifying these hotspots is crucial for taking preventive measures and minimizing the risk of disease. Below are some common flu hotspots that individuals should steer clear of. Faucet handles Almost all household members use the bathroom faucet handles to wash their hands. It makes the handles potential hotspots for viruses, as people touch them before washing their hands, likely transferring viruses to the surface. Additionally, the faucet handles of kitchen sinks can also carry a lot of germs. Hence, it is a good idea to disinfect faucet handles regularly to reduce the risk of flu transmission in the house. Office desks Shared workspaces and desks can also be hotbeds for germs and viruses. Frequently touched surfaces and objects on shared desks, such as the keyboard, mouse, etc., may harbor viruses that can cause illnesses like the flu. Hence, when using shared devices or shared desks, one can quickly clean them with disinfectant wipes to ensure safety.
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