7 Common Flu Hotspots to Avoid

7 Common Flu Hotspots to Avoid

As the winter season approaches, the chances of catching a cold or flu will increase, as respiratory illnesses are common during the colder months. Therefore, individuals must be extra careful, as certain everyday items, places, and surfaces can be breeding grounds for certain viruses that cause flu. Identifying these hotspots is crucial for taking preventive measures and minimizing the risk of disease. Below are some common flu hotspots that individuals should steer clear of. Faucet handles Almost all household members use the bathroom faucet handles to wash their hands. It makes the handles potential hotspots for viruses, as people touch them before washing their hands, likely transferring viruses to the surface. Additionally, the faucet handles of kitchen sinks can also carry a lot of germs. Hence, it is a good idea to disinfect faucet handles regularly to reduce the risk of flu transmission in the house. Office desks Shared workspaces and desks can also be hotbeds for germs and viruses. Frequently touched surfaces and objects on shared desks, such as the keyboard, mouse, etc., may harbor viruses that can cause illnesses like the flu. Hence, when using shared devices or shared desks, one can quickly clean them with disinfectant wipes to ensure safety.
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7 mistakes new hearing aid users should avoid

7 mistakes new hearing aid users should avoid

Hearing aids can be life-changing devices for individuals with hearing loss. However, those new to using these devices may find it challenging to navigate the complex functions of hearing aids. In doing so, one may make certain mistakes that could not only hinder the effectiveness and longevity of the hearing aids but could also impact the overall quality of the hearing experience. Here are a few common mistakes that new hearing aid owners must avoid: 1. Not wearing them regularly One of the most common mistakes new hearing aid owners make is neglecting to wear hearing aids regularly. Individuals may find it hard to adapt to hearing aids at first, so they might avoid wearing them. However, it is crucial to wear hearing aids regularly because one will only get accustomed to wearing them after frequent usage. Frequent usage will also familiarize individuals with hearing aid functions. 2. Not giving them the time to adjust As mentioned before, it may take some time to get used to using hearing aids. Many new users make the mistake of expecting immediate results and comfort and are disappointed. However, they must understand that wearing a new gadget takes time. Along with that, getting adapted to processing new sounds may also take time for some individuals.
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10 healthcare services Medicare does not cover

10 healthcare services Medicare does not cover

Medicare, a vital lifeline for many, provides essential coverage for various healthcare services. However, the coverage is not all-encompassing, leaving certain healthcare services outside its purview. While Medicare provides essential coverage, beneficiaries must know its limitations and seek solutions to bridge the coverage gaps. By exploring supplementary insurance options, community resources, and alternative financing, individuals can confidently navigate the healthcare landscape and make choices that align with their unique needs and preferences. Vision care One of the significant limitations of Medicare is its exclusion of routine vision care. Medicare does not cover eye exams for prescription glasses or contact lenses, nor does it extend coverage for refractive surgeries like LASIK. Medicare also does not cover any eye examinations and eye care in general. It also includes the cost of contacts, eyeglasses, and more. Medicare Part B only offers coverage for contacts and glasses if you have had cataract surgery. But even here, the deductibles and costs may vary. If you want vision coverage, you can look into a Medicare Advantage plan. Dental services Dental care services like routine dental check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and most dental procedures fall outside the scope of traditional Medicare plans. Individuals can consider standalone dental insurance or dental discount plans to bridge this gap to maintain optimal oral health.
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Types of foods to be avoided by Crohn’s disease patients

Types of foods to be avoided by Crohn’s disease patients

Crohn’s is a type of inflammatory bowel disease believed to occur due to poor eating habits and stress. This disease causes uncomfortable symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, bowel obstruction, nausea, and inflammation. One of the main ways to manage the condition is by cultivating proper eating habits. One can aggravate its symptoms by having oily or fatty food. Thus, here is a list of things to avoid if you have Crohn’s disease. Foods to avoid by those with Crohn’s disease Whole grain Food items that contain higher amounts of fiber can cause irritation with Crohn’s. These items are more difficult to digest and further pressurize the gastrointestinal tract. So, avoid whole grain foods or switch to gluten-free. Specific fruits and vegetable Fruits and vegetables have huge health benefits. However, some of them can have a negative impact on Crohn’s. You should reduce the intake of or avoid including certain foods in your meals. Examples of foods to leave out of meal plans are gassy foods such as broccoli and cabbage and any vegetables and fruits with the skin and seeds intact. Nuts and seeds People tend to gravitate towards nuts and seeds for their beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
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Avoid these 5 things to prevent skin diseases

Avoid these 5 things to prevent skin diseases

Skin diseases are the fourth most common non-fatal diseases in the world. The skin is a sensitive organ that is exposed to all kinds of problems, from common issues like occasional acne to severe skin disorders like psoriasis. However, changes in lifestyle and eating habits can help manage overall health and keep skin diseases and problems at bay. Further, you should avoid or cut down on the following things to prevent skin issues. Dairy products Products using milk and dairy can lead to skin problems like acne, pimples, and whiteheads. The milk and dairy products that we use come with added adulterates. In addition, approximately 90% of the total production of dairy products contains added hormones. These hormones can cause skin outbreaks and lead to many other problems. To prevent skin diseases, dermatologists recommend avoiding milk and other dairy products. One can opt for healthier alternatives like nut milk or plant-based milk. Dehydration One should try to meet their daily water intake goal, as hydration is essential for healthier, glowing skin. One can also avoid dehydration by adding water-rich fruits and vegetables to their daily meals. Fruits like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and muskmelon are the ideal additions to maintain optimal hydration and improve skin health.
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Know about 5 health conditions that may lead to muscle pain

Know about 5 health conditions that may lead to muscle pain

Muscle pain is a health condition that can happen to almost everyone. Most cases of muscular discomfort may be traced back to overuse or tension. Muscle damage sustained during strenuous physical activity can lead to muscle pain. During exercise, specific muscles may start to hurt. The source of the discomfort is easy to identify. Listed below are some health conditions that may lead to muscle pain, which, when diagnosed, must be treated at the earliest. Causes Muscle pain may also be an indicator of systemic health issues. It can come from various conditions, including autoimmune diseases like lupus and flu. They can attack the body’s connective tissues, making it difficult to remain normal due to the pain. In such instances, it is necessary to go for a quick relief solution. You can go for a patch to relieve pain, which can help eliminate cramps in your muscles. Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes discomfort in the muscles and associated soft tissue and causes sleep problems, exhaustion, and headaches. You can feel pain almost anywhere on your body with muscular tissue. Aches and pains in the muscles might have a variety of causes. Muscle Strain Muscle discomfort is often the result of an injury.
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5 kinds of foods that can trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

5 kinds of foods that can trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophils are white blood cells that circulate in the blood and help the immune system fight diseases. An abnormally high count of these cells can trigger inflammation and affect other organs in the body. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic reaction where the inflammation affects the esophagus, forcing the passage to become constricted and develop rings or abnormal abscesses. One way to counter this reaction is to eliminate certain foods from the nutrition regimen. Common discomforts of eosinophilic esophagitis Patients may experience abdominal pain, vomiting, chest pain, or heartburn. This reaction can also make it difficult to swallow food. Food can get stuck in the esophagus due to inflammation and constricted passages if the symptoms are left unchecked. Foods that trigger eosinophilic esophagitis This kind of allergic reaction is caused by one of these common trigger foods: Dairy products Dairy products and ingredients derived from them can trigger or worsen the symptoms. This includes milk, condensed milk, buttermilk, artificial cream, margarine, cheese, ice cream, sour cream, and even some forms of mayonnaise. Casein, lactose, lactoglobulin, lactalbumin, milk powders, milk sugars, milk solids, and whey proteins commonly used in recipes are also potential triggers to eliminate or consume in moderation as per the doctor’s advice.
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Best foods to manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Best foods to manage eosinophilic esophagitis

When eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, start building up in the esophagus, it leads to a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis. This can cause symptoms like soreness, pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. The condition is triggered by immune system dysfunction and allergic reactions. It is a rare disease, so there is limited awareness regarding its symptoms and treatment options. However, food plays an important role in managing the symptoms and preventing flare-ups. Dairy-free milk Milk and other dairy products are common food allergens that can aggravate the body’s allergic response. It is safer to eliminate all dairy-based foods from one’s meals and replace them with safer alternatives that do not trigger eosinophilic esophagitis. This means avoiding foods that include any milk compound, including lactose, casein, tagatose, and whey. Dairy-free milk derived from coconut, hemp, or rice is a great alternative. You can also use dairy-free cheese and yogurt. Egg substitutes Be it mayonnaise or meringue, anything that comes with eggs is can trigger an allergic reaction when dealing with eosinophilic esophagitis. This also includes baked goods that usually contain eggs. Check ingredient labels for compounds like lecithin, albumin, and globulin, and avoid such foods. Alternatives like apple sauce, mashed banana, flax seed and water mixture, and other binding ingredients can be used.
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Avoid these 7 common teeth whitening mistakes

Avoid these 7 common teeth whitening mistakes

Pearl-white teeth are every person’s dream come true. Clean teeth are not only visually appealing but also signify good health and oral hygiene. Besides brushing twice daily, following other hygiene measures, and eating healthy, several individuals opt for teeth whitening methods as a measure to facilitate clean, white teeth. While teeth whitening is an easy process and can be done at home, it is important to avoid certain mistakes to ensure its effectiveness. Not knowing what foods to avoid just after the process The teeth-whitening process does not end after one follows the process. In fact, the teeth-bleaching agents continue to penetrate the tooth enamel for 24 hours after the treatment. Consequently, the results may be compromised if, within this period, one eats certain foods and beverages that can stain the teeth. Some foods and beverages include beetroot, dark soups, soy sauce, tea, coffee, berries, and mustard. It is advisable to have light-colored foods like plain, boiled chicken and fish and white-sauce pasta after teeth whitening. Whitening one’s teeth more frequently than required One of the most common teeth-whitening mistakes is overdoing the procedure. Many people trying to whiten their teeth are often dissatisfied with the outcomes and end up using these products more than necessary.
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3 kinds of soaps that can cause eczema flare-ups

3 kinds of soaps that can cause eczema flare-ups

Atopic dermatitis, more commonly known as eczema, is a chronic skin disorder. While dermatitis develops at a young age, even adults can be affected by the condition. The condition makes the skin dry and triggers inflammation and swelling. Pain, irritation, blisters, bumps, and persistent itching are some symptoms of this skin disease. Certain products or ingredients can also worsen the symptoms. So, here are different types of soaps that can cause eczema flare-ups: Soaps with synthetic preservatives Most branded cosmetics contain a variety of artificial ingredients. Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) and Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT) are two commonly used chemical preservatives added to soaps to extend their shelf life. These preservatives prevent bacteria from growing on the soap and the formulation from becoming rancid with repeated use. Everyday shampoos, conditioners, body wash, lotions, shaving cream, hairspray, and even makeup removers contain these preservatives. These additives affect the skin’s pH balance resulting in dermal irritation. When these soaps come in contact with sensitive skin, they can trigger eczema symptoms. In most cases, cosmetic allergens have been identified as the primary reason for flare-ups. Soaps with Cocamidopropyl betaine Cocamidopropyl betaine ( CAPB) is a natural fatty extract derived from coconuts. It is synthesized by mixing raw coconut oil with dimethylaminopropylamine, making it a surfactant that removes dirt and creates a thicker, foamy formula required for a good lather.
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8 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

8 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of the body, especially the hands and feet. It leads to inflammation which can be painful and irritating. While it cannot be completely reversed, some management techniques involve eating the right foods that can help reduce arthritis symptoms. So let’s look at some food groups and items that should be avoided to help reduce any triggers like inflammation. Some of them are: Red meat According to research, those who consume a lot of red meat are linked with more inflammation in their bodies than those who don’t. There are inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and interleukin-6, which are high in those consuming red meat. In a comparative study, those with a plant-based food plan have shown signs of improvement in arthritis symptoms. Gluten food Research suggests that consuming gluten is linked with increased inflammation in the body. Gluten is a type of protein that is found in foods like wheat, barley, triticale, and also rye. Substituting these gluten products with those without them(other plant-based products) is known to reduce arthritis symptoms like inflammation and help manage the disease overall. Processed food The highly processed food category includes items like breakfast cereals, fast food, and baked goods which are all high in preservatives, added sugars, and other inflammatory ingredients that irritate arthritis symptoms.
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