5 cities with most asthma related emergencies

5 cities with most asthma related emergencies

If you are an asthma patient, exposure to environmental triggers can lead to severe breathing problems. Being inadvertently exposed to these triggers for long periods can result in aggravated symptoms compromising your quality of life. Statistics suggest more than 26 million people in the country live with asthma. And if you are one of these people, you know how much the environment of the city you live in contributes to your daily life and health. Louisville, Kentucky Louisville is one of the cities in the country with the biggest red flag for people with asthma. It is also ranked high on the list of cities in the use of treatment for long-term asthma control and management. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia is ranked 11th on the list of cities prevalent in asthma. It also ranks high on the list of places with a substantial number of asthma-related deaths. Philadelphia also is home to a greater amount of the population that is struggling to make ends meet. This directly or indirectly impacts the patient’s ability to seek treatment for their asthma and is a cause of poor lifestyle. Dayton, Ohio Dayton, Ohio, is ranked one of the worst cities for asthma patients. It is largely believed that the entire midwestern belt of the country is unhealthy for people with asthma to live in.
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6 foods to eat for managing GERD

6 foods to eat for managing GERD

Acid reflux is a condition that causes heartburn due to the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. This is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Although it is a common condition, it can cause problems such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, a dry cough, foul breath, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain. High-sodium meals, acidic foods, and lack of fiber worsen acid reflux. Here are the best foods to eat to avoid GERD. Best foods to consume to avoid GERD Oatmeal Oatmeal is a high-fiber, whole-grain breakfast cereal. Foods with a lot of fiber can lessen acid reflux. These foods also promote intestinal health and help general digestion by easing constipation. Oatmeal is also linked to the easy digestion of other foods and the absorption of stomach acid. Thus, including oatmeal in your breakfast meal significantly lowers GERD symptoms. Lean meat and seafood Lean meats are simpler to digest and less likely to cause GERD symptoms, such as skinless chicken breast baked or sautéed rather than fried and greasy. Other options for lean meat include turkey, leaner beef, and seafood like fish, prawns, and lobster. Fatty meats are typically higher in cholesterol and can cause heartburn, so leaner meats are a better option for GERD symptoms.
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3 easy-to-make smoothies to fight arthritis

3 easy-to-make smoothies to fight arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes swelling and tenderness in one or more joints in the body. The main symptom of this condition is joint pain and stiffness, making it difficult to function in daily life. There are many different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While there are many treatments to tackle this condition, individuals can also aid their treatment by eating the right foods. Here are some smoothies to try for managing arthritis. Fresh fruits It is one of the best smoothies to help with arthritis and joint pain. It is also suitable for those who are fans of sweeter foods. You can add pineapples, mango, and bananas to the grinder. Don’t forget to add some unsweetened coconut milk to get that creamy and delicious base. Each of these foods contains tons of antioxidants that can help fight inflammation in the body and reduce the signs and symptoms of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. You also have the option to choose from fresh fruits or frozen fruits. Leafy greens If you’re a fan of leafy greens, you can try this green smoothie. One of its main ingredients is spinach, a rich source of many nutrients.
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4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

Studies show that a person’s emotional and mental health are closely related to what they consume. A change in eating habits and lifestyle is frequently the first line of treatment for patients suffering from depression or other mental health conditions. Every individual’s nutritional needs are distinct. But barring allergies, everyone can rely on food to improve their cognitive functions and emotional state. Here are some ways that show how food impacts one’s mental health. Brain chemicals and the gut Science has termed the gastrointestinal tract the body’s “second brain.” Trillions of bacteria in one’s gastrointestinal tract help the brain produce dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals are mood stabilizers responsible for regulating one’s feelings of calmness, happiness, motivation, and rewards. It is believed that gut bacteria produce 95 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin. Nutrition-rich food promotes the growth of good bacteria that support the production of these chemicals. Insulin resistance On the contrary, processed and sugary foods are toxic to brain functioning. The high sugar content in foods strains the pancreas and results in insulin resistance. This, in turn, increases cortisol and glucagon levels. These neurotransmitters make one feel more anxious, fatigued, hungry and irritated. Nutrient deficiency and mood The nervous system and brain depend heavily on nutrition to produce new proteins and repair cells and tissues.
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4 foods to avoid for people with cold sores

4 foods to avoid for people with cold sores

Cold sores or fever blisters are common skin conditions wherein people develop small, liquid-filled blisters on and around their lips or other areas. These blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Usually, cold sores are contagious and can be controlled through treatment. However, certain foods can worsen symptoms in individuals. Here are some foods that are best avoided while managing cold sores. Peanuts Nuts are among the biggest triggers of cold sores as they contain a large amount of arginine. This chemical causes flare-ups and worsens cold sores in people with the condition. Among nuts, peanuts and hazelnuts contain the largest reserves of this chemical, and, therefore, they must not be eaten when dealing with cold sores. Additionally, peanut butter must be avoided entirely for two to three weeks, the normal lasting period for cold sores. Oranges Citrus fruits are another big no-no when it comes to foods to eat when one is coping with cold sores. Oranges and grapefruits are known for their citrus-filled refreshing flavor; therefore, one must avoid them at all costs. Such fruits contain an acidic element that will cause pain and a burning sensation when they get into contact with a cold sore blister.
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5 silent signs of prostate cancer

5 silent signs of prostate cancer

The prostate gland is a part of men’s urinary and reproductive systems. It is responsible for making and releasing fluids that provide nutrients and lubrication for the sperm. When these cells that make these fluids develop cancer, they lose out on the normal control processes that the regular cells in the body have. If caught at an early stage, prostate cancer is curable. In rare cases, prostate cancer may have silent signs and symptoms, such as: Bladder or urinary troubles A prostate tumor that has enlarged significantly may begin to press on the bladder and the urethra, causing trouble in passing urine. This may include urinating more frequently, spotting blood in semen or urine, or incontinence. However, urinary symptoms alone may not signal cancer. They could result from benign diseases such as prostatitis or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), which cause similar symptoms. Losing bowel control Prostate cancer may also spread to the bowel, leading to stomach pain, constipation, or passing blood in the stool. Soreness in the groin The spread of cancer in the body impacts the functioning of lymph nodes. With the advancement of prostate cancer in the body, the nodes around the groin are often the first to be affected, causing pain or soreness.
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4 silent warning signs of hemophilia

4 silent warning signs of hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare, inherited condition in which a person lacks certain blood clotting proteins. The absence or low levels of these clotting factors means their blood won’t clot after sustaining any injury. Several symptoms of hemophilia may seem harmless and quite common on the surface; however, these are some underrated indications of this disorder in individuals. Here are a few silent symptoms of hemophilia that one must not ignore. Frequent nose bleeds Nosebleeds are common among many people during the winter months. During this period, people get nosebleeds as they spend time indoors often. The heated indoor air dries out one’s nasal passageways, making blood vessels weak. Eventually, the blood vessels rupture and cause nosebleeds. Sudden nosebleeds are a critical indicator of hemophilia. So, one must consult their local healthcare expert when they experience this symptom. Joint pains Frequent instances of internal bleeding can indicate hemophilia. This bleeding is caused by internal cellular and tissue fragility that causes frequent internal bruising and blood loss. These factors lead to joint pains in a person’s knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows, or other areas. Most people may ignore joint pains as just another injury or sprain; however, one must consult a healthcare expert if one experiences prolonged joint pain.
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4 foods that weaken the bones

4 foods that weaken the bones

It is no exaggeration to say that, at least biologically, people are what they eat. Bone health, especially, depends heavily on what one consumes. Certain foods, such as milk, soya beans, walnuts, salmon, broccoli, and spinach, strengthen one’s bones and joints. On the flip side, certain foods are terrible for the bones, making them brittle, porous, and vulnerable to damage. Some of the worst foods for the bones are listed here. Salt As much as salt benefits one’s health as a stabilizer and an antibacterial agent, excessive salt consumption saps the calcium from one’s bones over time. For instance, nutritionists believe that one loses approximately 40 milligrams of calcium for every 2,300 milligrams of sodium consumed. Sodium is one of the worst elements possible in this regard. Hence any foods containing it will be detrimental to one’s bone health. Excessive salt is usually found in canned vegetables, frozen meals, canned soup, store-bought baked goods, and other processed and over-packaged edibles. To counter such an excessive intake of salt, one can avoid processed food entirely, consume home-cooked meals, and control their salt content. Coffee Like sodium, caffeine also takes out calcium from all the bones in the body, making them brittle.
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Superfoods that help improve blood count

Superfoods that help improve blood count

Maintaining healthy blood count levels and circulation is vital for all organs to function optimally. A drop in blood count reduces oxygen supply to the tissues and may lead to anemia, fatigue, concentration issues, and other serious health concerns. Similarly, poor blood circulation causes cognitive dysfunctions, digestive problems, and muscle cramping. Studies show that certain foods help to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Women, especially during pregnancy and menstruation, can benefit from consuming them. What improves blood count and circulation? Foods rich in iron and vitamins A, B12, B9, and C, help maintain hemoglobin levels. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption. Additionally, vitamins B, K, C, and E and omega-3 fatty acids have shown to improve blood circulation. Potassium or vitamin K, in particular, keeps the walls of the blood vessels strong and prevents bulging veins. Apart from food, an effective way of instantly improving blood flow and oxygen levels is to indulge in physical activity daily, like running, biking, walking, or stretching. Top foods that improve blood count and circulation Here are some superfoods that support heart health, boost blood count, and improve blood flow: Beetroot Beetroot is a powerhouse of nutrients with iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and several vitamins.
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5 early signs of dementia one should not ignore

5 early signs of dementia one should not ignore

Dementia is incredibly common, with more than 10 million new cases registered every year globally. People with this mental health condition suffer from a gradual weakening of brain functionality. This results in a host of issues, such as difficulty memorizing things, struggle with simple movements, and an inability to communicate thoughts. Certain silent signs can help doctors diagnose this condition in its initial stages. Some of these early signs are: Frequent mood shifts Abrupt mood shifts are one of the early signs of dementia. A person with the condition may go from extremely irritated to happy in a matter of minutes. Identifying such mood shifts may be hard for the patient, but those around are likely to notice them. Misplacing things Forgetfulness is another early indicator. Individuals with dementia may misplace their belongings more frequently and in unusual areas. For instance, one may place a spoon inside their wallet, a set of house keys inside a sugar bowl, or an iron inside the refrigerator. Speech and language problems While speaking, it is common for everyone to sometimes struggle to find the right words. However, people with dementia often use incorrect words, or words with a different meaning and context, in any situation.
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6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

Dementia is a psychological condition involving the progressive loss of cognitive abilities, including memory, reasoning, concentration, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Many patients with dementia show behavioral changes and mood swings, hallucinate, and get disorientated and irritable. Besides early diagnosis and timely treatment, constant care, family support, and some lifestyle changes can contribute to healing from dementia. Here are some foods that can help individuals prevent and manage dementia symptoms: Spinach Spinach contains high levels of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent loss of cognitive functions. Moreover, several studies have drawn associations between the intake of spinach and other leafy greens and the prevention of cognitive decline. Spinach can be added to stir-fries, gravies, soups, smoothies, etc. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are packed with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have demonstrated a decline in DHA levels among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia. Thus, a meal plan rich in DHA can help reduce one’s susceptibility to these psychological conditions. A daily intake of 200 mg of DHA is recommended for brain health. Broccoli Being a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is rich in carotenoids and vitamin B. These components can reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid known to contribute to cognitive decline and related psychological conditions in the body.
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