5 foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation

5 foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) occurs when there is a breakdown in the functioning of the atria or the heart’s upper chambers. Instead of beating at an average rate, the pulse begins to fibrillate, beating at a fast or irregular pace. AFib can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure, which can be fatal. To manage this condition, it is recommended to implement some lifestyle changes in addition to medical therapies. Based on available evidence, avoiding certain foods can help manage AFib better, as these have been shown to affect health and increase the risk of heart complications negatively. They may also lead to other health issues such as diabetes, cognitive decline, and certain cancers. Therefore, common foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation include: Energy drinks Energy drinks contain a large amount of caffeine, excessive sugar, and stimulants, which can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Observational research has linked the consumption of energy drinks with serious cardiovascular events, including arrhythmias and sudden cardiac deaths. It is suggested that people with AFib avoid energy drinks. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarine According to studies, foods high in saturated and trans fats are associated with a high risk of AFib and other cardiovascular conditions.
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5 silent signs of skin cancer to watch out for

5 silent signs of skin cancer to watch out for

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in our country, with nearly 9,500 people diagnosed every day. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, about one in five of our population is projected to develop the condition by the age of 70. But despite its prevalence, skin cancer is one of the most treatable cancers if caught early. Some subtle and silent signs to keep an eye out for include: Translucent, waxy bumps Skin cancer can show up as a clear or skin-colored bump. According to doctors, a translucent, waxy bump could be a sign of early-stage basal or squamous cell skin cancer. This bump may never bleed, hurt, or cause other symptoms. Scaly patches If a dry patch does not go away even after moisturizing or using other treatments, it could be basal or squamous cell carcinoma. Scaly patches could also indicate seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. Red or purple lesions Common skin lesions or lesions showing up as blue, purple, or red nodules could be a sign of a rare skin cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma. These bumps grow within a few weeks, often in areas that have received a lot of sun over the years. Another rare cancer, Kaposi sarcoma, may also develop as discolored skin.
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Foods that help improve skin cancer symptoms

Foods that help improve skin cancer symptoms

Skin cancer is a common condition primarily brought on by excessive sun exposure. It can appear as a variety of symptoms, such as darker speckles, a mole, etc. Although the disease can be treated, there are ways to prevent and avoid it through lifestyle and food changes. Spending less time in the sun and eating certain foods may reduce the risk of developing this condition. Here are some foods that can help with related symptoms. Fatty fish Fatty fish, which are high in good fat and omega-3 fatty acids, can protect against melanoma. This type of fatty acid is beneficial to overall health and does not increase the risk of any other types of cancer. An average of one serving of oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, should be consumed every five days. They have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the prevention of a variety of illnesses. Colorful fruits and vegetables Strong antioxidants in colorful fruits and vegetables, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and other bioactive compounds, may reduce the risk of melanoma. Include a lot of orange and dark green fruits in your daily meals. Eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale is recommended at least three times per week.
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6 early indicators of autism in children

6 early indicators of autism in children

Every parent strives to foster their child’s physical and mental well-being. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a particular mental disorder parents should be aware of. It is a common developmental disability resulting in impaired cognitive, behavioral, affective, and social functioning. Thankfully, a timely diagnosis and expert intervention can help control its symptoms. In children, the early signs of autism appear between 12 to 18 months of age and sometimes prior. Repetitive movements Repetitive movements, including hand flapping, rocking, twirling, and turning switches on and off, can indicate the onset of autism. Some studies suggest that such repetitive behavior displayed by patients is associated with an imbalance of corticostriatal connectivity. Echolalia While repeating words and phrases is a natural part of child development, kids with autism often engage in excessive verbal repetitions, known as echolalia. Such repetitive speech tends to persist beyond three years of age and is particularly prominent among children with autism who are grappling with delayed speech development. Lack of eye contact Researchers believe that a lack of eye contact is one of the primary indicators of the disorder. Since this lack of eye contact stems from the child’s inability to communicate and interact with others, it is typically accompanied by the inability to partake in and sustain social interactions and engage in non-verbal communication.
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5 tasty foods that are great for the heart

5 tasty foods that are great for the heart

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle needs to be avoided to help maintain heart health. But that’s only part of what needs to be done. Maintaining a positive outlook and changing your approach to food and lifestyle habits go a long way in ensuring a healthy heart. So, for example, you must have nutrient-rich foods instead of just counting calories. In the meantime, you need to relearn that tasty food can be healthy too. Avocado Avocado is a fruit loaded with good fat or monounsaturated fatty acids. It minimizes the risk of blood clots and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Avocado smoothies and toasts are tasty treats that support a healthy heart. Coffee Some of you can’t imagine kicking the day off without your morning cuppa, Joe. This is one of those habits your heart will thank you for. Having coffee during the day is undoubtedly a tasty and healthy way to ensure the body gets its antioxidants and the inflammation levels are lowered. In addition, the high antioxidant levels in coffee or tea help significantly decrease heart disease risk. Dark chocolate Keeping your heart healthy does not have to mean giving up on your favorite chocolate or chocolate dessert. All you need to do is select the right kind of chocolate.
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6 vitamins essential for eye health

6 vitamins essential for eye health

Our eyes are our windows to the world, so eye health is essential to perceive the world in all its glory. Adequate care for the eyes involves basic lifestyle changes like limiting your eyes’ exposure to electronic devices, cleansing them regularly, and going for frequent eye checkups. However, giving your body adequate vitamins through supplements and food is essential for long-term eye health. Here are some vitamins crucial for better eye care: Vitamin C Vitamin C plays an integral role in protecting the eyes from damage caused by UV rays. It also helps form collagen, a protein contributing to eye structure retention, reducing one’s susceptibility to macular degeneration caused by aging. Vitamin C may be found in various food sources, including corn, citrus fruits, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin A Vitamin A activates rhodopsin, a photopigment enabling better vision at night. So, vitamin A deficiency leads to inadequate production of rhodopsin, causing night blindness and, in severe cases, the onset of xerophthalmia. The vitamin also helps maintain a clear cornea. One of the most recommended foods to replenish the body with vitamin A is carrots, as they contain high levels of beta-carotene that gets converted into vitamin A in the body.
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6 foods to avoid to fight bronchitis

6 foods to avoid to fight bronchitis

Those with bronchitis deal with inflamed passages that carry air to the lungs, i.e., bronchial tubes. A swelling in those tubes occurs, which makes it far more challenging for the air to pass through them. Consequently, those who suffer from this condition face quite a few breathing difficulties. Besides that, one can experience a runny nose, sore throat, chills, fever, and ultimately, drained due to this disorder in their body. bronchitis and nutritional regime It is usual for a person suffering from bronchitis to feel like having extra salty, fatty, or sweet-tasting comfort foods. This food allows them to feel some relief from issues like throat congestion, wheezing, and coughing that are often observed to accompany this ailment. Alternatively, some people with this condition may feel like having nothing at all. However, one must be conscious of both nutritional excesses, specifically those of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, and nutritional deficiencies. This is because both of them are prone to slowing down the recovery process and causing inflammation in the body. Foods to avoid The central part of the recovery process of bronchitis depends on what one may eat or avoid as a part of their daily meals. Therefore, to ensure that they do not face the perils of the condition for too long, here are a few foods to avoid to fight bronchitis:
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Keep away from these foods for managing hyperkalemia

Keep away from these foods for managing hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia is a condition in which the blood composition experiences a tremendous increase in potassium levels. According to a journal published in 2017 by the American Society of Nephrology, Hyperkalemia is most likely to affect a person who has been taking blood pressure medications for a long time or has been stricken by heart failure or/and kidney disease. Read this article to understand everything one needs to know about Hyperkalemia: Who is likely to get affected by Hyperkalemia? According to some studies, the average American doesn’t need to stress potassium build-up in their blood. However, patients affected by kidney disease, heart ailments, or high blood pressure must limit their daily potassium intake. Experts from National Kidney Foundation believe that patients belonging to the mentioned risk groups should have no more than 2,000 milligrams of potassium per day. Food to avoid for Hyperkalemia According to the University of Michigan Health System, high-potassium foods contain more than 200 milligrams per serving. So, for patients belonging to the high-risk groups, it is essential to look out and avoid the following high-potassium foods: Fruits rich in potassium The first fruit that comes to mind while listing potassium-rich foods is bananas. However, very few are aware that the amount of potassium in bananas is 420 per fruit, which is far less than 1/2 a cup of dried apricots, including over 750 milligrams, ½ a cup of prunes containing about 600 milligrams.
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5 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

5 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that mainly attacks the central nervous system, affecting communication between the brain and body. People with the condition may experience fatigue and issues with vision and movement. As this is a neurological disorder, it can be difficult to determine whether foods play a significant role in activating the symptoms or worsening the condition. Nevertheless, experts suggest avoiding certain foods that can trigger multiple sclerosis symptoms. Foods with trans fats According to health experts, trans fats exhibit inflammatory properties. As foods with trans fats may cause inflammation in blood vessels, they are one of the factors responsible for increasing the risks of heart disease. So, patients with multiple sclerosis must avoid the intake of trans fats s by thoroughly going through the food labels. One should be wary of trans fats found in crackers, pies, baked cookies, and other packaged food items. Additionally, one should also avoid a food item if the label contains terms like “shortening” and “partially hydrogenated oil.” Foods with saturated fats People with multiple sclerosis should avoid saturated fats as they are known for causing inflammation and are associated with an increased LDL or bad cholesterol level. People with MS are known to be at a higher risk of heart problems.
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Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that cause premature aging

Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that cause premature aging

Many people want flawless, youthful skin that will seem ageless over time, and so they turn to glossy magazines, websites, and even friends for anti-aging skincare product recommendations and tips. While certain products can make one’s skin beautiful, they might be making mistakes in their skincare routine that could contribute to premature aging. So, it is important to avoid the following lapses to prevent lasting skin damage and skin diseases: Over-cleansing Even though cleansing is an essential part of one’s daily skincare routine, doing it too often can damage the lipid barrier of the skin. Additionally, it is essential to choose the right cleanser and not just go for the cheaper, more easily available product. According to experts, one must select a gentle cleanser for their face as the facial skin tends to be thin and sensitive. Also, the cleanser should be applied not more than twice per day as over-cleansing tends to dry up the skin, making the fine lines prominent. Not getting enough sleep Sleep is crucial for providing the body with the rest it needs. A good night’s sleep also helps the body repair and recover. So, sleep is crucial for the skin to recover too. When the body does not get adequate rest, one’s skin can feel tired and stressed, which could cause issues like acne, dry skin, and pale complexion, making one look older than they actually are.
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7 foods that can worsen schizophrenia symptoms

7 foods that can worsen schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a complex mental health disorder wherein people tend to interpret their reality abnormally. It might result in an amalgam of symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and disordered behavior and thinking. Those with schizophrenia need lifelong treatment, and if detected early, can help them control its symptoms before any severe complications develop. There are also some foods to avoid to keep schizophrenia in check. Below we will enlist them one by one. Wheat There has been a growing popularity of gluten-free foods today. But, some people experience celiac disease which is the intolerance to components prevalently found in wheat-containing foods. If you continue to subject yourself to a meal pattern your body cannot tolerate, it could possibly result in severe health issues like ADHD, depression, schizophrenia , autism, and anxiety. Avoiding gluten is not easy. Hence, before removing it from your meal plan, you must consider undergoing a celiac disease test. Refined sugar Typically, people with schizophrenia are poor eaters, and there is a high probability of them getting diabetes too. Hence, we recommend eating a meal with a low glycemic load. The Glycemic index is the measure of sugar in the blood. When you eat foods with a low glycemic index, it helps bring relief to the schizophrenia symptoms.
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